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File: 323 KB, 904x1196, F80A77E9-6D1B-471A-B178-3AE8F2FF965B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16501038 No.16501038 [Reply] [Original]

There’s that super richfag on here that I’ve seen post his library before.I want to know more about that/requesting any pics.

Also, high-class bookshelf thread.

>> No.16501083
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>> No.16501119
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>> No.16501157
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>> No.16501182

Now that’s what I call comfy. It’s not gaudy or anything. Just books

>> No.16501478
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>> No.16501621
File: 86 KB, 814x815, B0613C21-E893-4B57-BD99-F976C5B22531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a little weird.

>> No.16501705
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>> No.16501733
File: 150 KB, 650x433, 076920E1-56A5-4AE1-BF45-6B46A3313622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh hey butterfly i know you know this board, i want to know about that rich trip flag with the library, you know anything?

>> No.16501790

Are you talking about rapture1?

>> No.16501798
File: 79 KB, 512x317, 401275F6-ADC7-4AC5-99BC-A5481AFEC895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knew it was something like that
What do you know? I saw him post in a couple of threads I cant tell if real or not

>> No.16501920
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>> No.16501947
File: 53 KB, 239x143, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is this

>> No.16501981


Hate this open plan shit, I"m referring specifically to the low "look at my dick" windows. I do like the idea of an open two-level space but simple and square, like this >>16501478 but minus the tryhard paneling, furniture and curvilinear nonsense. The placement and general proportion of the window are good here though, you can draw the shade or retreat to a removed space, if not a literal corner in this case.

>> No.16502008

>he doesn't organize his books by spine height
never gonna make it

>> No.16502415
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>> No.16502425

Lmao those huge windows and panels look like a good way to see some scary fucking shit in your yard.

>> No.16502439
File: 299 KB, 1280x852, im-229680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16502449


For a "I have many leatherbound books" bourgeois library room like this, you ideally want moderate window space on one or two walls tops. Direct sunlight is bad for reading, although indirect can be helpful and refreshing.

>> No.16502464

these all look like shit. their only redeeming feature is that they make non-whites seethe

>> No.16502542

Unless he moved buildings, rapture's library was like a basement crammed with plan steel shelves with tons of books, like what you'd expect to find in a small town or some section of a college library. There was nothing particularly fancy in there.
There's nothing funnier than reading some middle class dude provide opinions on architecture.
Light has always been the major thing in a library or a study. Some people like cozy spaces, others airy well lit places with uninterrupted views of their "domain".
You are aware glass can be tinted with UV filtering materials right?

>> No.16502562

The bigger problem in my opinion is the way direct sunlight bleaches your books. Learned that one the hard way.

>> No.16502832


The lowest plebs, the homeless, regularly congregate in major city libraries, which are often among the better architectural features of a city. The point is that the entire public has access to architecture in a public sense, if not a private one, and can form its various opinions based on these experiences. To your latter point (you addressed me twice), sunlight is still terrible for reading even if the window has treatment, but then this is down to taste as you said, it's just that the taste for sunlight is wrong. IMO The ideal reading room involves incandescent light and an available window or two.

Speaking of this, I miss my local libraries. Just before Covid they finished remodeling a suburban branch, I went in it just once. Po-mo neoclassical kitsch, but the high central arch was still nice to stare at and they had a good math section.

>> No.16503629

None of those books have ever been read

>> No.16504411

This one is really bad, just soulless

>> No.16504615

Do you collect?