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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 95 KB, 300x373, milton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1649897 No.1649897 [Reply] [Original]

What needs my Shakespear for his honour'd Bones,
The labour of an age in piled Stones,
Or that his hallow'd reliques should be hid
Under a Star-ypointing Pyramid?
Dear son of memory, great heir of Fame,
What need'st thou such weak witnes of thy name?
Thou in our wonder and astonishment
Hast built thy self a live-long Monument.
For whilst to th' shame of slow-endeavouring art,
Thy easie numbers flow, and that each heart
Hath from the leaves of thy unvalu'd Book,
Those Delphick lines with deep impression took,
Then thou our fancy of it self bereaving,
Dost make us Marble with too much conceaving;
And so Sepulcher'd in such pomp dost lie,
That Kings for such a Tomb would wish to die.

>> No.1649902

Fuck year, Milton!

>> No.1649908

You can't imagine the things I would do to that poet with a titanium plumb-bob and a hacksaw. Three minutes with that dandy cocksucker. Three fucking minutes.

>> No.1649930

Milton survived blindness, a deeply troubled marriage, the great plague and fire of 1666, the loss of two wives and a son, living in the same house as a gaggle of daughters who all hated his guts, a civil war, imprisonment and near execution by the restorted Charles II, crippling gout and bouts of flatulence (no joke, look it up), all so he could write the English language's great epic-cum-anti-epic. You can't touch this mutherfucker. Don't even try.

>> No.1649934

>>1649908 fantasizing about beating up a blind guy
4chan, everybody.

>> No.1649942 [DELETED] 

Whoa, no way! Milton lived the life of a Stuart period Englishman, how fucking fascinating! [spoilers]Half of my family's been through worse--doesn't mean shit.[/spoiler]

His poetry is gaudy trash. Plumb-bob and hacksaw, three minutes.

>> No.1649944 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 158x152, 1300858880494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, no way! Milton lived the life of a Stuart period Englishman, how fucking fascinating! [spoilers]Half of my family's been through worse--doesn't mean shit.[/spoilers]

His poetry is gaudy trash. Plumb-bob and hacksaw, three minutes

>> No.1649947


Whoa, no way! Milton lived the life of a Stuart period Englishman, how fucking fascinating! Half of my family's been through worse--doesn't mean shit.

His poetry is gaudy trash. Plumb-bob and hacksaw, three minutes.

>> No.1649948 [DELETED] 

You're just jealous because he's prettier than you are.

>> No.1649951

You're just jealous because he's prettier than you are.

>> No.1649952
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x720, grab13746.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1649944 [spoilers]

>> No.1649957
File: 31 KB, 363x310, Bender Laugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
