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/lit/ - Literature

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16529749 No.16529749 [Reply] [Original]

My oneitis said she was tired of me "mansplaining" philosophy to her. She said it "made her coochie dry up" every time I "namedropped another dead white guy apropos of nothing" in our conversations. She called me "pretentious" and said I even seemed "spergy and anachronistic, like I deliberately styled myself after a genteel, elitist man from the 1920s".

I was surprised because being seen as pretentious is one of my biggest fears, and I actively try to avoid it. At the most I'll bring up a topic from philosophy if it's relevant to the discussion at hand and explain it as down-to-earth as I can. It's true that my way of speaking is rife with references to classic literature, cinema, and Western philosophy, but that's only because I spent a lot of time studying those things; even so, I will only "namedrop" a thinker, writer, theorist, filmmaker, or composer, or relate a tidbit of wisdom from one of the same, if I feel like doing so would add some important historical context to the present discussion.

By the way, she didn't tell me this in an hostile way, but in an exasperated, friendly one. She sat me down and told me "we need to talk" before telling me that everyone in our group finds me unbearably pretentious. She's my best friend, so I trust her judgement, and I want to change. It's just a shame because I saw myself as the "literary guy" of our group. Now I'll have to find another identity.

>> No.16529759


>> No.16529767

I forgot to add a question: Has this happened to any of you? How do you maintain your /lit/ interests and avoid being seen as pretentious?

>> No.16529769

what an interesting story
thank you so much for sharing

>> No.16529779

>It's true that my way of speaking is rife with references to classic literature, cinema, and Western philosophy
You sound like an insufferable faggot.

>> No.16529791

You either are pretentious or you're surrounding yourself with a group of niggers.

>> No.16529792

Crabs in a barrel breh

>> No.16529796

By not being a white man.

>> No.16529799

>It's true that my way of speaking is rife with references to classic literature, cinema, and Western philosophy
You sound based.

>> No.16529804

Fake and gay. I've never heard a woman say "coochie", and I'd never oneitis one who did.

>> No.16529807

This is either obvious bait or plain cringe. Either way I feel like an idiot.

>> No.16529812

Some more context I forgot to add: She is herself an aspiring Beckett scholar who talks about literature all the time. But she says it's "different for girls". They can't mansplain due to power differences.

>> No.16529815

Few women (female) would say any of these. None would say all three.

>> No.16529817

I cringe so hard when I look back to my heterosexual days. My god, what a cuck I was. Women want straight up 10/10 and nothing lower. Even a 9/10 in their mind is a guy with a fatal devastating flaw. A woman considers a 9/10 man, the same way a straight normie would consider a girl with a dick. And you know how much of a ingoramous those normies are when it comes to girls with cocks and all the intriquite ways that entails this. Its a mess, like elephants in a glass sculpture store.

You would think that things would be different for a 1/10 woman, something Chad wouldn't touch with a ten feet pole. But nope. They can be three foot wheelchairbound midgets, totally retarded face, massive underbite. They still sit in that wheelie, with their braids and glasses, like "Ouuuh, I like Chad too!" Fuuuuuuck.

Some guys are just never gonna get laid. And some poor schmuck who only one generation ago would get a nice housewife is gonna have to settle for wheelie princess midget with a fucked up face.

That is worse than dying alone.

Exit the system man, don't accept this shit. Go gay

>> No.16529818

your girlfriend will end up cucking you because of those "power differences".
The fact that you see yourself as a well red guy and don't understan the position she's developing or already has developed just shows that you're a dumbass. Dump her, read some good old western classics, go and live in a forest, get a good body, try to suck your own dick, learn greek and latin

>> No.16529819


I don't have friends so it's not a problem. I read socially acceptable books at work breaks and if anyone asks, I just tell them in a few sentences and that's it. I keep my edgy reading at home (commie stuff, nazi stuff, Cioran, the occult, etc). I bet I give off a slightly pretentious vibe myself by this point, but no one calls me out on it because we're co-workers, not a friend group.

>> No.16529820

confirmed virgin

>> No.16529821

>She's by best friend

>> No.16529838

I mean, it's not bad bait. You made your character seem too dumb tho, it would have been believable like 5 or 10 years ago.

>> No.16529843

I compensate for it by being super friendly to everyone. Sometimes women on dates tell me that I'm pretentious, but the men I'm friends with don't care at all. To be honest the only women who have a problem with it are wannabe intellectuals. The more down to earth women I'm friends with (working class types) find it kind of charming.

Look, ease up on the philosophy talk and try not to bring it up around people who find it boring. Ask around your friend group, see what other people think. I'm not going to tell you to break up with your girl over this, but I wouldn't put myself in a relationship where I have to hide my personality.

>> No.16529846


It's reasonable to assume that the OP is American. Half of what's going on here, unironically, is the American culture of anti-intellectualism. The average citizen is suspicious of anyone who seems to be smart/wel-read partly because such people may in fact be pretentious, but also because such people rightly make the plebs feel insecure about their own intelligence, argumentative capacity, etc. The gut instinct of American plebs can be summarized thus: "What, you think you're better than me?" Well, yes.

>> No.16529867


The super-friendly thing is also classical American Nice-Mask overcompensation. Everyone can see through your bullshit. The thing to do is rather to show common courtesy to all unless or until they show cause that they don't deserve such.

>> No.16529872
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>confirmed virgin

>> No.16529874

I'm not sure how It's bullshit. I try to be honest with everyone, I just like talking to strangers.

>> No.16529883


Honestly I've never gotten any complaints about it, people just know that's my whole personality.

>> No.16529890
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>She's my best friend, so I trust her judgement, and I want to change
You failed as a man and you have nothing to live for but that diseased hole you're so infatuated with. Imagine being enslaved like this and having your identity destroyed for mere pleasure, my God Almighty

>> No.16529892

>having friends

>> No.16529900

What the fuck is wrong with trusting my best friend and crush? She's literally the most important person in my life besides my family.

>> No.16529904
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>>confirmed virgin

>> No.16529912
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You must not be good-looking. Whenever I sperg out about philosophy, poetry, literature etc, roasties look at me wide eyed, touch my arms, and say Go on

>> No.16529914

That's not a friend, that's a fucking predator who sees easy prey.

>> No.16529920

>It's true that my way of speaking is rife with references to classic literature, cinema, and Western philosophy, but
No buts faggot. I have those same interests and I don't get called pretentious because I'm careful not to do exactly what you just said.

>> No.16529925

>caring about what a w*man thinks
>even in a bait post

>> No.16529941

Dude, just stop mentioning the names of writers and theorists you have read. Simply just pawn the ideas as your own, but present them in a friendly, laid back manner and I guarantee more people will want to be around you.

>> No.16529947

I've come to the conclusion that it's irrational to be attracted to women outside of the utilitarian purpose of reproduction. That is, have sex with one if you specifically want to have a child, but anything beyond that is irrational because women are inferior beings. A man is more deserving of your actual romantic affection. A man can be loyal, honorable, courageous, noble; he can produce great works; he is someone with whom you can have genuine camaraderie and emotional sympathy. Women can do none of this, and their only advantage is their sexual appeal, the base appeal of their pussy to your reproductive instinct. Don't let yourself be controlled by this. Men should be homosexual outside of strict reproductive purposes.

>> No.16529984

I'll give you guys an example of something I said recently. You be the judge, am I pretentious?

"Yes, Tabitha, she certainly has some delightfully clever short tales, I'll give Carol Oates that much, but my favorite Joyce has to be James. With his novel Ulysses, which I had included in the list of my top 50 books of all time I emailed you last week, did you get it? No, not yet? Alright. Well it should still be in your inbox, if not check your spam folder. Where was I. Ah, that's right. Ulysses changed the English language novel forever, and I personally regard it as modernism's high water mark. Essentially, Joyce pioneered a new narrative style known as free indirect discourse, which blends first-person and third-person styles... but enough about Joyce, how's that drink? You're still working on it?" (I cut myself off on purpose, because I didn't want to seem pretentious)

>> No.16529998

Just drop the named references. Entirely. Don’t do this. I used to do it myself but then realized that it’s incredibly off-putting. Instead of “This Bela Tarr movie had this scene in it” just say “This movie i saw had this scene in it”. If the person is missing some context who the fucks cares? Just introducing someone to an idea is enough - you don’t need to barrage them with all this extra information that they don’t care about. If they specifically ask you about where something is from then you can bring it up.

Once you stop doing this you’ll have great conversations with all sorts of people about all sorts of ideas. But this can only happen once you realize that names and titles are irrelevant and only serve to signal how smart and intelligent you are.

>> No.16530019

Oh god, okay, the bait is getting better

>> No.16530020

I can't help but feel OP's post is fake.

>> No.16530052

this reeks of consumerism. Instead of talking about your hard-to-play video game you’re talking about hard-to-read books.

Talk about shit /from/ the book, not /about/ the book. Say something like “that reminds me of this image where people grew up with their umbilical cords and everyone in the world was connected by this network of flesh”. How much cooler does that sound than “i give it a 10/10!!”

>> No.16530068

Sounds very
>pushes up glasses

>> No.16530083

>She sat me down and told me "we need to talk" before telling me that everyone in our group finds me unbearably pretentious.
Everyone in your group seems like a passive aggressive little bitch who's afraid of confronting you. Tell them to say this to your face if they are so secure in their unpretentious intellect.

>> No.16530108

Frogposters have friends and you don't.

>> No.16530181

>shut up, nerd
It's this simple. Find an literary art ho if you want to have these kinds of conversations. Retard.

>It's just a shame because I saw myself as the "literary guy" of our group.
Don't be "that guy"

>Now I'll have to find another identity.
There's your problem.
1. Stop acting like a gamma sperg
2. Per 1, you're not allowed to talk about yourself unless prompted directly

>Fake and gay. I've never heard a woman say "coochie", and I'd never oneitis one who did.

>The super-friendly thing is also classical American Nice-Mask overcompensation. Everyone can see through your bullshit.
And this

>> No.16530197


Might be, but it's one of the more believable anecdotes that's been spun here. Everything lines up right. Deep down, those of us here who actually read do so in part because it makes us feel good about ourselves to be more knowledgeable (if not smarter) than others (and don't anybody kid themselves about the truth of this point). Put this together with the American culture of anti-intellctualism as I've already suggested, and simping over some hole who (with some justification, it seems) calls him out on his "You see my dear, philosopher X said such-and-such" all the time (if not in those words but that's how it comes off), and the anecdote "feels right", all the way around. The hole does eventually feel dumb if the guy does this regularly, and tells him off. He needs to quit the bitch, but at the same time take her advice, to a point.

>> No.16530209
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>It's just a shame because I saw myself as the "literary guy" of our group. Now I'll have to find another identity.

>> No.16530217

twitter whores love the word coochie

>> No.16530219

I think OP was probably paraphrasing her thoughts into something better suited to being posted here, but I would have said pussy instead of coochie.

>> No.16530227

nah, it's time to find new people to hang out with other than utter plebs
it may also be that your not embracing the racism, antisemitism and misogyny necessary to pull off a "20's genteel man" persona. work on this. I recommend the works of adolf hitler pbuh

>> No.16530238

you nerds are so smart but can't see what's right in-front of you. It's like ironic or something. If you were a chad, you wouldn't give a single fuck what she thought, You'd double down on it, make new friends and you'd be flirting with other girls to make her jealous, .

>> No.16530260

You just don't shut up. Don't bring up shit all the time. We don't like theatre kids for the same reason. You can still talk about it but only if other people give a shit.

>> No.16530273

You could always lean way into this, start doing it in a self-deprecating way and put on Thurston Howell voice when you sense you might be coming across as overly proud of your knowledge. Best accompanied by a big grin or a chin pointed skyward. The right delivery of a spergy personality can work wonders.

>> No.16530290

No, you owe it to yourself to be interested and engaged in what I have to say, faggot.

>> No.16530297

guys, I think this "social" thing is too much for me. I'm just going to stop talking entirely. It's much comfier and I can't piss off myself after all.

>> No.16530303
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>Oh no you can't just inform the less informed masses about your thoughtful and educated opinions on things, you need to shut up and keep your head down so dumb sheep like me don't feel intellectually insecure
Every time

>> No.16530313

the horror, the horror

>> No.16530341

I sympathize, naturally, but what do you imagine you're accomplishing if your presentation only further alienates them from thoughtfulness? Shutting up all the way is hardly the solution, but if others find you irritating, you only do disservice to your thoughtful opinions, hurting both yourself and others.

>> No.16530342

idk never really feel the need to share what I personally consoom with my friends. Once in a while they ask for a req or just ask what i'm reading lately and kind of leave it at that since they know I read. What does the intellectual flexing really do in a circle of normoids? If you cared about talking about this stuff consistently than you should go into academia.

>> No.16530389
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If real, then you are a moron for a) trying to fuck a girl that you describe as your best friend, and b) giving a shit what she thinks about how you are.

If not real, then fake, homosexual and sage.

>> No.16530411

I don't want to just "fuck her", I love her. I want to be make her my wife.

>> No.16530418
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OP, you know you've been friendzoned right? You will never, ever fuck this girl. Once you accept this, your demeanor will change and you'll be a more palatable person, especially to whatever girl you do end up actually fucking

>> No.16530428

I know I'm not friendzoned. We've made out before, it just hasn't gone beyond that. That's why she said the stuff about her coochie drying up, she's "trying to build me into the perfect man for her" in her own words.

>> No.16530429

do not change yourself to impress a woman dumbass, find one that likes you the way you are, annoying namedropping and all

>> No.16530436
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haha alright you outed yourself with this one, 6/10

>> No.16530440

you care less as you get older. if people think im pretentious that's their problem. it acts as a nice filter. just dont act like youre better than anyone even if you are

>> No.16530445

>"Yes, Tabitha, she certainly has some delightfully clever short tales, I'll give Carol Oates that much, but my favorite Joyce has to be James. With his novel Ulysses, which I had included in the list of my top 50 books of all time I emailed you last week, did you get it? No, not yet? Alright. Well it should still be in your inbox, if not check your spam folder. Where was I. Ah, that's right. Ulysses changed the English language novel forever, and I personally regard it as modernism's high water mark. Essentially, Joyce pioneered a new narrative style known as free indirect discourse, which blends first-person and third-person styles... but enough about Joyce, how's that drink? You're still working on it?" (I cut myself off on purpose, because I didn't want to seem pretentious)

how did you guys miss this post? this is fucking hilarious

>> No.16530581
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>> No.16530583


>> No.16530596

>you don’t need to barrage them with all this extra information that they don’t care about. If they specifically ask you about where something is from then you can bring it up.
This right here is solid advice. Give them an opportunity to ask things, foster dialogue instead of spewing monologue. Don't take people deeper than they want to go.

>> No.16530605
File: 620 KB, 255x183, batemanthrowingstick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, OP's the american psycho.

>> No.16530614

except people are calling him out. he just needs the right social circle and boom, you got a bateman

>> No.16530658

bait. if not, grow the fuck up, get better friends, and stop crushing on dumb slags.

>> No.16530683

lmao thanks for the new pasta

>> No.16530707

Was this meme not supposed to be insulting or is this an edit like ???

>> No.16530712

Stop autistically trying to craft your own identity, just unironically "b urself :)." Sounding pretentious is 100% because you see yourself as the "literary guy" of the group. Don't name-drop shit just to sound smart, and don't remember stuff like the names and details of philosophers/ies with the intent of coming off intelligent.
>I only "namedrop" a [...] if I feel like doing so would add some important historical context to the present discussion.
This sounds like the most pretentious thing imaginable. I don't even understand what you mean by this. Do your friends even know the people you namedrop, or do you just do it to self-satisfy yourself with illusions of grandeur?
Honestly it sounds like she told you everything you needed to know, you didn't ask her any specifics about what you could do about it?

Also this >>16529821
I can't tell if this has nothing to do with the point of your post, or if it's the entire point of your post, but either way cut off your oneitis, it's a cancerous disease that only hurts you. If you like a girl and didn't immediately ask her out (meaning within a month or so), it's over. She either was never interested in you, or got over it by now.

>> No.16530720

This is like what a writer with aspergers and who only ever talks to his mom would imagine dialogue between university students to be like.
Either you are irredeemably the most pretentious fuckwad on planet earth, or this was bait all along.

>> No.16530731

This one was equally funny >>16530428 but the one you linked to definitely had more effort put into it.

>> No.16530734

get over her, her brain is already damaged.

>in an exasperated, friendly one
Yes, that's what they usually do- oh, sweetie, you can't say that, you can't do that, you can't FEEL that way because you're a white man, I'm sorry you're ignorant of my gender studies bullshit so I will deign to talk down to and explain why you're not allowed to exist and have to live in a state of constant fear.

All of them deserve to die.

>> No.16530815

Of course people find quoting thinkers obnoxious unless they're as well read as you. What were you thinking? When you cite a thinker during a discussion, it comes off as saying, "my opinion isn't simply an opinion but should be taken seriously by others because of some guy you've never heard of." If your goal is to use names as a warrant to take your views seriously, expect it to backfire. If you mention names in hopes that people will look more into the thinkers that influence you're thought as well, expect it to backfire. No one cares about who influences your thought process until they take an interest, in well, you. Do not proselytize your philosophical beliefs. Live your philosophical beliefs. If your beliefs have any merit, people will ask you what drives you, and that will be when they are most receptive, but no one wants to be stopped randomly on the middle of the street and preached at.

>> No.16530837

It is meant to be ambiguous, this decreasing the efficacy of incel wojak as "le chud maymay"

>> No.16530852

>I saw myself as the "literary guy" of our group. Now I'll have to find another identity
Honestly that does sound pretentious

>> No.16530871

Just be yourself dog. Be true to yourself as there is no point to pretend to be someone else only to impress people who don't respect you (maybe for good or bad reason, I don't know if you are insufferable)

>> No.16531120

the fate of simp. simps deserve to be unhappy

>> No.16531128

I read science fiction and fantasy

>> No.16531151


Don't be the pretentious literary guy, be the creative literary guy. He's much less of a dick and probably has some good acid if you ask him nicely.

>> No.16531155

I don't think this actually happened.

>> No.16531163

I am taking a big poop

>> No.16531203

I know this is only you guys trollin but I shit you not I was talking to my gf on the phone and I just explained Hegel's conception of God, The Absolute in like 2 hours and she really was into it, like thinking about it really hard, long silences, and she was able to explain it at the end. It's fun and cute but nothing really stimulating about it, and I like that, "nerdy" girls are obnoxious and they always have some fucked up ideal in their minds, like OP's girl example.

>> No.16531235

Coochie is possible, but she definitely did not use 'apropos' or 'spergy'

>> No.16531238

good writers don't do drugs

>> No.16531252

My feeling is that you're young (<27) and that what all you know hasn't yet naturalized itself in your manner of communicating. This *will* occur in time but then people will avoid you for a different reason -- no one likes to be blown away, anon. Write more, and cultivate a 'strong but silent' type disposition by slow degrees.

>> No.16531254

I hope this is a joke. If your serious, here is the solution to your problem:

Stop trying to not be pretentious. Allow yourself to be 10% pretentious and 90% humble. Humble means hiding your knowledge of the classics when you are around people who dont appreciate them. Humble means foregoing juicy opportunities to namedrop great philosophers, writers, etc, when you are around people who don't appreciate them.

10% pretentious means you accept that you are not the same as everyone else. You accept that there are gradations of intellect in the population. You accept that you are smarter than most people, and also there are many people who are smarter than you. When you are speaking with someone and you mention an obscure cultural reference, you mention it not to start a long conversation with the noble goal of bringing the other person up to your level. Rather you mention it to provide information about your level and to see if the other person provdes information about their level. If your levels are comparable, then you might have mutual interest in an intellectual conversation. Otherwise you let it pass.

>> No.16531277
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you know what? I don't even care that this is bait it's fucking gold

>> No.16531283

Mansplaining and death White guys are far left terms, this makes her a far leftist and insane. Break up the relationship.

The fact that she told it in a friendly manner is just part of the act. She is most likely a sociopath or narcist.

>> No.16531289


>> No.16531300

>lol whatever dude
then keep yapping at her

>> No.16531330
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>which I had included in the list of my top 50 books of all time I emailed you last week, did you get it?

how many times did someone tell you to kys, on /lit/, just curious ?

>> No.16531332

None? Everyone on here is far too weak to tell someone to kill themselves, let alone someone with a genuine love for literature like me.

>> No.16531365
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>She's my best friend

>> No.16531387

No, fuck you. If I'm going to listen to your gossip about people I've never met and don't care to meet, then you will listen to my blathering about Edogawa's days as a noodle cart owner and how they influenced his short stories.

>> No.16531411

Try shutting the fuck up if you can't read the room.

>> No.16531419
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Found a GF that wasn't a brainlet afraid of pretentious people.

>> No.16531729

>Girls willingly listen to me when lament about Spheres and BwOs and sentient capital
They key is to be not ugly.

>> No.16531900

Sounds dumb
Good thing its barely been a week and its already dying kek

>> No.16531921

give up on talking about what you spend your time on
the information exchange is hardly worth your effort
any amount you share about your interests is merely an insecurity you have with your own ego
and it's not like they actually get anything out of it, otherwise they would have already read the books or asked if you have / what you should read

bitches like it when you just sit there and nod until you get tired of their noise and fuck them. your own noises, thoughts, aspirations, and interests are essentially irrelevant

>> No.16531989


Well this has to be one of the most stereotypical cuck stories I've ever read
I highly recommend you write a novel where the MC gets cucked and base it on your life
You've got everything you need the novel will seem pretty realistic and likely sell decently because of that it could even become a big hit if you're good enough maybe get a ghostwriter if you're not confident enough in your abilities

>> No.16532133
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holy bait batman

>> No.16532185


>> No.16532272

Find a way to continue being pretentious without broadcasting that you are. As a start, stop name dropping and only add info when asked.

>> No.16532371

Nobody wants to feel dumb, anon. Dial back the references, don't recommend books, get friends that read. Could be a reason why she's still only a crush?

>> No.16532642
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>> No.16532751

you figure out quickly who enjoys talking to you and who doesnt give a shit. then you react accordingly