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16525387 No.16525387 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't you save her /lit/?

>> No.16525398

Have you seen her debate with Boris Johnson about Greece and Rome?

>> No.16525402
File: 218 KB, 556x750, 2020-10-07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this bitch

>> No.16525412

>this must be posted with no comment whatsoever

>> No.16525414


>> No.16525439
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>female Anglo historians
For me it’s Bethany Hughes

>> No.16525444

She has great big ideas.

>> No.16525455

They were just playing. Neither of them actually knows anything about Ancient Greece.

>> No.16525470

Is that emily wilson?

>> No.16525475


>> No.16525479

Wrongthink detected and instantly punished >>16525387

>> No.16525480


>> No.16525482

The superior Boris Johnson video https://youtu.be/mQKRAJTgEuo

>> No.16525501
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>anon, you are listening to me talk about the mioans right? Well I’ll tell you all about how pasiphae mated with a bull

>> No.16526157
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>> No.16526225
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>audience is just holes laughing the whole time

>> No.16526229

Who was in the wrong here? I feel like Beard was onto something

>> No.16526244

Nah, she's a neolib

>> No.16526300

gopal was wrong as always.

>> No.16526310

The absolute JUST of it all

>> No.16526320

Well they both are. If I'm reading this right, the right wants to co-op a neolib that was enamored w her neolib institutions over sex crap or was at least attempting to protect it. Might as well defend un and splc

>> No.16527544

Did she died?

>> No.16527550

Oh yea she dead.

>> No.16527587

Oxfam executives/workers were fucking underage prostitutes in Haiti. On the one hand fucking cheap prostitutes in third world countries was perfectly normal 50 years ago, on the other charities are holier than thou shit bags and their chief executives are all over paid, plus they pray on little old ladies with tons of spam mail.

>> No.16527664
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nah it's cutie lucy

>> No.16527675

I would love to sit down with her, stare into her eyes and discuss the glory of antiquity over many cups of milk.

>> No.16527693
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Ew no. Alice Roberts is the best documentary cutie

>> No.16527699

>celebs scandal
>anyone in the right

>> No.16527738
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Huge tracts of land tnere!

>> No.16527772


>The ending of Heart of Darkness has always stayed with me. The narrator returns to Europe and visits the widow of Kurtz, the most infamous and vile coloniser who died in the Congo’s jungles. The woman is described as pale, fair, and pure with a halo surrounding her – she embodies European lightness that contrasts with the African women’s darkness. The novel’s ending has stayed with me because it sums up the complicity of white women. They are viewed as innocent and childlike, too naïve to be told about the horrors of what their men are doing in Africa, Asia, and America. But they know. They are made to stay at home and when their husbands return with a brown baby in tow, they look the other way. They hide behind a performance of tears and grief. Beard did something similar on Twitter. After her first tweet, she posted a picture of herself, upset and in tears: “I am sitting here crying. I am not really the nasty colonist you say I am. I speak from the heart.”

>> No.16527786
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prof alice is a biologist anon
but anyway i forgot about lovely nina ramirez so never mind

>> No.16527813

The left are disgusting people. They train their weapons of guilt on women because they know they are the most helpless to them, and through them is the surest way to control society. If the right ever snaps out from despising women to seeking to avenge what has been done to them, the fire and fury will be as intense as the cynical subversion of female idealism for which they are retaliating.

>> No.16527868

She virtue signaled for politically left leaning pedophiles

I don’t wish harm on her, only that she shuts up

>> No.16527880

Those evil retards from the klan celebrate and campaign to protect womanhood “first and always” before all else

>> No.16528424

And they're right :^)

>> No.16528483

Is this what bongs watch for entertainment?

>> No.16528515
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How is she so cute bros

>> No.16528520

Isn't this the lady that said white lives don't matter?

>> No.16528523
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>> No.16528830

God do Brits really? Christ no wonder they've let the arabs in to fuck their women, it's like giving rotten fruit to the homeless.

>> No.16528839

Both her books are pretty good. Helen of Troy was probably 100 pages too many but still a great read. I hope she writes more.

>> No.16528965
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She does anthropology as well. In any case, she makes my dick happy which is the most important thing

>> No.16528974
File: 2.92 MB, 480x480, Horton feels a HooHoo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a woman's worth begins and ends with her sexual worth. Women should be euthanized after menopause and their last child has left the home and i am 100% serious

>> No.16529008

I know nothing about Boris Johnson's politics, but he was very based in this debate. Beard just spouted funny reddit factoids while Boris really put up a hard case as to why Ancient Greece was so massively influential to the western world at large.

>> No.16529026

Looks like tranny stephen fry

>> No.16529618

Kek, you are right.

>> No.16529968


>> No.16530198

Try to kill my mother and i will wipe out your entire family and relatives not in minecraft

>> No.16530327

this looks like my friends grandmother that gave me an et stuffed animal covered in human shit when i was like 7

>> No.16530651

She knows what shes doing

>> No.16530735
File: 24 KB, 500x281, 62148AC9-CD2F-4DFF-B050-3CF3D0D43F9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe you’re right.

....but look at this sick thread. A woman dies and all they can do is cry about how they aren’t attracted to her, bring out a fucking tory who can recite some of his classics, and then advocate mandatory death sentences for women who can give them a baby. Fucking pigs should roast

>> No.16530845

Mary Beard isn't dead what are you talking about.

>> No.16530853

Shut up you retarded tripfag tranny, if you want to whine go to reddit

>> No.16530863
File: 67 KB, 852x1280, 3BE1A11F-FED0-42FB-8E99-FC0585919D1A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well ignore that part.

>> No.16530888

This is a continuation of a thread listing female philosophers that had Mary Beard on the list in the OP. Someone mentioned her dumb comment defending regarding aid workers exploiting women in Haiti. The picture in this thread’s OP is what she posted on Twitter to show how upset the online hate she was receiving regarding her Haiti comment made her.

>> No.16530919
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