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16540325 No.16540325 [Reply] [Original]

I don't remember exactly what was happening but I remember exactly and literally a sentence I said in my dream which never happened before.
I said (in my own language tho not in English):- "I want a whale to tell me where he lives and to tell me where I live"
In an almost depressed state..
I've been reading quite a bit these days, what do you think I meant?

>> No.16540345

That's your brain asking you to read Moby Dick (in English, of course)

>> No.16540354

I haven't read it yet lmao and was planning on doing this winter

>> No.16540363

Obviously you need to start sooner

>> No.16540402

Oh I can't finish it in like 1 month? I want to finish 2 more philosophy books before I start a novel

>> No.16540409

Look, your inner self asked you to start immediately, the rest is up to you, not me.

>> No.16540417

Oh I got you now anon my bad, that's interesting actually

>> No.16540431
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By the way, I will share a puzzling dream I had last month, maybe you can help me understand it :
>In the desert
>See a very tall and large goat made of sand stone, like a moving statue
>It looks at me from a rocky formation, maybe 5 meters above me
>Looks somewhat threatening
>Decide to yell and growl to try to scare it (the same way you'd try to scare a black bear)
>The beast isn't impressed, it's almost as if it has human intelligence and is getting frustrated by my act
>Gets angry at me
>Somehow escape by walking backwards slowly
>Find myself in a tunnel
>The tunnel ends in a dead end
>The head of the goat is at the end of the tunnel, not the body, just the severed head
>It looks at me and tells me : "The answer is within you"
>Suddenly, the goat turns into an old phone (Nokia 3310)
>Inspect the phone to search for answers
>Open the texts app
>Read the first texts
>They're all jokes, like "the pope enters a bar..." Etc
>Wake up
What the fuck did it mean?

>> No.16540435
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Very interesting.

>> No.16540512

I don't have much knowledge with dreams but I will try to explain it as I understood it..
Imo the goat creature is the evil or the devil that holds you strongly to the point of your current believes isn't affecting him..
You found yourself in a tunnel for you haven't found the answer within you like he said and what shall be the answer? I'd say getting closer to God (actual God not jesus) and doing good for yourself as well as other people and the community.
Try doing charities, donating, praying, helping others in need and being virtuous in every aspect. Then you shall find the meaning within you.
And for the Nokia phone and the jokes I think this means what you currently understand is nothing to compare to what is actually the truth.
Idk man what do you think?

>> No.16540807

But if the goat is the devil, why would it tell me that the answer is within me? I figured that the goat was a positive force that I had misjudged at first. It could have stomped me easily but didn't.

>> No.16540811

was it a mountain goat?

>> No.16540819
File: 218 KB, 480x270, ABA843B2-7E23-43EF-A46F-6CFAB1BB107B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The question you should be asking about dreams isn’t ‘what does it mean’ but rather ‘why did it take this form’. With dreams you’ll have something that floats around in the back of your head that will somehow appear; the way that is linked to the form of your dream will tell you everything.
t. S. Freud, Interpretation of Dreams

>> No.16540837

I thought so but in my opinion the goat was a devil but there within your conscious, something good gave that advice for there are no one there but you, the goat and your conscious.
You want to be better, it's just the way the dream interrupted it.

>> No.16540849

I can't find what caused it to be in this form anon, maybe me longing for going back to the old days with a friend that I'm talking to right now and which I'm seeing him changing but he is denying it...
I really don't know

>> No.16541157

Yes, why?

>> No.16541166

Because in many mythologies they are signs of the gods of fertility. So not necessarily satan

>> No.16541185

Interesting, do you believe that dreams can be invaded by spirits/gods, or do you believe in the Freudian approach that dreams are only a manifestation of what is burried in the subconscious?

>> No.16541530

I never gave much thought frankly but I'd be closer to the Freundian interpretation. I know next to nothin about psychoanalysis but from what I gather this would be closer to a Jungian approach. I have a Dictionary of Symbols which is really useful sometimes and I read the entry about mountain goats not long ago.

>> No.16541560

>But if the goat is the devil, why would it tell me that the answer is within me?
from a Christian perspective, little could be more harmful than telling someone they have all the knowledge they need. truth isn't located in the human heart, the human heart is a corrupt, meager thing. truth and meaning happen outside us. a key part of Satan's doctrine is "do what thou wilt". i also don't think it's a coincidence you immediately looked through human technology for answers only to find distractions at best.