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16492386 No.16492386 [Reply] [Original]

Any books like this but not midwit and not full of /pol/ shit?

>> No.16492410

Fundamentally it's a /pol/ book. There's nothing like it which isn't like /pol/.

>> No.16492416

Why does /pol/ still live rent free in leftist minds? It's a decrepit relic filled with unironic MAGAboomers. This book is very distinctly filled with RW Twitter culture and BAP primarily used the salo forum. Not everything that's right wing is /pol/.

>> No.16492428

But just as gay

>> No.16492432

You could say Sun and Steel is a /pol/ book but it's not full of schizo ramblings about DA JOOZ

>> No.16492450

He specifically calls Natsocs cringe and I don't think he's ever touched on the JQ or even advocated for Nationalism in of itself.
Lefties are still so mindraped from the 2016 election that they think muhhh /pol/ is hiding behind every corner.

>> No.16492468

Its just shorthand for a type of dullwitted rightwinger.
Go back trumptard

>> No.16492485

It reflects an absolute retard-tier understanding of your opponent. It's like when a dumb MAGAboomer calls Obama a 'Communist Liberal'

>> No.16492492

I dont understand the question. "Pol shit" is the substance of the entire book. You are asking for lemonade that doesnt taste like lemon. Youre all confused and fucked up

>> No.16492510

I've read a little bit of BAM. I don't care about the /pol/ side but what can I read to just get the bits about Nemesis and the waterfall and the wild horses and working out? I don't care about the Jew stuff at all.

>> No.16493347

The book’s practically a pamphlet, just read it and make note of the parts you like.

>> No.16493361
File: 125 KB, 479x382, tarzan philosophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's complete tarzan philosophy

>> No.16494385

Mix Nietzsche with an asian fetish, but not asian like vietnam, but instead the turks and mongols. I was a day 1 buyer, I regret it. Better off not reading.

>> No.16494400

We can at least agree there's a tranny problem though, right?

>> No.16494434

He's clearly not talking about /pol/ as in the board, he's just making a reference to people who subscribe to similar glorified GOP ideologies

>> No.16494448

What do you mean by "GOP ideologies"? Would natsoc be part of that? Or B(R)APism?

>> No.16494520

Are you retarded? He shills for National Socialism, calls out the Jews, and advocates for white nationalism but not universal nationalism. Have you no idea who BAP is?

>> No.16494537

He literally does none of the above

>> No.16495072

>how to get rich from Internet incels with three easy steps!
>mention nationalism, white nationalism, and the Jewish question

>> No.16495080

How many people do you think get rich from talking about Jews lmao. If you want to grift you don't mention Jews