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File: 78 KB, 720x821, banned books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16506493 No.16506493 [Reply] [Original]

Happy Banned Books Week, /lit/!

>> No.16506507

where is mein kampf?

>> No.16506518

>George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four was challenged in Jackson County, Florida in 1981 because it was deemed "pro-communist and contained explicit sexual matter."[47]
they were right and people should keep orwell's libertarian socialism in mind when they read him

>> No.16506520

In the category of "Actually banned books".

>> No.16506530

It's not even banned in germany anymore iirc

>> No.16506546

Aside from Orwell, all of those books are leftwing propaganda. And "most banned books from public libraries" is just framing it in a way to earn socialist pleb points.

>> No.16506555

You're a fool if you think the Mein Kampf you can purchase on the market hasn't been neutered and rewritten by dozen of cultural-marxists and actual kikemeisters. Any version printed after 45 has been compromised.

>> No.16506572

Most of those books are practically required reading in most schools
The Turner Diaries and Siege are banned books. Which is good because they're shit (literarily-wise).

>> No.16506575

>Aside from Orwell, all of those books are leftwing propaganda


>> No.16506576
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>Cultural Marxists
Hi R3ddit

>> No.16506578

checked, schizo

>> No.16506579

where can i get a good copy of it? ive been wanting to read it after getting into nationalism

>> No.16506583

Banned books week is nothing but an excuse to encourage kids to interact with violent, sexual, or otherwise objectionable subject matter using free speech as a cover. The vast majority of these books were never banned.

>> No.16506584

banned now? i had to read most of those in high school.

>> No.16506592

>reading all that

Lefty meaymeays.

>> No.16506606

>Not being able to read a paragraph
Average right winger

>> No.16506622

Even though >>16506555 is clearly a schizo, he does have a point in that the only version freely available is a big commented version which you can buy for a cheap 40€ upwards. For the same price you can probably buy Nietzsches complete works.

>> No.16506627

It was in every household in Germany (not that anybody ever read it...), I doubt such a thing would have gone unnoticed by everyone but you, schizo poster

>> No.16506641

Start here

>> No.16506645

>fascism is loving your parents

>> No.16506666

Is your brain broken?

>> No.16506688

>no Scrotie McBoogerballs

>> No.16506702

Where is Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?

>> No.16506712

>what are post third reich book burnings?

Is this board seriously that underage?

>> No.16506733

Are you implying you were around in 1945 anon

>> No.16506757

>aside from Orwell
Are you sure?

>> No.16506776

It's the third one in that stack.

>> No.16506800
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It's worse than a study bible. It makes you think that, if they have to buttress the text with all this 'explanation', then perhaps the original is too alluring, too true, to be shown as such.

>> No.16506811

oh yeah, mein kampf is definitely known for its rhetorical power lmao

>> No.16506813

Remember that guy who shot up the mosque in new zealand? He wrote a manifesto, right?
I can't find it anywhere. Is it banned?

>> No.16506828

They decided to rename it to "Happily banned problematic books collection" after seeing that calling problematic books as simply banned was too offensive even for books without trigger warnings.

>> No.16506844

Huckleberry isn't propaganda

>> No.16506859

>the Catcher in the Rye
>the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
>Lord of the Flies
>Left-Wing propaganda
>aside from George Orwell

Those three that I mentioned are hardly political, and the rest are barley political and hardly leftist. Orwell is probably the only author in there other than maybe Vonnegut that is even remotely leftist. What is wrong with you?

>> No.16506865
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>mein kampf is definitely known for its rhetorical power lmao

It won elections.

>> No.16506866

I feel like this is skewed towards books that actually appear in schools/libraries. Save for Cather in the Rye all the books pictured in OP were required reading when I was in Middle School/High School.

>> No.16506870

nobody fucking read the thing because it's a mess

>> No.16506886

I remember when “read siege” was a meme like three years ago. Does anyone on /pol/ still post about it? I read a synopsis on the Turner Diaries and it sounds fucking insane and makes me want to read it because it sounds so fucking wild. Although I’m sure that you’re right and it sucks from a literary point of view

>> No.16506895

>Cather in the Rye
Most of the objections center around the book being inappropriate for children.
>Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Use of the N word.
>Lord of the Flies
Again the challenge is from parents who think the book in inappropriate for whatever age group it's being given to. Usually middle schoolers.

>> No.16506898

It's very clever how they prop up very popular and oftentimes mandatory books as "banned" so that you don't dig too deeply into the books that are actually banned and which group of people most routinely demands it.

>> No.16506904

Harry Potter and Evangelicals?

>> No.16506906

I think the mc gets raped by a black man in it
>inb4 based

>> No.16506912

well he visits a prostitute

>> No.16506914

Read the jewish revolutionary spirit, jewboy

>> No.16506918

Anon, you've just emerged from a coma that you entered in the year 2006. Are you feeling ok?

>> No.16506921

>there can be no poetry after Auschwitz
>nooo, you can't talk about what's alive and what's dead in the philosophy of Hegel, how dare you try to build on his legacy
He might have thought of himself as a champion of civilization, but Adorno did some pretty horrible damage to philosophy, sociology and history with his retarded negative dialectics decompositionalism. Pure spirit of resentment. Just read Derrida if you want to do deconstruction.

>> No.16506923

no, this fucking place sucks now

>> No.16506924
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Try a different group

>> No.16506935

This. Most books are challenged by Christians or hand wringing parents. The only time I remember a book being challenged when I was in school was when this arab girl's parents objected to a book we were assigned in elementary school because it included slavery and had the n word in it.

>> No.16506943
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Are you seriously calling me a schizo because I said modern prints of MK aren't censored?

>> No.16506944

It's all a dream, South Park is still edgy, everyone hates George Bush, and you can act like you're a certified if you say you're athiest. Plus scene bitches

>> No.16506950
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This meme didn't even start until the post-'60 Shirer era.

>> No.16506951

What does Bill Nye gain by having books banned?

>> No.16506954

Certified einstein*

>> No.16506955
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Ok Schlomo

>> No.16506956

You're talking about books that people request to be pulled from school districts because they don't think children should be exposed to the nigger word. I'm talking about books that are banned not only from any school district in the United States but also from sale in all major booksellers regardless of demand. They say much more interesting things than the nigger word.

>> No.16506958

>loses to america and the asiatic hordes

>> No.16506960

Are* censored

>> No.16506968
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The people banning books from major sellers arent Christians

>> No.16506979

ah, the standard commie tactic of sending yourself fake mouthbreather hatemail to get bystanders to sympathize with your faction. it's all so predictable.
/lit/izens, don't "read theory" until you have a solid foundation in classical philosophy.

>> No.16506986

>world immediately turns to shit

>> No.16506992

Will to power, hans. shoulda won the war

>> No.16507042

kek, this is banned? seems like a pretty straightforward "a culture that promotes sexual excesses as freedom bad" book.

>> No.16507063

>banning shit books
seems based to me

>> No.16507068

They banned animal farm? Oh yeah of course they did

>> No.16507072

>satirical book critical of socialist regimes

Gee I wonder

>> No.16507146

t. someone who hasn't read any of the books above

>> No.16507164 [DELETED] 

wtf, this guy doesn't even have a wiki article

>> No.16507246

The original is on libgen.
Look up "Denazifizierung" for how that happened.

>> No.16507300

>For the same price you can probably buy Nietzsches complete works.
The whole KSA? I think not.

>> No.16507310

huh. I thought most germans just decided to throw out the ideology after we lost the war. my grandfather had a copy sitting on his bookshelf, certified printed 1939 with a photo of the fuhrer and everything. I keep it on a shelf with other political manifestos.

>> No.16507315
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half of you itt have never read mein kampf
it is a brilliant piece of propaganda and proves that a brilliant wordsmith coupled with undying charisma can galvanize even the most broken of men into action
the text reads as if energized by a lightning bolt; every other passage ignites a fire in the soul
it reminds one of the koran, another excellent piece of propaganda, equally as inspiring
though i must admit the sections which pertain specifically to german politics of the period do tend to bore one at times

>> No.16507325

> As a consequence a list was drawn up of over 30,000 book titles, ranging from school textbooks to poetry, which were then banned. All copies of books on the list were confiscated and destroyed; the possession of a book on the list was made a punishable offense. All the millions of copies of these books were to be confiscated and destroyed.
anything interesting in there? works that you wouldn't expect to be banned because they can't really be considered nazi wrongthink?

>> No.16507330


>> No.16507335

posts trash that was never actually banned

>> No.16507336

lol what did Vonnegut do

>> No.16507343

What does your grandfather think of him?

>> No.16507349

>Tfw read almost all of those books in high school

>> No.16507353

>half Judaised, half negrified
This is the best possible description of America desu

>> No.16507398

Just about what you'd expect from someone who was in his late teens during the end of the war, he never really spoke about politics and was happy just living a private life. They're not called the silent generation for nothing.

>> No.16507415

I really miss Gul Dukat, bros.

>> No.16507425

Is it any good?

>> No.16507434

can anyone recommend some decent banned books? Read 1984, mein kampf etc etc

nice shitpost, mein kampf

>> No.16507439

Lots of filler though.

>> No.16507466

>no Atlas Shrugged
I guess it's too dangerous to even ban.

>> No.16507472

the author seems to be part of the muh jewish question circle, but it did get a glowing review from some normie history major who doesn't seem to have any interest in that sort of thing, so it probably doesn't focus on that too much. still, it seems to postulate a conspiracy along the lines of "the sexual liberation happened with the intention of enslaving people to their instincts", which doesn't line up with my understanding. I think the intellectuals who pushed for that kind of freedom were just consumed by desire themselves. They wanted to turn the future into their personal sodom, and western society as a whole was too spiritually dead to keep their will to power in check.

>> No.16507577

even the article talking about it seems to have been purged from the times archive
seriously, for what purpose?

>> No.16507592


>> No.16507631

Seems interesting, i think i am honna give it a read.

>> No.16507644

Can anyone provide sources for the alleged censorship of Mein Kampf? Bayern held the copyright for a long time and refused to publish the original version without annotations. Think of this ‘right think propaganda’ what you want, but that’s not censorship. You can buy original copies If Mein Kampf easily on eBay here in Germany.

>> No.16507666

wtf guys
cancel culture is real!

>> No.16507676

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.16507684

Aside from the only book written there written by an actual communist?

>> No.16507691

>enslaving people to their instincts
>I think the intellectuals who pushed for that kind of freedom were just consumed by desire themselves

Those two options are mutually exclusive.

>> No.16507700

He was a socialist, not a communist.

>> No.16507703

a version of the german article from 2011 gives a short list of some non-NS authors who were censored during the early post-war years. not what I'd like, but it's a start.
>Den Aussortierungsaktionen fielen allerdings auch Bücher sozialkritischer US-Autoren wie John Dos Passos (Number One), William Faulkner, John Steinbeck (Früchte des Zorns) und Ernest Hemingway (Männer ohne Frauen) zum Opfer
Whatever you may thing of the NS regime (I don't really care for totalitarian ideologies personally) it's still interesting that that sentence was removed in later versions.

>> No.16507710

and a very peculiar one at that. Orwell was totally fine with capitalism insofar as its problems could be resolved within the boundaries of the system.

>> No.16507720


>> No.16507724

I wrote "a conspiracy along the lines of". Jones seems to think that pushing pornography is a calculated jewish plot, I'm arguing a more organic development.

>> No.16507730

imagine looking at this and telling yourself the libs aren't in charge and the communists aren't trying their hardest to takeover

>> No.16507735

Yeah. Lion and Unicorn Orwell. Homage and Aspidistra and Burmese Orwell wanted them hung with their own entrails which had just been hand squeezed empty into their mouthes.

It is almost as if a bourgeois dilettante with no praxic class consciousness is ideologically fickle?

>> No.16507737

These aren’t actual banned books. They’re books that libtards think trigger the cartoonish imaginary conservitard in their head.
Real banned books are ones Amazon has stopped selling. Hitler stuff.

>> No.16507793

it's almost as if Orwell outgrew his "eat the rich" revolutionary phase when he saw how the Soviet Union turned out, ain't it?

>> No.16507830
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Don't forget sexualization of children.

>> No.16507832

Not really. Lion and Unicorn has their balls handcuffed to the ILP / red labourite tendency. Animal Farm is a critique specific to degenerate slavs and bleedingly obviously racist. And his collected articles and letters stay hard.

But your theorisation of correct ideology as a result of pure imagination puts you ripe to be turned into a giant blue berry and taken to the squeezing room.

>> No.16507851

I understand why they get banned or whatever, my point was that those books aren’t left wing propaganda like the other guy said.

>> No.16507871

I read Mein Kampf (Mannheim translation) a few months ago and I’m not sure what it could have been missing. I actually liked it and it made me admire Hitler

>> No.16507886

yeah libtards and trannies btfo

>> No.16507898


>> No.16507906

Modern porn is pushing me away from it. Literally everytime I open up any of the big porn sites, they always highlight IR shit, regardless of your search history or preferences.

>> No.16507911

>Animal Farm is a critique of the degenerate slavs
what is this commie smoking?

>> No.16507987

Reread his racism in Burmese days.

>> No.16508020

>educate yourself
Your kind likes to use this one a lot. Nah, it's your job to point out how and where the beat-for-beat allegory for the death of the communist dream in the soviet union is really a racial caricature where 'it was all slavs fault for being degenerates, really'.

>> No.16508028

Is everything a day, week or month now? Seems every fucking day its "happy ____ day!"

>> No.16508041

Everyone wants to have a ___ day of their choosing burned into the public consciousness. It's just good business.

>> No.16508050

what are you talking about it remains a best seller in the middle east to this day

>> No.16508052

But there are so many now that ir hardly means anything. A couple of months ago was "national hamburger day", but I got a pizza because I felt like pizza.

>> No.16508053

How many schools need to not include something in a library to be considered "banned"

>> No.16508055

Thanks for conceding mate. I’m off to rape your dad.

>> No.16508066

>makes extraordinary claim
>doesn't argue his point
>thanks for conceding m8
this is your brain on communism

>> No.16508093

>no mein kampf
Mein kampf wasn't banned?

>> No.16508098

I’ve cited a specific text on Orwell’s construction of the subaltern which directly mirrors his depiction of slavs as animals less than men.

Tu quoque munt.

>> No.16508108

we're talking about the kinds of banned books you can order on Amazon without being put on a watchlist, obviously.

>> No.16508111

Just dumbass conservatards care about banning these. Which do libtards care about banning?

>> No.16508142

I dont see American Psycho, Hogg and The Painted Bird

>> No.16508171

No Culture of Critique? That one's banned on Amazon. None of these are.

>> No.16508228
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I run a bookclub and couple weeks ago was banned books. We had some good ones, Satanic Verses, White Niggers of America, Au Rebours, and We among others. But while I was doing research into it all the sites just listed ops pic.

>> No.16508234

in many places, yes
i'd probably get banned for posting it here too
but the document in called "the great replacement". the first sentence is "it's the birthrates". this is repeated two more times, followed by "if there is one thing i want you to remember from these writings, its that the birthrates must change" (missing apostrophe is as written)
if you google the whole sentences you will find that they have been repeated in many news stories so these are simple uncontroversial facts.
but if you keep scrolling down you'll find them on other sites too.

>> No.16508239


>> No.16508255

The concept of a moral imperative must as a fact is fucking dubious unless you can demonstrate a fundamental basis for morality and this injunction’s direct derivation thereof.

You mean opinion.

>> No.16508269

no shit search engines don't give you a list of actual censored books just because you ask nicely

>> No.16508271

what on earth are you blabbering on about

>> No.16508292

>that the birthrates must change"
>is a simple fact

Moral imperatives aren’t facts unless you can demonstrate god exists and favours this claim. Not demonstrate, not claim.

>> No.16508304

Note demonstrate obv.

>> No.16508382

ok, i see the mistake. i meant that the fact that the document contained those sentences was widely reported, i.e. trying not to get myself banned from a blue board by posting something that is illegal in many countries
not that the content of the document was uncontroversial- of course it is although it may or may not be correct

>> No.16508611

Nope. World went to shit when Kennedy got iced. Hitler had it coming

>> No.16508628

mmmmmm but he got shot by the CIA which grew out of the OSS which was created to fight germany

>> No.16508693

>letting the eternal anglo win

Someone wake me up from this nightmare.

>> No.16508743

You can fuck off back to /his/ where you belong

>> No.16509688
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Even as a kid I knew that banned books week was a fucking scam. Why would the powers that be care if I read Harry Potter, To Kill a Mockingbird or Captain Underpants?
Below are the REAL banned books, the ones that libraries don't generally carry either out of obscurity, horrific event or controversy.
>Turner Diaries - William Pierce
>Hunter - William Pierce
>White Power - George Lincoln Rockwell
>Industrial Society and its Future - The Unabomber
>The Bell Curve (Somewhat common) - Murray
>White Identity - Jarod Taylor
>Rules for Radicals - Saul Alinsky
>The Rising Tide of Color - Stoddard
>Any of the rarer books written by Alex Jones
>Tomorrow We Live - Mosley
>The Anarchist Cookbook - Author disavowed
>Siege - James Mason
>Revolt Against the Modern World - Evola
>On The Jews and their Lies - Luther
>The Jewish Century - Slezkine
>Manifesto - Feder
>88 Precepts - Lane
>The International Jew - Ford
>Democracy, The God That Failed - Hoppe
Most of these books are right wing with a few exceptions, but that is author bias on my part. My larger point is not that these books have any particular value to a 12 year old at the library, I am not even claiming that these books are of high quality (some are poorly written) but these are true "banned" (or as close as you can get in America) books.
The truth is that no book is truly banned and it is marketing, at the end of the day, it is a scheme to get kids who may not have been interested in books to try an "edgy" book. But I think that the charade has worn itself out. Kids today see gore videos online and are regularly exposed to the internet hate machine. Harry Potter being banned in a Mississippi Catholic School in 1980 won't exactly motivate them to read it.

>> No.16509754

Geh zum Verlag Der Schelm, Hans.

>> No.16509765

based truthburger

>> No.16509785

Only becaue they are considered historical, for the same reason you are allowed to buy original Swastika everything. But than again, who's going to uy a 500€ book? It i censred. The only publisher selling the original reprints regularly get sued and have to sell from foreign third world countries.

>> No.16509801


>> No.16509818

Where is the filthy books? The porno mags?
Smut like Hustler Magazine is/was far more censored than 1984.

>> No.16509823 [DELETED] 
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you can say nigger here anon.

>> No.16509828 [DELETED] 

What a wretched race that the Jews are in how they reek of ressentiment and aggrievement.

>> No.16509841

What a wretched race the Jews are in how they reek of ressentiment and aggrievement.

>> No.16509862

It shouldn’t be, it’s pretty half-assed and seems more like an attempt to cobble together as many right wing political talking points and memes into the ‘cause’ as possible.

>> No.16509883

Why is Evola banned? Just because he was a fascist weirdo?

>> No.16509896

Again, it isn't "banned" per se, it is just unlikely that a library or school would carry this.
The only true "banned" book (not video or photo) would be government documents.
I cannot imagine a public school or library having a copy of this book unless they special ordered it (as some libraries must if they receive enough orders)

>> No.16509897

agreed. its like they commodify rebelion even in youth. here are the so so very “banned books” (ie abook that got banned in springfeild Idaho in 1962 for a year because it triggered one of like the 5 super religious families who also consider mario bros band) then hype that point up as a factorino so that it feels like rebellion when its only like a slightly more pronounced echoing of the status quo.

>> No.16509899

Turner Diaries is worth the read. There were dozens of times in the book were I stopped to take screen caps just to share. Dr. Pierce really was a prophet. I read it in one day on my phone it was so fascinating and prescient. Get the pdf from the Murdoch Murdoch website.


>> No.16509918

The one published by Ostara is supposed to be a stalag reprint.

>> No.16509922

I read it, it is pretty boring DESU.
>Conservatives would give up their guns
>long tirades about chemical engineering that you "totally shouldn't do"
>Blacks are cannibals
>Colored street gangs are just one legislative act away from taking our guns
>forced romance scenes
It wasn't great writing, but it is first place in the WN novel genre, of which there are like, 6 books.

>> No.16509943
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I finished This Time the World over the weekend and really liked it, is White Power worth a read or is it more of the same? Or both now that I think about it.

>> No.16509951
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here are some banned books

>> No.16509955

I never read "This Time The World" but I did read "White Power"
It is worth a ride if you take it with a grain of salt. The philosophy is clear, but the science is iffy. The philadelphia study he cites is pretty shitty, even for 1960's sociology.

>> No.16509971
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part 2

>> No.16509991
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part 3

>> No.16510018
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part 4

This is all I have, there are obviously more.

>> No.16510247

>no mention of what these books are
give me the keys

>> No.16510360

perhaps if you are simpleton

>> No.16510369

This is so cringe

>> No.16510375
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>> No.16510378

>Murdoch Murdoch

>> No.16510469

>jews r bad and we should *get rid* of them
doesn't sound very interesting

>> No.16510488

Care to explain why you feel that way?

>> No.16510556

These are all mandated reading in schools what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.16510564

Evola doesn't belong on here. I picked up all my Evola off the shelf at Barnes and Noble.

>> No.16510635

while that is propaganda. its weird seeing so many trannies and homosexuals be neo-nazis, are they pretending to be a nazi? they pretend to be girls so i guess pretending to be a nazi wouldnt be difficult for freaks who practice mental gymnastics constantly

>> No.16510685

Have you actually read Feder or is it just a larp? I'm interested in his economic ideas.

>> No.16510699

nazism is based on dionysian excess (blood orgy) so it makes sense

>> No.16510706

There are probably hundreds of small schools in the rural South where those books are considered satanic works or something. It makes sense that the most widely read books would also be the most commonly banned, because they're the ones the schools boards in charge of the bans will have most heard about. This is on the level of that priest who organized a public burning of Harry Potter books because they "advocate witchcraft".

>> No.16510713

Actual nazism is rather disciplined and production-oriented, it's a lot closer to the bugman "make money for you boss and be a good sport" capitalist mentality than we imagine. But since now nazism has become a proxy for "devilish bad" it naturally gets associated with all manner of transgressive crowds. It has become "punk" in a way.

>> No.16510719

it was transgressive during its activism phase too - hence its appeal for homosexual hooligans like Rohm etc.

>> No.16510808

I have not gotten to him yet, but I have heard good things. I have only read 'part 1' and am taking a break from /pol/ tier literature to read The Mahabharata (Unabridged Debroy translation).

>> No.16510975

It's 2020 anon. Sounds to me like you are projecting. Really, hundreds?

>> No.16511021


>> No.16511145

The only people I see whining about books are the sort that support drag queens in libraries. They just want their propaganda to be read in high school because all it takes to get them to support censorship is suggest that high school kids should read anything slightly right wing.

>> No.16511238

what is banned book week? are all of those books actually banned in public libraries in america ?