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File: 5 KB, 275x183, inter generational conflict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16539173 No.16539173[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Talking about the massive similarity in character despite any and all variables. Was legitimately hoping someone could recommend me something to help understand this in the same vein as something like The Crowd. I've come to notice no matter the country, ethics, income, etc. Boomers have pathologically identical behaviors. Want to understand if this is something that happens for every generation, or if something happened to make them like this specifically. I'm serious about getting recommendations on this subject jannies don't delete.
>inb4 removed anyways cause "books that help" in title

>> No.16539239

Intergenerational conflict is peak boomer behavior lol, they’re the only ones that ever bothered to do teenage rebellion.

>> No.16539275

Do you have any recs?
>the only ones that ever bothered to do teenage rebellion
They seem to think the slightest differences in opinions and behavior consists rebellion when it comes to later generations though, they're fucking neurotic. They throw out labels like there's no tomorrow. My Dad's called me a communist before for saying usury was evil, and then you get these other psychos who'll call you whatever names they can think of because they're bitching about some nonsense invisible threat they've never encountered and you tell them you don't care. Some fucking crazy bitch called me a terrorist because I told her Sadam had nothing to do with 9/11.

>> No.16539309

>do you have any recs
No you angsty bitch, this thread is off topic and I’m just here to make fun of you

>> No.16539324

It's on topic you fucking faggot. You're the one coming in not posting recommendations, after I've asked 3 times.

>> No.16539333
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>My daddy told me to get a job!!! Pls validate me
Here’s a tip- if part of your average day involves running into numerous assholes, boomers or otherwise, it probably means you are the asshole

>> No.16539339

Nobody cares faggot. Post book recs or fuck off.

>> No.16539358

>They throw out labels like there's no tomorrow
Boomers not using your correct pronoun, ma’am?

>> No.16539376

>everyone that isn't me is (label)
Checks out. Nobody gives a fuck about pronouns beyond your epic libtard owned compilations from 2016 you nutcase.

>> No.16539379

I'm convinced the typical angry hicklib boomer has no inner voice. They just react to their environment, no introspection whatsoever.

>> No.16539383
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unironically No Country For Old Men

>> No.16539385
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>> No.16539387

Nice. Already read though. Was hoping for some analyses.

>> No.16539392

>thinking anybody gives a shit about yet another grifting boomer

>> No.16539405

Idk how boomers got to be so domesticated and bamboozled. weren't they supposed to be like rebel without a cause? All they do is consume journo diarrhea, jewish sitcoms and sportsball.

>> No.16539407
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You're surprised a group of people raised under the same narrow moral, economic and polititcal conditions filtered through a few media outlets act the same?

>> No.16539430

Yeah actually. idk how they successfully imprinted on them. Like I know the vast majority of globohomo in schools is in one ear out the other for most kids. Poison sellers need poison buyers.

>> No.16539438

The thing is, they're pretty much the only ones that consume media. Everyone I know avoids the news like the plague, and so do the older guys. Used to work construction with this guy almost 80 years old and the guy didn't even bother getting TV. Thanks for the rec though, what kind of subjects does it cover?

>> No.16539460

They got to have their cake and eat it too. Spend your upbringing playing rebel and slacking off, barely go through the education system. Turn into a yuppie once the 80s comes around and land one of the hundreds of thousands of make work office jobs without even needing a highschool diploma. Buy up all the cheap realestate, refuse to sell and start renting at exorbitant prices.

>> No.16539480

>the only ones that consume media
No they’re not you fucking idiot. Ever heard of Netflix and Youtube? Soundcloud?

>> No.16539487

News media you moron.

>> No.16539495

Because i didn't divine that you meant “news media” when you wrote “media”?

Also- Twitter, Huffington Post, Reddit

>> No.16539505

I don't like or love my parents. Idk how to balance cutting them out of my life without them cutting me off from an inheritance when they finally die. They are pretty oblivious so i'd have to make it really obvious. It's going to be problematic if I have children as they will be a bad influence on them.

>> No.16539510

>Because i didn't divine that you meant “news media”
>Everyone I know avoids the news like the plague
Yeah it's my fault you didn't even read the post you fucking senile retard. Newsflash shitfuck, nobody gives a shit about Twitter or Reddit, their userbases are fucking miniscule. Huffington Post is another gay dying news website. Youtube's trending tab gets virtually no use and people only watch content that's catered to them. Netflix has no real content and only gets put on for background noise when you want to fuck.

>> No.16539512

Sounds like you’re a drama queen if you have ‘t walked yet

>> No.16539533

You’re just a fucking idiot if you don’t think zoomers don’t consume media. It’s literally all they do.
Are you one of those idiots on this board that thought he was gonna go off to college this year and walk into some kind of recreation of 1920s Paris cafe society?
You are obviously overly emotional about how much you hate baby boomers, and without thinking decided to say that they are the only ones that consume media. Now you’ve been called on it because it’s bullshit and you know it.

>> No.16539536

Don't know your situation but I wouldn't do anything like that, I still try to connect with my parents and do things I remember we used to enjoy but all they do all day is sit inside watching political shit, and on the off chance they do decide to come along they end up ruining it with more political shit or generational shit flinging. All that being said though I couldn't just stop trying.

>> No.16539539

>ignores the entire post in favor of bitching about soundcloud and neflix some more

>> No.16539546

Even if it’s dying Huffington Post was a distinctly millennial phenomena. Idk if twitter is less popular than it used to be, but it’s still a pretty big deal and boomers have nothing to do with it

>> No.16539548

can't afford a house in my area. My parents aren't even divorced, they dindu nuffin. They just lack a human face. I not only lived with, but have worked with my father for years and wouldn't have a single anecdote to share at his funeral we don't talk or interact and i've come to the disheartening realization that they are entirely what they project to the surface. Completely consumed with the banalities of their everyday life.

I don't hate my parents, I just have no connection to them whatsoever and don't like or respect their "personalities" I'm no schizoid eiather, I have a deeper familiar bond with cousins, my brother and uncles than with them.

>> No.16539553

I didn’t ignore the post, you said only boomers consume media and you are wrong
Because you’re a dumbass lashing out without thinking because of some fight you got in with your Dad

>> No.16539560

>newspaper on life support
>millennial phenomenon

>> No.16539566

>you said only boomers consume media and you are wrong
I said only boomers consume n e w s media and you ignored it you fucking retard.

>> No.16539580

Literally all of pop-culture for people under 40 is pouncing on the latest news story to frame it as a progressive social cause, what the fuck are you even talking about? Remember #metoo?

>> No.16539594

>Literally all of pop-culture for people under 40 is pouncing on the latest news story to frame it as a progressive social cause
Imagine actually believing this neurotic shit just because it makes the 6 o clock news. Nobody gave a shit about metoo, you only think people gave a shit because it's all your faggot newscasters talked about for the month.

>> No.16539618

It’s funny because there are plenty of legit grievances to have against the baby boomer generation.
However you have chosen the faggiest and most easily disproven tack available to you by trying to make zoomers and millenials looks like cultivated intellectuals, or traditionalists or whatever. Some kind of positive spin that involves rejecting social media and news media, anyway (which is plain not true).
You must have had a seriously bad fight with your parents to be this deluded.
Still off-topic btw

>> No.16539626

>trying to make zoomers and millenials looks like cultivated intellectuals, or traditionalists
No mention of this anywhere. Just mentioned them not being unnaturally obsessed with what they hear on the news.
>Still off-topic btw
Quit derailing the thread then you old fucking loose-sphinctered faggot. Finally started getting recommendations.

>> No.16539634

You literally said boomers are
>pretty much the only ones that consume media
Then you changed it to
>pretty much the only ones that consume news media
And now you want to change it to
>pretty much the only ones that are obsessed with media

And we all know this is just you starting a blogpost and has nothing to do with book recs

>> No.16539646

>literally making up entire conflict in his head
Go argue with a brick wall fucking Alzheimer's patient. Everyone watch this old fuck reply to this post, even with nothing to add, as he is incapable (as are all boomers) of withholding the last word, even when it's fucking nothing.

>> No.16539658

I’m 27

>> No.16540503

Back issues of Rolling Stone magazine

>> No.16540713

A Generation of Sociopaths.
Boomers are sociopathic. Infra-human as Guenon (pbuh) would say.

>> No.16540803
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>muh generational horoscope

>> No.16540805

were you not taught recent history in highschool?
>I've come to notice no matter the country, ethics, income, etc. Boomers have pathologically identical behaviors