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/lit/ - Literature

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16503535 No.16503535 [Reply] [Original]

Learning to read in different languages.
How do yo do it?

>> No.16503540

Is this real?

>> No.16503728

Yo what the fuck is up with that cat?

>> No.16503764
File: 1.15 MB, 201x177, 1592330540855.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf this cannot be real I refuse to believe it

>> No.16503766

wtf how did they train the cat to do that?

>> No.16503770

learn the grammar. do vocabulary exercises. read easy books. when they get too easy, try harder ones.

>> No.16503775

I listen to a lot of music in the target language.

>> No.16503784

Children's books are a good primer because they give a lot of context with the pictures.

>> No.16503811
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Read pic related, it'll explain how to study a language with maximum efficiency.

>> No.16503814

Crazy motherfucking cat

>> No.16503817

First it's more like reading to learn

>> No.16503828

Bros, is this a meme? Like really, please be serious, is this a meme or real, don't try to fool me.

>> No.16503857


>> No.16503936

reading and writing isn't the hard part, it's speaking. there are plenty of ESLs on this website who can shitpost with the best of them and you'd never guess that you could barely understand them in a skype call. there is plenty of media and there are plenty of courses to learn a language, and you can shitpost online etc. but to actually become a good speaker (and therefore better reader/writer in the long run) there is no substitute for immersion and constantly talking to native speakers which can be difficult if you don't live in the language's country.

anyway read the /int/ sticky

>> No.16503940

You learn to understand languages by immersing yourself in the language.
You learn to use a language by practicing using it.
That is all

>> No.16503999

I save this image everytime I see it

>> No.16504033


>> No.16504055 [DELETED] 

kys unfunny piece of shit redditors

>> No.16504071
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>he doesn't belive

>> No.16504080 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 687x755, 1601558168517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kys unfunny piece of shit redditors

>> No.16504109

What languages do you wish to learn, anon?

>> No.16504175 [DELETED] 

>heh3he3he kys unfunny piece of shit redditors
>see 4chan? see? I hate reddit, LIKE YOU, I'm like you 4chan hehe, fuck reddit!!, I'M LIKE YOU 4CHAN, PLEASE, ACCEPT ME, PLEEEASE AAAAIIIIEEEEEE

>> No.16505420

it's real and a meme

>> No.16505452

How do I learn to read french books beyond petit Nicolas and similar lit? They only other author that I've been able to comprehend while looking up maybe 5 words per page is Verne.

>> No.16505458

Is this real?

>> No.16505475

teaching a cat to whip
How do you do it?

>> No.16505488

Is there more of this cat? What do I google

>> No.16505572


If you don't need to look up at least 3 words per sentence, you're reading trash, no matter what your level is

>> No.16505995

Just keep on reading. That's all there is to it

>> No.16506013

Did you read it? What was the most helpful thing you learned from it?

>> No.16506017

cats can't dance you mouth breething retards lmao

>> No.16506292

dunno anon did you see ops webm?

>> No.16506351
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>> No.16506457

>What was the most helpful thing you learned from it?
How to properly make flash cards and in what order to properly study grammer/vocab. For 5 hours of reading I'd say it easily saved me 50+ wasted hours of inefficient learning.

>> No.16506786

Yo wtf that cat has sick moves dude!

>> No.16506792


>> No.16506964
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>> No.16507640

Acquisition only comes with mildly challenging content, not with things one must focus so much on trying to understand that one can barely get a literal interpretation of isolated sentences but not go anywhere beyond that in terms of comprehension.
>inb4 Language acquisition doesn't matter. Good stuff is not meant to be easily understood.

>> No.16507652

Show us one of your flashcards.

>> No.16507754
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>> No.16508920

Is this real?