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/lit/ - Literature

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16514743 No.16514743 [Reply] [Original]

neets what is wrong with him


>> No.16514780


>> No.16514844

>Not the real vocaro poster
my disappointment is immeasurable

>> No.16514859

The guy who reads threads isn't the original vocaroos poster, the original guy was some brooklyn wop who wouod scream into his mic for like 2 minutes

>> No.16514868

why would you bump?! jsut to say that, you retard.

>> No.16514872
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I long for the Elliot Rodger sound-alike.

>> No.16514940

oh my god!!! im a freshman literature student and im publishing my second novel, here look at my ikea furniture and shelf of penguin classic and my TYPEWRITER isnt is so chic?? and also i drink coffee and grind my own BEANS because im living the literary lifestyle!!!!!

horrible little trust fund gook.

>> No.16514964

Well publishing a novel even before starting undergrad is rather impressive.

>> No.16514995

he self-publishhed

>> No.16514997

Impressive for his parents maybe, I doubt he has anything to do with it.

>> No.16515007

Excuse me did I give you permission to post my husbando?

>> No.16515089
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John is canon 300 years old. There's enough to go around.

>> No.16515646
