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/lit/ - Literature

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16510427 No.16510427 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16510435

Misery, 37.

>> No.16510442

Fanged Noumena 34

>> No.16510441

lolita, 70.

>> No.16510449

Dream of the Red Chamber, 36

>> No.16510464

Autobiography of Red. 27

>> No.16510498

/lit/'s a litter older than I though it'd be

>> No.16510524

How can you remember all the names? I'm curently struggling with that one

>> No.16510540

Basic Economics by Thomas Sowell (a truly distinguished man).

>> No.16510548


>> No.16510718

Blood Meridian
Les enfants terrible
(Can't decide between the three)


>> No.16510949

I just got introduced to reading, thanks in part to this board so pls dont bully my list i havent made 20 reads yet

Species of Spaces
The Illiad
The Stranger
In The Penal Colony


>> No.16510953
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Maldoror, The Tunnel or Tomb for 500.000 Soldiers.

>> No.16510966

Count of monte cristo


>> No.16510969

My advice would be for you to lurk, you don't want to get demoralised at such a young age. Just keep reading and ignore all the edgy retards who pretend to read.

>> No.16511029


I'd say keep reading whatever you like, at your age things should naturally spark when you read something that resonates. That spark diminishes with age if you're not very careful and empty worries about book count and such will only contribute.

>> No.16511063

Anna Karenina

>> No.16511104

The Horse and His Boy, 26.
See you in two years.

>> No.16511128

The Brothers Karamazov
A Tale of Two Cities

>> No.16511137

I thought I was the only one that read this book. One of my favorite ones as well.

>> No.16511248
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Stoner, 23.

>> No.16511267

You're an underage faggot and should be banned as such but you're on the good track. Very strange that you choose species of spaces, a very good book by Perec and a favorite of mine but rather obscure.

>> No.16511289
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>> No.16511390

Tbh didnt hear bout that rule, if it existed cause I just look around here, I regular on /v/ and mustve missed it. I chose Species of Spaces because its was different and its the first one I've read, although that could change this week since I loved his writing so much I ordered Void and A Man Asleep and its coming in a couple days.

>> No.16511424

No longer human, 20

>> No.16511430

You should read Things, its his best work

>> No.16511450

The Diary of a Superfluous Man, 25

>> No.16511474

either The Gods Themselves or Crime and Punishment

>> No.16511481

A Man asleep is also a favourite of mine, haven't read void though.
It's one of his weaker imo. Have you read Life: A user's manual? It's not my favourite Perec's book but I think I'd call it his best work.

>> No.16511750 [DELETED] 
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17 yo

>> No.16511754
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Have you read much else of the Olympia Press?

>> No.16511814

Your attempts at datamining my true identity are unamusing so I shall answer my own questions.

>Who is your favourite Swiss?
Euler. Rousseau can get to fuck.
>What was the best Xbox 360 game of all time?
It was Burnout: Paradise, of course.
>Is it true that all our lives are determined by mechanical, material processes?
No! A strong will is unconquerable.

>> No.16511988
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Notes from Underground or No Longer Human
I see more of myself than I'd like to admit in both of the main characters.

>> No.16512000
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>favorite book
fuck if I know, I got a kick out of Hamilton's Mythology and still revisit some of the stories within from time to time; similar with DFW's Oblivion
I'm about to be 26 in a month or two

>> No.16512024

Ada or Ardor, Nabokov (as of now)

>> No.16512035

No, not yet. I want to but the lists..

>> No.16512039
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>Pale Fire

>> No.16512157

Byron's complete poems & letters
Dickinson's complete poems & (hilarious) letters

>> No.16512165

The prose is a bit thick dyt?

>> No.16512380
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>> No.16512391
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>> No.16512406


>> No.16512420
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Hunger or The Maimed

I ordered Obscene Bird of Night by mail, which could become my future favorite

>> No.16512444

The Tin Drum

>> No.16512457

why? that book bored me to death with the exceptions of a few very good scenes

>> No.16512466
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>> No.16512763

I care little for the modern obsession with the minimal.

>> No.16512771

OBoN is impossible to find new in English

>> No.16512865
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I could order it, but the delivery was delayed two times already.
Maybe that's why.

It's on Open Library, but I've been planning to read it when it arrives.
If it arrives at all.

>> No.16512886

Don Quixote

>> No.16512902

My edition has an appendix of characters.

>> No.16512925
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>OBoN is impossible to find new in English
Not really

>> No.16512956

Where did you find it?its $40 used on amazon, book depository doesn’t have it new,etc

>> No.16512982

I bought that copy on Amazon for $13.14

>> No.16512988

New?i don’t buy used

>> No.16513017
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>> No.16513025

It was new when I bought it back in 2019. Those prices were pretty common back then so I just assumed it was the same. Did not think it would come to the point to the current prices I see on Amazon.

>> No.16513034
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>> No.16513046

Yeah it’s crazy.ive been looking for it on amazon for ~6 months.youre lucky.its one of my holy grail books because it’s hard to find.i hope I’m not disappointed when I finally find it..

>> No.16513077

I wish you the best of luck in finding a new copy for a reasonable price. I absolutely loved it and need to re-read it. The PDF is readily available until you find a copy.

>> No.16513093

A tie between these two

Blood Meridian
American Psycho


>> No.16513116

The crying lot of 49, 19

>> No.16513371

I hear you, but there are far better baroque style writers, and I too like Oscar Wilde (if that's who led you to him).. but I won't argue a matter of taste. If you haven't already you should check out Beddoes' Death's Jest Book.

>> No.16513451
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Ultimate Dinosaur Book


>> No.16513470

i got filtered on the first page, this book is more confusing than infinite jest. he had a nice introduction tho i still remember the end of it where he compares his book to a child that one doesn't hear from but seems to be doing quite well

>> No.16513582

sorrows of young werther 20

>> No.16513641

The Master and Margarita
The Pickwick Papers


>> No.16513669

Infinite Jest

>> No.16513678

>The Metamorphoses by Ovid

>> No.16513700


>> No.16513950

The Recognitions, 19

>> No.16514023

science of logic (or anything by Hegel) ,18

>> No.16514040
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>> No.16514046

heart of darkness, 18.

>> No.16514126

Fellow dad of a six year old

>> No.16514132

Thank you, I will look that book up.

>> No.16514133

Confession of a mask, 22

>> No.16514158 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16514191

>which could become my future favorite
how do you know that?
but it's possible, it's on my top 5 for sure.

>> No.16514302
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I've read a bit about it before I ordered it. I really like surreal literature and by the way some reviewers described it, this could be right up my alley. Also (and I hate to admit it) the cover of a book plays a role in my interest in a book and this is a pretty cool one.
I've also tighten the beginning of it online, because it takes so long to arrive.

>> No.16514308

*read not tighten

>> No.16514334

You have to be 12 to be on this site

>> No.16514350

Mysteries, Hamsun

>> No.16515434

I don't really have one, haven't read that many so I haven't quite developed my taste yet but if I had to choose it'd be
The House of Spirits

>> No.16516502

Absalom Absalom

>> No.16516833

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.16516848

Blood meridian

>> No.16516852

24 and I'm really enjoying the Foundation novels right now. Interested to read the end of eternity afterwards.

>> No.16516919
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>> No.16517014
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>> No.16517216

Blood Meridian

Pls don't bully me

>> No.16517246

das Kapital

>> No.16517275

Have you considered reading good books?

>> No.16517291
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>> No.16517292

The Master and Margarita, 25

>> No.16517298

The empty mirror (No one has ever read it here and I wish someone had) and crime and punishment.


>> No.16517374
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>Meaning 18+
>It clearly says 19
>19 is greater than 18
I thing that post was intended for it's author.

>> No.16517377
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it unironically reads like prose

>> No.16517387
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The Good Soldier Svejk

>> No.16517423

You mean poetry?

>> No.16518364

Book of Disquiet 23

>> No.16518465
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>> No.16518477

>The empty mirror (No one has ever read it here and I wish someone had
Probably because it was trash

>> No.16518487

24 (which apparently is old here)

None. All books are trash.

>> No.16518496

Red Meridian, 39

>> No.16518499
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Just turned 100
The deepest prose I've ever read in my entire life

>> No.16518503


>> No.16518506

Good choice

>> No.16518514

canticle for leibowitz / 25

>> No.16518566

The Tartar Steppe, 31.

>> No.16518772

Les Fleur du Mal

>> No.16518784

You probably already read more than most /lit/ lurkers and we all used 4chan at your age anyway. Good luck anon

>> No.16518804

Tonio Kroger and The Savage Detectives

>> No.16518821
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>pic related

>> No.16518826

"alright goy, it's time to read Harry Potter!"

>> No.16518843

It’s cute you responded to yourself, anon. Wanna fart on camera for me?

>> No.16519272

The quran in Arabic

>> No.16519353

Catcher in the rye 18

>> No.16519371

There is better racist literature than TD. Maybe try Céline or Madison Grant.

>> No.16519381

Journey to the end of the night, 23

>> No.16519406

it has nothing to do with its ideology
it's just a really badly written book.
sorry you're a brainlet :(

>> No.16519412
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>> No.16519415 [DELETED] 
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autobiography if malcolm x

>> No.16519419

The Waste Land & Other Poems

I am quite surprised by the average age of this board. I would suspect it'd be a little bit older than most (let's say 24, 25), but not in the late 20s.

To the old posters in this thread: Did you turn on to reading in need for a change due to your age?

>> No.16519426

Starship Troopers

>> No.16519428
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>> No.16519482
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>> No.16519590 [DELETED] 

Moby Dick


>> No.16519645

Brief Interviews with Hideous People, 26

>> No.16519728
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>> No.16519801


>> No.16519825
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The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, 27

>> No.16519841 [DELETED] 

Ficciones, the brotherhood of the grape or hurensohn

>> No.16519884

The End of Eternity was my first Asimov novel and I loved it. I haven’t started the Foundation series yet but I’m looking forward to it

>> No.16519898

Keep lurking but also go on /fit/ and do not just confine your days to mental labour. A good and balanced mix between mental and physical work is as based as it gets.

>> No.16519903

Based. One of my favorite PKD novels

>> No.16519927

Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka

>> No.16519934

Bad meme, a walk in the park is all you need.

>> No.16519942

Don Quixote or Anna Karenina

Don't reveal your age, anon. Not a bad list for a beginner.

>> No.16519950


>> No.16519957

No anon, clearly means 18 only

>> No.16519970

The Brothers Karamazov, 30

>> No.16519978

Hunger, by Hamsun
Havoc, by Kristensen
Spring Snow, by Mishima

>> No.16519980

Im 42 - so here’s my thoughts.

I’ve always liked reading. Liked Thoreau and Emerson when I was in high school. I went into university with computer science but finished with a English minor. I read some in my late 20s and early 30s but then picked up a lot in late 30s once life settled down some with kids and such. Honestly the nice thing about reading literature is it simply opens up to understanding the world and lives of other people that you can’t experience first hand. Also, as you settle down there’s a lot of routine and monotony. Reading offers a nice escape.

Despite the relatively young age, there’s a lot of good posts here and it’s nice to see some of the more traditionally canonical texts referenced. It’s unfortunate to see the state of university education. I’ve compared the course offerings now from when I was in school in 20 years ago. The difference is mind boggling just in that short of a time frame. You’re going to find better suggestions here than reading school recommendations or reviewing the short list for some award.

The other thing as you age you really see the difference between good and great works. The good works sometimes fail to age well....in other words I might have liked them in the past because they spoke to a certain circumstance or phase in my life. The great ones can be read and re-read and you continue to get something new.

>> No.16519990

So what books do you like at this point in life? What are great works

>> No.16520119
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>> No.16520120
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I'm 32.

My favorite book is Moby Dick, it's the best book in the English language (According to me)

>> No.16520202

Germinal too !

I really enjoyed Aux bonheurs des dames too !

>> No.16520208


>> No.16520211

>The Horse and His Boy
based Narnian

>> No.16520350

Moby Dick comes to mind because of how vastly different it was between reading parts of it in my 20s to when I read the whole work in my late 30s.

In particular, having more life experiences I was able to empathize with some of the characters and themes. There were times when I was mad with God/The Universe. Once I felt that I could understand Ahab as the hero. I was also more cynical and perhaps less sincere when I was younger. So again with a little more life experience, I saw more subtlety and more beauty in MD...you accept that the universe is in some ways not understandable but you still see the beauty in it. Over time you also get a better appreciation for fate. Those are all themes I maybe thought I understood when I was younger but I actually felt them when I was older.

Another example is Blood Meridian for different reasons. The more you read the more you get out of things. I remember reading the first page of BM the first time and I remember thinking - that’s beautiful writing. The second time after having read parts of the Bible And knowing the entirety of BM I think - wow that meteor shower kind of reminds me of the concept of Lucifer(god of the morning star) falling from the sky. Or you read Empire of the Summer Moon and you understand what it would have been like to see Comanches in front of you. Really good books have that way of eliciting mental connections to different ideas and themes. I never felt that with something like Catcher in the Rye. You can relate to the adolescent angst....but it doesn’t mean that much when you’re older. I’ll think about Moby Dick or Blood Meridian all the time.

I like Volmann and Pynchon for similar reasons. You read their books and you just learn so much trying to understand them and you really see how great they are.

I realize these are all American authors, butt they are some of my favorites in terms of impacting my life. I’m sure there are loads of other examples.

>> No.16520499

20, The Idiot

>> No.16520584
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Hold Me Tight: Seven Conversations for a Lifetime of Love

Admittedly an absurdly cheesy title, this book contains some of the best insights into intimate relationships I've ever read. A must read for anyone who seeks a secure, long term romantic relationship, or anyone who just wants to understand romantic attachment. I often think back on it in regards to my relationship and I can confidently say it has helped make my current 6+ year relationship healthier

>> No.16520609

Same, but I'm 18, such a comfy book

>> No.16521565

Fine post, anon

>> No.16522082

The very hungry caterpillar

>> No.16522130

Paradise Lost
Crime and Punishment
Tale of Two Cities

>> No.16523775

Bridge to Terabithia, 31

>> No.16523830

Based GenXer.

>> No.16524126

Moby Dick
Little House on the Prairie
The Bible
Anne of Green Gables
Lord of the Flies
Little Women
Wuthering Heights
Dandelion Wine
The Great Gatsby
Paradise Lost

>> No.16524145

Everything else I read just makes me appreciate it more, whether it be philosophy, poetry, anthropology, psychology, anything. Tolkien was on his own level.

>> No.16524220

A Scanner Darkly


>> No.16524255

The Interpretation of Dreams

>> No.16524359

Actually a fun, comfy book

>> No.16524366

based Freudian

>> No.16524606


>> No.16524778

The Bhagavad Gita, 23

>> No.16525270

Discourse on Method, 19.

>> No.16525364
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Since I was a kid, 49 now

>> No.16525567
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A few shit chapters in the first half of the book but the last two are pure kino, 8/10. Much better than Uncrowned.

>> No.16525571


>> No.16525939

Honestly, Lolita is the novel which I probably got the most pure enjoyment out of. I would say The Book of Disquiet is the book which "spoke to me" the most/ and I definitely feel a kinship with Pessoa that I don't with any other author, but (and maybe in part it's because it doesn't translate perfectly) his prose is really meandering and a little self indulgent at times. I realise that a lot of the work being glorified diary entries makes that more understandable but nevertheless despite how heartfelt it was I did feel like it dragged on a lot. Maybe I shouldn't have gone with the Zenith version which is less edited, then again maybe that monotony the book drags you into after a while is appropriate idk.
Lolita is just smoooth af, it's pure /lit/, I didn't really feel much even though I think the book isn't as cold and emotionless about the subject matter as some claim (and about postmodern lit in general), the sequence where Dolores and Humbert reunite was truly quite sad in a twisted sort of way for example, but that's not why I like it. It's just fun, it's funny it's clever, the language isn't even that complicated or obscure, just masterfully handled

Rambling sorry/

>> No.16525946



>> No.16525984

>don't reveal you're underage on 4chan
>read whatever it is that keeps your enjoyment of reading
>start with the Greeks

>> No.16526143

Anti-Oedipus, 19

extremely based

>> No.16526154

I'm guessing you are 16

>> No.16526187

thoroughly mirin

As for myself, Moby Dick. I'm 21. Also as gay as it is Infinite Jest is a pretty close second, I can't help it I'm fucking retarded.

>> No.16526195
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>> No.16526236

God bless you brother.

>> No.16526267

Don't have a fav book, 24.

>> No.16526273

Same to you, brother.

>> No.16526360

Good taste

>> No.16526447

Based. Now go read petits poemes en prose

>> No.16526510

Thanks, i will check it out.

>> No.16527135

sun and steel, 19

>> No.16527169

Lady Chatterly’s Lover. 33.

>> No.16527190
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>> No.16527298

I'd say The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of La Mancha

>> No.16528159

notes from the underground, 19

>> No.16528354

If you read Don Quixote, a surprising Easter egg awaits you!
Beware the wignat path.

>> No.16528363
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27, wind in the willows

>> No.16528492

take your meds

>> No.16528567

Republic, 22.

>> No.16528616

All quiet on the western front, 18

>> No.16528621

Based, read Hunter too

>> No.16528643
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Also The Storm of Steel and the Holy Bible

>> No.16528918
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>> No.16529447
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his previous books are entertaining and pseudo-insightful enough for the usual misanthropic depressed teenager but lunar park its just so well written that makes me not regret having read them. (it is partly autobiographical so for it to make sense you must be wall acquainted with the author's work, including the movie adaptation of american psycho)

>> No.16529493

infinite jest 19

>> No.16529616

The Gunslinger - Stephen King (meme away)
Or Lolita -russian bloke

Non fiction?
Beyond Good and Evil - kneechi

>> No.16529626

Forgot age. 22

>> No.16529632

That happens more and more as you get older

>> No.16529650

An incredible achievement

>> No.16529709
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>Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc

>> No.16530064

Is Melmoth good? Thinking about getting into horror. The plot sounds pretty neat. Is it any creepy though?

>> No.16530133

This is really weird, I went through a Tolstoy inspired spiritual crisis at 21. People really aren't that unique huh. Would still like to have a chat with someone like you who's interested in Tolstoy's spiritual writings, have never met someone IRL who has a read a single page of that stuff.

>> No.16530139

The best history book I have ever read. This made get an undergrad in history unironically. Reading this after War and Peace was probably the best literary experience I have ever had. Fuck it's good.

>> No.16530149

Seems like a very young age for such a difficult work, you're much more intelligent than me when I was 20 anon. I read it much later in life after a few university seminars on Augustine and it was still very difficult.

>> No.16530152

Have you read any of Zamoyski's other stuff? I'm about to read 1812 (together with a reread of War & Peace) but am also curious about his book on Poland and his biography of Napoleon (I've read a few others so probably don't need to read it, but Napoleon biographies are always fun)

>> No.16530166
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In my eyes this is a perfect novel.

>> No.16530176

I haven't. I'm not too interested in Poland and I have read so many Napoleon biographies that I really don't want another for let's say a decade.

>> No.16530324

>The Horse and his Boy
Holy shit, that sends me back.

>> No.16530334

The request was your favourite book anon, not a highschool english department's literature list.

>> No.16530365

21, and the entire A Dream of Eagles series by Jack Whyte, even if I'm not sure there's anyone outside Canada that's actually read it.

>> No.16530405

18, On The Road probably.

I'd really like to expand my reading though. I've read a fair amount of classics as a teen and my favorite authors are Bukowski, Kerouac, and Hunter S. Anywhere I should start?

>> No.16530415

Try growing up and reading adult books

>> No.16530421

20, Gatsby

>> No.16530444

You could see the ending from a mile away and somehow it was still the biggest gut punch I’ve gotten from a book

>> No.16530446
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brainlet alert

does anyone have the old /lit reading list? set up kind of like this one? I can't find it in my images anywhere.

>> No.16530454

The laws of our fathers


>> No.16530462


>> No.16530467

This was me but I was 31

>> No.16531082

lol yeah thanks for the recommendation, sorry I didn't check in with you before I liked something.

>> No.16532162

God bless you.

>> No.16532826

Infinite Jest, 24

>> No.16532854
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Spring Snow

>> No.16532867

These threads are for the gays

>> No.16532902

I've read it at least twice and in all honesty it was/is a difficult read. Augustine however resonated with me deeply, and his contemplations with respect to his person and God were similar to my own. I saw myself in him, and felt as if I was with him for the entirety of the autobiographical portion. The theology was a bit much for me however, but it did inspire me to begin studying philosophy and theology. I hope to one day return to it again once I have a better grasp of those subjects.
Likewise friend.

>> No.16532904
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>> No.16532916

I love anime, 26

>> No.16533058
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>> No.16533111
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>> No.16533134

Came here looking for this.

>> No.16533202

Absolutely basé

19, Swann's Way

>> No.16534193
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>> No.16535127
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Athens & Jerusalem by Lev Shestov

>> No.16536872

Philosophical Investigations

>> No.16536886

Memoirs of Hadrian, 32

>> No.16537073

GR, 29

>> No.16537293

permutation city, 19

>> No.16537358

Fucking trash

>> No.16537375

A Clockwork Orange, 21

>> No.16537456

Leaves of Grass. 29.

>> No.16538101

harry potter 4, 24

>> No.16538874

prose is just non poetry you know that right

>> No.16538874,1 [INTERNAL] 
