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16521251 No.16521251 [Reply] [Original]

Has any right wing writer had the intellectual honesty and courage to be as critical of his own side of the political spectrum as Orwell was of communism?

And the fact that most political apostasy occurs by leftists converting to the right is yet more evidence that leftists are more intelligent, honest, self critical, self examining and open minded than right wing people

>> No.16521577

Look up Renaissance Man (Ephraim) on YouTube. He's a Christian who's well-read on patristics and often gives original answers to both the left and the right wing.

>> No.16521605

It's literally full of "right-wing" writers (liberals and "conservatives") criticizing what they call fascism and nazism. It's pretty much all they do since they always equate fascism to communism. That's the stance of Popper for example denouncing totalitarianism in general (equating fascism and communis, again), for example.

>> No.16521641

Bernanos, I think you'll mostly find Christian authors

>> No.16522931


>> No.16522947

Mishima. He was actually a Japanese normiecon and not a fascist.

>> No.16522962

The way Leftists try to censor everything is fairly obvious evidence that they're not honest. A lot of the Right is bad about this too but there is a subgroup of lolbertarian-adjacent rightists that are consistently against censorship.

>> No.16522972

obsession with ethnocentric cooperation isn't actually a good trait for a healthy society. it's understandable but it's not ideal. good right wing leaders should know this and act accordingly; energize their base with some implicit promises of ethnocentric cooperation but not making it a fundamental part of their project

>> No.16522973
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>> No.16522981
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For motherfuck's sake

>> No.16522986

It depends what you consider right wing. Evola and Spengler were both quite critical of Fascism. Plenty of religious authors have disagreements.

>> No.16523054

>as Orwell was of communism
Orwell was never a communist, nor was he a socialist, at the time of his critiques. This is a meme that gets spread around by faggots who've only ever heard it second hand. Eventually it gets taken for granted, even though it's a total falsehood. The Spanish Civil war lasted from 36 to 39. Animal Farm was published in 45, 1984 in 49. By that time he had grown disillusioned through direct exposure. Don't bother replying as I won't address any replies, because this is undisputable fact.

>> No.16523073

>Don't bother replying as I won't address any replies, because this is undisputable fact.
Oh so you're a libshit got it.

>> No.16523083

He was disillusioned with existing countries that called themselves socialist while not having the workers own the means of production.

>> No.16523092

Spengler is a centrist, not a right-winger

>> No.16523974

Evola's Fascism Viewed From the Right

>> No.16523994

Spengler is a historical determinist and a cultural relativist, so his take on politics is necessarily a bit besides the point. He thought Germany should have been behaving in a specific manner during his time but his understanding of how it should have operated was kind of vague and didn't fit into existing categories that well. I don't think he was entirely against the Nazis but they weren't ideal to him.

>> No.16524068

Yes, read moldbug.

>> No.16524770

Read MPC

>> No.16524962

Are you interested in hearing a critique of the rightwing or not?

>> No.16524978

He literally has a book called "Fascism viewed from the Right".

>> No.16524997

>And the fact that most political apostasy occurs by leftists converting to the right is yet more evidence that leftists are more intelligent, honest, self critical, self examining and open minded than right wing people

Are we just going to let that go?
No, retard, the fact that most apostasy goes from left to right is because leftists are generally found in academia, mired in theory, and only those that gain experience either just through sheer age or some real world circumstance, realize their mistake.
The reason you don't see right to left conversion is because people who grow up right wing had families who were able to demonstrate why their values were as they were, and instill a need for pragmatism etc; essentially getting a head-start.

That was not me btw. I was a hard lefty until I got a fucking job.

>> No.16525012

The fact that you view politics as ideologically determined indicates that you were not, in fact, a hard lefty.