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File: 1.73 MB, 790x1230, kengorbookmarxsatan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16523014 No.16523014 [Reply] [Original]

Author says yes.


>> No.16523021

Longer interview:


Paul Kengor is a political science professor at Grove City College. He is entirely credible.

>> No.16523061

Doesn’t exist.

>> No.16523123

oh yes "he" does anon. if you can't see the obvious subtext behind a myth you aren't much smarter than the average religious person. "Satan" is materialism.

>> No.16523142

Yes of course! Stay afraid my silly gullible enslaved little American 3:)
The evil satanic socialists are coming for your freedoms!

>> No.16523160

fallacious cope

>> No.16523186

you’re the only one here coping fella

>> No.16523188

People said similarly about Hitler.. and Napolean.. Seems to be a pattern here

>> No.16523194
File: 2.90 MB, 2270x1326, 1601616375109.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The evil satanic socialists are coming for your freedoms!
Yes. They most certainly are

>> No.16523199

Hitler, Napoleon , and marx are all cut from the same cloth.

>> No.16523216

You guys realize Marx was an economist?

>> No.16523223

Economics is evil.

>> No.16523227


Wtf I love democrats now

>> No.16523229

deranged boomers can be pretty funny

>> No.16523240
File: 41 KB, 309x469, Young Karl Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I mean Marx did have satanic fantasy's. Remember my prophetic posts?

"Feelings," dedicated to his childhood sweetheart and later wife Jenny von Westphalen:
>"Heaven I would comprehend
>I would draw the world to me;
>Living, hating, I intend
>That my star shine brilliantly …
>Worlds I would destroy forever,
>Since I can create no world;
>Since my call they notice never …"
Another poem:
>"Then I will be able to walk triumphantly,
>Like a god, through the ruins of their kingdom.
>Every word of mine is fire and action.
>My breast is equal to that of the Creator."
"The Fiddler," dedicated to his father:
>"See this sword?
>the prince of darkness
>Sold it to me.
>With Satan I have struck my deal,
>He chalks the signs, beats time for me
>I play the death march fast and free."
>Particularly instructive is Marx's lengthy, unfinished poetic drama of this youthful period, Oulanem, A Tragedy. In the course of this drama his hero, Oulanem, delivers a remarkable soliloquy, pouring out sustained invective, a hatred of the world and of mankind, a hatred of creation and a threat and vision of total world destruction:
>"… I shall howl gigantic curses on mankind:
>Ha! Eternity! She is an eternal grief …
>Ourselves being clockwork, blindly mechanical,
>Made to be the foul-calendars of Time and Space,
>Having no purpose save to happen, to be ruined,
>So that there shall be something to ruin …
>If there is a something which devours,
>I'll leap within it, though I bring the world to ruins-
>The world which bulks between me and the Abyss
>I will smash to pieces with my enduring curses.
>I'll throw my arms around its harsh reality:
>Embracing me, the world will dumbly pass away,
>And then sink down to utter nothingness,
>Perished, with no existence — that would be really living!
>… the leaden world holds us fast,
>And we are chained, shattered, empty, frightened,
>Eternally chained to this marble block of Being …
>and we —
>We are the apes of a cold God."
> Pastor Wurmbrand points out that Oulanem is an anagram of Emmanuel, the Biblical name for Jesus, and that such inversions of holy names are standard practice in Satanic cults. There is no real evidence, however, that Marx was a member of such a cult. Wurmbrand, op. cit., note 45, pp. 13–14 and passim.

He's apparent presupposed materialism and atheism, it all makes sense now. Considering the utter degenerate Marx was in his life, famously his money-addiction and uncaring attitude for friends or family, this would make sense. Was Marx inspired to destroy the worker, rather than save him? Had he planned to destroy Western Civilisation all along?

>> No.16523246

Yes, Market Forces are evil

>> No.16523247

marxoid ideology is the ultimate cope for useful idiots that expect some miraculous immanentizing of the eschaton to occur that destroys hierarchy, when hierarchy is the one indomitable truth of human nature

>> No.16523253

all of the best conspiracy theories are boomeresque

>> No.16523254
File: 534 KB, 638x1024, Young Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is little known is that, in his early years, the baptized Karl was a dedicated Christian. In his graduation essays from the Trier gymnasium in 1835, the very young Marx prefigured his later development. His essay on an assigned topic, "On the Union of the Faithful with Christ" was orthodox evangelical Christian, but it also contained hints of the fundamental "alienation" theme that he would later find in Hegel. Marx's discussion of the "necessity for union" with Christ stressed that this union would put an end to the tragedy of God's alleged rejection of man. In a companion essay, "Reflections of a Young Man on the Choice of a Profession," Marx expressed a worry about his own "demon of ambition," of the great temptation he felt to "inveigh against the Deity and curse mankind."
>The shift to atheism quickly gave Marx's demon of ambition full rein. Particularly revelatory of Marx's adult as well as youthful character are volumes of poems, most of them lost until a few were recovered in recent years.1 Historians, when they discuss these poems, tend to dismiss them as inchoate romantic yearnings, but they are too congruent with the adult Marx's social and revolutionary doctrines to be casually dismissed. Surely, here seems to be a case where a unified (early plus late) Marx is vividly revealed.

>> No.16523259

>Ethiopian script
What did they mean by this?

>> No.16523308
File: 96 KB, 705x529, 1599263572505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine reading this garbage anti-communist shit pushed onto burger boomers and schizo evangelicals.
Marx was right, his critique of capitalism is correct. Why would I read this retard instead of marx?
I've seen this book being shilled on /pol/, OP are you really this spooked?

>> No.16523359

Yeah and your idealism is what's spooking you retard. Muh materialism is evil, read a fucking philosophy book. Jesus.

>> No.16523363

Socialism and communism have resulted in over 100 million deaths worldwide. That's pure evil.

>> No.16523372

Marx wasn't even an atheist. There are essays detailing what Marx's religious views actually were, and they were closer to pantheism than outright denial of divinity.

>> No.16523406

*Amharic script

>> No.16523431
File: 68 KB, 500x360, fb2c747415162f141e349e7f1ebc8ca7ac681ebd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, you're an ignorant dumbfuck who embarrassingly pretends to know what marx wrote about. Marx wasn't an anarchist, he had no problems with hierarchy, he talked about the two fundamental classes, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, aka capitalis and worker or employer employee. The ones who have private ownerships of the office buildings, the factories, the machinery, etc. While the worker has nothing to sell but his labour time. There are internal contradictions in capitalism, instead of acting smug, try reading him fag.

>> No.16523444

Spoken like someone who has never read Hegel.

>> No.16523446

>had no problems with hierarchy
>writes a giant tome talking about a particular form of hierarchy he considers the most important in society and a source of pervasive exploitation
>writes pamphlet urging revolution to eradicate this hierarchy

>> No.16523461

>muh 100 million deaths
That number comes from the 'black book of communism' the number is fake, coauthors of the book didn't associate with that number. Here:

>> No.16523471

>youtube video
They killed a lot of people. You have to own the deaths just like Neonazis have to own their mass graves

>> No.16523508


>> No.16523531
File: 752 KB, 691x720, b2cf164380f69b376d82bafb4871e9786996e5c9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dialectical Materialism nigga

Yes because he looked into the past and saw that it happened over and over again.
>The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles.
>Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guildmaster and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, that each time ended, either in the revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes.
I mean look at the massive inequality today, the giant multinational corporations, the stagnant wages, the boom and bust cycles every 10 year, the useless wars, etc. We need marx now more than ever.

>> No.16523543

"Dialectical" Materialism is bullshit.

>> No.16523624
File: 755 KB, 2400x1100, 447850992a7345f181692a3743cbdad97352a632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the criticism part here on wikipedia :
Yes communists killed people, revolutions are rarely peaceful. But numbers of deaths tend to be hugely exaggerated, they include things like famines and shit.
You think our current system is peaceful? Out of 239 years of the US existence it's been at war for 222 years to maintain it's hegemony. What do you think about the people being killed on the daily in the middle east and else where? Do you hear it on news, no of course not, you live inside the western imperialist bubble. The United States dropped 7423 bombs in Afghanistan just in 2019.

>> No.16523663

>marx wasn't even an atheist
>he was a pantheist

>> No.16523679

famines consciously imposed on the population?
capitalism, socialism, communism, all of these are the same thing and lead to the same end

>> No.16523692
File: 705 KB, 2880x2020, b328723ca01024aaa19aa20b28cdaa64c0134b04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a class traitor
Okay cuck, keep defending the status quo. If you don't think that the 9 most richest people having more wealth than the bottom people is concerning and grotesque then whatever liberal.

>> No.16523702

No, I mean it's philosophically bunk. Have you even bothered reading Hegel to understand what dialectics really are?

>> No.16523720

>I'll say what we are going to do in a sarcastic way, then people will not believe that we literally want any excuse to murder millions of people
Epic. Don't you have to listen to Chapo Trap House or something?

>> No.16523729

Are online western marxoids just all talk? When do they start killing rich people? Is it just their "day of the rope"

>> No.16523734

only cutural marxists have enough power to actually commit violence in the streets

>> No.16523739
File: 884 KB, 1080x2000, 82a043964f2fe1aa3a59f1c32783bfa756e49ede.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch please, you're eating up anti-communist propaganda. Even anti-communists historians agree that holodomor was purposefully done. The famine happened before industrialization, maybe there were some mistakes made by the Soviets and the kulaks but famines are common.
>capitalism, socialism, communism, all of these are the same thing and lead to the same end
Are you dumb? What do you want monarchy? How are they the same thing when they're fundamentally different?

>> No.16523741

no one under the age of 70 watches this shit

>> No.16523760

Now thats some quality christcuck cringe!!

>> No.16523761

A lot of zoomers are nostalgic for the Bush/Neoconservative era, true fact.

>> No.16523774

I'm more concerned with the government banks than the multinational corporations. What do Marxists have to say about the Federal Reserve

>> No.16523780
File: 152 KB, 249x373, takedown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The author's previous work.

>tfw you will never have a wedding cake cut by a sickle

>> No.16523787

It's a universal rule of book publishing that if someone has their academic qualifications on the cover, the book is complete dog shit

>> No.16523790

Marxists don't believe in marriage anyways

>> No.16523796
File: 92 KB, 404x621, bd418bfd08ea49267dea8099ac266c89c1a41bf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand why the word 'dialectical' in 'dialectical materialism' might be worthy of criticism and marx of course heavily inspired by Hegel but it's pretty much it's own concept.

Would be bad praxis, also don't be misleading when you say rich people, it's the capitalist class that we have antagonisms with.

Should be state owned ruled over by the party.

>> No.16523800

Wow, so Goethe must be a major satanic edgelord for writing "Faust".

>> No.16523803

>imagine not being able to see the difference between Faust and Marx's satanic poems
I guess you're just a retard ey?

>> No.16523805

Fact. I've never seen a book published by Verso where the author has "PHD" next to their name.

>> No.16523815

>Should be state owned ruled over by the party.
And the interest rates?

>> No.16523817

Goethe was a moralfag. Marx was pure satanist evil.

>> No.16523831

Massive retard alert.

>> No.16523836

Most Marxist thinkers were/are married.

>> No.16523840
File: 42 KB, 640x691, a7721acd7c74cad8dfd9e3f45347c0e6dd47f050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk, not to high I suppose.

>> No.16523853


>> No.16523860

>Should be state owned ruled over by the party.
That's what the FED already is. We need to end the FED and bring back sound money AKA gold and silver.

>> No.16523869
File: 91 KB, 604x518, 828ed3eeeafc005066d137bbda8732786b2abd9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine calling someone a satanist because some nobody wanted to make money selling a book to guilable christcucks and schizos.
Here's a quote from Marx:
>The foundation of irreligious criticism is: Man makes religion, religion does not make man. Religion is, indeed, the self-consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet won through to himself, or has already lost himself again. But man is no abstract being squatting outside the world. Man is the world of man – state, society. This state and this society produce religion, which is an inverted consciousness of the world, because they are an inverted world...

>Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.

>The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is, therefore, in embryo, the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.

>Criticism has plucked the imaginary flowers on the chain not in order that man shall continue to bear that chain without fantasy or consolation, but so that he shall throw off the chain and pluck the living flower. The criticism of religion disillusions man, so that he will think, act, and fashion his reality like a man who has discarded his illusions and regained his senses, so that he will move around himself as his own true Sun. Religion is only the illusory Sun which revolves around man as long as he does not revolve around himself.

Basically tl;dr Christianity is a cope

>> No.16523883

Has anyone read this book? I'm curious of its contents but don't want to torture myself looking through it.

>> No.16523888

go back to your albanian shithole and stop ruining what’s left of this board with retarded politics you probably started this thread yourself so you could spout your annoying quotes and posts this shitty images neck yourself please just do it

>> No.16523889

>12:38 - "marx was obsessed with goethe's 'faust'"

Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.16523925

You do realize Marx disavowed communism at the end, right? The logical outcome of "socialist" revolution will always be social democracy. Revolution is a waste of time.

>> No.16523965

>tfw no satanic communist theorist bf

>> No.16523969
File: 98 KB, 600x759, 084b7006f2fa274e980750294a1a3d0176e5078c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, you're talking about fractional-reserve banking? Banks were not really in marx his scope, I think for that you have to go to Hilferding, I have yet to read Hilferding so I can't say much about it. The USSR had a state owned bank that didn't have a profit motive.

No I didn't started this thread I just can't believe people like OP exist.

Marx didn't wrote much about communism, except maybe in the manifesto. He mainly critiqued capitalism and created marxian economics.
>revolutions are a waste of time
tell that to the russians

>> No.16523993

Holy shit learn to write in English.

>> No.16524000

You can find it on Lib Gen. Just search for 'Paul Kengor' and it will show up.

>> No.16524003

>Banks were not really in marx his scope,
Which is an absolutely bizarre oversight for someone interested in how capital works.

>> No.16524006

Are you currently wearing a fedora

>> No.16524055

This is exactly what Kengor goes over in his book. Young Marx, fresh from his rejection of Christianity, wrote plays and poems about praises to Satan, demon pacts, suicide pacts, and other evil manifestations. Two of Marx's daughters died in suicide pacts with their husbands. Find me ONE OTHER FIGURE with that kind of darkness in his life.

>> No.16524097

>praises to Satan, demon pacts, suicide pacts, and other evil manifestations

> Two of Marx's daughters died in suicide pacts with their husbands.
Half truth.

>> No.16524101
File: 622 KB, 600x1373, 26427f86b2544303ed8624ab4c09214e8b95dd71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ESL, and I'm phoneposting in bed right now. Stay mad.

I mean yeah probably, I mean he had several unfinished books. There is Hilferding's - Finance Capital though. Also Lenin wrote about banks.

[Citation needed]

>> No.16524150
File: 59 KB, 542x839, 1601966162730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, watching this all I kept saying the entire time was based. Kark Marx is based as hell and this interview convinced me to read him.

>> No.16524167

this but unironically

>> No.16524176

You seem to have confused Marxists with modern liberal progressives and trannies.

>> No.16524182

Not based. Marx is currently BURNING in hell for leading millions of people astray and away from Christ.

>> No.16524188

>I've seen this book being shilled on /pol/, OP are you really this spooked?
Why are you going on the cesspool known as /pol/ in the first place?

>> No.16524190

thy digits betray thee

>> No.16524194

>tfw he will never write you satanic poetry to express his dying love for you

>> No.16524202

Pretty much reached an intellectual orgasm of basedness when the senile man starts talking about >NOOOOO MUH CITIES and then finding out that Marx wanted these cesspools cleared too. Holy shit. I agreed with everything there

>muh racissss
>literal pipe pilled on daughters
>verbally and physically abusive to Cuban son in law
>Made a pack with the Devil
>hated cities
Sounds based.

>> No.16524209

Marx didn't even hate cities. Engels did though.

>> No.16524210

Rationalization is the real Satan, that includes both Marxism and capitalism.

>> No.16524218

I thought Pat Robertson was dead.

>> No.16524219
File: 330 KB, 1378x1800, Jesus wanted poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being a Christian communist

>All who believed were together and had all things in common; 45 they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. [...] Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common. [...] There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold. They laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.
—Acts 2:44–45, Acts 4:32–35

>No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
Matthew 6:24

The slogan "Each according to his abilities" has biblical origins too.
>Then the disciples, every man according to his ability, determined to send relief unto the brethren which dwelt in Judaea.
Acts 11:29
The phrase "To each according to his needs" also has a biblical basis in Acts 4:35, stating:
>to the emissaries to distribute to each according to his need

>the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil
Timothy 6:10

Time for you to read your Bible again.

>> No.16524224

only applies to small-scale communal communism, not 'seize the means' industrial/state communism.

>> No.16524229

If Satan is anything, it's the idea that there are things more important than the material. If in service of something higher than the material, any sacrifice of the material is justified, which leads to mass suffering. We need more focus on the material conditions of human lives.

>> No.16524240

Christians have been persecuted in every communist and socialist state.

>> No.16524272
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To bully them


I mean the USSR was a bit anal on atheism, but Cuba didn't care.

>> No.16524288

because Jesus formed a group on the outskirts of society and said 'give unto Caesar what is his'.

>> No.16524294

This is exactly what Marxism is. Marxism seeks to destroy the material for a grand idea of "communism" which has lead to the deaths of over 100 million innocent lives.

>> No.16524300

Marxist Socialism is a materialist philosophy

>> No.16524310

this is a really liberal post. I hope it wasn't made by a marxist.

>> No.16524321

In practice it did exactly what I described.

>> No.16524333
File: 1.57 MB, 245x180, external-content.duckduckgo.com.gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pic

>> No.16524338

>Marxism isn't materialist enough
now there's a hot take

>> No.16524350

Caesar is dead anon and still, socialism and communism is a better fit to Christianity then capitalism.

>muh 100 million
Again, this number is fake.
>destroy the material
>[Socialist movements] in Eastern Europe, Russia, China, Mongolia, North Korea, and Cuba, brought land reform, and human services; a dramatic bettering of the living conditions of hundreds of millions of people on a scale never before or never since witnessed in human history[.] [Socialist movements] transformed desperately poor countries into societies in which everyone had adequate food, shelter, medical care, and education… and some of us who come from poor families, who carry around the hidden injuries of class, are very impressed—are very, very impressed by these achievements, and are not willing to dismiss them as ‘economistic’. To say that socialism doesn’t ‘work’ is to overlook the fact that it did work and that it worked for hundreds of millions of people.
—Michael Parenti (paraphrased),

>> No.16524362

you're missing the point. Christianity doesn't advocate taking over the political system as Islam for example does. It made a point of saying 'forget that, forget power, make your own church and live humbly'.

>> No.16524378

Islam literally doesn't advocate that either. Muhammad was a democratically elected leader and Islam prohibits forceful revolution.

>> No.16524387

I'm not going to wade into a debate about Islam's relation to democracy, all I meant was that its founder was explicitly political, whereas Christ was not.

>> No.16524405

Islam isn't political. Islam isn't even a religion but an ummah, a voluntary community. The religious and 'statist' aspects were only created as a means of keeping the ummah together and protecting them from oppressors. Get your head out of your orientalist ass.

>> No.16524422

Their leader, who they revere as a perfect person, was literally a political figure, don't be ridiculous.

>> No.16524439

By last resort. If anything, Muhammad was a libertarian socialist and rejected statism.

>> No.16524443


>> No.16524452

>i was forced to be a warlord bros
Yeah ok m8. Look whatever you want to call him, he was a political figure, while Christ sat around in a desert and accepted the dregs of society into his religion, and then was killed by the state. The differences are not exactly subtle.

>> No.16524464

An evil Jew, so yes.

>> No.16524467

The picture is literally the opposite of the truth. The guy who invented le wage cage is a Jew.

>> No.16524479

>marx may have made a pact of sorts with satan himself

Serious citation needed.

>> No.16524599

All the communists I'm personally friends with are either married or have been in monogamous relationships for over five years.

>> No.16524614

I mean, it explains how he was able to write something as great as Capital.

>> No.16524708

Marx was most likely demonically possessed.

>> No.16524784

When has the left ever “waged war on the family”? Wouldn’t families benefit from a socialist system?

>> No.16524877

Why should famines not be included? They happened because of communism, not "bad weather". It happens every time you genocide your farmers in order to "redistribute the land".

>> No.16524891

Should famines or mass starvations that happen under capitalism be considered deaths under capitalism?

>> No.16524906

If somehow privately owned farms caused mass starvation, then sure.
Except that doesn't happen.

>> No.16524925

There is no contradiction between materialism and idealism you mong.

>> No.16524969

>a long thread
>about right wing agitprop which impresses retards like Glenn Beck

>> No.16524987

Read the book. It's way more than just "right wing agitprop."

>> No.16525009

Dude you're reading poems written by a teenzger who had just rejected his own religion. It's just edgy teen shit

>> No.16525018

That's literally what enclosure in Ireland did.

Jesus fuck, read before you open your shit eater.

>> No.16525026

You’re right, it’s religious right-wing agitprop, but that doesn’t really change much. It’s still American Evangelical fucktards trying to cope with the fact that the socio-economical fabric of their country is deeply flawed and trying to hold back any change because of muh gommunism

>> No.16525094

It's actually very well researched.

>> No.16525100

I really do believe he's one of the most evil men in history. The fact that so many still hold him in high regard is absolute lunacy in my eyes. Not only that he's borderline worshipped. I just can't understand it.

>> No.16525110

Black magic. Marx made pacts with demons.

They show where his heart was and how entrenched his soul was in the dark arts.

>> No.16525147
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>absolute lunacy
There is something physically, genetically wrong with Marxists.

>> No.16526007
File: 1.18 MB, 2345x1764, 57d36666e3e0276b5973ef0e9e61f6e67c0b5ae9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know? Have you read Marx himself? Calling Marx a Satanist is just an empty adhom. Calling him demonically possessed means you're a fucktard with superstition.
Marx sought to critique the political economy and did so impressively. The inequality in todays world is absolutely enormous, 9 people owning more wealth than the bottom 4 billion people combined!?
We've created a new aristocracy, new masters, and we are foolish slaves, we think we're free. Free to do what? Work or starve? Our work is totally alienating, and basically are working to make someone else rich and to barely get by. A company is worse than any Stalinist regime, they make you wear an outfit, they time your breaks, they measure your performance, they tell you to hurry up, they monitor you on social media, the threat of being fired lurks behind every mistake.
The USSR had free healthcare, free education, abolition of homelessness, etc. in many ways it's better than the US today.
It's funny how 'socialism doesn't work' but imperialist countries do everything in their power to weaken socialist countries.

>> No.16526019

This but completely unironically

>> No.16526164

Keep seething commie, your glorious 'USSR' already gone 30 years ago and will never come back in this world IMAO.

Ranting at this board changes nothing and at least people have minimum IQ to not hear leftoid's moaning. TOP fucking kek.

>> No.16526703

Marx's producing relevant critique of a soulless system does not redeem him of demonic possession. I do believe Marx is important to demonstrate how capitalism is degenerate and lead to such quantitative inequalities and at the same time it is obvious he was demonically possessed, for his narrow mentality and point of view toward what is social in the most scientific way, that is, in the most profane way possible for modern science is subservient to the very system it supports. His proposals as substitute to the capitalcracy is demonic, attempting to immanentize the eschaton and in the end differ nothing from capitalism.

I agree we have created new masters (not aristocracy for it is a qualitative and so wholly different form of composition of government) and that this kind of inequality is absurd, that our wage works are alienating and slavery.

Socialism and Communism are imperialists too. Wherever they go they attempt to homogenize myth and culture, people, science, intellectual productions.

>> No.16526711

you only forgot to mention that USSR services were available only for those whom the regime didn't kill.

>> No.16526966

As a satanist, I object.
Marxism has only brought war and oppression.
Satan is the bringer of light, reason and freedom.

>> No.16526998

>genocide Ukrainians
>it is not a true genocide

>> No.16527073

Read a book

>> No.16527079

Don’t tell me you’re this spooked

>> No.16527086

>marx wasn’t against hierarchy
>but inequality is horrible

>> No.16527089

You can't really genocide animals, can you?

>> No.16527101
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>it's a burgers don't know what the buzzword terms they use mean thread
>it's a burger anti-communism thread
>it's a burger thread

Ban Americans from posting on 4chan and the website will improve.

>> No.16527112

Reminder Marxism is simply materialized Protestant Christianity. That is all.

>> No.16527119
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Crazy conspiracy theories, how about you actually look into what Marxism is and get a good grasp on it's origins before giving it such an absurd label such as satanic.
Giving it that label is simply providing a reason to not look into it for yourself.

>> No.16527207

As long as the person putting their boot on my neck is the same race as me I don't care. They could fuck my mother for all I care.

>> No.16527268

famines are common but not confiscation of peasants's productions causing them and killing millions of people.
>agricultural production stable avoiding famines
>soviet government decides to intervene

>What do you want monarchy?
Yes, or another form of aristocracy.

>How are they the same thing when they're fundamentally different?
They are not fundamentally different, only superficially. They are all of modern origin established on profane ''principles'' through genocidal revolutions, lead to cultural, economical, political monopoly, cause alienation from intellectual activities and the common thread to the past and human condition, always end up in a quantitative inequality dispensing qualitative ones and thus forming degenerate, bastard elites.

>> No.16527276
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>Was Karl Marx working for Satan?
Yes but so is Mr Bossman so its a lose lose scenario.

>> No.16527532

Great interview.

>> No.16528010


>> No.16528137

>conspiracy theories
how about look at what Marx himself wrote?

>> No.16528381

LOL is this what religious right idiots actually believe?

>> No.16528398

Read Marx, idiot.

>> No.16528401

>but muh only my brand of marxist communal revolutionary sorrelian posadism is left wing! Anything left of that is right!
Do you ever wonder why nobody takes you seriously?

>> No.16528408

It'd be a lot cooler if he was.

>> No.16528457

>When has the left ever “waged war on the family”?
This has to be the most clueless post I have seen here this decade

>> No.16528942

IIRC didn't Marx view the degradation on the familial unit as a symptom of capitalism, either way, inane hot takes like this are why the left should attempt to at least empathize with most workers' views on social issues

>> No.16528951

That’s what I thought too.

>> No.16528992

Kengor sounds like his balls are being squeezed 24/7.

>> No.16529006

Since the owner of the patent is dead, other capitalists now can create their own wage-cages without paying for the IP. Hence the capitalists are happy.

>> No.16529269

Russia. It's cold. Hard winters.

>> No.16529279

>Bolsheviks around 1917: let's put the means of production into the State, declare our bolshevik party a single party, and kill all the opponents (Konstaadt rebellion). We will call it communism.
>-B-but Komrad, people will know it' really not communism.
>-Don't worry, Komrad. We will use a hammer and sickle flag, with red colors, and call it communism. The goyims will believe us.
>Okay Komrad, it you say so...
>A hundred or so year later, somewhere on the far right of the internet: COMMUNISM KILLED 100 MILLION PEOPLE.

>> No.16529297

Famines were common in both Russia AND China before communism. If anything, communism is what ended mass starvations.

>> No.16529304

no agree with me
working for satan

>> No.16529336

What Christ exactly, a Christ figure so distance from yourself that you have to put him into a book, and figure him dead on a grotesque cross?
Religion happens when the divine is separated from the people.
If you really were following christ, you wouldn't need a chruch, a book. Christ didn't want to create a Church anyway. That was done later, in order to hijack and stifle his message.

>> No.16529356

>Create a society where trade and money are impossible
Go figure.

>> No.16529366

2:13 - "Marx, who came from a family of rabbis..."

They're STILL pushing this?

>> No.16529472

Marxism creates Nazis.
A Marxist started WWI. No Marx, no WWI, no WWII, no CCCP, no "cultural" revolution, no korea, no vietnam, no cuba, no venezuela.
Capitalism raised the poor out of poverty and feeds more people than ever.
Marxism = death and oppression.
The worst thing Capitalism gave us was hair metal & miami vice.

>> No.16529509

Daily reminder that early Christians lived in essentially communism

"All who believed were together and had all things in common; 45 they would sell their possessions and goods and distribute the proceeds to all, as any had need. [...] Now the whole group of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one claimed private ownership of any possessions, but everything they owned was held in common. [...] There was not a needy person among them, for as many as owned lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold. They laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need.

—Acts 2:44–45, Acts 4:32–35"

>> No.16529513

No they didn't. Christianity has always called for defense of property rights and the right to engage in free trade.

>> No.16529535

Not that anon, but...
"If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me" Matthew 19:21
If you value possessions, you are not following Christ's teachings

>> No.16529543

Fuck off revisionist

>> No.16529548

OP video 7:22 related.
>Abolition of private property (...) you talk about going against biblical law, natural law, god's commandements, the old testament the new testament, if you try to abolish private property, you're gonna have to kill a hundred million people.
>private property biblical law
Old testament is literally the jewish Torah. So i wouldn't be so pride about this statement.
>natural law,
Private property natural law? Has this guy even read a wikipedia page about primitive tribes, or even watched a documentary about them? Obviously not, or perhaps he is in denial.
>God's commandements
Literally the God of the jews. Again, why is he so proud to refer to this authority?
>the new testament
Christ was not so much an advocate of private property. Doesn't the christian gospel says that a rich man is probably not going into heaven?
>if you try to abolish private property, you're gonna have to kill a hundred million people.
Here we go again. The eternal meme: communist killed 100M+. Real communist, not fake bolsheviks, Huterrites, who are christians by the way, and way better and peaceful christians than this hateful retard, don't have private property of the means of productions, and are classless. They are one of the fastest growing communities currently in the US.
Same for Israeli Kibbutz, no private property of the means of production, classless, but no particular problem in running the production.

>> No.16529555

"Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24

>> No.16529570

>taking the bible literally

>> No.16529584

>actively ignoring the literal words of Jesus Christ

>> No.16529590

That's just individual asceticism, not a call for global communism.

Show me when the early Christians ever advocated communism aside from the out-of-context verse from the Book of Acts.

>> No.16529602

>literal words of Jesus Christ
You a dullard son? Let your faith guide you, not your eyes

>> No.16529606

The God of the Jews is the same God of the Christians. We Christians ARE "Israel." That's what the Church Fathers held and what the Church today still teaches.

The New Testament nowhere advocates the abolition of private property. This is a huge myth.

>> No.16529610

I am not the anon that made that claim, I was responding to the anon who claimed Christianity valued private property and possessions. Also, the "Render unto Caesar" line could be interpreted to endorse any government that happens to be implemented where Christians live

>> No.16529662

They certainly did what they did in the name of communism. Whether they qualify as a true communist movement or not to you

>> No.16529672

>The God of the Jews is the same God of the Christians. We Christians ARE "Israel." That's what the Church Fathers held and what the Church today still teaches.
The god of the old testament is literally satan. Deal with it. A god who enslave, massacre, avenge, burn with fire, punish, commit almost total extermination (the flood), punish with plagues and other diseases (10 plagues of egypt).
>The New Testament nowhere advocates the abolition of private property. This is a huge myth.
Tell me that Jesus wouldn't have loved a classless society. Just have the balls, as a supposed christian, to say this.

>> No.16529683

All materialists (mammonites) are agents of satan

>> No.16529687

Well how many innocent people died in the holy crusades? I don't blame Christ.

>> No.16529692
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Burger brain.

>> No.16530003

>The god of the old testament is literally satan. Deal with it. A god who enslave, massacre, avenge, burn with fire, punish, commit almost total extermination (the flood), punish with plagues and other diseases (10 plagues of egypt).
Gnostic detected.

>> No.16530067

You don't think it's more than a coincidence that evil followed Marx wherever he went, even within his own family?

>> No.16530127

Eleanor and Laura were sacrificed (so war Paul Lafargue).

>> No.16530196

Your heresy has been refuted 100s of times by the Early Church.

>> No.16530292

Yes and?
>Jesus Christ
>Choose one
Christ message was never supposed to be locked up in a Church.

>> No.16530312

Yeah right, that's not impossible, but you cannot assess those like this without any proof at all.
What's more, Paul lafargue was something like 70 years old, not a very sexy sacrifice for Satan and apparently, he always said that he never want to get old.
>You don't think it's more than a coincidence that evil followed Marx wherever he went, even within his own family?
I honestly find Marx's life pretty decent compared to his contemporaries, especially in literature, who were true degenerates. seeing prostitutes, practicing group sex, using drugs, reveling in worldliness (Maupassant, Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud etc...).
Apparently, his wife loved him, so did his daughters. He was also loyal in friendship, with Engels.

>> No.16530392

>Two of Marx's daughters died in suicide pacts with their husbands.
Still a better love story than Twilight.

>> No.16530463

Sounds like fanfiction.

>> No.16530903

>A tantalizing start concerned with suicide pacts and Pat Robertson calling beards satanic devolves into the same old well worn anti-communist talking points.

More time on the juicy details, please.

>> No.16531011

Marx's beard was the exact same style worn by Freemasons at the time as well as a known Satanic cult.

>> No.16531146

>"Satan" is materialism
What does this even mean?

>> No.16531308

Has this fucker even READ Marx apart from the Manifesto and a few poems he wrote while in college?

>> No.16531329

Presumption is also a sin

>> No.16531374

You may be correct but you can't deny the horrors Marx's ideas have brought on this world.

>> No.16531692

>Thus Heaven I've forfeited,
>I know it full well.
>My soul, once true to God,
>Is chosen for Hell.


>> No.16531703

How do ideas bring things. You may cite Hume and Kant.

>> No.16531784

Apparently the jewish question was a genocide and they are less than animals

>> No.16531927

This bullshit aside, are there any other works which show the link between Marxism and theology, or Marxism and esotericism (such as Gnosticism)?

>> No.16532122

All these are just joke curses about hoping Donald Trump dies from corona

>> No.16532161

There are 9 million people dying from hunger every year right now but i bet you don't give a fuck.

>> No.16532177

>Marx wrote unironic satanic poems

Huh they never taught us that in school

>> No.16532192

>Thread about Marx supposedly being satanic
>Thread crawling with literal unironic satanists

Must be something to it, thx OP God bless

>> No.16532324

ALL of Marx’s thought is rooted in evil and the desire for destruction.

>> No.16532339

Have they tried not being communists?

>> No.16532354

Bad ideas instituted at a country-wide level bring country-wide disasters, marxism being one of the worst ideas.

>> No.16532363

if it wasn't marx someone else would've put forth similar ideas anyway, although the timing may have been different

>> No.16532369

>let's put the means of production into the State, declare our bolshevik party a single party, and kill all the opponents
Not only is that literally communism, that is literally how communism works every single time.

>> No.16532404
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The heretics are talking about our guy Marx!

sanguis bibimus
corpus edimus
tolle corpus Satani
ave, ave Versus Christus!
ave Satani!

>> No.16532417

hysteria of satanism is such an american thing lmao

>> No.16532446

based and kojèvepilled

>> No.16533536
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Based boomer

>> No.16533899

Satanism as it’s actually practiced is far more vile than anything evangelicals could dream up.

>> No.16534166

Obviously not. By the way, Marx wrote Das Kapital (1867) after the manifesto (1848), after studying for 10-12 years all the economy available in his time at the London library. Reminder that Marx was only 30 when he wrote the communist manifesto, and in his early 20s, when he wrote those edgy poems.

>> No.16534352

Marx criticize the free masons as being the vanguard of the Capital in his texts. I might be wrong, but his beard was not some stylish intent, but more possibly his laziness to groom himself. Look at a hobo beard, it looks like this.

Let's shut up definitively these rumors about Marx's supposed membership to free-masonry with real content, not rumors.

Marx, in Das Kapital (1967), translated from french: "... Transformation of profit into average profit ... In the light of mathematical reasoning, so to speak, why capitalists, who behave like false brothers when they compete with each other, understand themselves as Freemasons when it is a question of exploiting the working class. »

Marx, in September 1871 in a conference of delegates of the International Workers' Association was held in London. Source: Séance du 22 septembre, Marx-Engels-Gesamtausgabe (MEGA), tome I/22, Dietz Verlag Berlin, 1978, p. 737. Translated from french with DeepL.
"By secret organization we do not mean secret societies as such, which, on the contrary, must be fought. In France and Italy, where the political situation is such that the right of assembly is a crime, men will have very strong tendencies to allow themselves to be drawn into these secret societies whose results are always negative. Moreover, this kind of organization is contrary to the development of the proletarian movement because instead of educating the workers, these societies subject them to authoritarian and mystical laws that hinder their independence and distort their reason."

>> No.16534417

Not really. Read the theses on feuerbach. Marx is not totally rejective of a divine component, but he think the divine was once part of man, of our life, and was detached from him with civilization, separated from him. If i understand correctly, he think the earthly family is the key to the holy family. Once we have achieved paradise on earth, we don't need the fake paradise which is promised in books. Which is kinda true, while the dead Christ (as opposed to the living Christ) worshippers don't want to hear it, if we transform our reality until it's very nice to live in, we don't need paradize. Paradize has become our reality, and can be abolished.

>> No.16534437

Every single time, except in the primitive tribe, where you ancestor lived (they would be ashamed of you), except in the Huterrites communities, except in Israeli Kibbutzim communities.

>> No.16534492

>wasting your time arguing with literal retards

>> No.16535836

>Working for satan?
He was just disconnected from reality, he saw the problem that was capital and believed he could create a society that would fix said problem. That is a gross over-simplification but you get the idea; essentially he wasn't satanic.

>> No.16535839


>> No.16535960

Based if true.

>> No.16536075

This. Marxist scum are much more like secularised Christcucks than Satanists. Lucifer means revolt, liberty, liberation. Everything that is and was anathema in the conformist, collectivist, repressive, authoritarian commie states.

>> No.16536097

I wish this shit were true.

>> No.16536106
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People obsessed with the demonic and apocalyptic are cringe. Christianity should drop the Book of Revelation.

>> No.16536450

You don't know about Lucifer, and you don't know about Marx.

>> No.16536651

They are. Progressiveness and other left wing ideologies are essentialy the secular successor of Christianity. They shared several ideas and core concepts. Slave morality, hate for the strong, conformism, idolizing the poor/weak and both are cucks. They are ironically the opium of modern society.

>> No.16536749

The Orthodox Church already does.

>> No.16536925

>Progressiveness and other left wing ideologies
Like i said, you don't now much about Marx. An unread Satanist you are. That's one common point you have with the Christcucks on this thread.

>> No.16536953

Refute anything I said.

>> No.16536959

Also, I am not him>>16536075 or satanist

>> No.16537140

Kek? Blasphemy. To the gulag with you.

>> No.16537278

Marx is not about progressiveness. Nor is it about left wing of Capitalism. It is definitively not slave morality, but emancipation of the proletariat, classless society. Hate for the strong, not even. Marx hated Capitalism, not the strong, which are only a result of Capitalism. Conformist, really? Especially in america? Idolizing the poor/weak: not really, but describing horrible working and living condition in 19th century working class is not idolizing the poor/weak.
Marx is not the opium of modern society, because probably less than 0.1% of the population have read Marx. If you want opium, look at junk food, Netflix, videogames, mainstream medias, bars, alcohol, pop music. Not Karl Marx.

>> No.16537382

Who did it better?

>> No.16537411
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>> No.16537434

Then why say "satan" instead of materialism? Rhetorical ploy perhaps? Bait?

>> No.16537446

This faggot got BTFO'd by Red Plateaus.

>> No.16537462
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>the comments

>> No.16537518

>Grove City College
>entirely credible
What, Liberty University wasn't hiring?

>> No.16537524

>It is definitively not slave morality, but emancipation of the proletariat, classless society.
The emancipation of the proletariat is motivated by resentment and slave morality. The resent to the strong/rich is because people are poor, ignorant or just unlucky. Also, the idea of classeless society sounds stupid. There always will be those are inferior and those who are not. Regardless of the socioeconomic status you have.
>Hate for the strong, not even. Marx hated Capitalism, not the strong, which are only a result of Capitalism.
He didn't only hate capitalism, he hated those who have a power and were strong, noble and superior. Many of the most based
>Conformist, really? Especially in america?
Americans aren't humans. They just consoom everything their jewish overlords tell them to. They have been brainwashed by kike propaganda and not longer have "soul" or essence.
>Idolizing the poor/weak: not really, but describing horrible working and living condition in 19th century working class is not idolizing the poor/weak.
He indirectly martyred them through that. "Oh my poor people". Almost portraying them as saints. Pure victim complex.
>Marx is not the opium of modern society, because probably less than 0.1% of the population have read Marx.
Just because people don't read him doesn't mean they don't practice his ideas. His influence cannot be questioned. That is like saying because most people don't read Bacon that means they don't use science/scientific method in a way or another.
>If you want opium, look at junk food, Netflix, videogames, mainstream medias, bars, alcohol, pop music.
Kike garbage. Also, most of the youth in the west as been brainwashed with his ideas. Otherwise you wouldn't so many retards saying "BLM/Abolish capitalism/ etc". This is causing people to have a hatred for the white class because they are essentially superior.

>> No.16537539

What's wrong with GCC? It's one of the top liberal arts schools in America.

>> No.16537613

Based Orthos

>> No.16537647

was the last book accepted in the canon after much debate, I agree.

>> No.16537655

>There always will be those are inferior and those who are not.
In Capitalism, inferiority or superiority is not determined by you supposed qualities of intelligence, bravery, nobility, courage. It is determined by how much Capital you own. Many people are vain retards, and are vastly more rewarded than what you project as an intelligent, hard working persona.
>Kike garbage.
You are one of those who think you can have a noble world in Capitalism. That Capitalism doesn't have real influence on peoples mind and actions. That what counts is tradition, courage spirit. You don't understand that Capitalism is what shapes the world. The minds, nature, Also, saying that the emancipation of the proletariat is motivated by resentment of the strong/rich is false. Ignorant people are not Marxist. They are living into the opium society. We do not hate the rich, that's more an antisemitic sentiment. We hate this retarded mode of production, Capitalism which only aim is going towards "having" instead of "being". Also, about kikes. Capitalism creates kikes. Kikes do not create Capitalism. Our whole world is a kike world, money and trade, and even without the kikes, it would still be kike. And it is not so much the fault of the kikes, than the fault of Capitalism, a mode of production which amplify greed and egoism, because it is basically based, it feeds on these feelings.

>> No.16537727
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>> No.16537758

Know about this. The communist flag appeared with the bolshevik revolution. So 1917.

>> No.16537822

If you're unable to turn any of intelligence, bravery or courage into capital then you likely do not possess them or don't care about capital (not that there is anything wrong with that). Nobility is too vague of a term. Capitalism of course has its faults but it is a vastly superior "system" to the ressentiment-filled socialism which is nothing but a revolt of the poor who instead of being helped are weaponized by sociopaths into propelling those same sociopaths into positions of power. The end result is merely a change in hierarchy not the abolishment of it which is an obvious impossibility and of course a vastly inferior society which functions on party credentials and a distribution of "social justice" to the impoverished massess instead of free enterprise which in turn leads to collapse. Only an evil person and/or a retard would wish to bring about a system that promotes mediocrity, stiffles creative and competent people and the opportunity for growth both for the talented as well as for the less lucky. You are not special. If you are incompetent that is your problem, if you are ugly that is your problem, if you are poor that is your problem, if you are lazy that is your problem, if your parents were poor that is your problem, if you are lacking in health that is your problem.. Of course we should help some of the unlucky individuals, but the delusions of socialism stem precisely from ressentiment that wants to export its own misery to people who are thankfully doing better. It's a disgusting ideology.

>> No.16537859

This is a must read for those wondering what Marxism is and the man behind the dogma that has killed over 100 million & enslaved millions more. This is a dark, dark tale of a man who wrote poetry to Satan, eschewed Heaven in favor of Hell. Many who knew him claimed he was demon possessed. “He had the devil’s view of the world, and the devil’s malignity. He seemed to know that he was accomplishing works of evil.” A biographer asserted. (Location 231) His father said of him that he was “governed by a demon”, “my dear devil” by his son, “a monster of ten thousand devils” by Engels, and “wicked knave” by his wife. (Loc. 221). He may not have participated in black masses or believed in any supernatural entities, but what cannot be doubted by any sentient being is the undeniable evil associated with and brought about by Marxist/communist ideology. It is a malignant history that would be sure to please the denizens of a darker world.

>> No.16537863

>In Capitalism, inferiority or superiority is not determined by you supposed qualities of intelligence, bravery, nobility, courage. It is determined by how much Capital you own. Many people are vain retards, and are vastly more rewarded than what you project as an intelligent, hard working persona.
Agree that is why I don't like capitalism. I am more of facist.
>You are one of those who think you can have a noble world in Capitalism.
Never say that. Having power or being superior isn't necessarily capitalist.
>Also, saying that the emancipation of the proletariat is motivated by resentment of the strong/rich is false.
>Ignorant people are not Marxist.
They mostly are. Resentful towards the superior just like negroes recent whites. Ignorant will resent those who know more than them.
>opium society
Marxists like the good coonsumer goys essentially live in fantasy world. Ignoring completely reality and empirical facts. Just in two different ways. One lives to consoome and the other lives to destroy "capitalism" but also western society/white people.
Oy vey
>Capitalism creates kikes. Kikes do not create Capitalism.
False. Kikery predates capitalism by a long time. Jews having always been depicted as greedy since a really long time. Just read a bit of the Taldmud.
>and even without the kikes, it would still be kike
I can agree with that. Jews would be replaced other greedy group(Angl*s)
>And it is not so much the fault of the kikes, than the fault of Capitalism, a mode of production which amplify greed and egoism, because it is basically based, it feeds on these feelings.
Jews have a lot of fault. If you didn't have capitalism they would be still being jews. Also, don't think I like capitalism. Capitalism is essentially a material ideology. Essentially hylic.

>> No.16537883

Socialism is a state of poverty of spirit. A man rich in spirit would never be able to reduce his life or thinking to the distribution of social and material justice. Only an impoverished spirit that is hostile to life can occupy its being by something so brutally banal.

>> No.16537888

All Marian apparitions warn heavily against communism. It's for a reason.

>> No.16537944

I do not like socialism, or lower stage communism. It is petty and still aim low. Also, if you seem to despise working class, you also seem to overestimate the owners of the means of production. Take Elon Musk for example. He is just a high level engineer, like there are thousands in this world. Yet, because he had Capital (was born multimillionaire), and used it efficiently, he is considered as a "game-changer", a "genius". On the other hand, take Nikolai Tesla. A true genius, yet he ended broke, some even say because he was too much of a genius, and invented new ways to produce vast amounts of energy for cheap, which didn't please his employers. Indeed if energy is free, where do we put the meter? Capitalism was indeed something that created better conditions of living something like 150 years ago, however, today, we have reached a point where every good invention is hidden, because something too efficient wouldn't make any profit. You cannot sell water from the river for a profit. See the many patent classified secret because they are free energy related. Also, the electromedecine, which could have been used to regrow severed limbs. Researches abandoned. Because it doesn't help to sell pills. It doesn't make profit.
Also, on an other register, and people don't know it, but Capitalism is always dead. Think about it. It's only maintained alive artificially throught money printing, which allow Capital to renew itself. Capitalism probably died around 2012-2015, when it was clear that quantitative easing couldn't reboot the machine, because markets are saturated, and no more profit can be made.

>> No.16537964

>One lives to consoome and the other lives to destroy "capitalism" but also western society/white people.
Capitalism is destroying western society and white people. Do your own researches.

>> No.16538080

>They mostly are. Resentful towards the superior just like negroes recent whites. Ignorant will resent those who know more than them.
It's not about this. It's about living in a society that is not atomized. Where people are not transformed into drones which sole aim is to feed the Capitalistic machine.
>False. Kikery predates capitalism by a long time. Jews having always been depicted as greedy since a really long time. Just read a bit of the Taldmud.
I know about the Talmud. I was antisemitic for 15 years. Exchange value exist since the neolithic revolution, 12000 years ago. Jews officially only exist since around 5780 years. Jews are the human product of exchange value, money, usury. There are no jews in the primitive tribes. No jews in the german barbaric tribes. Jews appeared with the development of trade, usury, commerciality. It is not a coincidence if their development followed the development of exchange value, until today, which is the global trade world.
>Jews have a lot of fault. If you didn't have capitalism they would be still being jews. Also, don't think I like capitalism. Capitalism is essentially a material ideology. Essentially hylic.
" Feuerbach starts out from the fact of religious self-alienation, of the duplication of the world into a religious world and a secular one. His work consists in resolving the religious world into its secular basis.

But that the secular basis detaches itself from itself and establishes itself as an independent realm in the clouds can only be explained by the cleavages and self-contradictions within this secular basis. The latter must, therefore, in itself be both understood in its contradiction and revolutionized in practice. Thus, for instance, after the earthly family is discovered to be the secret of the holy family, the former must then itself be destroyed in theory and in practice."
Marx, Theses on Feuerbach.

>> No.16538210

Should I read this book just for the lulz?

>> No.16538780

>If you didn't have capitalism they would be still being jews.
Without trade, money and usury, how could jews still be jews?

>> No.16539018

There is nothing inherent to Jewishness that concerns usury or whatever.

>> No.16539090

So what is inherent to jewishness, if not trade and money? Because i don't see any jews in primitive tribes. Also, never heard of jews in barbarian tribes.

>> No.16539914


>> No.16539917
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>All these are just joke curses about hoping Donald Trump dies from corona

>> No.16539943

Jews are literally a tribe.

>> No.16539996


>> No.16540313

>this level of autism

>> No.16541472 [DELETED] 

schizo thread

>> No.16541556
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>not the ultimate spook

>> No.16541588

>epicurean communes work well in small communities where everyone knows eachother but has disastrous consequences when attempted on a national scale
No way!

>> No.16542169

The scale of higher stage communism is the commune.
What are the characteristics of this tribe, are they hunter gatherers? Warriors? Farmers? Or more like usurers, traders, merchants?
The social relationship determines the ideology, not the other way round. In a sane world, without circulation of goods, where work isn't detached from producer in order to circulate, jews wouldn't even exist, because the substratum they develop on wouldn't exist.

>> No.16542363
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Marx was literally too stupid for calculus. Anyone who cannot do calculus is evil because stupidity is evil.
Any depraved, craven creature who cannot understand calculus is an animal.

>> No.16542582

No but Hegel certainly was

>> No.16542610

Reminder that these are from Marx's correspondence with Hegel, not from a book, and where written 2 years before Marx's death.

>> No.16542803


>> No.16543298


>> No.16543808

>still believing in God vs Satan in 2020

>> No.16543932


>> No.16543973

>Was Karl Marx working for Satan?
>"Satan" is materialism.
>Economics is evil.
>pure evil.
>They killed a lot of people
/x/ is that way. You are all pathetic.

>> No.16544632

How the FUCK I’d this obvious bait still up?

>> No.16544679
File: 1.18 MB, 828x1485, D5AB2C1D-0E4D-49E4-9EFD-F4DD73E1B0B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are so many thots taking selfies at his house?

>> No.16544818

>fatties and wall'd sluts

>> No.16545444

Satan is hate and the will to power, elements both present in Karl Marx's works

>> No.16545848


>> No.16545940

Totally. Don't read Marx. REad someone who talks about Marx. Best way anyway to get a truthful opinion.