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/lit/ - Literature

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16524414 No.16524414 [Reply] [Original]

All right lads, what am I in for?

>> No.16524420
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a fantastic book
next read this or Hyperion

>> No.16524424
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Tfw October of ‘21

>> No.16524427

>He likes Dune AND KSR

>> No.16524437

I haven't read the book, what does this mean

>> No.16524562

It's buzzwords and misinterpretation of Paul's character

>> No.16524675

Penis stuff.

>> No.16524679

It means journalism is dead

>> No.16524683

Unlike most scifi, this book looks at how culture evolves in the future instead of being focused on technology, which is interesting. The plot is also great.

>> No.16525267

A boring account of how an elite white Prince loses his family and wealth and goes on to lead the noble Islamic savages to victory against the other wealthy elite white guys by living in balance with muh nature. There's a smattering of political space opera that amounts to nothing and the requisite "chosen one" that's about as interesting as the wheel of time attempt at it. Read hyperion instead.

>> No.16525282

Forgot the latex fetish mate.

>faeces is processed in the thighs.

>> No.16525406

>envision the aroma

>> No.16526387

this makes me want to tear my eyes out.
can millennials use analogies to anything other than star wars or harry potter

>> No.16526401

Pretty meh book so far

>> No.16526422
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Dune bored me. Now the Foundation novels are a shining jewel of the scifi genre.

>> No.16526470

It's not supernatural.

>> No.16526588

What a brainlet take. Both novels are concerned with politics and ecology. Please read the books you shitpost about or kindly kys

>> No.16526605

Hey thats racist.
Nords going to a desert to rule it?

>> No.16526662

based. I still remember reading all of those as a kid

>> No.16526792

Some pretty boring shit.

>> No.16526805

Hyperion is better

>> No.16526840

Awesome book, awesome audio book too.

>> No.16527069

>tfw you will never burn am*rica(aka the great satan) to the ground while high on whatever that is hippies smoke in a glorious jihad led by greta

>> No.16527111

Most conflicts in Dune boiled down to “Will Paul get out of THIS dangerous situation???” which is kinda when there’s 200 or so pages left. Cool ideas, not horrible prose but dated IMHO. The sequels sound more interesting but after reading and shrugging at Dune I couldn’t really be bothered.

>> No.16527132
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Is it really the LOTR of sci-fi?

>> No.16527141

it's not dated at all. if anything it was ahead of it's time since it was written before the whole jihad and the need for oil thing took off in real life.

the prose can be a bit weird but there are some interesting insights in the pseudophilosophical/pseudoreligious rants.

>> No.16527151

it was one of the 1st sci-fy books so yes. I wish scify got more into the whole religious aspect but am*rican snowflakes can't handle a bit of jihad here and there

>> No.16527199

what I meant by dated was the way conflict and character were written, both of which seem super 60’s scifi (not a bad thing but it turned me off, I never found myself particularly invested because of this). Also not really on topic but I would disagree there esp. about oil as a major geopolitical/historical cuz that pre-dates Dune by a long time. I think it’s a case of “heard a ton of people saying this was a super important novel and then being kinda underwhelmed” which is almost an impossible situation for the book to be in

>> No.16527229

what do you mean by 60s sci-fy?

>> No.16527300

The way the “ideas” of the novel felt more important than having believable characters. The romantic connection feeling shoehorned in, the way the Fremen society is an interesting idea but doesn’t feel like it’s populated by real people. This isn’t bad but I just had trouble caring since the main point felt like “interesting desert planet facts.” Which were, yes, interesting, but so is a lot of other 60’s sf that i can’t say I really “enjoyed”.

>> No.16527628

>please deepthroat me harder daddy Keats

>> No.16527656

The Foundation series shits all over Hyperion. Get fucked

>> No.16527662

An American wrote Dune you obsessed twat

>> No.16527669


>> No.16527671

I prefer PKD. I know his prose is severely lacking but I love his ideas more

>> No.16527685
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*is the GOAT sci-fi*

>> No.16528195
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Was surprised many people only read this to get to God Emperor, I personally really liked it

>> No.16528201

I wish the follow up echopraxia was as good

>> No.16528208


Both Messiah and Children are really good books the problem is Messiah is just overshadowed by Dune for being too short while Children is overshadowed and is seen as a bridge to get to God Emperor.

>> No.16528239

until Czarne Oceany or Lód (by Dukaj) are translated into english.

>> No.16528247

Yeah, I haven't read God Emperor yet but will soon so I assume it's going to be even better than Children of Dune

>> No.16528253

A really boring waste of time. Read it if you liked Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Star Wars and other consoomer shit

>> No.16528269

This made me irrationally and furiously angry in a split second.

>> No.16528279

Really fucking cool.

>> No.16528287

that's because you were brainwashed by /pol/ and you are now reacting like a pavlovian dog. You see Greta Thunberg or Harry Potter and boom, light goes on and you get angry because you were conditioned to be. It's sad. Please leave that board before it's too late

>> No.16528300

Yeah but you're a fag so nobody cares what you think.

>> No.16528343

>reading third worlders

>> No.16528373

Lód is getting a translation and when it's done and is good (hard as fuck, almost impossible for a good translation tho) it will sweep all of the awards with ease.

>> No.16528669

>Both novels are concerned with politics and ecology.
Literally a bugman.

>> No.16529116

Don't know anything about God Emperor. Is it supposed to be good? I read pic related and stopped there because I thought it had lost all the magic of the first book. The worm transformation felt like too far of a stretch from the psych / war drama of the original.

>> No.16529122


Monomyth. But a good story when I read it when I was 10. Teaches you that there are fat fuckers with power who maybe want to fuck you even if you are a small boy.

>> No.16529177

It's all straight downhill after Dune. The first book was good enough that they're still worth reading until the third, but past that it's not even worth bothering with. That said, the /ss/ scene in Heretics is pretty great as I recall. I fapped to that one a lot as a kid.

>> No.16529340

Shit, now I think about I still might have Lód I had stolen from the library.

>> No.16529373
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Yeah the story aint too great but i find the concept of mindraping succubi to be very intriguing

>> No.16529459

What a fucking idiotic comment from a fucking idiot.
>le brainwashed meme
>i'm so enlightened instead thanks to swallowing leftist reddit-tier diarrhea
Kill yourself today. Nobody will miss you.

>> No.16529471

Pretty sure he was saying he is disgusted by stunted infantilized adults who make sense of the world through pulp trash children's fiction

>> No.16529481

The fuck did that have to do with politics, retarded shit for brains? That's just an incredibly condescending and infantilizing way to describe a book, as if the author was actively trying to treat the reader like a retard. If you didn't mind it, guess what that says about you.

>> No.16529523

Foundation and Earth is the best one

>> No.16530481

>A boring account of how an elite white Prince loses his family and wealth and goes on to lead the noble Islamic savages to victory against the other wealthy elite white guys by living in balance with muh nature.
What makes it good is that while this surface reading is still an unusually good execution of it's somewhat tired structure, reading it as a tragedy in which the unknowing victim of a centuries-old plot tries to escape, realizes the astronomical burden his power places on him, and fails to achieve his own aims, his shadow-masters' aims, or the optimal path for mankind. The sequels make it very clear exactly how little his chosen-one status really availed him and how thin the veneer of apparent victory in the first book really was. It has a little more depth than you seem to acknowledge.

Hyperion is also very good and also worth reading. It dips in and out of pulp but there really is plenty for a lit-snob to appreciate in it, the overall concept is laudable, and there are a few really excellent moments that more than make up for the weaker sections.

>> No.16530606

>can millennials use analogies to anything other than star wars or harry potter
Of course they can. But sponsored content exists for the sole purpose of telling you that Upcoming Thing is just like Popular Thing! Also, you love Popular Thing, remember? Buy Upcoming thing and Popular Thing!