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16512190 No.16512190 [Reply] [Original]

One day's exposure to mountains is better than a cartload of books

>> No.16512229

More like a cartload of books become nothing without exposure to forest, mountain, dale, river, and the sea—with companions.

>> No.16512237

I say we each take a cartload of books up a mountain over plains and cross rivers and oceans and we're bound to wind up with companions or at least make some acquaintances.

>> No.16512246

An exposure to the mountains is worth nothing without the skill to play the banjo.

>> No.16512283
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>TFW you didn't live in Alexandria in the early 500s AD when Isidore and Damascius decided traverse the whole eastern mediterranean, visting now ruined or abandoned or rarely visited temples and holy sites, meeting and befriending strangers.
>TFW you weren't with them when they revived Philosophy in Athens for a few short glory decades.
>TFW you couldn't travel with the Philosopher exiles to Persia.
>TFW you couldn't live as Damascius assistant in his final years in Syria, then walk deep into the deserts where you bury the major Platonic scriptures in the dry sands.

>> No.16512288

I went hiking in the mountains yesterday and it got dark too quickly and I got lost and it was really scary. Some hunters rescued me. As I was stumbling around in the total darkness, I wished to be in my cozy /lit/ cave with muh books. So there's that.

>> No.16512335
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im afraid you've been overly socialized
>with companions
Only by going alone in silence, without baggage, can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness. All other travel is mere dust and hotels and baggage and chatter.

>> No.16512411

>muh outdoors
>muh travels
You faggots think like fucking women. A real man is divorced from the fickle nature of his surroundings, finding the sanctum of his inner self the only place of importance.

>> No.16512415

I do both. Do some trekking on the weekends and read a chapter or two during lunch break or when at the top. Usually poetry. Very comfy

>> No.16512418

I'm sorry your mom didn't let you read Treasure Island and made you a coward, anon, but you could at least try to like trains like a proper autist.

>> No.16512423

For the soul and general physical and mental health sure.

>> No.16512431

>oooooooooh I'm being one with nature broooooooo
>trees, hills, and little ponds, this is so soulful!
>welp, its time to get back to the comforts of civilization and its inventions and write on 4chan how spiritually enriched I am
If you like innawoods so much, fuck off there and stay off.

>> No.16512472

>the guy recommending me trains and Stevenson must be a Walden freak
I'm here for the sex tourism and nudity tbph. If you only like those in the city, I bet you're an uptight latex "switch" who is terrified of sex without seven layers of theater.

>> No.16512475

>If you only like those in the city, I bet you're an uptight latex "switch" who is terrified of sex without seven layers of theater.
The fuck are you talking about
Take your pills

>> No.16512477

>please participate in my medical fetish
email me

>> No.16512490

>tfw live in one the flattest countries in the world

man i love mountains but we aint got shit here

>> No.16512495

Are you allowed climb the windmills?

>> No.16512529

How about both?

>> No.16512538

get the fuck out of my thread you contemptible bugman

>> No.16512554

Why does the left hate him now?

>> No.16512670
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>mere dust

Yeah... no dust in nature. No, sir. No chatter, either. Pure silence of a vacuum in nature. No baggage, either. Just me an maybe a fig leaf for modesty. No need to come back to the modern OVERSOCIALISED world, either, since man's proper place is alone among the nettles. There is nothing to fear in nature, either. It poses no nature to man. The perils one faces from any prolonged excursion into the untamed wilds is merely the OVERSOCIALISATION leaving your body.

Day-hiking LARPer confirmed.

>> No.16512683
File: 397 KB, 1400x840, 96210E70-2076-47E2-BD57-77EFF01D8B3B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> thinking that only solitude in wild nature alone holds the keys to the freedom of the mind and soul
i’m afraid you autists have been terminally u n d e r socialized.

>> No.16512704

Lol epic projection dude

>> No.16512712

Based Muir. I can't believe they tried to cancel him during the BLM riots just because he said a couple mean things about black people back in the 1800s, considering the entire conservationist movement wouldn't exist without him.

>> No.16512716

Have ever spent a single day in nature? Or are you hating from outside the club when you can't even get in

>> No.16512789

So, sit at home and eat crap, yeah?

>> No.16512804

ok fine ill give you that. but a mountain full of carts is definitely better than a book full of mountains

>> No.16512819

Why do these plebbit techno dickheads hate nature so much? I don't understand it.

>> No.16512820

With my Kindle, I can carry a cartload of books and expose myself to a mountain

>> No.16512868

Don't blame techno. The new age hippies will hear you an infest your valleys, just like Wales, India, Denmark and Thailand before you. Blame Thoreau and Randian Americans; those guys aren't travelling anywhere even for a fight.

>> No.16512879

>some anon is out there waving his kindle and his dick at mountains
Godspeed (you)