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16544379 No.16544379 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the best ever Shakespeare adaptation?

>> No.16544488
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>> No.16544574

Try Throne of Blood

>> No.16544581
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>> No.16544611

I feel like anyone who has seen Ran has also seen or at least knows about Throne Of Blood. They’re both great. I’m a big fan of Polanski(‘s films) - I really need to give his Macbeth adaptation a watch, I’ve been told it is quite good.

>> No.16544622

>pic of a shitty kids movie

>> No.16544629

that's not very glöggfryntligt of you

>> No.16544804

Possibly. I really like Bene's Amleto and Welles's chimes at midnight

>> No.16544812


>> No.16544815

Chimes is probably the answer. I really like Pacino Merchant of Venice and Branagh Hamlet though. Branagh Much Ado and Hollow Crown (first season) are great guilty pleasures too.

>> No.16544838

I liked Branagh's Hamlet as well.

Ran is better than Throne of Blood, but both are great.

>> No.16544844

Polanski's Macbeth is pretty brutal. Lots of blood, lots of very convincing maiming. You'll enjoy it.

>> No.16544860

Ni är galna

>> No.16544932

I enjoyed Olivier’s Henry V
Also liked a BBC adaptation of King Lear with Olivier as Lear and John Hurt as the fool.

Also Zeffirelli’s Romeo and Juliet

>> No.16545047

Is there any Shakespeare that never got a proper adaptation that would make a great one? t. film producer.

>> No.16545051

The Hollow Crown productions are very good.

>> No.16545092

Ran is a favorite of mine too.
I saw some of an Ian McKellen Performance and it was pretty good too, just a low budget teleplay though.

Someone asked about his comedies and Comedy of Errors was said to be his best. Doesn’t look like the great comedians have tackled it, not without transposing it to modern times and losing all the dialogue

>> No.16545099
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>> No.16545198

literally fucking no one asked you retard, go get validation somewhere else

>> No.16545217

personally I think TOB is a bit dull at parts. Ran is more engaging

>> No.16545256

OP here and I agree. I watched Throne of Blood recently and found individual moments engaging (every scene with Lady Macbeth, the witches, Macbeth's death) but as an overall package it felt small in some way. Ran is long but somehow manages to pack something into almost every shot. To ellicit all of the drama of Lear with none of the original dialogue (even with it) is such a tall order and it does it

>> No.16545379

Polansky Macbeth is great. Branagh's Hamlet is overdone but he is awesome in it, and his Henry V is near perfect. And of course, the Olivier Richard III is overall best. Not that I dont like Ran, but the purity of Lawrence Olivier cannot be denied.


>> No.16545417

>Ian McKellen Performance and it was pretty good

Richard III?

>> No.16545421

Somehow saw this when I was 12-- brutal conclusion.

>> No.16545430

Naw, he did Lear

>> No.16545434

Really enjoyed the Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor Taming of the Shrew; also the wartime Laurence Olivier Henry V.