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File: 149 KB, 1200x900, Persuade-a-Christian-to-Become-Atheist-Step-13-Version-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16541839 No.16541839[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Johnny is a rich atheist.
>Mary is a poor atheist.
>Johnny decides to help Mary by giving her some charity and help her find a job.
>Johnny and Mary both believe this is a good deed.
>Behavior like this can be traced back all the way to social insects, let alone more complex social mammals.

Wowzers, no threat of hellfire or divine power was needed. Is this a miracle?

>> No.16541850

respond to this thread if gay.

>> No.16541854

Does that mean you're...

>> No.16541858

I am mentally ill and do not understand social convention. I can only do the right thing if I am told I will be punished for not doing it.

>> No.16541860

>Johnny and Mary both believe this is a good deed.

>> No.16541872

Why does it matter why, they do regardless.

>> No.16541881

That's irrelevant, isn't it? As long as they both agree.

>> No.16541882

>believing in human's inner sense of morality
I miss being 15 again.

>> No.16541886

wait, that means you're gay!

>> No.16541893

because the context that taught them what a "good deed" is taught them so

>> No.16541902

Mutually-beneficial egoism.

Johnny feels good for helping Mary; Mary feels good from receiving help from Johnny -- with the additional caveat of now having a job, so there is additional relief from that.

>> No.16541906

why does Mary need to be an atheist and why does she need to agree

>> No.16541909

>no threat of hellfire or divine power was needed
Therefore we must abolish religious institutions and start believing in doomsday cult of Climate Change and/or or start self-flagellating in the name of Social Justice, etc.

>> No.16541910


>> No.16541912

Why does it matter, she is and she does.

>> No.16541919

god made social insects behave that way

>> No.16541921

>Johnny and Mary both believe this is a good deed
Because charity is seen as a religious virtue in the society they live in, the remnants of which none can escape. In addition, saying that this can be traced back to social instincts in humans is stupid and shows you don't understand the social nature of humans. The only instinct a human has in a natural sense is to survive and in a state of nature humans only temporarily enter into social bonds with others in order to survive. Giving charity is literally not an aspect of surviving, giving charity lessens your chances of survival as you're giving resources away and thus it's not a natural act, not an act a human would take in a state of nature totally separated from religion.
Your entire "argument" is stupid, you're either a woman or a child.

>> No.16541927

Why is it a good thing?

>> No.16541928
File: 349 KB, 441x480, 1596214686234.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16541932

It is not a good thing, but both parties agree it is good.

>> No.16541938

Is this a theist shitting his pants when he realizes morality doesn't have to come through religious dogma? Don't worry, none of the rest has to happen.
It's scary to think people had to come up with concepts like "eternal hellfire" to make psychos like you behave. Don't generalize to other more cognitively developed humans, though.

>> No.16541943


>> No.16541945

Just because it is an idea rooted in religion does not mean it requires religion for the idea to continue. Humans in the modern age do not have the same problems as ancient humans. We are not in a state of nature. People can and do give charity for many reasons, not necessarily religious ones.

>> No.16541953

Look at their names, they both come from a formerly Christian society where such prejudices have lingered even while the doctrine itself disappeared

>> No.16541954

Because they decided to call it good and agreed on it, much like we do with any other linguistic concept ever. We agree on "good", "sweet", "red", etc.

>> No.16541960

ha fucking atheists BTFO

>> No.16541963

Why does it not matter?

>> No.16541964

Leave your door unlocked today or better yet invite a bunch of hobos and/or niggers inside if you believe in people's inner moral nature so strongly, as a materialist hylic you should enjoy putting your theory to an empirical test.

>> No.16541965

It literally does require religion because without religion causing us to take unnatural actions we will revert to solely natural actions, charity not being one of them. But again your argument falls apart because you think you can divorce yourself totally from the remnant effects of religion on society, you can't. You believe charity to be a good thing because of religion whether you like it or not. There is no objective reason as to why you should give charity that doesn't involve using reasoning that finds it's origin in religion.

>> No.16541972

What if a third party doesn't agree that it is good?

>> No.16541973

Need for sneed I'm trying to take the feed hold on city slicker
Before you run into the seed (watch out, watch out) I've seen things that you would have never saw before hey yo jim let'em in, let'em in open up
My back tire smokin' (errrr) the whole street and now the police wanna
Flash there lights and chase the Sneed all night (woof) but I won't pull over
Nor give up cause I just don't give a chuck (what, what, what)

>> No.16541974

Empathy is hard coded into the brain.

>> No.16541979

>Empathy is learned behavior even though the capacity for it is inborn
2 seconds on google.

>> No.16541982

They are free to do so but I have a feeling this third party only considers it bad to make a point, and not actually because they consider it bad.

>> No.16541986


>> No.16541988

>johnny kills mary and believes it was a good dead
and it was because morality was a spook

>> No.16541991

Then how come when I smash a tomcat skull another tom cat tries to stop me?

>> No.16541995

That's pretty cool. I like this SNEED version of the pascal's wager.
Will christians literally do anything if someone just types things on an image or a post?
If a post says "type CHUCK" or your dick will shrivel and fall off, do you automatically obey?

Must be a scary life.

>> No.16541996



Why do materialists always pretend to understand neuroscience and/or quantum physics? Shut the fuck up you know nothing about the subject. Empathy is hard-coded into human behaviour, we know next to nothing about the brain.

>> No.16541998

>humans are hardwired to do something, the proof is that cats do this thing
1. Cats aren't humans
2. Empathy is scientifically proven to not be hardwired as you claim
3. You're retarded

>> No.16541999

> morality doesn't have to come through religious dogma
Explain to me why basically every other society that was not Christian has been amoral savages that gladly kill and rape their neighbors indiscriminately? Why did it take convincing humans of a shared higher purpose to prevent this? There is no inherent morality only Will to Power

>> No.16542001

>morality doesn't have to come through religious dogma
Name one (1) non-religious society that you consider "moral".

>> No.16542003

Does someone have that "if you repost this, you'll have the best week of your life; if not, your worst week starts now pic to reply to >>16541995 with? I think it might be useful

>> No.16542005

Sharing your resources with those around is you investing in your community which in turn can provide resources to you when you need it. It's infact a very natural action for social creatures like us humans.

>> No.16542011

>The only instinct a human has in a natural sense is to survive and in a state of nature
Incorrect and it shows a really poor, highschool level at most, understanding of evolution.
The fact there are social animals and non-social animals is enough to take your "argument" apart. Social behavior was selected in some species, and wasn't for others.
Some species selected "altruistic" behavior, some didn't. Some animals will sacrifice their immediate well-being to help the group. Some animals will be rewarded with food if they groom animals outside of their family group. Etc etc. Ignoring all of this as not being a clear predecessor to "charity", and thinking it suddenly arose out of fucking nowhere because of religion, is just a massive cope.
Also I can't tell if you're a man, woman, child, but I don't think you've gotten any education past highschool.

>> No.16542012

> implying pascal's wager applies to anything besides the question of gods existence itself

>> No.16542018

Then they both agree that it is moral because they have raised to believe it is moral. Aslong as people who have morals are around than those morals won't go away. "Morals come from god" is a shitty argument in the modern era. Your morals come from your childhood and what you surround yourself with now.

>> No.16542019

No it's not because the societies in which we life are very unnatural and held together for unnatural reasons. Humans being social beings doesn't mean that they sacrifice their own interest for a collective.

>> No.16542020

>Implying christians aren't amoral savages that gladly kill and rape their neighbors indiscriminately

>> No.16542021

OK. "God will make your dick shrivel and fall off". You're not gonna make that bet, right? I mean you just have to type "CHUCK". It's not that much effort, and the opposite outcome is so bad!

>> No.16542024

>a really poor, highschool level at most, understanding of evolution
Evolution isn't real, retard. No wonder you're so fucking stupid, you base your entire understanding of the world off of long disproven theories.

>> No.16542030


I don't believe in God. I just think atheists who use 'muh brain science' as an argument are dishonest pseuds.

>> No.16542032

The iSneed is a line of feedseed-based smartphones designed and marketed by Sneed Inc. that use Sneed's CitySlicker mobile operating system. The first-generation iSneed was announced by Sneed co-founder Chuck on January 9, 2007. Since then Sneed has annually released new iSneed models and CitySlicker updates

>> No.16542035

You gonna provide an example
> inb4 "muh crusades"
I can assure you Christians killing people was never indiscriminate

>> No.16542045


>> No.16542047

the question still remains of why they feel "good" about this.
if the situation were to take place in a society with a strong accepted caste system, for example, Johnny wouldn't feel "good" about doing this unless he had personal moral stances separate from the rest of society (many early Christian parables show examples of this), as his unsolicited help would make him some sort of traitor. Mary would similarly have trouble indebting herself in such a way, since this help would be seen as undeserved or unfair.

something is still conditioning the "good" feeling that Johnny and Mary might get

>> No.16542049

Is this the fabled "american education" I hear of.

>> No.16542054

Next you're gonna tell me that a survey among 21th century atheists from Western countries proved that Christian values are just natural. You realize that you aren't arguing against Christianity but against Nietzsche, right? If everyone in nature objectively acted after Christian morality, Christianity would be proven to be true or even better, there would be no need for ethics whatsoever. Turns out that there were plenty of working societies that killed and ate their elderly people, must be natural.

>> No.16542063

You are both retarded, all humans are evil regardless of religion.

>> No.16542064

Ill ask you the god question on your deathbed anon, pascals wager is going to make a lot more sense to you then

>> No.16542066

All humans act within their own interests*

>> No.16542068

Im glad you discovered Mans original sin all on your own anon, really proud of you :D

>> No.16542074

"Christianity" is just one of the "moralities" that the species Homo Sapiens has evolved. It is quite prevalent in many countries, and it has allowed for things such as charity, red cross, and also for things such as sexually abusive priests and witch trials. (The fact these don't shock you as much as "killing elders" is a bias you might be too far down the rabbit hole to notice).

>> No.16542086

I'd sign on with buddhism. They offer me reincarnation into another body fitting my life deeds. God is either heaven or hell. Buddha is pretty chill.

>> No.16542094

I agree OP, but when we talk about God one must first remember that Sneed is a ghost town in Jackson County, Arkansas, United States. It was abandoned in 1929 following an F5 tornado.

>> No.16542104


>> No.16542107
File: 237 KB, 1920x1080, 1579738666499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>Johnny decides to help Mary by giving her some charity and help her find a job.

>being such a materialist and a drone that you think giving somebody crappy goods and job is a good thing


>> No.16542123
File: 97 KB, 900x750, pope-sixtus-iv-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will make the same sense as it does now. A scare tactic to manipulate someone into doing something. Which incidentally is exactly what you're pulling off here.
Imagine the absolutely horrifying things you could get someone to do by using this type of thing. Luckily all religious leaders in this planet are kind people and would never abuse such power.

>> No.16542141
File: 461 KB, 500x280, satanialaugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> buddhism
Supplanting one dogma for another because the other one requires effort. Ah another failed to launch snowflake that thinks they inherently deserve something from the world.

>> No.16542144


>> No.16542151

>two hypothetical people agree on a hypothetical action being good
>resident christian rages to the point of an aneurism.
Many such cases.

>> No.16542157

I'm not a Christian. Witch trials weren't motivated by the Church (they would essentially be heresy, because the Church doesn't allow for a believe in magic). Neither are sexual deviants something that can be defended by Christianity's doctrine, on the contrary, the purity of children and the condemnation of pleasure for anything but reproduction is a very Christian mindset. Hawaiian children started having sex with older members of their community at 11 and I don'tnneed to mention the Greek mentor - boy relationship.

>> No.16542164

Ill acknowledge your tipped fedora with a statement.

If god exists you are fucked. If he doesnt you are fucked. This isnt a scare tactic this is simply how it is.

>> No.16542166
File: 53 KB, 800x723, 9790b0c42c5d3f1ff863d09347862628823ba4de_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God requires effort.
Lol another metadrone who sucks daddy's dick because mommy told him to. I bet you grew up in a house with two bathrooms.

>> No.16542171

Just because our modern societies are atomized and our interpersonal relations have an increasingly transactional character does not mean that human nature isnt based on cooperating in societal units.

And have you ever meet a good mom? They gladly sacrifice their life for their kids.
Sacrificing your own well being for that of a stranger is indeed unnatural, and stemming from some abstact notion of goodness, but that is beside my point.
Human are social creatures, pretending otherwise is just ignorance.

>> No.16542173

I don't think you understand the depth of my argument. Morality never comes from religion, even in religious societies where people say it does. Religion and the associated morality are a manifestation of behaviors that came through evolution. As such, all societies that have ever existed fit your question. Both the ones you would describe as savages (Mayans or amerindians with human sacrifices, even if their society had other redeeming aspects you'd ignore) or Greeks/Romans/Europeans in general (even if their society had plenty of amoral behavior you're willing to ignore).

>> No.16542182

> Points out anons lack of willpower
> Anon immediately gets mad

>> No.16542183

>Johnny is a rich atheist.
>Mary is a poor atheist.
>Johnny decides to help Mary by giving her a job as a soldier committing war crimes against a minority group
>Johnny and Mary both believe this is a good deed.
>Behavior like this can be traced back all the way to social great apes, let alone more complex social mammals.

Man, I love relativism.

>> No.16542192

A country with a literal God-Emperor as a head of state? Sure.
>Morality never comes from religion
Yawn. Not interested in your sophistry. Name a "moral" atheist society.

>> No.16542193

>If god exists you are fucked.
What god?
How do you know?
Why should I believe you can speak on behalf of the Christian god?
Why should I believe "eternal hellfire" denominations of Christianity are more correct than others that don't believe in "eternal hellfire"?
Etc etc etc. You have absolutely 0 answers to any of this, and you could effectively have already doomed yourself to eternal hell many times over by any choices in your life without knowing, but you just chose the one particular answer that brings peace to your mind, and find it weird someone else might do the same. It's the ultimate cope.
>If he doesnt you are fucked.
I can't fathom what scares people so much about annihilationism. What are you so scared that there is nothing after death? Why is that "being fucked"?

>> No.16542216

Thirty years war, Conquista, and a lot of crusades against the christians of other sorts.

>> No.16542220

How do you explain the christianisation of Europe with nothing but evolution? Does your genetic code change if reading the Bible or any other books on philosophy makes you change your behaviour and way of thinking?

>> No.16542224


>> No.16542232

> What god?
Trinitarian God
> How do you know?
Probability, modern chrisitanity can trace its genealogy to the earliest religion practiced by humans. Scientific evidence of an "awakening" of early humans corroborating Mesopotamian adam and eve stories.
> Why should I believe you can speak on behalf of the Christian god?
Never claimed to do this. fuck off
>Why should I believe "eternal hellfire" denominations of Christianity are more correct than others that don't believe in "eternal hellfire"?
Theology which you dont care about because you are an atheist so im not going to bother explaining

id say i answered everything now suck a dick

>> No.16542235

Well... every current western-world society, more or less. And as far as i see, there is no "god`s punishment" for us.

>> No.16542236

>Name a "moral" atheist society.
Atheism is older than ancient Greece. You still have to explain why those atheists and even animals can do mutually beneficial things and work in social bonds, without the presence of religion.

>> No.16542238


>> No.16542253

>2 World Wars and the atom bomb only a few years after Nietzsche proclaimed god is dead

>> No.16542254

Will to power

>> No.16542258

Yes I agree I'm retarded, though >>16541999 thinks all cultures and religions EXCEPT christianity do evil stuff

>regardless of religion
That's not true tho, some religions are more violent than other, and encourage certain evil behaviours differently

>> No.16542261
File: 185 KB, 735x742, history-of-religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a process that started hundreds of thousands of years before. At the very beginning, when we were first developing language and whatnot. The fact common rituals and beliefs formed stronger social bonds were advantageous versus groups that didn't have that in common, and was successfully selected.

>> No.16542271

>christianisation of Europe with nothing but evolution
1. Superior philosophical/ethical school of though naturally take its place
2. Christianity was very creatively reworked to be more fitting for the local cultural tradition.

other anon

>> No.16542277

>Johnny is a rich atheist.
>Mary is a poor atheist.
>Johnny decides to help Mary by giving her a job as a missionary committing genocide against another ethnicity
>Johnny and Mary both believe this is a good deed.
>Behavior like this can be traced back all the way to social great apes, let alone more complex social mammals.

Holy shit I think you might be onto something!

>> No.16542281

> thinks all cultures and religions EXCEPT christianity do evil stuff
No Christian has ever argued this. you are being disingenuous. It shows how lacking your knowledge is of our position and you are doing your atheist comrades a disservice by opening your mouth.

>> No.16542284

i mean pagans weren`t amoral savages before christianity, they already have their own moral dogmas and principles, christianity simply improve them with new interesting things.

>> No.16542289

>committing genocide against another ethnicity

Are you stoned?

>> No.16542295

that's not how it works retard CHUCK just to be sure

>> No.16542297

Missionaries genocided native American culture

>> No.16542303

Speaking as a geographer, it happened a shit ton in South America.

>> No.16542306

Imagine being this brainwashed. I'm sure you believe spread of Christianity throughout south america was a really peaceful "moral" deal, huh.

>> No.16542309

t. seething minority

>> No.16542327

No, obviously bunch of monks/women killed a lot of natives.

>> No.16542334

Why are atheists sending missionaries to commit genocide?

In a more serious response, read your Kierkegaard. Any of the faithful who are unwilling to transgress the ethical in order to fulfill the directives of the divine have no faith. Abraham is justified in 'killing' Isaac, just as Agememnon is justified in 'killing' Iphegenia.

Let us compare this with secular global liberalism:
>Global Liberal Democracy and her values are a good
>Those who deny her values - such as theocracy, patriarchy, authoritarianism, anti-abortion, anti-homosexual.etc - are bad
>In order to subvert these values, we send secular 'missionaries' to alter local traditions and values, effectively eliminating forms of life.
>Because it is for the great good of post-Enlightenment values, this is not genocide but "progress"

The current political order still operates with religious motivations. In fact, she affirms the universality of her system against all the others who claim universality.

>> No.16542366

>theocracy, patriarchy, authoritarianism, anti-abortion, anti-homosexual
You say this like these are good things.

>> No.16542373

>that pic
pagans and theists are laughing at you for being too simple minded to get the symbolism in their mythology. Stop assuming that people in Ancient times were stupid based on modern low IQ people's understanding of religion (imagine a meeting between the authors of the Old testament and a group of fundamentalists).

>> No.16542382

> Strawman pic

>> No.16542390

You say this like these are bad things

>> No.16542407

it's very easy to argue for them with evolution. I see retarded anglo-Darwinists doing it on YT all the time (Edward Dutton).

>> No.16542409

Literally >>16541999 said that:
>Explain to me why basically every other society that was not Christian has been amoral savages that gladly kill and rape their neighbors indiscriminately? Why did it take convincing humans of a shared higher purpose to prevent this? There is no inherent morality only Will to Power

There you have, a Christian arguing exactly that

>> No.16542425

underage detected

>> No.16542431

These are both my posts and I did not claim that christians do no evil. Try again?

>> No.16542441

Yes, obviously i always was dreaming about my life being commanded by my elders, silly me. It is must be so sweet to live like that.

>> No.16542453
File: 55 KB, 728x364, conversation-starters-list-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BOB is a fellow atheist
>ALICE is a fellow atheist
>BOB and ALICE had sex without using contraceptives.
>ALICE is pregnant
>Both agree that ALICE should ask for an abortion
>it's just a clump of cells
>Behavior like this can be traced all the way to social insects, let alone more complex social mammals.
>BOB takes the fetus and cooks it for dinner
>it's just a clump of cells lmao
>Behavior like this can be traced all the way to the first tribal communities
>then BOB sacrifices ALICE, extracts her heart and swallows the raw bloody heart which still is beating
>Behavior like this can be traced to advanced societies like the aztecs
>just a clump of cells :)

>> No.16542459


>> No.16542470


>> No.16542475

Eugenics won't work unless we abort whatever we don't want

>> No.16542476

I say them as things that are. I am not making qualified value judgements. You are.

So I ask: Why are these values bad? Why are their opposite good? From what basis do your values emerge?

>> No.16542487

I'm inclined to argue that Jonny's deed is more moral in this case than if he was motivated by the prospect of heaven or the avoidance of hell. He acts without explicit incentive and follows the deontological principle of viewing Mary as an end in herself, as a being with full and complete moral worth and autonomy. Some extrinsic framework of reward is not dangled in front of him. Granted, Johnny might give Mary the money for a number of ulterior reasons, but explicitly he is doing it for her own good.

The religious motive is for all those who are not like Jonny, who couldn't be bothered to do a good deed because it intrinsically benefits the recipient as a moral agent. These people need an extra kick in the pants. Religion provides that extra post with promises of heavenly sunshine or infernal hellfire.

>> No.16542498


>> No.16542507

You wanted someone to explain to you why every society that's not christian does evil/amoral things, implying christians are better in that regard. I replied that christians do the same thing, so they're not wildly different.

Now that's not the case it seems, so assuming you're not *clears throat like a retard* moving the goalpost, why didn't you just ask 'explain why every society does amoral peepoo' ?

>> No.16542513

>to argue for them with evolution
Welp, it is true, most of these things are because of some reason, mostly evolutionary. But problem with traditions as a whole system is they relatively quickly outlive their own usefullness. People forget what was the point of this social ritual and continue to do it because "tradition". These promote rigidity of though. Times are changing much faster then tradition changes - and in the end we have shit that actually harm society and slowdown its progress. Slower progress in competitive civilisational environment = faster death of society.

>> No.16542516

such is the absurd

>> No.16542519

yeah but OP is probably opposed to eugenics since he would believe that compassion and charity towards the elderly, sick and retards is natural.

>> No.16542532

>Behavior like this can be traced back all the way to social insects, let alone more complex social mammals.

Insects loan money to complex mammals because they’re good?

Isn’t the concept of ‘good’ a platonic idea attributed to god?

>> No.16542543

Can you give an example of a tradition that is hurting society, I’m not doubting you, just curious

>> No.16542553

>it's just a clump of cells lmao
>muh tribal cannibals

Okay, then you know that cannibalism in every primitive society was either ritualistic, bound to the RELIGION and early forms of magic, or from pure necessity (like famine). There was no single pre-historic society were systematic casual cannibalism was widespead.

>> No.16542572

And who's saying BOB isn't hungry

>> No.16542576

based OP
it´s called empathy and hedonism moron

>> No.16542605

This is what the average animal we call "Christian" would do if the threat of hellfire didn't exist. It's horrifying to imagine these reptiles walk among us, huh.
Imagine being such a non-human reptile that you compare two atheist to the aztecs, which HAD A RELIGION, and performed sacrifices to THEIR GODS.
Now, and I already know you won't, but do that cute Christian thing where you justify burning a woman on the stake for being a "witch", and how "witches" are totally a real thing. Please do it, I want to know how much more advanced than the aztecs you are.

A more realistic interaction, also, might be along the lines of:
>Bob and Alice are atheists
>Bob and Alice had sex without contraceptives (as if religions allow for the use of these, lel, didn't you know wasting semen = eternal hellfire?)
>Bob and Alice are not prepared to have a child, and attempting to have that child unplanned would lead to a lifetime of suffering for all three of them. Religions are in favor of this suffering and it is seen as moral, even if all of them end up homeless and drugged or the child ends up in some orphanage. Remember, religions are MORAL!
>Bob and Alice, not encumbered by religion, decide to go for an abortion.
>Bob asks for the fetus to cook it for dinner. "It's just a clump of cells", he says.
>The doctors, being surprisingly understanding, explain to Bob that throughout the evolution of mankind we ascribed higher meaning to clumps of cells and valued them, making cannibalism a very rare behavior (although not entirely unseen), except for emergency survival situations, in most cases. They explain a whole other series of behaviors that are seen as taboo in humans, and how they always correlate to lessening the chances of survival of the species across the span of evolution.
>Bob, on the way to the psychiatrist, understands that despite him being a theist's desperate strawman, he could still easily justify to himself why cannibalism, incest and other such behavior might not make sense to him personally, even if other cultures did make use of these things (religious, or not).

>> No.16542621

Caste system, slavery, "witch-hunts", female circumcision. Not so obvious - authocratism of tribal leadership (and tribalism as a whole), alcoholism (like in eastern slavs) etc.

>> No.16542628

>And as far as i see, there is no "god`s punishment" for us.
Westerners are literally stopped procreating. For a normal person the death of his people is a disaster of the biblical proportions.
So is pedophilia. In fact, a lot of Greek philosophers raped children. So what's your point?

>> No.16542639

But he`s not dying from stravation. Even in that case it will be his final resort after which BOB will be traumatised and slightly insane for all of his remaining life.

>> No.16542643

>Westerners are literally stopped procreating
No, they simply start procreating wisely. More civilised and well-fed society - less children it need to born in hope someone will survive.

>> No.16542653

fuck me

>> No.16542672

Let's assume that god does not exist, or at least that the Christian god does not exist, just for the sake of this thought experiment. If that condition is fulfilled:
>Every person who suffered in any shape or form due to their sexuality being excluded by a religious family suffered for nothing.
>Every person who was denied a dignified death through euthanasia or other such methods, even under the duress of extreme illness, suffered for nothing.
>Every person who could benefit from things like stem cell research, blocked in many countries by Christian legislators, will have suffered for nothing.
>Every person who had to significantly change their lives to abide by christian rules, and could've found greater happiness by pursuing other modes of living, work, or even other religions, has suffered for nothing.

This is not even getting into the ugly parts of religion/christianity, which are ugly regardless of the existence of god or not.

>> No.16542685

A lot of christian priests did as well, what is your point? You fucking moron, what does your question have to do with anything in the discussion?
The entire discussion is that atheists can be moral, and they have been doing so since before christianity existed. If you claim it's imopssible for them to do so, you must explain how they've been doing this impossible miraculous act.

>> No.16542700


>> No.16542711

>Atheists donating and giving
lmao wasn't there a study that found religious people donate twice as more than atheists?

why is this board becoming filled with cringe atheists? what the fuck happened to /lit/?

>> No.16542719

Johnny gets to pay less tax

>> No.16542731

>twice as more than atheists?
What are they feeding Christians these days? Are you lacking enough red blood cells? Your very sentence says there are atheists donating. The argument was not that they do it more than Christians, What the fuck is wrong with you?
Also, are you serious that religious people posture more by doing good deeds they believe will send them to eternal heaven? Well golly gee color me surprised. Next you'll tell me religious people also pray more than atheists.

>> No.16542741
File: 1.83 MB, 1448x2016, rousseau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's what everyone would do. You know those practices existed way before Christianism, right? And they were socially accepted (in their societies)? Do you believe eugenics is good? Spartans believed that. Do you think slavery is good? Every single people before the XVIII century has believed that.

You think your atheist urbanite western load of shit you call morality would necessarily germinate when you remove Christianismm or religion or whatever, but you have absolutely no idea of the monster you would unleash. Your gay safe spaces don't exist in nature, kid.

>> No.16542756

Influx of people who don’t read? Idk

>> No.16542763

Isn't the whole point that religion ideally aims at perfect morality? Something atheist thought might struggle to strive for because empiricism or nominalism or what have you don't really have a good framework to contemplate the ideal forms of things?

>> No.16542770

The natural order is barbaric

>> No.16542781

>western load of shit you call morality
What you hypocritically try to run away from is the fact this is true for anything anyone has called morality, ever. You don't like "gay safe spaces", gays don't like "christian gay curing camps", and so and so on ad infinitum. You both (rightfully) find each other's morality to be a "western load of shit", because it's all a set of rules agreed upon by your fellows.
Now, Mr Rousseau, do what no one else did in this thread and answer to the post you quoted entirely. Justify step by step the morality of burning a woman on the stake for being a witch. This is something that has been documented, and done under the guise of Christian morality. Justify it.