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16509980 No.16509980 [Reply] [Original]

How would you rate him in the history of philosophy? How important is he really?

>> No.16510003
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>> No.16510050

>For another example, Spinoza’s philosophy introduced an unprecedented theoretical revolution in the history of philosophy, probably the greatest philosophical revolution of all time, insofar as we can regard Spinoza as Marx’s only direct ancestor, from the philosophical standpoint
>But the fact is that Spinoza is made a testing-point in modern philosophy, so that it may really be said: You are either a Spinozist or not a philosopher at all.

>> No.16510183

Even Deleuze called him the "prince of philosophers". How the fuck was spinoza so based, bros?

>> No.16510401

Spinoza is so based I can't even begin to describe it. Two things I kind of don't like is how he insists on calling the sum total of universe's information an its laws a "God" when basically nothing about his works is pro-religion when you go beyond the superficial.
I know it's because he was raised in a very religious town, but it still may cause confusion. I wish there was some other, better word
The second one is that sometimes the parallels between philosophy and physics feel kind of forced

>> No.16510411

This is damning. Was it the Frankfurt School of the Enlightenment?

>> No.16510415


>> No.16510596

The most based philosopher of them all, everything after him has been additions/footnotes to his thought or a massive cope.

>> No.16510617

He embodied the spirit of his time

>> No.16510620

Deleuzes philosophy is actually pretty similar to Spinozas

>> No.16511771
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i want to smell her farts

>> No.16513160


>> No.16513492

Just another degenerate Jew

>> No.16513500


>> No.16513608

Spinoza was so Jewish he got expelled by the other Jews

>> No.16513795


>> No.16514151

I'm reading the Deleuze book on Spinoza.
Besides this, do you have any tip to getting into his Ethica?

>> No.16514165
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>tfw when a degenerate jewish lineage of thinkers silently subverts the Western culture so all of the morality is destroyed for eternity and there are thousands of seething incels on the internet who just lack the mental power to fight back so all they do is shitpost angrily
thanks for the show, spinoza

>> No.16514325

>substance doesn't mean substance, but the unknown that makes nature -everything- immanent and self-production process
>atribute = ideas (redness)
>mode = material process (the conjuction of material processes that efectuates the redness [eye processes, mid processes, light processes, object processes, perceptual processes, intelectual processes, ad infinitum])
>desire is the essence of men, you could overextend that to matter -bu he would not-, while will is the essence of rational thought (so will is immanent to desire)
>desire =/= unconscious
>desire > unconscious
>Spinoza's ethics -parts 3, 4 and 5- is non naturalistic, but cybernetcis -in the way of "to govern"-. There is no direct correspondence between his ontology and his political views, since Nature is cruel to men and men need to be good to men in order to become stronger than nature.

>> No.16514666


>> No.16514686


>> No.16514695

Jesus was so Jewish he got killed by the other Jews

>> No.16514703

Spinoza is a second-rate figure of early modern philosophy who pales in importance compared to Descartes and Hume. His cult today stems from sarcasm taken literally (>>16510050 this Hegel quote) and from delusional American fixations on postmodern commies unwilling to fully commit to Nietzsche

>> No.16514709

Tecnically he wasn't. One of his great-great granmothers was not jew: Ruth.

You can't be a jew if your mother is not jew.

>> No.16514719

>unwilling to fully commit to Nietzsche

tons of fedoras and incels in america prove you wrong.

>> No.16514727

Those prove me right, dummy.

>> No.16514737
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>400 years later
>christoids still seethe at you
Still the prince

>> No.16514807

>fully coom to Nietzsche.

Thanks lad.

>> No.16514904

>matter is divine
He was peak hylic, though.

>> No.16514934


>> No.16515431

gay and wrong
>substance doesn't mean substance, but the unknown that makes nature -everything- immanent and self-production process
substance is being directly borrowed from aristotle; οὐσία. it is identifiable with nature for spinoza, the totality of which is self caused; it's essence is existence, etc.
ideas are affections/modes. attributes are thought and extension, i.e, body. they are expressions of god's essence.
>mode=material process
process is so far away from the language of spinoza. god is it gay to say this shit. affections are what are conceived to be "inside" or in substance
>There is no direct correspondence between his ontology and his political views
his ontology is literally developed so that his ethics are nested inside of his ontology. what's good and bad is a matter of power, greater and lesser perfections of a person, etc. the soteriology of spinoza is not to become stronger than nature, but to integrate completely with it, which requires a total knowledge of spinoza's ontology, i.e, Nature.
some of the other stuff is correct i guess.

>> No.16515449

>everything is god
>hmm so what is the point of god?
he subverted all monotheist cuckery, very based if you ask me

>> No.16515903

what? no waaay