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16512004 No.16512004 [Reply] [Original]

What is the branch of philosophy that deals with predicting the future of humanity and understanding the structure, dynamics and properties of society in the broad sense?
Who are the best contemporary authors who wrote about this subject?

>> No.16512041

Karl Marx.

>> No.16512044

Baudrillard, Ellul, Foucault

>> No.16512045

Are you just looking for political philosophy?

>> No.16512063
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I'm looking for books and authors that talk about the future of humanity, or that clarify the actual underlying dynamics of modern society. Perhaps that falls under political philosophy.

>> No.16512074
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>predicting the future of humanity
>understanding the structure, dynamics and properties of society in the broad sense

These aren't necessarily the same thing. Most sociology and political philosophy try to explicate the latter. The former is called futurology or fortune telling.

>> No.16512083

The subject can be historicisms. Hegel tried to formalize it. Marx tried to formalize it in terms of material class relationships. I haven't written mine into a book but I argue for a philosophical historicism which informs a mathematical historicism which informs a material.

>> No.16512095

>These aren't necessarily the same thing
Doesn't the latter usually lead to a pertinent take on the former?

>> No.16512098


>> No.16512223

there is a interdisciplinary group of studies called futurology. maybe the literature it has to offer is what you are looking for

>> No.16512231
File: 842 KB, 1200x758, wakeup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick Land, Mark Fisher, Jean Baudrillard, and even Gilles Deleuze to an extent talk about exactly what that image depicts. This gets into acceleration, which can be quite complex at times, but I think it is worth it if only to fully understand the thought process behind images like that.

>> No.16512253

Rene Girard, Michel Foucault, Friedrich Nietzsche, Martin Heidegger and Jean Baudrillard.

>> No.16512257

Thank you anon.
>images like that
Are you implying there are more of them? This is the only one I found and it really stuck with me, I feel like it really attempts to peer through the veil.

>> No.16512293
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ted tackles the impossibility of guiding or predicting the progress of society in the opening chapters of anti-tech revolution. he explains with historical and mathematical examples why mankind is a truly unpredictable system

>> No.16512471

Olaf Stapledon

Thomas Kuhn


>> No.16512527
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>> No.16512545

And what does he conclude from that?
Isn't his rejection of technology predicated on the assumption that the future of society depends on the abandonment of technological advancement?

>> No.16512573

Heidegger, Baudrillard, Deleuze, Ellul

>> No.16513032
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The one you posted is my personal favorite, but there are some other more schizo-y ones that are alright, and some more bland political analysis type ones that are OK as well. Again, the one you posted seems to have a certain insight to it I really appreciate.

>> No.16513163

Philosophy of history

>> No.16513173
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Based. Even though he lived in the 1800s his work remains surprisingly relevant.

>> No.16513449

Did Greek boys really look like that?

>> No.16513476

Different anon here. I think the best place to start is to read Deleuze. Like, actually dig into Anti Oedipus and Thousand Plateaus like a maths textbook and come to intimately understand *everything*. Read some Freud or Marx for context if you absolutely feel you need to, but Deleuze's works are highly self-contained and have notes and annotations that fill in all the blanks. Once you understand Deleuze, secondary and inspired works will seem almost too obvious and you can begin forming your own connections in relation to esoterics, mathematics, sociobiology, philosophy and (anti)psychology to start peeling back the veil. Deleuze was close, reeeeal close to some fundamental cosmic truths and coming to understand him will give you an 'a-ha'. Not a religious 'a-ha' but the kind you get from proving a math theorem for the first time. Even if his work is bullshit (I don't think anyone who truly immerses themselves in it will find this to be the case) it rips the third eye wide open like no other text I've found can.

>> No.16513497

That post is fucking insane but I don't understand most of it.

>> No.16513504
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>> No.16513564

Sorry, different anon again. The image presents highly representation imagery that satisfies the understanding of the author. He speaks truth but it's his representation thereof, which contains a little sacred geometry, a little hermeticism, Kabbalah. You will find truth and visualize it within your own self-tailored representational theater in time, but this won't happen by someone throwing their own in your lap and running off. It's like looking at abstract art in a gallery. You need to get your own paints and canvas.

>> No.16513666

Acceleration is just anglo-friendly deleuzianism and its fucking retarded. It is not retarded because of trying to make anglo-deleuzianism, but because it picked the most naturalistic part of deleuzianism -the idea that the world is being deterritorialized constantly- and make it the telos of an entire philosophico-polítical theory. The fact that hypernaturalistic ethics is a nice larping topic when you are a theorylet makes it even cringier, considering that a whole generation of self-negating capitalistic posers and academics were persuaded by it, just as self-negating trannies and homos get persuaded by internet fascism.
Well, at least, Land works are still worth reading.

>> No.16513676

>You will find truth and visualize it within your own self-tailored representational theater in time
Do you mean that one's perception of truth is inherent to their "aesthetic" biases by which they represent information and meaning? And that there is a kind of visual or imagined component to truth that is entirely personal and derived from whatever tidbits of tradition, information and mystical or theological principles appeal to you on a purely internal level? Which would imply some kind of perennialist take on truth, flavored by one's own idiosyncrasies?
Or did I understand jack shit?

>> No.16513681

Original anon here, you're right, that post sure is wacky

This guy is right on both accounts, more or less. Good advice that I have followed myself.

>> No.16513697

Also, acc is the reddit version of Mao-marxism that influenced the politico-economic beast that China is right now. At least, non western marxism became stronger; it seems the problem is that western cultures are so fucking decadent and propense to larp and masturbate intellectually.

>> No.16513712

I find baseline readings of most acc pretty bad, desu. Land himself admits, even in Fanged Noumena, that constant deterritorialization leads nowhere. So the only interesting *and* useful concepts to come out of all that philosophy are the "market manufactured intelligence" bits/economics (best covered by Fisher, before he died) and some of the transhuman or g/acc stuff that remains fiction for the time being.

>> No.16514337


>> No.16514692

>Even though he lived in the 1800s his work remains surprisingly relevant.
No it doesn't.

>> No.16514701
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>> No.16515989

shit end to a great thread, you soijacking retard