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16548838 No.16548838 [Reply] [Original]

The Name of the Wind is better than Lord of the Rings categorically. Why is it that people insist otherwise, or that The Name of the Wind doesn't count as literature? I would even put it above certain novels like the Great Gatsby, at least in terms of entertainment.

>> No.16548859
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>> No.16548876

stop shilling your book, patrick

>> No.16548890

I can't believe someone unironically gave you the top spot on contemporary fantasy lists.
His books are trash and I hate them. Why is so much fantasy just masturbation fantasies of the author? Can't anyone imagine a fucking elf without being crippled by the compulsion to fuck it?

>> No.16548898

Judging from the cover these books are shit

>> No.16548899

The lord of the rings is the only fantasy book ever written that can be discussed in the same terms as other classics, and even then just barely.
Game of Thrones, Name of the Wind, Harry Potter are all entertaining, and by the most basic definition of it are also literature, but I don't believe they fit the "classic" label because it's clear they're just entertainment for young adults/children.
We don't typically discuss "The Avengers" in the realm of classic cinema either, for the same reason.

>> No.16548905

> I would even put it above certain novels like the Great Gatsby, at least in terms of entertainment.
Nigga what are you doing

>> No.16548907

>Why is so much fantasy just masturbation fantasies of the author?

Look at the picture of the author.

>> No.16548912

>that quirky stare into the camera
god I hate it so much

>> No.16548997


Unironically Pat has a response to this. You don't seem to be putting forward actual opinions, just expression a desire to navel gaze. The Avengers will probably be considered classic cinema in 40 or so years, much in the same way King Kong is considered classic cinema so many years later. Times change.

>> No.16549014

Don't you dare equate having standards to academic snobbery you fucking simp.

>> No.16549020

Stop gatekeeping human literature when you don't even contribute to it yourself.

>> No.16549024

If you want to read fantasy, there are thousands of authors better than Patrick Fucking Rothfuss.

>> No.16549027

Paraphrasing what he says in the video:
>A lot of literary fiction is just a bunch of pointless emo masturbatory guys drinking tea and thinking about their mothers.
I'm not sure why you're expecting me to take this obvious idiot seriously.
The examples he cites, Hamlet, the Odyssey. At no moment he defends his book should be considered in those regards (and I don't believe it should for the reasons I presented).
Also, no, the avengers will not be considered classic cinema in 50 years, and king kong, if it is considered a classic at all, is not considered so by the "entertainment" factor, or how fun it is, but if anything by the special effects for the time, and techniques used. This is much in the similar vein of why I defend Lord of the Rings over the other books of the genre. Both it helped solidify a lot of celtic/european lore into a more accessible way and pave basically all the future fantasy/RPG/whatever that came after, as well as applying serious linguistic studies into the world building, and a bunch of other technicalities that aren't trivial, and can't be seen on the other examples I cited. Lord of the rings is not considered a classic because it's "entertaining". It just happens to be entertaining.

>> No.16549031

Because old = good

And almost any reading group, club or society is either hyper-snob (literally was told that literature ended in late 1900's because fiction), or hyper-casual (YA and HP only Instagram book clubs)

>> No.16549035

Name then them? If you need to make assertions back them up.

And don't name Tolkein or anything by the dude who wrote Conan. Hell, I'd challenge you to name anything pre 1970s. Most of the canon is simply a culture of viewing the past with rose tinted glasses.

>> No.16549043

would you put patrick rothhfuss prone above your also prone 5-6/10 gf? Because that is what he is going to do

>> No.16549070

You're insane. It's like you want to defend mechs as a legitimate genre, but instead of talking about actually good mech media, you're insisting that Micheal Bay makes the best mech movies.

Check out SFFG, for even a rudimentary list.
Bakker, Baker, Schwab, McCaffery, Wolfe, Wynne-Jones, and a hundred more I can't remember off the top of my head. Rothfuss is bottom of the barrel.

>> No.16549097

I'm having a hard time understanding exactly what you're saying, you really need to work on being more clear in writing. For instance:
>but if anything by the special effects for the time, and techniques used.
I think you mean 'of the time'.
>The examples he cites, Hamlet, the Odyssey. At no moment he defends his book should be considered in those regards
In regards to what? Improper use of the word, I think.
>Lord of the rings is not considered a classic because it's "entertaining". It just happens to be entertaining.
A comma would be more fitting after "entertaining".

To answer the rest of your questions, a lot of what I think you're saying is more of an appeal to tradition rather than anything about the quality of the works. You say they're good now, but I think you'd have a different opinion had Tolkien been your contemporary. Just something to think about.

>> No.16549099

These books are actually really solid and pat is a great writer

>> No.16549131

This board can be really fucking stupid sometimes. Being contrarian just do be contrarian is pleb status. I agree with pat here 100%. There are beautiful works of art in any genre and most everything is absolute shit. Even some books that are considered classics are trash. I enjoyed his king killer chronicle books and in my opinion he’s one of the best writers in fantasy.

>> No.16549268


>> No.16549278
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>> No.16549287

>The Avengers will probably be considered classic cinema in 40 or so years

It’ll be considered sterile and designed-by-committee like it always was.

>> No.16549297

>I enjoyed his king killer chronicle books and in my opinion he’s one of the best writers in fantasy.

How did you manage to like the second book?

>> No.16549303

Reading this made me sympathize with the people who post hateful comments on ntr hentai doujins.

>> No.16549311

Maybe if he actually completed the series instead of masturbating every day, people would actually care.

>> No.16549368

It's a masturbatory self insert fantasy.

>> No.16549432

Enumerate its advantages over LotR then

>> No.16549477

Kvothe is way more nuanced than any of the characters in LOTR. Most of the characters in LOTR are either all good, or all evil, and while that kind of black and white morality is good in fairy tails, it falls flat in modern fiction, and frankly it's unrelatable.

And the overall plot of LOTR is cliché, whereas the plot of the Kingkiller Chronicles is always unpredictable, where there's no precedent set for what can happen next.

Not to mention, the prose is phenomenal. It can't be denied Tolkien was a good worldbuilder, but his prose was dry and his poetry mostly whimsical and vacuous. Patrick on the other hand is a master at the English language, and can make his sentences hit hard and meaningfully while also worldbuilding splendidly.

>> No.16549488

>Kvothe is way more nuanced than any of the characters in LOTR.
Yeah, I especially enjoyed the nuance of him fucking that fairy sex goddess and making her orgasm so many times.

>> No.16549493
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>he finds a literal cucklord to be relatable

>> No.16549531

>if a fantasy story is to be good, it must be devoid of sex.

>> No.16549538

>better than tolkien
lmao good bait kiddo

>> No.16549543

It's hard to tell if you're pretending to be retarded or if you actually are

>> No.16549549

Western fantasy died with Wolfe.
You pretty much have to look to the east now, mainly chinks, if you want something written for people who enjoy fantasy instead of being written for faghags and the more immasculine kind of fags.

>> No.16549560

You're basically just saying you prefer the modern standards of genre fiction and even then there are other books that do the same thing better, this isn't actually your opinion though so I shouldn't be bumping the thread

>> No.16549567

It's weird for you to to mention Wolfe and allude to chink shit in the same sentence

>> No.16549574

>that self insert sex scene the author wrote in was integral to the story. see, the self-insert character learning to be amazing at sex is a parallel of the greater themes of the story, and is symbolic of the intense romantic love between the self-insert character, and the really hot goddess he met that one time.

>> No.16549583

It's not unless you mistake Wolfe for high art.
Wolfe was simply the last western fantasy author worth a damn after Vance died.
Now there is nothing even remotely wortwhile in western fantasy and the closest you get to something for men is a prose-less mormon aping RPGs and anime while throwing in token homos and unlikeable women to get it past his publisher agents.
I've seen more real fantasy come out of Chinkshit in the last year than i've seen come out of western fantasy since the late 90s. It's just completely dead and beating blood out of the calcified corpse at this point.

>> No.16549731

Not him but I unironically consider the book of the new sun to be up there with the other great works of literature.

>> No.16549901

E. R. Eddison, Lord Dunsany, Naomi Mitchison, Jeremias Gotthelf, Richard Garnett, Francis Stevens, Gustave Le Rouge, David Lindsay, William Hope Hodgeson, William Beckford, E. H. Visiak, Robert Nichols, Lucy Boston, Hope Mirrlees, Stella Benson, Evangeline Walton, Hugh Lofting, Robert Graves, the later works of David Jones, Fletcher Pratt, Poul Anderson (Particularly, The Broken Sword and Three Hearts and Three Lions), Charles G. Finney, George MacDonald, William Morris, Andrew Lang and this isn’t even listing the early writers that greatly influenced Fantasy like Ariosto and The Travels of Sir John Mandeville.

Why should anybody take you seriously when the only pre 1970’s fantasy writer you can name is (using your own words) “the guy who wrote Conan”.

Your view of fantasy as a genre is shallow and restrictive. You want fantasy to be a Wiki article.

Your the ignorant gatekeeper here, not us.

>> No.16549913



>> No.16549927

Hi, say the Gormenghast books ... and Voyage to Arcturus ... and Luds-in-the-Mist

>> No.16549939

All these writers I mentioned pre-date Lord of the Rings, except Anderson Who’s The broken Sword came out the same year.

Also for the record I dislike lotr but I don’t like Rothfuss either.

>> No.16549944

My man, good pull.

>> No.16549994

Coat is a narcissist and a literal cuckold

>> No.16550878

There's still a large gap between chink shit and Wolfe

>> No.16550979

There's an even larger one between chinkshit and nu-western fantasy though.

>> No.16551091

Fat neckbeards have never said anything of worth.

>> No.16551138

There were slow bits I admit but Uber all it was still good imo. There is a ton of set up for the third book to be really solid. But we will never get to read it so