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/lit/ - Literature

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16543897 No.16543897 [Reply] [Original]

the older I get the more he seems to be right about everything.

>> No.16543903

Why does he looks so sad on every photo?

>> No.16543915
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Yet he wasn't

>> No.16544175

Well he was hideous and fat

>> No.16544727

He looks constipated

>> No.16544742


That was probably it

>> No.16544792


>> No.16544805

auntie is racist? pasado..

>> No.16544821

Fuck off maestrofag

>> No.16544850

Particularmente basado

>> No.16544894

If he was so well-read and smart, why did his only take on original writing blow?

>> No.16545018
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Same. It is also happening with Octavio Paz to me. I used to hate him, and it seems that he is well hated and resented among young people (and of course the ridiculous resentment based on the idea that he visciously opaqued the career of Elena Garro because she was jealous of her, even though she wrote fiction and he wrote essays and poetry). The older you get the more essential he is--and he was right about basically everything.

Stop shilling this fuck. Theory is descriptive and systematic, but will never add up to the cohessive beauty of a great literary work that theory is based on, and theorists will never add up to the prodigious intuition of the critics like Harold Bloom that can say so much of a poem or a book and get to its soul without forcing it into a theoretic system. And the people Maestro despises make and say much more off literature than him (I'm thinking of Eagleton of course).

>> No.16545030

because he was jealous***

>> No.16545102

Anyone can say "much more." The interesting aspect is to break free from postmodern critics. And you're a faggot for disliking Paz in the first place.

>> No.16546293


>> No.16546375

>"What I think I have in common with the school of deconstruction is the mode of negative thinking or negative awareness, in the technical, philosophical sense of the negative, but which comes to me through negative theology...There is no escape, there is simply the given, and there is nothing that we can do. In fact all we can do is keep increasing it, and this of course is where Hegel is the prophet. Hegel prophesied that this must finally mark the death of art, because this growing self-awareness, this growing self-consciousness must finally be destructive of the esthetic. Indeed the three prophecies about the death of individual art are, in their different ways, those of Hegel, Marx, and Freud. I don't see any way of getting beyond those prophecies
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16546468

Anybody's who's read Bloom have advice as to how to into him? I haven't read much literary criticism but he seems based. He wrote like 50 books, where should I start?

>> No.16546500

I started with How to Read and Why. It’s just a nice run down of some high points. Maybe you should just get The Western Canon to start with
But you can start anywhere that suits you.
DLed his thoughts on Emerson, but have yet to read it.