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16544017 No.16544017[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"The Fascists, they call themselves the Falange, for all their talk about manhood and bravery are always the first to turn tail and run the minute bullets start to fly though they waste no time in taking credit for the work of better men, a behavior which is very much reflected in their ideology."
>Mine Were of Trouble by Peter Kemp, a volunteer for the Nationalist cause in the Spanish Civil War
Is there a greater quote that exposes the reality of Fascists and Fascist ideology?

>> No.16544029

Falagists are cringe.
Carlists are based.

>> No.16544030

>they waste no time in taking credit for the work of better men
kek Mussolini BTFO

>> No.16544042

You forgot the part where most of them were probably sexually frustrated incels.

I guess history does repeat

>> No.16544052

Three good posts in a row? On /lit/? Simply unheard of. But yes, many of the Fascists at that time were literal incels. Kemp remarks later in the book how everyone in the Falange is ugly, skinny, or otherwise freakish in appearance and behavior.

>> No.16544074

Mussolini, Franco and now Drumpf

Yep, history repeats itself.
I can't believe someone would be so stupid to vote for orange man. But no need to worry, anti fascists are going to defeat fascism and orange man.

>> No.16544088


The communists on the other side were worse. I am glad they lost the war.

>> No.16544105

What do you expect they are Spaniards

>> No.16544118

Literally every other side was full of gigachads. Cope.

>> No.16544140

>the people of my enemy's group are cowards while my group are brave
Yes, very interesting political theory you have there

>> No.16544146

Are you really that retarded? Kemp fought for the Nationalists in the Carlist militias, the Carlists and Falange were allied in the war.
Talk about cope.

>> No.16544152

Based, chuds and incels on suicide watch today. /lit/ is swinging back to the left.

>> No.16544155


The other side was just full of filthy commie losers that got BTFO by Franco. Thanks a lot, Paco!

>> No.16544158

fascists were war vets, marched on rome, drove around beating people up, and entered war/colonization for ideological purposes

I'm not a huge fashy LARPer but that quote seems a little silly

>> No.16544162

let me guess he is writing this after having sided against the fascists

>> No.16544163

A much needed change, yes.

>> No.16544170


Samefagging doesn’t count.

>> No.16544174

>after having sided against the fascists
No, he never once fought against the fascists. The war was the Nationalists - an alliance between Carlists, the Falange, and Conservatives, and Republicans - Commies, Anarchists, and Democrats. Kemp never once fought with the Republicans.

>> No.16544176

Yeah for a whole 24 hours or however long your raid lasts /lit/ will 'swing back to the left' ie. there were will be retarded political flamewars, and then it will continue to have a variety of political dispositions once you leave.

>> No.16544179

>doesn't even know what samefagging means
ah, a newfag from /pol/.

>> No.16544180

Not the guy you're responding to but Kemp was just a hardcore reactionary law student. He viewed the fascists as upstart lower class goons. He only had good things to say about Franco and Rivera though.

>> No.16544186

You have little understanding of fascist history.

>> No.16544189

Didn't say fought, said after having sided with, ie. he defected. I seriously doubt you read Fascist literature and that this guy said this while he was still a Fascist.

May as well read a defector from the USSR to get an unbiased account of it

>> No.16544191

One of the guys you quoted said Carlism is based. Do you actually read posts before responding?

>> No.16544195


>> No.16544196

Does he praise Primo de Rivera?

>> No.16544197

Holy shit how retarded are you? He was never a Fascist.

>> No.16544201


>> No.16544203

>Becoming one of the earliest pupils at the Combined Operations Training School, he sailed in the hold of HMS Fidelity to Gibraltar and took part in a mission to pursue a German U-boat. A British Destroyer fired at the submarine carrying Kemp by mistake and the mission was abandoned. With further parachute and commando training, he went on several cross-channel raids into Occupied France and was then posted to Albania, where he spent 10 months in clandestine operations.

>> No.16544205

If you can't comprehend simple English then don't post, retard. Go brush up on your DuoLingo.

>> No.16544207

>a behavior which is very much reflected in their ideology."
No bias here, no sirree. Just an objective observer :^)

>> No.16544210
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>if you disagree with me then you're biased

>> No.16544215

Please don't post pictures of yourself on 4chan

>> No.16544220

Yeah that's what I thought, enjoy your propaganda that makes you feel better because 'my side are brave and so im brave and good :)'

>> No.16544222

>every other side
The republican cause might be one of the most disorganized and incompetent militaries in history. They got btfod in every single offensive in the war.

>> No.16544223
File: 41 KB, 766x844, incel3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please don't post pictures of yourself on 4chan

>> No.16544226

...and the republicans still lost

>> No.16544229

Much like the party leaders of the communists, they weren't exactly mucking in with the workers.
I would take from your quote that ideologues find it easy to honour certain values, yet don't always live up to them.
But no, let's just keep fanning the flames.

>> No.16544230

What a fucking cope.
Yeah, because the Falangists were only something like 10% of the Nationalist's fighting force. The Carlists and Foreign Legion won the war.

>> No.16544234

I dont care what he was, it's just propaganda against a poliitcal opponent. If you honestly think than an entire fucking side in a war was composed of cowards and the other side was brave you are beyond retarded, you are actually still a small child in terms of understanding society

>> No.16544237

Can't win every battle. Defeating the Italians and the Nazis was a superior achievement.

>> No.16544242

So you totally failed to understand the sides in the war, failed AGAIN even when I spelled out the sides of the war, and now you're just gonna call me a child because you have nothing interesting to say? Nice cope dude, you're a massive retard.

>> No.16544244

If fascists are so incompetent and cowardly why is every leftist pissing and shitting their pants over their supposed presence in the US?

>> No.16544251

yeah alongside all the most powerful countries in the world, what an achievement

>> No.16544260

You're claiming fascists are the weakest type of right-winger, yet at the same time it's obvious that fascists are the type of right-winger you fear most when you're propagandizing against them like this. Sorry but anybody with a brain is not going to fall for your contradictory bullshit

>> No.16544261

>commies trying to take credit for winning ww2

>> No.16544264

The point of your thread is 'fascists are actually cowards and not manly lol'. You're a complete retard pretending this was not the entire content of the the OP

>> No.16544272

>and the other side was brave

Specially considering we're talking about the losing side here.

>> No.16544280

>yet at the same time it's obvious that fascists are the type of right-winger you fear most when you're propagandizing against them like this
I quoted someone who fought in a war along side them who said that they're bad fighters. What propaganda is going on? How do you even come to the conclusion that I'm afraid of Fascists? You're a neckless retard who gets buttmad anytime anyone says anything bad about your merry band of retards.
Yeah that's my point and no I'm not pretending that it wasn't the point of my thread. How you imagine that I'm trying to backpedal only proves you're incompetent at English. Keep crying, ESL.

>> No.16544290
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>nooo you can't relay your experiences with fascists if they're in any way negative, THAT'S PROPAGANDA!

>> No.16544296



>> No.16544300

And my point is that your point is the sort of propaganda that appeals to people who are emotionally 12. If you're trying to make /lit/ more leftist you'd do better to just leave because the resident Marxists here are about 100 times as sophisticated as you and don't stoop to this absolutely inane level

>> No.16544302

>yes, you have to be completely uncritical towards my sources

>> No.16544305

An honest question - ignore the rest of the thread and its context - why do you need to criticise fascism when the globalists liberals squash it everywhere they can already?
Why do you waste your time accusing everyone of being fascist and /pol/, when clearly the status quo is liberal and they hate fascism also?

>> No.16544316

Inhuman Nazis were really unpopular, what can I say.
>muh commie boogeyman

>> No.16544335

>left vs right dichotomy
Nobody who uses this belongs on /lit/, even /his/ isn’t that lazy.

>> No.16544336

Don't bother dude, you're not getting an answer. OP is a leftypol retard still assmad that /pol/ counter raided them so hard they needed to shut the board down.

>> No.16544340

It's good that you admit that your political positions are based on what is popular and strong, ie. you're a coward.

>> No.16544380

>OP is a leftypol retard
I'm literally as far right as you can get. The reason I read Kemp in the first place is because he's a reactionary like me. Way to make assumptions to make yourself feel better about getting assblasted.
>why do you need to criticise fascism when the globalists liberals squash it everywhere they can already?
I forgot that you're not allowed to make any disparaging comments towards something that isn't mainstream.
>Why do you waste your time accusing everyone of being fascist and /pol/, when clearly the status quo is liberal and they hate fascism also?
The people getting buttmad about Kemp's criticism of fascism are not liberals.

>> No.16544389

>If you're trying to make /lit/ more leftist
see >>16544380 I'm not a leftist, criticizing fascism does not mean I'm a leftist. You say I'm making appeals to people who are emotionally 12? How immature do you have to be to think that if someone criticizes on thing they are immediately the opposite of that?

>> No.16544393

>I'm le reactionary not a fascist
No you're a retard who thinks political positions are fashion statements and you want to distance yourself from the negative PR surrounding Fascism.

If you had anything intelligent to say about the differences between fascism and more fundamentally reactionary positions you would have stated them instead of making a /pol/ tier propaganda thread

>> No.16544394

>The reason I read Kemp in the first place is because he's a reactionary like me
Hello fellow reactionaries!

lmao you're bad at this, guy. just stop

>> No.16544395

Retards kemp is right wing and fascists have always been criticized by various "wings" of the right as well. Wtf is this I can say this as a somewhat fascist sympathizer

>> No.16544402

Do you even know what Carlist means lmao?

>> No.16544410

Never said such thing. We were talking about how the Nazis had many enemies and were terribly unpopular. You are the one who brought power to the discussion.

>> No.16544411

>reactionaryism is literally fascism
You're an absolute brainlet, you're everything you criticize me of being. Absolute projection.
You also don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.16544415

>I forgot that you're not allowed to make any disparaging comments towards something that isn't mainstream.
That's not the point. Why waste your time? You're arguing against phantoms. There is literally no viable fascists movements in any Western nation.

>> No.16544426

>noo something has to have a sizable following in order for you to criticize it!
This is a thinly veiled cope.

>> No.16544442

Fascism is reactionary whether you like it or not, I said 'more fundamentally reactionary' to distinguish it from whatever trad Monarchist larp you believe in.

>> No.16544446

Considering you made this, OP
Which accuses people in this thread of calling you a propagandising kike (which obviously didn't happen), I can't trust you're saying anything in good faith


>> No.16544448

Yeah power and popularity definitely totally unrelated. lol you don't even realize what a little bitch you are

>> No.16544452

>I don't understand politics: the post

>> No.16544471

Meh. I'm sure some were but others were legitimate psychos who loved fighting. Mussolini went to war with Ethiopia partly because radical fascists were constantly agitating for more war, and they went over there and fought. The fascist-aligned Futurists eagerly fought in WWI because they worshipped the Machine Age.

>> No.16544481

Explain to me how anything I said is wrong. Fascism had fundamentally reactionary attributes, just it because it doesn't fit your meme model of reinstating some European king from the 1600s doesn't change that.

>> No.16544485

What can I say, the strong defeated the weak. Might is right, remember?

>> No.16544504

10 defeated 1 is what happened, you side with the 10 because you're a coward

>> No.16544528

More like 4 defeated 3. Either way, the strongest entity won.

>> No.16545002

This board is a great way to gain self-esteem because I just have to read some of your posts and I realize I'm literally a genius.

>> No.16545066

The entirety of Europe fought with Germany, bound by either alliance, occupation, or trade deal. The whole idea that "GERMANY TOOK ON THE WORLD ALONE!!!" is such a meme.

>> No.16545073

War tends to make people respect their enemies and disdain their allies.

>> No.16545097
File: 46 KB, 1480x625, Map_of_participants_in_World_War_II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dominant world powers, the Soviets and the Anglos, united against them as well as basically the rest of the world
Germany had Italy and Japan and some meme countries. It was at the least a 3 to 1 ratio if you bend the numbers

>> No.16545123

>dominant world power
>soviet union
In World War 2? Post discarded.

>> No.16545125

"some meme countries" including at various points the vast majority of Europe

>> No.16545131

>meme countries
>the entirety of continental europe
Wow, the mental gymnastics they'll go through.

>> No.16545143

>at various points the vast majority of Europe
>>the entirety of continental europe
except that's wrong you retards

>> No.16545149

>germany conquers the vast majority of europe
>seizes the resources of all of europe
>seizes the industry of all of europe
>gets a million volunteers to fight in the german army from all of europe

>that's wrong you retards
Ok kid.

>> No.16545232


>> No.16545245

How fasinading. Nod relly.

>> No.16545250

>Germany conquers the vast majority of Europe
Woah. So like they weren't on Germany's side to begin with?

>> No.16545290

>replies: 88

>> No.16545306

The real war started in 1943 when Germany had the entirety of Europe supporting it. If you think otherwise you're retarded.

>> No.16545321

Actually the real war started in mid-1945 when the Allies had conquered most of Germany, so as you can see the numbers were quite uneven.

>> No.16545777

This is the true critique of fascism from the right

>> No.16545784

Lol Kemp fought for Franco in the Spanish Legion

>> No.16546062
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This thread is a real SHIT show of retards who can't read

>> No.16546116

Yeah the Spaniards on both sides were notoriously awful at fighting a conventional war. The anarchist columns on the Republican side, like Durutti's, were fine butchering civilians and priests but crumbled in regular combat. The Left was propped up by the Soviet army, who had no problem allowing them to fail when they showed inadequate Stalinist zeal. The Nationalist side was propped up by the Germans and Italians, but at least had competent Spaniards in the Army of Africa, Franco's command.

>> No.16546169

The Carlists, the Army of Africa, the Foreign Legion, and the various Catholic Militias were all decent fighters. The Falangists were the only ones on the Nationalist side who were shitty fighters.

>> No.16546942
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Carlists are monarchists, retard.

>> No.16546951

thought I was on /his/ for a sec

>> No.16547138

>ugly, skinny, or otherwise freakish in appearance and behavior

Antifa today

>> No.16547729

I love the aesthetic of the second guy from the left. Let's bring back this fashion.

>> No.16548233

didn't the spaniards that went to fight for hitler at the eastern front distinguish themselves for their skills and bravery and all of that?

>> No.16548252 [DELETED] 
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>Is there a greater quote that exposes the reality of Fascists and Fascist ideology?
Tranny hands typed this post.

>> No.16548259

Fascism is inherently revolutionary, like nazism. That they revolution is dressed in reactionary garb doesn't change much.

>> No.16548262

The big countries et Germany steamroll on half Europe before intervening. When it became an "everyone against Germany" situation Germany was already in possession of most Europe which they had gotten bit by bit.

>> No.16548264
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>> No.16548286

>t.retarded braindead tranny

>> No.16548376


>> No.16549012

>You're wrong
>You just are I won't explain why

bizarre thread

>> No.16549437
File: 750 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20201010-181721_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not lit but this is seriously my dream clothing.
I wish to get some thing like this but don t now were pls help me