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File: 244 KB, 1600x763, MARS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16492826 No.16492826 [Reply] [Original]

imagine being a /lit/wit who thinks that science fiction is beneath them

>> No.16492830

B-but it's genre! Genre bad!

>> No.16492850

I'm curious, what makes them so appealing? Should I read em?

>> No.16492856

basically it's an extremely well thought out look at how mars would be colonized and terraformed
absolute masterpiece

>> No.16492866

>how mars would be colonized and terraformed
>and terraformed
that's more like fantasy then kek

>> No.16492871

How good is this series in particular? is it worth a read?
I like hard sci-fy the most by the way.

>> No.16492915
File: 13 KB, 177x285, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sci-fi about Mars
>not pic related

>> No.16492920

only if you aren't smart enough to imagine the future
this is as hard as sci-fi gets. NASA scientists actually reference this series often for how it solves certain problems

>> No.16492938

So it's the Martian chronicles, but has enough filler to turn 1 book into 3? Sounds like a waste

>> No.16492960

if you consider going into extreme details on the political, geological, chemical, and biological aspects of colonization and terraforming "filler", then yes, it is chock full of filler. Every single possible detail is touched upon

>> No.16492972

The problem with science fiction is that you read about a world thats just not real and will never be real, making impossible to actually learn something about reality.

You people rave about future technology and how human society will develop, but most of you dont even bother reading a book about doing basic science experiments or the early science of space travel or anything having to do with economics.

So all of it is mostly just one big adventure, yeeaahhhh, you read a book that gives you vague descriptions on how to terraform mars, but you arent going to read a manual on agriculture or how to crossbreed flowers or bacteria in earths soil.

This is why we will never terraform mars, or build o-neil cylinders or travel to the stars, because most people will just imagine we do so and thats enough for them.

>> No.16492978

If that is true, I take back what I wrote here.


Still most people would never even touch anything very technical.

>> No.16493006

>You people rave about future technology and how human society will develop, but most of you dont even bother reading a book about doing basic science experiments or the early science of space travel or anything having to do with economics.
>So all of it is mostly just one big adventure, yeeaahhhh, you read a book that gives you vague descriptions on how to terraform mars, but you arent going to read a manual on agriculture or how to crossbreed flowers or bacteria in earths soil.
this trilogy is literally what you claim science fiction should be like. It's an actual scientist explaining how to colonize mars

>> No.16493011

>but most of you dont even bother reading a book about doing basic science experiments or the early science of space travel or anything having to do with economics.
Why would I? I have an engineering degree and have been to NASA for a tour. People who hate sci fi and ramble on about how you get nothing from it seem to do nothing but imagine that reading another book has somehow brought them one step closer to having a super power or something

>> No.16493012

Mate for fucks sake the vast majority people reading this likely aren't scientists. Even if you wanted you can't just go on and by the tools to start building a rocket. Even you you fuckign read a book on basic rocket building is not like you would instantly be able to make then. Holy shit this isn't a fucking movie.
People know what this is science fiction, fiction is right there in the name for fucks sake.

>> No.16493034

>this trilogy is literally what you claim science fiction should be like. It's an actual scientist explaining how to colonize mars
I might read it then.

>Why would I?
Look, you are either going to learn something new, or you arent. Now this series of books apparently has some scientific debt to it, but the majority of scifi fans will never touch anything serious. Thats my criticism.

>Mate for fucks sake the vast majority people reading this likely aren't scientists.
I am not talking about becoming a scientists, I just think its silly when the average scififan doesnt know Newtons laws, for example, which is very basic.

Without the science, science fiction is just fantasy fiction, then most of it is just bad and pointless.

>> No.16493051

you really should check it out

>> No.16493052

Space is literally the stupidest thing there is. I cant even fathom giving a shit about space. To do what? Eat, shit, fuck the same way you do here, but in Mars? Be clinically depressed and eat doritos while watching anime, but in the moon? Space, like sex, is just another promise of the pleasure, of release, but when we get there, like when your coom into a woman, we’re just going to find precisely what we’ve known was there all along: nothing. Just the same dread and disappointment that follows us everywhere. Stop externalizing life to objects or ideas, OP. You’ll be the same loser in Jupiter that you are here.

>> No.16493071

>Without the science, science fiction is just fantasy fiction, then most of it is just bad and pointless.

... that literally goes against what you said. if the problem is the lack of "science" in your sci-fi just drear hard sci-fi. but either way, You need to keep in mind these are book made not to be guide books for civilization for the future based completely on hard evidence and exploring probable scenarios... they are meant to be fictional works designed to entertain first.
If you want something else you need to read non fiction.

>> No.16493077

>but the majority of scifi fans will never touch anything serious.
that is like complaining about how fantasy readers don't read historical manuscripts instead.
It's nonsensical.

>> No.16493105

people like you need to be put down for the good of the human race. I take solace knowing you will never reproduce

>> No.16493113

This is some next level shilling
> we are too crowded you need to live in the cubicle eat bugs and not have any children.
> what do you mean you want to leave earth? you can't do anything out there! you need to stay on earth.

>> No.16493134
File: 4 KB, 120x120, protip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to break it to you, but the future won't be like that.

>> No.16493179

yeah if you told me 100 years ago that we'd all be given devices that could fit in your pocket that had the ability to look up any information you could ever want I'd call you a retard
if you told me 300 years ago humans would be able to fly across the atlantic overnight I'd call you a retard
keep saying we can't, faggot

>> No.16493194

>le wacky false equivalent xD
fuck off, redditor.

>> No.16493266

fuck you jew, my great grandkids will walk on mars

>> No.16493279

how is it a false equivalency?
Again you can say that technology might develop in a different way, but it's sure to develop past our conception of what is possible or not. Look at early sci-fi, specifically Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, and look at how much it got right.
Nobody can tell what the future will look like, not even you.

>> No.16493281

There is literally no benefit to humans living on Mars. And it has no magnetosphere worth a damn, so all terraforming efforts are doomed. Also, you're retarded.

>> No.16493284

I am the Jew shilling for Mars. Get your own job, goy.

>> No.16493298

>Nobody can tell what the future will look like, not even you.
I actually I can. I have travelled there. You haven't. Mars won't be happening. Torus will. Deal with it.

>> No.16493346

There is a huge benefit for being on every single rock there is, especially a big one like mars, Mining. Of course you start with asteroids first seeing how much easier they would be to deal with at first.
but saying "uh no rock too big no want" is fucking stupid.

>> No.16493421

This might be the stupidest thing I've read this year, good job

>> No.16493453

>mining for rust
You do know the earth's core consists largely of iron, right?

>> No.16493469
File: 986 KB, 1688x2550, 912vf6ujOGL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how c/lit/s feel about a long time /lit/ favorite author like Roberto Bolaño who not only included some SF stories in his book but even wrote fan letters to his favorite writers in it?

>> No.16493493

...you do realize if you try to fucking take the iron out you will fuck with the electromagnetic fields that are the only thing keeping us from getting destroyed radiation, right?

>> No.16493503

The faggot couldn't even speak nor read English. It was the fictional character in the book the one who did it. Peak YA novel btw.

>> No.16493522

You could cover the entire planet in that iron and it wouldn't make the slightest difference to the magnetosphere.

>> No.16493535

>Peak YA novel btw.
Nobody will ever take you seriously, retard.

>> No.16493561

That is not the case but
>implying that would be enough.
This is thinking of the After you have mined the asteroid belt dry. Because it would be easier than trilling to the center of earth or colonizing mars.

>> No.16493588

this is your average philisophy reader
in the plain for all to see

>> No.16493702

>you really should check it out
I will.

>... that literally goes against what you said
It literally does not, my argument is that scifi buffs, usually dont give a rats ass about science. I enjoyed doing the many experiments and asignments in my dads young naturalist book I found in my grandmas attic.

This is already to sciency for the average scifi nut.

>that is like complaining about how fantasy readers don't read historical manuscripts instead.
Yes, thats accurate, why read fantasy when its not allegorical, has some historical merit or beautiful poetry, which literally most modern fantasy is not.

>this is your average philisophy reader
Atleast philosophy is a science, science fiction ironically is not a science. Science is a science, if you are so concerned with humanities future, why not also read some pop science books or O'neil original book The High Frontier.

If thats not the level of commitment you are aiming for, why bother?

>> No.16493709

I'm right in this case, though. Read the book.

>> No.16493810

Right about what? Who cares about what languages Bolaño spoke? You seem to speak at least one, or two, and yet nobody will remember a word you've said or wrote after you're gone.
I don't think it's YA, but even if it was, it just goes to show how shallow your thinking process is. "Oh, he spoke only one language." "He self inserted as a polyglot". "It's YA".

Here's a similar statement for you, and I hope you can save the paradox: You're an absolute retard.

>> No.16493849

Ergh, I was referring to The Spirit of Science Fiction being YA, not about Bolaño's ignorance of the lingua franca. Nothing wrong with that. Absolute state of Bolaño stans.

>> No.16493987

>Yes, thats accurate, why read fantasy when its not allegorical, has some historical merit or beautiful poetry
... There are thousand upon thousands of book that have all of those things. Same with sci-fi having actual science.
And again even IF they don't have those things YOU ARE READING FOR FUN, not to study or learn FOR FUN. Stop being autistic, people can and do enjoy reading for the sake of reading.

>> No.16494004

Well this place is filled with zealots and mongs who don't study science so what did you expect

>> No.16494012

>It literally does not, my argument is that scifi buffs, usually don't give a rats ass about science.
Some don't some do.
>I enjoyed doing the many experiments and asignments in my dads young naturalist book I found in my grandmas attic.
Holy shit you are actually trying to flex your shitty experiments as if most people didn't do them either as assignment or for fun.

Go back to your non fiction and sperg there. Again this shit is not real, it's made to entertain. The level of scientific accuracy is secondary to the plot and character development.

>> No.16494023

I suffer from paranoid schizophrenia and have been told by my doctor not to read sci-fi.
What am I missing out on?

>> No.16494037

>If thats not the level of commitment you are aiming for, why bother?
>why read fantasy when its not allegorical, has some historical merit or beautiful poetry, which literally most modern fantasy is not.
To have fun? to enjoy a story? why are you so fucking autistic that you cannot understand that fiction is meant to entertain people and all else secondary? historical accuracy or scientific accuracy is a toll to improve the story and might be used or not according to what the author desires, they are not the goal in of itself, these aren't textbook whose main goal is to teach you things

>> No.16494040
File: 38 KB, 600x407, H._G._Wells,_c.1890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Herbert George Wells[1][2] (21 September 1866 – 13 August 1946) was an English writer. Prolific in many genres, he wrote dozens of novels, short stories, and works of social commentary, history, satire, biography and autobiography. His work also included two books on recreational war games. Wells is now best remembered for his science fiction novels and is often called the "father of science fiction", along with Jules Verne and the publisher Hugo Gernsback.[3][4][a]

>During his own lifetime, however, he was most prominent as a forward-looking, even prophetic social critic who devoted his literary talents to the development of a progressive vision on a global scale. A futurist, he wrote a number of utopian works and foresaw the advent of aircraft, tanks, space travel, nuclear weapons, satellite television and something resembling the World Wide Web.[5] His science fiction imagined time travel, alien invasion, invisibility, and biological engineering. Brian Aldiss referred to Wells as the "Shakespeare of science fiction".[6] Wells rendered his works convincing by instilling commonplace detail alongside a single extraordinary assumption – dubbed “Wells's law” – leading Joseph Conrad to hail him in 1898 as "O Realist of the Fantastic!".[7] His most notable science fiction works include The Time Machine (1895), The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896), The Invisible Man (1897), The War of the Worlds (1898) and the military science fiction The War in the Air (1907). Wells was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature four times.[8]

Do the most basic homework on a genre before criticizing it.

>> No.16494666

Science Fiction is often compared to Fantasy, because they were born in the same cradle, and when they were young, they looked a lot alike.

But Scifi has a greater impact on the world at large, examines real-life implications of changing technology and progress. Fantasy is still just a genre.

>> No.16494679

sci-fi is also just a genre.

>> No.16494689
File: 74 KB, 1058x476, 1598430307709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16494715

you are not allowed to write books that have things in them that we cannot perceive as relatable and reality based. literature is based on "the real" and certain things that i as a member of the lit conglomerate decide, and i/we have decided that science fiction is for babies because it is a waste of time unlike our wonderful and genius philosophical discussions on philosophy writers who wrote about breathing, drinking, eating, and living. these discussions go somewhere each time we have them. where would discussion about science fiction lead us to? space?

>> No.16494792

>reddit comment hates red mars
as expected

>> No.16494796

>where would discussion about science fiction lead us to? space?
that's the idea, yeah

>> No.16494814

Mars is for bugmen

>> No.16494818

>Why do people think that X is just Y?
>X is definitely not Y, here's why
>your response: X is just Y

>> No.16494823

>the characters are bad because the don't quip like my marvel movies and red mars is boring because it talks about terraforming and not lightsaber battles
just say you got filtered by the hard science in it and move on.

>> No.16494833
File: 41 KB, 399x600, Damn son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not reading books because you might think that a literal random loser on 4chan might call you names
Imagine depriving yourself of something you might enjoy because you're afraid of what an anonymous person on the internet, that you've never spoken to and you will never meet, might view you for it

>> No.16494884
File: 56 KB, 264x258, 91C484AB-8176-4C3D-A126-71577C5454A8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's genre! Genre bad!

>> No.16494898 [DELETED] 
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>Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)18:00:40 No.16494884▶
>File: 91C484AB-8176-4C3D-A126-7(...).png (56 KB, 264x258)
>But it's genre! Genre bad!
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>> No.16494907
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>Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)18:00:40 No.16494884▶
>File: 91C484AB-8176-4C3D-A126-7(...).png (56 KB, 264x258)
>But it's genre! Genre bad!
> Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)18:02:41 No.16494898▶
>File: 1597977940786.png (5 KB, 250x295)
>>Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)18:00:40 No.16494884▶
>>File: 91C484AB-8176-4C3D-A126-7(...).png (56 KB, 264x258)
>>But it's genre! Genre bad!
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>> No.16494912 [DELETED] 
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>Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)18:00:40 No.16494884▶
>File: 91C484AB-8176-4C3D-A126-7(...).png (56 KB, 264x258)
>But it's genre! Genre bad!
> Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)18:02:41 No.16494898▶
>File: 1597977940786.png (5 KB, 250x295)
>>Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)18:00:40 No.16494884▶
>>File: 91C484AB-8176-4C3D-A126-7(...).png (56 KB, 264x258)
>>But it's genre! Genre bad!
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> Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)18:06:05 No.16494907▶
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>>Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)18:00:40 No.16494884▶
>>File: 91C484AB-8176-4C3D-A126-7(...).png (56 KB, 264x258)
>>But it's genre! Genre bad!
>> Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)18:02:41 No.16494898▶
>>File: 1597977940786.png (5 KB, 250x295)
>>>Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)18:00:40 No.16494884▶
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>>>But it's genre! Genre bad!
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>> No.16494918

shouldn't the water come before the plants, making it red mars blue mars green mars?

>> No.16495007

Yes, science fiction is a subgenre of fantasy.

>> No.16495264

I liked it but I'm also a sperg and so the fantastical societies built from scratch appeal to me. I liked the idea of the child-credit to manage population as something governments would try as Earth dies. Turning reproductive rights into a financial instrument is hilariously extreme but it was described in interesting detail. I also liked the slice-of-life style wanderings around Mars and so forth.

>> No.16495528

Does anyone have the webm of that black guy dancing while text flashes on the screen with slogans like SPACE IS FAKE and SO CALLED ALIENS ARE REALLY DEMONS
Anyway "literature" is cringe whereas genre is based

>> No.16496329

This, read what you want and be done with it. Stop pushing your "you can only read x because i only read x, I read y people would make fun of me" unto others.

>> No.16497099

I've read the Red Mars a while ago and I vaguely remember some really embarrassing mistake in basic physics involving a train and acceleration.

>> No.16497107

Science fiction is repetitive garbage. It is either a drama with sci-fi setting (so just read drama) or it is about speculation (so just read philosophy instead).

>> No.16497360

>basically it's an extremely well thought out look at how mars would be colonized and terraformed
Pfft hahahahahaha and you posted this thread to mock us? Ahahahhahaha fuck off kid.

>> No.16497365

>muh unfalsifiable claims for the future
>muh NASA
When will you learn your obsession with science is just a resurgence of mysticism?

>> No.16497370

>Anyway "literature" is cringe whereas genre is based
You may as well just say "Yes, /v/ and /tv/ are my favorite boards"

>> No.16497390
File: 114 KB, 555x414, ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*btfos your bugman genre*

>> No.16497417

>Pfft hahahahahaha
all those books have really sharpened your reasoning skills anon

>> No.16497429

You read only 3 books.

>> No.16497445

oh no you forgot to type the laughter to simulate confidence

>> No.16497786


>> No.16497793

>how mars would be colonized and terraformed
literally who cares

>> No.16497805

Human interactions are badly written in this, some nerd robot typed this up
The intro is a cool movie type cold open action sequence, but after that it really peters out and it never graduates beyond that
If I ever go back to finish this I don't think I will read the sequels

>> No.16497836

BECAUSE SCIENCE IS FUCKING BADASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.16497845

>... There are thousand upon thousands of book that have all of those things. Same with sci-fi having actual science.
Very few standard fantasy books are allegories, will give insight into the past or are beautiful in their own right.

>YOU ARE READING FOR FUN, not to study or learn FOR FUN

To study and to learn is fun mate, if you disagree then perhaps fantasy books are not fun to you, just empty escapism.

>Some don't some do.
The majority do not.

>Holy shit you are actually trying to flex your shitty experiments as if most people didn't do them either as assignment or for fun.
So, I take it you continued those experiments into adulthood and are now an expert in some scientific discipline.

Oh no, wait, you lost your youthful curiosity and now spend your days rereading the same dull genre literature.

>Go back to your non fiction and sperg there.
I actually read a lot of poetry, amazing what new light a good poet can bring to something completely familiar.

>The level of scientific accuracy is secondary to the plot and character development.

If you cared about plot and character, then you wouldnt make scifi your genre. Why even read scifi when you dont care about the science and also clearly not the fiction part?

Again, you people just reread the same tride fiction to fill the empty shells.

>To have fun? to enjoy a story?
If you can not understand someone desire for intellectual stimulation or someones desire for beauty, then perhaps you dont have fun at all when reading your books.

Fantasy and scifi novels arent usually known for their stories and character development or their good writing. What you call "fun" is just mindlessly zoning out with something familiar and repetitive, thats not fun, because there is not challenge, no opportunity for self improvement, nothing to learn.

You are not having fun.

>> No.16497855

>where would discussion about science fiction lead us to? space?

On the contrary, people who read scifi want to dream about going to space, they will usually not contribute to it themselves, its empty escapism, someone who think going into the woods or into space to escape the problems of his present life, but in space, life would continue, thus only uncomplicated and strong people would move into space, not the kind of people that read scifi.

>> No.16497877

Green for lichens and such which predate large masses of water.

>> No.16497912 [DELETED] 
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>File: MARS.jpg (244 KB, 1600x763)
> Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)19:04:22 No.16492826▶>>16492871 >>16492915 >>16492972 >>16493469 >>16494004 >>16494666 >>16494689 >>16494918 >>16495264 >>16495528 >>16497099 >>16497107 >>16497805
>imagine being a /lit/wit who thinks that science fiction is beneath them
> Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)19:10:08 No.16492856▶>>16492866 >>16492938 >>16497360 >>16497793
> Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)19:18:34 No.16492915▶
>File: index.jpg (13 KB, 177x285)
>>>16492826 (OP)
>>sci-fi about Mars
>>not pic related
> Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)19:56:00 No.16493179▶>>16493194 >>16493281 >>16494040
>yeah if you told me 100 years ago that we'd all be given devices that could fit in your pocket that had the ability to look up any information you could ever want I'd call you a retard
>if you told me 300 years ago humans would be able to fly across the atlantic overnight I'd call you a retard
>keep saying we can't, faggot
> Anonymous 10/02/20(Fri)19:57:00 No.16493194▶>>16493266 >>16493279 >>16494040
>>le wacky false equivalent xD
>fuck off, redditor.
> Anonymous 10/03/20(Sat)00:26:14 No.16495007▶
> Anonymous 10/03/20(Sat)11:16:55 No.16497877▶
>Green for lichens and such which predate large masses of water.
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>Reply to Thread No.16492826

>> No.16497922
File: 17 KB, 200x198, NPC_wojak_meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Must consoom genre literature

>> No.16498104
File: 1.13 MB, 3018x3018, Dragon's Egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Lem isn't allowed to be mentioned then Robert L. Forward and his book 'Dragon's Egg' is the best sci-fi book there is.

>> No.16498153
File: 42 KB, 1014x570, shpedermen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound real greasy and fat.

>> No.16498168
File: 643 KB, 1000x659, sumudica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine posting on /outerlit/
>imagine caring what barely literate retards that made a cult surrounding Geunon, Evola, Kaczynski, Land without having even read them think

>> No.16498259

What is it about, and why do you like it so much?

>> No.16498406

>You sound real greasy and fat.
I actually work a full-time job as butcher in a freezing cell, so I am reasonably in shape and have a weird smell around me when I come home from work.

>> No.16498497
File: 12 KB, 176x286, The Star Diaries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about a tiny civilization (the 'Cheela') that live on a neutron star - and evolve (experience time) a million times faster than we do - and the humans who observe and eventually make contact with them during their rapid evolution. I like that it's based on real physics and the way it chooses to tackle interesting ideas.

With that said I also recommend anything by Stanislaw Lem, especially his more comical short stories (featuring either Ijon Tichy, Pirx or two robot engineers (as in robots who engineer, not engineers who robot), Klaupacious and Trurl) that are brilliant. Pic related.

>> No.16498525

Science fiction is beneath me. Not only because it is usually stilted prose formed from the mind of a popsci-obsessed liberal, who extrapolates his pathetic political and social/sexual worldview onto an entire civilization, but because (like all genre fiction) it treats all of the human elements that make literature an enduring art form as a mechanical device for the plot.
Just look at the scifi pulp of 50s-60s, and how it really only tells us about the material conventions and hopes of that time. Scifi is a vulgar snapshot of the sociopolitical environment and the author's position in it, laced with a bit of technobabble.
Disgusting, crude and pointless.

>> No.16498806

It's not a zero-sum game, anon.

>> No.16498839

How much sci-fi have you actually read?

>a vulgar snapshot of the sociopolitical environment and the author's position in it

Same could be said of much of acclaimed literature, from Zola to Dostoevsky

>> No.16498992
File: 33 KB, 246x486, urth 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16499062
File: 361 KB, 512x512, Z7HeRxU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you disagree then perhaps fantasy books are not fun to you,
>You are not having fun.
pic rel

But for real mate, you might have some sort of mental disability. Let me give you a food metaphor:
Eating is fun, eating healthy can be fun but usually non healthy foods "taste" better. Some people like to eat confectioneries with not real health benefits to them, that is their business. You are a health junkies that is trying to say" I enjoy eating health foods and your confectioneries are shit, you can't enjoy them. Unless you put have oats on your muffins or use honey exclusively to sweeten them you aren't enjoying it. Because you can't get any nourishment form it."

And while you can have healthy confectioneries that taste good their health benefits are not their main focus, taste it.

You are free to not enjoy those sweet treats because you believe them to be "below you". You, however, clearly lack any form of social skill if you try to say people aren't can't or shouldn't enjoy their mille-feuille, balaclava, or even the humble ice-cream sandwich.

Which is why the confectioners connoisseur eater are telling you to fuck of with your health shit. Confectioneries are not made primarily to be healthy, but tasty; just as fantasy and it's derivatives in sci-fi and medieval fantasy are not meant to be primarily educational, but entertaining.

>> No.16499066

Thank you for the recommendation

>> No.16499383

I got into astronomy and botany because of science fiction. You're making a strange generalization.

>> No.16499447

if you told american soldiers in WWII they were fighting to give niggers equal rights and let people who chop their dicks off get special treatment they'd have called the whole thing off and built concentration camps in America too.

>> No.16499474

>people like you need to be put down for the good of the human race
you should be more sensitive to BIPOC. cool it with the anti-Black remarks

>> No.16500006

you have limited time

>> No.16500113

What I meant is that stopping people from reading Sf is not going to make them adopt the behaviors and actions that you described in your post

>> No.16500566

No prob Bob

>> No.16500585

The question has been answered decisively: life imitates art; in particular, sci-fi.

>> No.16500626

Wow anon, you sure convinced me with that scientific thinking.

Brb, building a closet to Narnia so I can some Gandalf's pipeweed. After all, anything is possible if you wish for it really, really hard, all scientific like.

>> No.16500722

Absolutely 100%
I’m a fan of both genres, but people who view science fiction as something that predicts the future, instead of something that reflects the political and cultural temperature of the era it was written in are the ultimate midwits.

>> No.16500810
File: 513 KB, 1280x720, 2234123451432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conflating high fantasy with sci-fi, especially hard sci-ci which was the orignal topic of the thread, because you have no actual arguments

>> No.16501463

people who read philosphy like most of /lit/ lives in their basement and cant talk to women

>> No.16501532

>scifi is just about muh space
Read more faggot

>> No.16501538
File: 33 KB, 209x320, Copy of Revelation Space Series.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is actual hard scifi

red mars is 30% hard scifi, 70% sex drama

>> No.16501545

>NASA scientists actually reference this series often for how it solves certain problems
NASA hasn't been relevant for 40 years

>> No.16501599

agree. haven't read "red mars" in years but a few highlights i remember. it's basically "twilight" with rockets
> opening chapter has a colonist assassinating a rival colonist using hormone patches
> a recurring theme is how old female scientists cope with aging and fading attractiveness
> one copes by having sex as an old lady then getting gerontology treatments to become a young lady, then having sex as an old made young lady
> another (japanese) copes by founding a colony under an ice sheet that's called something like "egg cell" and spends her time artificially inseminating herself and making babies every 9 months
> one main character is killed in a flash flood arbitrarily
> two scientists spend months having sex while floating around mars in a blimp in the middle of a sandstorm
> immortal mice
a few good parts:
> a lone colonist playing "factorio" irl using robotic mining and factory equipment
> earth ruled by financial transnationals which are fighting resource wars since immortality treatments mean the poor will be generationally poor forever unless they replacement migrate now, and in this world the transnational corporations actually protect their own people
> the mars nationalists win for awhile
> laser-cut hologram tiles used to decorate outside pressure-tent-city bases

>> No.16501983

>>imagine caring what barely literate retards that made a cult surrounding Geunon, Evola, Kaczynski, Land without having even read them think

>> No.16501991
File: 74 KB, 302x349, so true.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16502237

The fuck is chuck e cheese?

>> No.16502739

You are a fucking moron.