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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 61 KB, 865x634, chainsguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1651712 No.1651712 [Reply] [Original]

Are you curious about the Bible but you don't actually want to read it yourself? Well this guy'll do it for you! The Project is basically to read the entirety of the Bible on YouTube and explain what the stories are all about. He takes a secular approach to the whole deal and his style is both entertaining and informative. I think he's doing a pretty good job so far so check him out, subscribe, tell your friends, etc.

Videos released so far:

Genesis 1:1 - Genesis 2:4

The Second Story of Creation; Genesis 2:5 - Genesis 2:25

>> No.1651717

Rick Astley reading the Bible? I'm in!

>> No.1651719

just some guy, eh?

>> No.1651726

Yup. Also, he releases one video every Sunday. It'll probably take a while to get through the whole thing but I think the project will be pretty worth it in the end.

>> No.1651749


>one video every Sunday

Fuck that it'd be quicker reading it.

>> No.1651760

Just think of it as a thing to watch casually every Sunday. The videos are short and fairly entertaining, so it's not a whole lot to slog through.

>> No.1651834

Bible bump

>> No.1651839

Pretty cool

>> No.1651843
File: 144 KB, 600x600, 1277674528120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1651847

he cuts it a lot, kind of annoying instead of a straight video

>> No.1651858

Go to librivox.org, search: The Bible. Enjoy!

>> No.1651867

Yeah but they don't have funny pictures or messed up hair like this guy

>> No.1651877

i like this guy, this idea... may he fulfill his task

>> No.1651886
File: 31 KB, 448x687, how to read the bible for all its worth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all seriousness if you really wanted to read the entire bible I recommend you read this book first and then make an account at http://www.youversion.com/ and sign up for a reading plan. You'd get through the whole thing in about a year with just 15 minutes a day and pic related would help you understand how to approach the text (but not interpret it for you).

>> No.1651905

There are lots of online editions of the Bible, I don't know which one is the best, but this one http://bible.oremus.org/ includes the New Revised Standard Version which is recommended by this scholar from Yale http://oyc.yale.edu/religious-studies/introduction-to-new-testament/content/syllabus in his course freely available online. These courses are also really useful for studying the Bible, btw, http://oyc.yale.edu/religious-studies in addition to that book you recommended (which I haven't read, might look into it, thanks)

>> No.1651927


The thing about http://www.youversion.com/ is that it does not support as single translation. It doesn't have the New Revised Standard Version but it does support a mess others, and in a multitude of languages no less. What's more is that it also supports parallel reading excellently, allowing one to read more than one translation at once line by line with astounding ease. And all this besides it's useful reading schedules.

>> No.1651945

>What's more is that it also supports parallel reading excellently, allowing one to read more than one translation at once line by line with astounding ease.
Oh, that sounds pretty useful, actually. I've also seen things like this for Homer, The Divine Comedy and The Canterbury Tales

>> No.1652013

Do you think that this could work for another book/holy book? I've wanted to get into radio for a while and this could be a good beginner experience. My book of choice would be the Daodejing, and while it's horridly complex I think it could be interesting to do a project similar to this one.

>> No.1652047
File: 195 KB, 720x480, 1294430722763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw that site only haves protestan bibles

>> No.1652048


Sounds to me that you're more interested in the recitation aspect than anything else, which indicates that this would work with any book you wanted to read aloud, though preferably one well-written.

I suggest you find yourself a novel with some amazing prose and go to town there. You probably have such a work in mind already but in any case i shall make suggestions below.

Shakespeare's body of work is certainly an option, though that would be tricky considering all the characters involved. The Great Gatsby's prose is also utterly amazing. In particular I would recommend Moby Dick. The subject matter, tone, and presentation of the writing is so over the place that I think it would be an masterful exercise in voice and enunciation.

Relevant: http://librivox.org/ (middle column)

>> No.1652056


It's run by a protestant church, so I'm not terribly surprised.

Besides, you say that like the vast majority of English translations of the bible aren't protestant.

>> No.1652062

That and the fact that I have read the Daodejing and consider myself a philosophical Taoist. I also consider myself to be leaning upon the smart side and when I read it the ideas were so far removed from typical Western ideas I had to basically read the book twice just to comprehend the passages fully, let alone gain any insight or lesson.

I think I'll start with the Daodejing and see how that goes. I'll check out librivox, too. Sounds good.

>> No.1652070

Don't give up OP!

>> No.1652122

yeah but in languages of mostly catholic countries still only haves protestan bibles

me cago en reina-valera

>> No.1652411

A bump before bed.

>> No.1652999

A bump after waking up.

>> No.1653114

what bible editions do english speaking catholics use?

>> No.1654403

page 13 bump

>> No.1655226

bump in case Friday afternoon crew hasn't seen this yet~

>> No.1655259


King James Version, unfortunately.

>> No.1655265

Pretty sure OP is Chains (or a friend of Chains), but yeah, I saw those videos and thoroughly enjoyed them.


>> No.1655276

OP here, nah I just saw someone (possibly/probably him) post a thread about him a couple weeks ago, liked the vids, decided to remind everyone that he's out there

>> No.1655534
File: 60 KB, 471x694, 1286254353624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is that fucking possible? i thought that english speaking catholics used douay-rheims

>> No.1656135

Maybe even more people will see this if I bump it now. I don't know! I'm going to anyway!!