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/lit/ - Literature

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1651675 No.1651675 [Reply] [Original]

>in the library
>pc is free, girl before me left purse there
>run after her and catch her going down the stairs
>she thanks me and insists on buying me a drink to make up for it
>i'm a little busy but the sun is shining so fuck the police
>grab two ice cold coke's and sit in the park talking
>i've got my Dostoesky Notes from the underground/the double with me, aswell as my Canterbury tales and dr jekyll and mr hyde i purchased.
>she wants to know about Dostoyvskey
>she picks up the book and scoffs at the fact he's Russian
>tell her he's arguably one of the greatest writers ever
>she says that she doesn't care for old literature only contemporary authors
>ask her who she likes
>she loved Freedom by Franzen
>tell her The Corrections was better
>she says she enjoyed DFW - Infinite Jest
>tell her he writes like a child
>says she enjoys Terry Pratchett
>remind her he wants to kill himself because he has Alzheimers
>she seems upset that i'm telling her the truth and goes silent
>says she's going to a poetry reading tonight and asks if i want to come
>tell her no thanks and inform her that poetry is a dead medium for try-hards and wannabe's
>she says Poetry is the truest art form
>quickly excuse myself and walk towards the pond in the park
>jump into the icy water and hold my breath as long as possible
>come up soaking a freezing and walk into Tesco to but some fairy liquid
>back to the pond scrubbing furiously until my skin is red raw
>i cannot get the feel of idiocy off of my skin
>vomit into the pond
>get out and she's sill stood there
>gives me her number and name, tells me to text her about going out
>burn her contact info with a magnifying glass and the suns rays.
>fuck the library, just read instead
>pic related, it's the book i'm reading, finished NFTUG, enjoyed it a lot 2nd half, mostly it read like an Aspie's diary however

>> No.1651680


>> No.1651678
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pic related, it's what she looked like, only she was prettier and less slutty

>> No.1651682


>> No.1651683
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>> No.1651690

I presume NFTUG is the abbreviation for 'Notes from the Underground', correct?

>> No.1651692

No it means Nuts That Fuck Ugly Guys. It's about Brownbear's nuts.

>> No.1651694

i call bullshit on these stories
no way you pick chicks up like that, or throw up every damn time

>> No.1651699

Nice way to touch on poetry, really the meat of the story. Although, seeing as you're writing these in point form, they seem less like prose and more metred. I attend poetry nights bimonthly in my country and there are enthralling tales and personnages portrayed time to time, and the aspiring bards of North America have published an honest pursuit of aestheticism. Poetry is not dead, just the marketing of it. Meyer, Pratchett, and Franzen are going to get the ads before the next Keats or Byron.

>> No.1651700

lol @ you if you don't understand that these stories are untrue and basically humorous

kind of jokes, kind of trolls

they're not really funny anymore though. shit is played out.

>> No.1651707

And if you look at the way these lurkers respond to your posts, Brownbear, I think you'd agree that your poetry, too, seems dead. It's the people who won't read, won't listen.

>> No.1651720


>> No.1651729

>be somewhere
>do something that attracts girl while surreptitiously holding book
>go for drink (this is part essential)
>start conversation with girl about books
>once she's stated her preferences act like a condescending ass
>she seems upset (as is this part)
>nonetheless she gives details which are disposed of quickly
>prettier/less slutty than generic pic plucked from dashboard of Tumblr
>troll retards who can't help themselves

>> No.1651747

So OP, you make me very frustrated. You completely embody the underground man, yet criticize the character for being an "Aspie". I am going to tell myself that you are clever and were trolling through your irony. I don't care if it is a lie, it is a better world than the alternative.
I can't explain away the fact you liked part II and not part I, so I will simply sink into a deeper state of denial and leave /lit/ for the night.

>> No.1651755

top notch short story writing there OP

>> No.1651762


>> No.1651784

>tell her no thanks and inform her that poetry is a dead medium for try-hards and wannabe's
Care to elaborate?


>> No.1651790
File: 92 KB, 819x502, 1299830274096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Brownbear's temp ban from a greentext "blog post" looked like. He got it because enough anons reported. If you report now, he will get another. Soon, temp bans become a perma-ban. He's bragged about getting around that, but he'll have to ditch the trip. The trip is his identity, the most important thing in his pathetic life. Take it from him.

tl;dr REPORT

>> No.1651818


>> No.1651822

Why're all you guys hating on him?
He's done nothing wrong so far. All his greentexts are about literature.

So what gives?

>> No.1651823

why would anyone report this? this shit is way more entertaining than the heaps of pseudo-intellectual bullshit covering the front page. if you don't like it, go read a book. (you don't read)

>> No.1651828

It took Brownbear 45min- an hour to write this everyone

>> No.1651830

fuck the haters


>> No.1651832



>> No.1651835
File: 91 KB, 885x454, banned for posting off ropic material lit 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you know i wasn't banned for those 2 days right?

>> No.1651844

you really believed me when i said that?

100% correct

i do not deal in hypothetical situations

cool story, bro

i never troll

thanks mate

ladies and gentlemen, read these posts and be faced with an inconvenient truth

>> No.1651850

>disagree with someone
>report them
the mods are going to hate you for clogging the report queue

>> No.1651851


You. If you were a tripfag I would support you. Marv.

>> No.1651852

>you really believed me when i said that?
I believe everything you say, Brownbear, especially what you post in these threads of yours.

>> No.1651854

>ladies and gentlemen, read these posts and be faced with an inconvenient truth

what? that you're willing to post without your trip sometimes?

>> No.1651856


much like you're mom hated my clogging of her cervix with my gargantuan member

wait no she was down

>> No.1651881

I have learned / To look on Brownbear's posts, not as in the hour of thoughtless trolling, but hearing oftentimes / The still, sad music of humanity

-William Wordsworth, 1798

p.s. i like cox

>> No.1651900

I enjoy these posts better than Post cereals. And that is mainly because for 5 or 6 lines each time, I am led to hope that there are, in some library somewhere, gurls who will talk seriously about literature (as serious as a woman can) and then, well, the drowning parts make me lol so.....

>> No.1651901

for all we know he could be Thomas Pynchon guys

>> No.1651902
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>in the library
>every day at school
>2 years later
>have never talked to a single soul

>> No.1651910

For all u know I could be Shakespeare.. think about it

>> No.1651915

Fuck man. Fuck. Now I can't think of anything other than Thomas Pynchon sitting at a computer with his horrible teeth making a trollface.