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16508362 No.16508362 [Reply] [Original]

If there truly is a soul then what part of the human body does it occupy? If it does not effect my material form then why does it matter to me as a material creature?

When we die our physical bodies shut down, yet the soul lives forever (according to the Platonists). However, as a physical creature how much of me will actually die? Is this idea of the soul no different to uploading your consciousness to a computer which will exist (relatively speaking) forever? This however is not immortality, it is a copy since the original creature is gone.

Our thoughts and actions are controlled by a physical mass inside our heads, when this decays and shuts down no more thoughts. Where does the soul come into play?

Platonism (in all of its forms like Christianity) makes no sense to the modern mind.

>> No.16508381

It operates THROUGH the body, like a musician would his instrument.

>Platonism (in all of its forms like Christianity) makes no sense to the modern mind.
Because the modern mind is spiritually degenerate and painfully blind to the obvious, for how much it pretends to "objectivity".

>> No.16508435

>It operates THROUGH the body, like a musician would his instrument.

The body would operate without it, it is not needed. It's easy to ascertain that there is no soul simply for that reason (Occam's razor).

>> No.16509303


>If there truly is a soul then what part of the human body does it occupy? If it does not effect my material form then why does it matter to me as a material creature?
souls have bodies, not the other way around. the body is also reflexive with the 'soul', so the goal of platonists is essentially 'rememberance' of the actual soul. its useful to look up the vedantic triparte theory of the body and soul, which splits the soul/body problem into the gross body, subtle body, and soul. the soul is like a frequency/vibration. it doesn't change at all. you can smash a radio to pieces, the frequency that it picks up is unaffected. the subtle body is what most westerners believe to be the 'soul', it is what is actually reflexive with the body, collects memories, impressions, data from the gross body, reincarnates...the actual soul is a static vibration. so when you die the subtle body moves to a different gross body. putting a person's subtle body into a machine, as you suggested would just be the subtle body

>> No.16509313

Let’s answer the more pressing question, Where’s your mind located?

>> No.16509325

>Where’s your mind located?
Inside ur dads anus.

>> No.16509331

nobody is saying the body could not function without it. an insect gets on fine without one

>> No.16509350


>Where’s your mind located?

the actual soul is everywhere all at once, the subtle body is localized in the body for the most part, the gross body picks up sensory information that is relayed back to the subtle body

>> No.16509356
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materialists BTFO'd

>> No.16509384


>putting a person's soul into a machine...*