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16507265 No.16507265 [Reply] [Original]

>shankara, plato, aristotle, laozi, guenon, heidegger

>> No.16507277
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good taste OP

>> No.16507297

remove heidegger and it's good

>> No.16507299

Replace with Evola

>> No.16507305

Is Jordan Peterson a good starting point?

>> No.16507316
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>> No.16507324
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>Kant, Spinoza, and more Kant.

>> No.16507348
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I just bought the 4 volumes in 1 jowett translation of plato for 15 bucks off ebay.

I finally gave up on trying to understand meme authors withoht starting from the beginning. Also bought the basic aristotle which is another 1500 pages.

For hinduism i have the ashtavakra gita and upanishads. I need a translation recommendation of the bghavad gita because i don't want people to insert their biases in the translations like is normally done. I would also appreciate some other recommendations for what to reqd from the vedas (inititiated people just tell me to outright learn sanskrit)
I have guenon's intro to the study of hindu doctrines, crisis of the modern world, and symbolisms of the cross.
I only purchase books when i can find them under 20 dollars.
Haven't bought or read anything from evola because his books are too expensive and i don't like modern reprints.
Oh and op or anyone, where do i start with laozi

Thank you so much, i want to stop being reborn into this hellhole. Then again maybe i shouldn't want anything. Help me

>> No.16507355
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>gets bedridden from a spell
>walking through combat zones just for the shits

>> No.16507356

>skipping heraclitus and parmenides
never gon make it

>> No.16507383
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Why didn't you just get pic related?

>> No.16507394

I listened to them in some lectures, is there a presocratic anthology I can find?
or an antology of plays?
Because it costs 50 dollars vs the 15 i paid for the jowett.
Am i actually losing anything with the jowett translation?

>> No.16507861

>I listened to them in some lectures, is there a presocratic anthology I can find?
Penguin and Oxford have two books about the pre-Socratics, but you can skip that since Plato introduces them himself.
>Am i actually losing anything with the jowett translation?
Jowett uses a now dated type of English which, to me, added an unnecessary layer of complication. but you're not losing anything and maybe this won't bother you as much as it bothered me.

>> No.16508677
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>intro to the study of hindu doctrines, crisis of the modern world, and symbolisms of the cross.
I recommend reading Guenon's 'Man and His Becoming According to the Vedanta' before 'Symbolism of the Cross', as the latter references the ideas of the former.

>I need a translation recommendation of the bghavad gita
Easwaran's is fine to start with, and his has the verses one after another uninterrupted by commentary, except for a few pages inbetween the ending of a chapter and the beginning of another, it's slightly simplified but you can read more advanced ones later if you so desire

>Oh and op or anyone, where do i start with laozi
Tao Te Ching - Jonathan Star translation
They are not by Laozi, but after him to go further in Taoism you'd want to read the Zhuangzi and Lie Yukou's Liezi

>> No.16508684

i kind of miss that shankara bot that used to always reply after he was brought up saying be careful about reading him

>> No.16508709

you mean the same guy who shills for shankara/guenon and tried to force a meme that there's some anti-shankara bot going on?

>> No.16508726

i dont have a clue what youre referencing, i dont click guenon threads, i just know for a while any mention on here of shankara was greeted withing like 30 minutes by a pasta reply advising people to be careful reading shankara and any other "advaita advanta" idk what hindu gobbly gook. it was a funny gimmick but i suppose the jannies eventually noticed after months of it.

>> No.16508757

oh yes there was someone doing that but guenonfag (OP + his several IPs itt) thought it was an automated bot triggered by the word 'shankara'. He tried to spin this as a meme in a couple of threads before another anon tested it for himself in an obscure thread and never received that spam.

The more you know

>> No.16509168

Aristotle should Christ and heidegger could just be the perennialist in general.
Evola is so sigh worthy.
Sure Kant is fine, but imagine
Any Gita is fine. Dont get so hung up on translators. Verses you find really interesting or challenging you can look up different translations for.
Ironically you start lao zi by reading the analects of confucius then the dao de ching (penguin is fine, at least the one I've got- you can get many free pdfs of these texts as far as I know.)
Imo the very desire is good to have and never give up. The ultimate aim is to reunite heaven and earth.

>> No.16509431

>Evola is so sigh worthy.

>> No.16509609

For me its because hes a hylic who cares about politics and his attitudes to paganism and Buddhism. I feel like he never actually understood Plato.

>> No.16509626
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>Plato, Spinoza, Suárez, Aquinas, Hegel and Gustavo Bueno

>> No.16509741

the best of the West, India and China

>> No.16509874

it costs 15 dollars because it's an antiquated and bowdlerized translation in the public domain
unless you have a good grasp of victorian era english you're probably going to spend twice the time going through meanings of words with jowett and trying to clear things up he was also an angelicin christian who makes the greeks out to be prechrist christians and removes all the homo shit that was actually in the writing

398a Jowett
>And therefore when any one of these pantomimic gentlemen, who are so clever that they can imitate anything, comes to us, and makes a proposal to exhibit himself and his poetry, we will fall down and worship him as a sweet and holy and wonderful being; but we must also inform him that in our State such as he are not permitted to exist; the law will not allow them. And so when we have anointed him with myrrh, and set a garland of wool upon his head, we shall send him away to another city.

398a Bloom
>Now, as it seems, a man who is able by wisdom to become every sort of thing and to imitate all things should come into our city, wishing to make a display of himself and his poems, we would fall on our knees before him as a man sacred, wonderful, and pleasing; but we would say that there is no such man among us in the city, nor is it lawful for such a man to be there. We would send him to another city, with myrrh poured over his head and crowned with wool...

which do you prefer?

>> No.16510476
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>> No.16510484

At least one of those is not like the others.

>> No.16510486

Remove Shankara, Laozi and Guenon and it’s good

>> No.16510490

Heidegger? Why not?

>> No.16510725

Even though he looks clearly fake, I was still disappointed when it was confirmed gigachad isn't real. I thought I may have finally seen God.

>> No.16511939 [DELETED] 


>> No.16513284

hi newby here, so where should i start on phylosophy? i already ordered "the republic", should i start there?

>> No.16513305

I prefer Grube, anon

>> No.16513323

no idea which is more accurate but Jowett's certainly reads better

>> No.16513335

You can, although you can also start with Gorgias because it's much lighter and deals with the same themes. Or you can start with the last days of Socrates package: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo.

>> No.16514970

>augustine, maximos, gregory, gregory, gregory

>> No.16514978
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>> No.16515192

Why does everyone have to be a hylic to you people? Couldn't you just call him a failed psychic?

>> No.16515200

Hello “guenonfag” poster

>> No.16515239
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>Plotinus, Eriugena, Eckhart, Catherine of Siena, Ficino, Schelling, Bergson, Baudrillard, Jameson

>> No.16515366

Calling Evola a "hylic" is peak pseud and is a tell-tale sign he didn't understand the first fucking thing from his writings. Embarrasing.