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/lit/ - Literature

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16518861 No.16518861[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My life is literally a joke.

>Be 25yo Junior at Princeton
>Exclusively applied to Princeton in high school and got rejected
>Retook SATs and kept reapplying to Princeton every year for 5 years
>Finally get accepted as a Freshmen at age 23
>Expect to meet great literary minds like F. Scott Fitzgerald there. Nothing but trustfund kids and affirmative action students
>Fail to integrate myself and spent most of my freshmen year reading and drinking alone in my dorm
>Midway through Sophomore year COVID hits. Get evicted from campus
>Fall semester of Junior year and it's another semester of remote learning

I wasted 5 years of my life to get into my dream school, and all I'm doing is watching recorded lectures that I could probably get for free on Youtube. Zoom classes are even worse though. The only plus side of them is that at least I can privately jerk off to qts in my class without them noticing.

I think I might literally be the reincarnation of Sisyphus.

>> No.16518870

Lool. The post like right below yours too is talking about how college is useless too.

>> No.16518872
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At least you're at Princeton though. What are you majoring in, just out of curiosity?

>> No.16518895

>What are you majoring in

English Literature. I literally chose this school because of F. Scott Fitzgerald

>> No.16518904

shouldn't have wasted those two years, you're probably not even /fitlit/.
>There is no permanence. Do we build a house to stand forever, do we seal a contract to hold for all time? Do brothers divide an inheritance to keep forever, does the flood-time of rivers endure? It is only the nymph of the dragon-fly who sheds her larva and sees the sun in his glory. From the days of old there is no permanence. The sleeping and the dead, how alike they are, they are like a painted death. What is there between the master and the servant when both have fulfilled their doom? When the Anunnaki, the judges, come together, and Mammetun the mother of destinies, together they decree the fates of men. Life and death they allot but the day of death they do not disclose."

>> No.16518916

>Expect to meet great literary minds like F. Scott Fitzgerald there. Nothing but trustfund kids and affirmative action students
Perfectly captures the current state of Ivy League schools: no one actually deserves to be there.

>> No.16518924

Holy shit PrincetonToad is back!

>> No.16518929

Yeah everyone knows that Ivy League isn't what it used to be. You wasted your youth, congrats

>> No.16519016
File: 93 KB, 640x638, 6C7AE3D4-B289-4C7A-9B2F-616FD4D43C87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to Princeton. Miss Forbes/Annex. Rocky on a stormy night; Firestone; the Wa; PJs, etc.
Man now you got me all nostalgic

Don’t worry OP. A lot of the payoff is someone else saying “hey, I went to Princeton” and you most likely finding a practically valuable connection. You got my attention, for instance.

How can we turn your circumstances around, ol Tiger?

>> No.16519043

this reminded me how boring school is and how much i hated school