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File: 74 KB, 477x311, konservative-revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16540514 No.16540514 [Reply] [Original]

*gets Nietzsche right*
How did it happen that existentialist faggots and pomos hold a monopoly of interpretation of Nietzsche? It seems to me that the Konservative Revolution was much more faithful to the original spirit of Nietzschean thought

>> No.16540517

Who's the handsome chap in the middle, and where is Heidegger?

>> No.16540522

Revisionist translations

>> No.16540523

Arthur Moeller van de Bruck, he coined the term Third Reich way before Hitler did although the actual Reich was a twisted version of Bruck's vision. Heidegger is very good but his philosophy seems to me to have been easy to appropriate by French pedos and fags like Sartre

>> No.16540533

But they're not doing his philosophy, they're as far from it as possible. Both morally and metaphysically, so much as you can separate those.

Though undoubtedly they used his system and philosophical developments, like any intellectual uses the new.

>> No.16540538

Also it seems a bit silly to have Machiavelli there.

>> No.16540552

Ernst von Salomon is missing. Cant just ignore the one non-nazi right-extremist who wrote the best German and best prose of all.

>> No.16540557

Read Nietzsche's Machiavellian Politics by Dombowsky

>> No.16540569
File: 372 KB, 1250x2563, Thomas_Mann_1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Mann and Junger.

>> No.16540576

I'm aware of the connection anon, it still just seems a bit stupid to me to bring in Machiavelli.

>> No.16540654

but Nietzsche explicitly distanced himself from conservatives. Nietzsche is neither progressive nor conservative. When will retards realize that you cant appropriate N to your political position. Deleuze, Foucault knew that and used him as a philosopher and not some kind of political prophet. You're miles behind "pomos", and Nietzsche would prefer them over some incel no name resentful low iq conservative larping retards.

>> No.16540668

>literally mentions tsarist Russia as an example of the only worthwhile state in existence during his lifetime
>muh Nietzsche would actually agree more with French buttfuckers and child molesters

>> No.16540670

Deleuze understood Nietzsche better than any of them. He gets Nietzsche better than anyone, excepting me.

>> No.16540674
File: 1.31 MB, 1410x2250, 51900848._SX0_SY0_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thing Deleuze was a reactionary and would fit right in with the rest of the group

>> No.16540700

>muh Nietzsche would actually agree more with French buttfuckers and child molesters
well, he loved the greeks.

>> No.16540702

>"Whispered to the conservatives: What was not known formerly, what is known, or might be known today; a reversion, a return in any sense or degree, is simply not possible. We physiologists know that; yet all priests and moralists have believed the opposite. They wanted to take mankind back, to screw it back to a former measure of virtue. Morality was always a bed of Procrustes; even the politicians [have aped] the preachers of virtue at this point. Today, too, there are still parties whose dream it is that all things might walk backwards, like crabs. No one is free to be a crab. Nothing avails; one must go forward, step-by-step, further into decadence. That is my definition of modern progress. One can check this development and thus dam up degeneration, gather it, and make it more vehement and sudden; one can do no more" Twilight of Idols
Nietzsche had a hard on for frenchies, he thought they were superior to anglos and krauts, its is guaranteed that he would love pomos for their philosophy which doesnt stem from traditional morality.

>> No.16540710

>muh Nietzsche would actually agree more with French buttfuckers and child molesters
you do realize that the hate of homosexuality and pedophilia is peek christianity, right? You do realize Nietzsche was against christianity? You do realize homosexuality and pedo relatiosn were accepted to a certain degree in ancient greece right? You do realize Nietzsche thought ancient greece was the ideal of every society?

>> No.16540717

Deleuze is nothing compared to Klossowski on Nietzsche.

>> No.16540892

Found the libtard

>> No.16540918

Based pic but you should add Jünger

>> No.16540962

>Romanticism but more racist
Kinda cringe op

>> No.16540987
File: 158 KB, 509x777, Human - Of First and Last Things - 23 24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems to me that neither side of your dichotomy was particularly faithful

>> No.16541001

Anyone can in theory do anything they like (with consequences), many things you have no control over, but I hope that you have some control over yourself - so, I ask you to stop being such a whining simp. Every time you point out another's resentfulness, which I bet you do a lot (unless you are a bot, but the point still stands) you are in fact yourself being resentful, even more so since you can't even form your own idea so you resort to pointing out how others don't conform to - your - idea of Nietzsche. I've seen posts like yours nearing, at least, hundreds of times, maybe even thousands. Why would you want to be the gay mouthpiece of another man's ideas? Can't you see you are doing the same thing as the person you are criticizing? Would Nietzsche really be proud if he saw your post while he rocked away in a chair moaning, tears dripping into his walrus whiskers?

>> No.16541062

What revolution?Only natsocs did anything in practice and they werent conservative.

>> No.16541099

>Every time you point out another's resentfulness, which I bet you do a lot (unless you are a bot, but the point still stands) you are in fact yourself being resentful
its true, I have this problem and I do my best to fight it, since it is really an unproductive sentiment. /Lit/ is just the right medium to vent out for people, and I do that too. But I try to effort post also, so it balances out. I think we shouldnt hold ressentiment to be The Evil, people have to vent out somehow, it just becomes a problem when the products of ressentiment take over.
>to - your - idea of Nietzsche
my point isn't so much that he doesnt "understand the true N ad verbum", since it is a wrong way of thinking about continuing the legacy of any philosopher. I think we should ask "is this attempt at reactualization of "x philosopher" productive, innovative, does it open up new paths etc. So called "pomos" created really good interpretation of Nietzsche and I'm just angry at people who discard off handedly creations that are complex and solid. So called conservative revolution was just really an attempt to domesticate N's thought by mixing it with traditional values, so it fails in that regard and my disdain for them is justified imo.

>> No.16541128

moeller is gay and his "conservative revolution" is a meme

>> No.16541273


>> No.16541314

You should at least elaborate.

>> No.16541335

Well I mean you get lefty marxist types who read Hegel, but he's not left wing.

>> No.16541490

Oh nonono o

>> No.16541533

Nietzsche was post-modern. What do you think he meant by "there are no facts, only interpretations"

>> No.16541585

>How did it happen that existentialist faggots and pomos hold a monopoly of interpretation of Nietzsche?
Because conservatives cant read. Every lecture they try to make ends in being a joke. Thats why every good conservative was first educated reading the top tier elaboration of left thinkers and then refuting them.
Making an intellectual conservative, reactionary, or right intellectual block of though is a waste of potential, since most of the people on those fields are semi or full retarded people.

>> No.16541686

How was Machiavelli conservative in any way?


What is it about transvaluation of values that you fail to grasp?

Nietzsche was explicitly anti-Christian and anti-nationalist.

>> No.16541700

Holy fuck the amount of copes in this one
>Nietzsche hated Christianity so he must be supportive of my degenerate fetishes!!!
Libtard alert

>> No.16541716

Anyone have experience with Nietzsche translations? I keep hearing Kaufman is biased so which translation/edition should I buy?

>> No.16541738

I find the Cambridge ones decent.

>> No.16541744

seething anaemic moralist

>> No.16541769

The libtard is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a libtard and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.16541784
File: 158 KB, 970x582, greek-symposium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related: two libtards

>> No.16541873

but pederasty is peek trad you ape, liberals, progressives and conservacucks fear it like the devil

>> No.16541935

>Konservative Revolution
It is known as “counterrevolution”. As in to say don’t revolve, stay the same. “Conserve” is in the name, and they *should* be the biggest environmentalists out there, but the conservatives in the US are nothing but rightwing liberals. Instead we get the asinine meme “eco-fascism”. Just adopt sincere *conservativism* and you’re as greeny as they come, no need to mix in that racial nationalist bullshit

>> No.16541944

>conservative revolution
Way to out yourself retards

>> No.16541993

Why do you think I care about your contribution to this thread? You've never read any of the Konservative Revolution authors, you mix them up with US Straussian neocons, you have nothing of value to say and further evidence of this is provided any time you decide to post anything. Spengler literally predicted our current concerns about environment in Mensch und Technik, not that you're likely to ever read that book

>> No.16542040

a civilization previous to that of the current doesn't count as trad

>> No.16542053

christian civilisation is the one previous to ours so it doenst count as trad

>> No.16542087

Seethe and cope you faggot

>> No.16542098

Yes, but that does not make you a Nietzschean

>> No.16542102

we still live in the same western civilisation, we have secularized yes, but it is still the same civilisation

>> No.16542322

>The Nazis were socialists! It’s in their name isn’t it?
>Eco-fascism: only totalitarianism can combat climate change
>Ted Kaczynski good. Greta Thunberg bad.
>Only Konservative Revolution can save us!

Oh for fuck sake, just look into socialism already. Marx is just a good economist. Stop being so paranoid about der juden, weak balls.

>> No.16542773

half the conservative revolutionaries were writing of a third reich 20 years before Hitler came to power.

>> No.16542929
