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16492854 No.16492854[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*blocks your path*

>> No.16492862


>> No.16492878

Epstein's lawyer.

>> No.16492893
File: 111 KB, 650x350, 1571153059158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dershowitz more like pedowitz lole

>> No.16492894

Isreal dindu nothin.

>> No.16492897

Its OK when we do it

>> No.16492944

>Although repeatedly being approached by third parties to debate the book, Dershowitz refused on the ground that he had a "longstanding policy against debating Holocaust deniers, revisionists, trivializers or minimizers".
The best defense of all

>> No.16493048
File: 496 KB, 669x476, Kisuke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pre-eminent problem I have with /pol/ and their collective ilk is that, while they are actually correct in that there are a percentage of Jews who are wholly evil supremacists who need to be put down, it clearly is NOT all Jews.

Nevermind that this cannot be reconciled with them, but how do you even begin to pin point exactly which Jews deserve the rope? Sure you can do it on an individual level and target obvious scum like Jeffrey Epstein, but that will never get at the core of the rot. Is it the Orthodox Jews? Is it the Conservative Jews? Is it the Reformist Jews? Is it the Secular Jews? Is it the right-wing Jews or the left-wing Jews? You can't obviously say it's the left when you have scum like Ben Shapiro walking around who clearly deserve to eat a bullet or two.

Jews, hyper-intelligent as they are, have left behind their biological nationalism and transcended that weakness.

>> No.16493103

Hitler talked about this, and I’m pretty sure pretty much all White Supremacist literature does (I know The Turner Diaries does).
They basically say the only solution is to kill them all

>> No.16493122

>kill them all
>spent years just straight-up deporting them
What did he mean by this?

>> No.16493125

It's rightful jewish clay. Prove otherwise

>> No.16493130
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>> No.16493132

>Jews, hyper-intelligent as they are, have left behind their biological nationalism
lol they're extremely biological nationalist to the point that their ethnic chauvinism chafes on basically every people who don't straight up worship them.
They just hold to the non-liberal view of what a nation is, that of race and religion.

>> No.16493138

A washed-up pedophilic Jew whose constitutional scholarship has always been immensely shit

>> No.16493176
File: 195 KB, 872x1262, screencapture-jpost-Israel-News-Politics-And-Diplomacy-New-law-says-genetic-test-valid-for-determining-Jewish-status-in-some-cases-506584-2018-10-18-01_47_23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16493201

I genuinely cannot find a more amoral, unscrupulous, disgusting rat-person than Dershowitz, other than maybe Kissinger. Every time I read something about him it involves some despicable act. He is really nothing but a rat.

>> No.16493258

No one whose not a schizo wants to kill jews. They just cant be allowed power over gentile nations

>> No.16493297


>> No.16493303

He plagiarized from "From Time Immemorial"


Basically the claim was "Palestinians" are actually immigrants but all those 20th century Eastern European immigrants are actually indigenous. This goes back to them having the right to maintain ethnic majority status... obviously this is a form of exceptionalism but it can be rationalized on the perennial threat of anti-Semitism and the heightened risk of another holocaust due to the new anti-Semitism e.g. this is basically Deborah Lipstadt position. Of course putting basically every Jew in one location to be nuked has caused some other issues.

>> No.16493306
File: 93 KB, 661x1000, 28AE0800-5327-4FB2-83A1-9DA8C8C8E78B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> *blocks your path*
We know

>> No.16493364

Dershowitz is a bad zionist
t. yiddish speaking zionist jew

>> No.16493371

retroactively refuted by finkelstein

>> No.16493380

Top kek

>> No.16493467

The only case it needs is a casket

>> No.16493704 [DELETED] 


*counters your block*

>> No.16493722
File: 219 KB, 1400x2101, 71PxQ8c-VTL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*counters your block*

>> No.16493748

>Holocaust deniers, revisionists, trivializers or minimizers
In other words, the Holocaust get only expand in scale, never reduce.

>> No.16493887

*Implodes your face against the curb*

>> No.16494779

>either genocide an entire people or criticize none of them
le no

>> No.16494803

Stop avatarfagging with this striped hat guy

>> No.16495796


>> No.16495811
File: 274 KB, 646x1050, invention.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*hands you this tome*
>You have gained experience.

>> No.16496743

This guy has an hour and half debate with Noam Chomsky. His opening speech, he says he wants to cone in Good faith and contribute to a solution towards settling the conflict and not add the bickering and bloodshed.

After one hour of Noam Chomsky refuting his claims and laying it bare to him he tries a last trick

>Billl clinton in a private meeting with me in the White told me so and so
Noam, asks the audience to undergo a simple exercise, what Alan claims to have been told by Bill or the varifiable camp David agreements that went nowhere or UN records war crimes against Israel.

Alan launches into a tirade of "planet noam Chomsky" for the next 30 minutes Whom lives on conspiracy theories and no one else is ever right. I got a glimpse of what he may be inside a court of law.

>> No.16496756

Ps the full debate is on Youtube

>> No.16496781

This sounds supremely based and food pilled.

Wtf I thought youutbe was full of e-celeb drama and roasties promoting fat positivity on tedx

Going to watch this, thanks faggot

>> No.16496809

Extremely based. This book is great because you keep reading it expecting some kind of "and this is why we're doing all of this for them" but it just never comes. I've redpilled neocons with this shit before.

>> No.16496968

I don't understand this place. The Good anon has rendered you a service by bringing to your attention something that you like and you express your gratitude by calling him a homophobic slur.

The world has gone insane lately.

>> No.16497096

>written by one of the pedophile jews who has deep involved with Epstein

>> No.16497141
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>NOT all Jews

Maybe, but they stick together when it matters, and they all run the same basic program.

>10 fuck over the local goyim
>20 support my fellow jews
>30 goto 10

>> No.16497345

Remember, Jews would be powerless if it wasn't for the Shabbos Goyim who do their bidding like the neocons, read >>16493722 America's undoing is entirely the fault of its elites

>> No.16497465

Here's his 2005 debate with Noam Chomsky

Here's a 2003 debate with Norman Finkelstein

>> No.16497467

bros...tha jews control.. the ruling class.. like omg...

>> No.16497534

The Jew-White relationship is perfectly mirroring the White-Nigger.

It's amazing how whites don't see it.

>> No.16497773

>Jews would be powerless
No more than any other community with a strong foreign contingent with influence in other governments.
Since when do whites move to jewish nations in order to live off welfare, rape and destroy the local jewish community?

>> No.16497826
File: 9 KB, 260x340, biological jew eustace mullins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, good mr. Dershowitz, good

>> No.16497868

>Since when do whites move to black nations in order to rape and destroy the local black community?

>> No.16498061

Which black nations were eroded through white immigration again?

>> No.16498443

>check it out is in the public records
>check it out is in the public records
>check it out is in the public records
>check it out is in the public record

My boy dershowitz whipped that cuck Chomsky so badly for an hour he had to start adding the above to every claim. What a chud

>> No.16498450

Above was for this post