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/lit/ - Literature

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16493625 No.16493625 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/, I don’t plan to stick around this board since the ‘vibe’ I get is one of pretension, but I’m just here looking for resources. Namely, for the sake of my ‘aspirations’, one key trait I’ll need to develop is my intelligence. Now, that’s not to say I’m dumb, I’d wager I’m smarter than 99% of people I’ve ever met, probably this entire board too, and I’m certainly ‘wiser’ than most.

At any rate, I do believe in self improvement, and I take steps everyday to improve my situation, and my ‘path’ seems to be heading in the right direction. I’m attractive, talented, funny, muscular and the works. Great guy. I’m smart too, but it’s not something I work on actively, so I came here looking for the best literature for the sake of improving my already impressive intelligence. I plan to read the book for pic related at some point down the line, but I’m not an avid reader like I was in my youth, unless you count manga. I did build a good foundation in my youth, and I read a couple books after high school. I’m 19 now, almost 20, getting old so I have to hurry and avoid slacking on my goals. Plus, I hate how smarmy and disingenuous many so called intellectuals are, when I’d probably be banging their women better than those pricks ever could. Plus, I’m a bit of a writer myself, I have a memoir I’m working on, I might post it here someday, though I haven’t really worked on it in a while.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, what are the best books for expanding my horizons and raising my already impressive intelligence far above other, lesser humans?

>> No.16493671

nice bait thread

>> No.16493674
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>I’m smarter than 99% of people I’ve ever met, probably this entire board too
How dare you!
And you want me to read the rest of your thread, after openly insulting me like that?
Even offer you advice?
Never in a million years, kid.

>> No.16493678

Memorize poems and do flashcards\

>> No.16493694

This isn’t bait, I’m dead serious, no one ever takes me serious when I’m being serious. Just point me in the right direction, I want to get smarter
I’m not insulting you, I’m just saying I’m smarter. I’m sure you’re a great guy or object too, just not as good as me
Would this actually work? I feel like I have to read some boring renaissance era shit to get the desired results. So like, don quixote?

>> No.16493703

No, you would become yet another retard who has read don quixote.
Read poetry, memorize it. Recall it frequently, excusing no mistakes in your recitation. Start with Frost and work your way up into Rimbaud with correct pronunciation.

>> No.16493708

>I’m not insulting you, I’m just saying I’m smarter. I’m sure you’re a great guy or object too, just not as good as me
If that's where you stand, then why care about my rich and precious advice?

>> No.16493712

Reading books doesn't make you smarter, nothing does.
Why do people still confuse intelligence with knowledge?

>> No.16493720

>no one ever takes me serious when I’m being serious.
there is a reason for that.

>> No.16493726

Okay, I feel like you’re trying to bait me into falling for a meme, which could happen since I’m not familiar with this board. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna stick around here past this post, I just wanna find the shit I’m looking for and dip, maybe coming back in a couple years to get critique on my memoir. I think my best bet would unironically going to Reddit at this point since you guys aren’t being helpful. But honestly, I should probably just devoir as much literature as I can, and I think I’ll start with don quixote cause it has a funny sounding name

>> No.16493729

100 days of Sodom would definitely help you discover your sexuality op

>> No.16493744
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Because literature isn’t my area of expertise, so I could use a few pointers, I was just saying I’m better in a general sense
No I refuse to believe that. I grew my muscles, worked on my social skills to the point I could talk the pants off the grouchiest prude Christian woman in town, and I’m certain I can get even smarter
No, I’m saying that people are selfish and narcissistic and they don’t care about me because of that

>> No.16493763

Okay guys, easy with the harsh replies.
I wish the kid a warm sleep tonight. He might have had a stressful day in high school.

>> No.16493771

>No, I’m saying that people are selfish and narcissistic and they don’t care about me because of that
do you care about them?

>> No.16493787
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I’m 19, goddamn it, almost 20, basically an adult, especially when you look at how retarded and immature the average zoomer my age is compared to me. I don’t have issues with bullying or getting women, so don’t patronize me. I’m just trying to improve my intelligence. Why is that so hard for you guys to answer? Could it be that none of you are as smart as you think, and that your board is just a bunch of boomers and art hoes coping with their own idiocy?

No but seriously, just tell me, how do I improve my intelligence with this, which books, how many books, how often, how long, the works?

>> No.16493793

haha faggot

>> No.16493799

>No I refuse to believe that
inform yourself on the topic instead retard

>> No.16493801
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You've come to the right place, anon. Start with the Greeks.

>> No.16493805
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I mean, no of course not, outside of getting attention or other shit from them, I’m not joking when I say I’m good at conversation, I find it easy to make others laugh, which is useful because I’m well liked. But I’m well liked by idiots, and the worst part is I have to smile, shake their hands, look them in the eye and pretend they’re my equals, I’m suffering endlessly from everyone else. I talk about this a lot in my book, something like 70% of my suffering is a result of other people’s actions, and the rest is bad luck

>> No.16493808

the greeks desu

>> No.16493814
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THANK YOU anon, finally a good answer, I’ll remember this act of kindness and pay it forward. Any other good resources?

>> No.16493818

Haha I'm sure you're pretty smart and all you know, but I'm smarter than you.
I'm smarter than %100 than the people that I know, and after reading your sentences, I can assure you gentleman that im absolutely above you.
No offense, I'm sure you can beat me working on a gas station or something but never intelectually.

Anyways you can't get smarter, only dumb people think that. You're born smart or you're born dumb, and from what you're asking, you fall into the second category.

It would be a waste of time for me to respond to your question, and it would be a bigger waste of time for you has I told you there's nothing you can do.

Books are for smart people who doesn't have to ask about it. There are lots of stuff to do for dumb persons so don't worry, you can ride your bike or maybe make a Lego castle. Your choice.

Godspeed gentleman

>> No.16493824
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Holy shit OP, you little summer child. Youth really is wasted on the young.
>deep work
How to focus and achieve genuine progress within whatever undertaking you choose.
>make it stick
How to remember and make use of all those things that you have spent time learning and developing
How to talk to people and convince them of things.
>How to Read a Book
How to systematically read with an eye for detail and analysis
>Drawing with the Right side of the brain
How to interpret what you visually see into artistic output. The first step of developing a creative visual outlet and training the visual part of your mind.
>finnegans wake
Literally holds the answers to everything. The final boss of the human experience.

Reading these books will improve your abilities to process information in whatever field you specifically want to improve in. They are preaxiomatic to whatever specific intelligence you wish to show off to the sluts and bros you wish to impress. Becoming smart, or at least the appearance of being smart takes on many facets of perception. You must recall a thing, apply the thing to a given situation, relay that information correctly to another being, and subsequently analyze the result of that interaction to continue the interaction. This goes for the process of thinking on your own but also for interacting with others. I wish you luck and I hope you develop a sense of humility and humbleness eventually.

>> No.16493832

>could it be that your board is just a bunch of boomers and art hoes coping with their own idiocy?
I have been here for a long time and strongly suspect 90% of all anons here are younger than you.

>> No.16493850
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Yeah no problem, just make sure you get the Romans afterwards for a proper intellectual foundation

>> No.16493855

read David Hume - A Treatise of Human Nature

>> No.16493881

>I mean, no of course not, outside of getting attention or other shit from them
then why do you expect them to care about you? they are just like you.
>But I’m well liked by idiots
>something like 70% of my suffering is a result of other people’s actions, and the rest is bad luck.
both of which you have no control over, your suffering comes only from yourself.

>> No.16493889
File: 500 KB, 721x481, 2020-08-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 Rules for Life (by Jordan Peterson) is the book for you.
It's about getting ahead, manipulating and winning.
But be careful. It is also a very dangerous book if you're not very intellectually mature.

Anons can reply if they disagree, though I don't think anyone do.

>> No.16493903
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> Anyways you can't get smarter, only dumb people think that. You're born smart or you're born dumb, and from what you're asking, you fall into the second category.
>hard work is a meme
No thanks, I’d sooner blow my head off than bend the knee and accept a life of mediocrity. I know I’m destined for great things, so if you wanna ldar, keep seething while I surpass you
> Holy shit OP, you little summer child. Youth really is wasted on the young.
> intelligence you wish to show off to the sluts and bros you wish to impress
So condescending, damn. I want knowledge for my own benefit and use.
> Becoming smart, or at least the appearance of being smart takes on many facets of perception. You must recall a thing, apply the thing to a given situation, relay that information correctly to another being, and subsequently analyze the result of that interaction to continue the interaction.
I skimmed but I already do this, I’ll just have to make sure to keep honing my skills continually, there’s no limits for me in terms of how high I can go
> This goes for the process of thinking on your own but also for interacting with others.
I have much better social skills than most autists on this site, normies can only tell I’m slightly different, if at all. No trouble chatting up the ladies either
> I wish you luck and I hope you develop a sense of humility and humbleness eventually.
I don’t need humility old man, I’m a hottie with a body and a silver tongue linked to a brain sharper than glass.
That’s my theory too desu, but I’ll have to put some stock in the hacker known as 4chan, this site is good for resources

>> No.16493909

It's a shitty book without proper instruction pretending to be both meaningful and useful when it accomplishes neither task very well. OP will read it and feel smarter yet all of his subsequent actions will invariably be worse because of it.

>> No.16493917
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>I don’t need humility old man, I’m a hottie with a body and a silver tongue linked to a brain sharper than glass.
The absolute state of zoomers

>> No.16493922

don't listen to this troll. 12 rules for life is the ultimate business sociopath book. everyone saying otherwise are trying to block you from the truth.

>> No.16493938

>they are just like you.
No, they are nothing like me, I’m a much better person intellectually and morally. I can promise you this, and I assure you I deserve better than what I got
>your suffering comes only from yourself.
>just put up with being tortured bro, getting your teeth pulled out and waterboarded is just coming from you, just be Zen bro
I’ll give it a look anyway
Thank you
So? It gets me results. This cocky, couches, self confident ‘energy’ gets me great results with other people and in life. That’s not even factoring in my powerful ‘spite’

>> No.16493946

*douchey, goddamnit
Thanks, I’ll be sure to read it but also try and look objectively rather than just fall for a meme without thinking

>> No.16493969
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At any rate, I have to go to work soon, so thanks for the anons who helped. This is off topic from the thread, but give my memoir a read, it’s a work in progress and I’ve been kind of sloppy and lazy with writing it, but I still think it’s pretty insightful. Ciao, good luck guys

Memoir- https://pastebin.com/TvwQvTks

>> No.16493980

not even good bait. the 19 year old memoir shit is pretty funny thoughd

>> No.16493991

not bad, although a tad bit preachy at times. Needs more detail.

>> No.16494163

>goes to work

>> No.16494390

If reading could make you smarter this board would actually be tolerable.

>> No.16494395

If you want to improve intelligence and memory you have to improve your diet. Eat fish and dark chocolate. Those two for example are positively linked to memory improvement.

>> No.16494771

your bait needs to be more subtle anon, where's the funny if there's no credibility?

>> No.16495117
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>> No.16496035
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Ok, I’m back, last post and then I’ll do some of my homework and watch tv before bed
Thanks, I’ll be sure to inject more of my personal experiences in there rather than just rattle on with my philosophy endlessly, I feel like people could learn a lot from me, like I really have a lot to teach them, I’m a modern Aristotle in some ways
I don’t have a choice, I hate wagecucking but I’m stuck doing it for now since Kung flu has messed up my family’s finances, so I need to wage age so we don’t starve
Anon, if the state of the other boards and corners of the internet have taught me anything, it’s that no one draws/reads/works out/cooks/rock climbs/mountain bikes or does MMA as much as the people who talk about doing those things
I’ll give this a try, thank you
I’m not baiting, I’m just asking for resources, but I do have a tendency to be a bit grandiose
Flanders anon, I see you followed me here and I’m sorry for all the COOM that has infested society.

>> No.16496057

Based retard, you will get so far ... as a snail. I cheer you.

>> No.16496376

attention whore faggot. i didn't read your post(s) by the way.

>> No.16496386

meditate until the nothingness hits you

>> No.16496445

You get smarter by getting dubs, which you failed to do brainlet. Now check these out.

>> No.16496447


>> No.16496600

haahhaah this is god tier bait

>> No.16496610

holy based

>> No.16497608

If this isn't trolling it's genuine narcissism. More likely it's a combination of both.