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16488228 No.16488228[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We've all seen these faggot yard signs. Liberals love to use these type of phrases like "black lives matter" which carry underlying assumptions and have secondary meanings.

For example with "black lives matter" - any reasonable person agrees with the phrase's literal denotation. But agreeing with the phrase functions more like agreement to their narrative of blacks being oppressed by evil whites and being massacred by white supremacist cops and all that. But if you refuse to agree with the phrase, then it's seen as if you disagree with the phrase's actual denotation and therefore literally want to kill black people or whatever.

Another example is the "Nazis are bad/punch a nazi" thing. The literal meaning seems fine to most people, but they also see anyone to the right of Bernie as a Nazi and using those phrases supports that view. But disagreeing implies you're in favor of actual nazis.

Is there a good word to use to describe these phrases/tactics?

>> No.16488244

Closest thing I can think of is “loaded question.”

>> No.16488276

>love is love
Meaningless statement that confirms itself. x = x.
>science is real
Science describes a process, so it cannot materially exist, but it does exist as a concept and is widely practiced, yes.
>Black lives matter
As much as anyone else's does, I guess
>Water is life
What did they mean by this? Water is inorganic matter
>no human being is illegal
A human being cannot be "illegal," but they can do things which are illegal, and often do so
>feminism is for everyone
If they mean "for" as in "advocates for," this is not particularly true, as feminism is defined as a movement that advocates for women specifically. Any other use of "for" in this context is meaningless.
>kindness is everything
If there is anything other than kindness, then kindness is demonstrably not everything.

>> No.16488291

niggas die errday b
we be catchin bodies

>> No.16488304
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>If they mean "for" as in "advocates for," this is not particularly true, as feminism is defined as a movement that advocates for women specifically.

>> No.16488310

Men can advocate for women, yes.

>> No.16488316

Kafka trap/loaded question is what you're looking for. But ideological purity spirals are born of uncertain times. And its going to get worse as people are further polarized. The end result will probably be a full scale balkanization of America/civil war. There's already been preliminary strikes in various towns. Your best bet to ride out the coming storm isn't to bug out either, but to go a town in bumfuck nowhere. At least you can live a normal, albeit less materialistic life. Its about to get hellish for anyone caught in the hot zones.

>> No.16488335
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>"black lives matter" - any reasonable person agrees with the phrase's literal denotation
I don't. Niggers lives are worth less than shit.

>> No.16488336

"Pro-life" falls along the same lines, if you're looking for it on the conservative side. Likewise I think "support our troops" is similar.

>> No.16488337

And the double meanings:
>love is love
Gays love each other, some adults love kids and animals, and these forms of love are equal to heterosexual love
>science is real
human caused climate change is real and a huge issue
>water is life
probably something about flint michigan or whatever that place with bad tap water is?
>no human being is illegal
borders should be open and we should support the entire world's beggars and allow them to radically change (destroy) our society

>> No.16488367

But it's not a question, that's the insidious part

>> No.16488380

I think this is just a result of your right wing peabrain. The only reason phrases like Black Lives Matter are being used is not an just arbitrary declaration of the value of human life; but rather as an expression of solidarity with Black folks, whose lives aren't exactly valued as much as White lives in America, seeing that the evidence of systemic racism and discrimination in modern America keeps mounting. If the civil rights movement had achieved its goal of equal treatment, you likely wouldn't be seeing these messages.

>> No.16488381

Idk it's not exactly a question or accusation. Its a phrase with a literal meaning and a different implied meaning. And the meaning switches back and forth in different situations. (kind of like how Jews call themselves white sometimes and not other times)

>> No.16488383

Let's invent a neologism for it. I came up with the term "hostage phrase", because that's what this feels like to me. I don't know if there's an actual term for this. Thoughts?

>> No.16488391

Example of doublethink.

>> No.16488401
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>> No.16488406

No, I think it's more than that. BLM is not just a phrase but a political (Marxist) movement which has a particular connotation. You should be able to agree with the sentiment without agreeing with the group it represents but in practice you're left as a hostage .

>> No.16488429

You don't understand the phrase; it's a statement of solidarity with Black folks in a time of struggle for equal rights, not a basic proposition stating the value of human life to which 99% of people would agree.

>> No.16488431

Maybe call it a Trojan horse, or Trojan phrase? It looks like one thing but carries something else. That doesn't encapsulate how it can switch back to the denotation if you reject the implied meaning though.

>> No.16488445

I get the phrase but I don't think you understand its ramifications. BLM is not just a phrase anymore.

>> No.16488459

"black folks" have nothing but systematic advantage through affirmative action and special "hate crime" laws to protect them. the only reason they're overrepresented in being killed by police is because they commit several times as much violent crime as whites.

Saying "black lives matter" carries the totally different narrative OP described which is the opposite of the truth as I described it

>> No.16488466

Don't be racist anon, it's not the niggers' fault they're the most retarded group of people on earth.

>> No.16488474

>Americans instead of rioting for something like healthcare they riot over some shit that is barely statistically relevant because muh blacks.

I hate this meme country

>> No.16488491

nigger nation with nigger sports and nigger culture and nigger celebrities and nigger crimes and nigger politics that only center around giving more to niggers

>> No.16488523

Black lives matter is the slogan of moneyed interest to increase diversity. Encouraging ethno politics among minority groups is the name of the game. Ultimately it's all about putting more people into an ecosystem for bigger labor pools and more consumers. It's how capital bypasses healthy selection pressures (how honest are you, how diligent are you, how pious are you, how industrious are you)

>> No.16488535

There was an interesting post regarding the idea of political messages not being seen as political -- it was in response to something not that long ago about "BLM" not being a political remark.

I wish I could remember what was said because it was pretty lucid about why such things aren't seen as political, despite being so. I think it had something to do with normalization not being perceived as something political, but I'm probably way off. Damn my memory.

>> No.16488546

People shouting Black Lives Matter in the street changes the meaning of the phrase? Or the fact that there is a somewhat centralized movement who shouts the phrase changes its meaning?
>affirmative action
How does this constitute a systemic advantage? One of its justifications is quite literally because Blacks are so disadvantaged in all aspects of American society.
>and special "hate crime" laws to protect them
Hate crimes and hate speech have very real psychological costs and reinforce negative stereotypes which perpetuate racism in society. Many countries are starting to recognize this, mainly Canada and Western European countries.
>the only reason they're overrepresented in being killed by police is because they commit several times as much violent crime as whites.
Not true. If this was the case, it would have been recognized long ago by researchers. But thankfully we have statistical methods which allow us to control for crime levels. And another thing is that crime is often defined in ways where it disproportionately affects minorities. For example, something that Black men are prone to is "loitering" which is a crime and heavily policed. But something that Whites might be more prone to doing, such as marketing defective cars, are not crimes and not policed at all.

>> No.16488552

I think there already is a term, motte and bailey.

>> No.16488567

>How does this constitute a systemic advantage?
It's literal race-based privilege
>One of its justifications is quite literally because Blacks are so disadvantaged
Which is stated without real evidence supporting it apart from laughable stuff like those studies that showing stereotypically black names aren't accepted as much in job applications and stuff.

>> No.16488582

It all has the same meaning, it's so fucking creepy. I realized it today, these people literally have signs in their yard saying, "please genocide me and burn my civilization to the ground"
It's a deep and horrifying mental illness and every year I believe less that there's any help for it but death.

>> No.16488584

>. If this was the case, it would have been recognized long ago by researchers. But thankfully we have statistical methods which allow us to control for crime leve
You realize you're unambiguously wrong about this lol. If you control for crime rates they're not killed at a higher rate.

>> No.16488587

fbi crime statistics are pretty unmistakable. research showing the obvious correlation would never be (((published)))

you don't think committing 5x as much murder and even higher rates of aggravated assault on a per capita basis would lead to more police shootings (the overwhelming majority of which are justified)?

>> No.16488592


>> No.16488598

they commit about 8 times as much murder actually

>> No.16488661

>It's literal race-based privilege
Obviously it's race based, because it needs to be - how can one address racism without seeing race? But it's there to ameliorate the systemic disadvantage to which Blacks are so proudly entitled.
>Which is stated without real evidence supporting it apart from laughable stuff like those studies that showing stereotypically black names aren't accepted as much in job applications and stuff.
Go on Google and type in the keywords "Black" and "study." You will see the media reporting on new studies highlighting the systemic disadvantage that Blacks have every single day. The evidence is quite overwhelming; you can fill books with it.
Didn't I already point out that crime statistics are already problematic to begin with? And typically, no; crime statistics cannot "explain away" the disparities in police violence to which minorities are subjected. Further, if crime statistics cannot explain it away, it's not hard to look at what predisposes minorities to crime anyways. (Pro-tip: it's not biology.)
>fbi crime statistics are pretty unmistakable
UCR specifically is known to be very unreliable.
>you don't think committing 5x as much murder and even higher rates of aggravated assault on a per capita basis would lead to more police shootings
How the fuck do these statistics explain away shooter bias and suchlike? They cannot. Police have a higher tendency to shoot Black men just in general - armed, unarmed, etc.

>> No.16488673

It is biology though, they're violent and poor in literally every country

>> No.16488689

we believe cats are cats
Science is cats are cats
Black lives cats are cats
Water is a derivative of cats are cats
No human being is the inverse of cats are cats
Feminism is for every human such that cats are cats
Kindness is cats are cats

>> No.16488698

It's almost as if Africa was colonized and exploited

>> No.16488706

You're right.

>> No.16488708

Yeah because they never developed civilization, because they're dumb.

>> No.16488720
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Pretty sure it's genes as well.

>> No.16488721

>Yeah because they never developed civilization
Maybe you should read a book, dumbo.

>> No.16488733

I did read a book about this, called Race, Evolution, Behavior. The author of the book was naturally ostracized for writing it. The shorter version you can read in a paper called Race and IQ 30 years of research, or something like that.

>> No.16488738

Bruh. Have you even slightly looked into precolonial African history?
This has been repeatedly debunked. This gene had been shown to only be activated by poor childhood conditions and even the Beaver retard himself said that he doubts that the gene can explain the crime disparity. Read "Biology in Black and White" (I think that's the name) for a more detailed discussion.

>> No.16488753

Not really. I know there was an empire in Benin and one in Mali for example but they weren't all that impressive

>> No.16488789

Countless European explorers commented how beautiful Benin City was, their art was stolen by the British after the punitive expedition (presumably for its beauty), and many nations competed to have them as a trading partner.

>> No.16488800

I always thought they were equally dishonest. "Pro-choice" doesn't usually extend to suicide and duelling, just fucking say pro-abortions and anti-abortions.

>> No.16488823
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Adding on:
>Feminism is for everyone
Despite most fragments of this "movement" being openly hostile to men and masculinity, we will retreat from criticism by claiming that feminism is a synonym for egalitarianism and subsequently turn the blade back on you for being bigoted against women.
>Kindness is everything
You are not allowed to disagree with anything on this sign because they are all "kind" statements on the surface. You must ignore any and all baggage.
Gonna Tedpost again tonight because it's relevant:
>213. Because of their need for rebellion and for membership in a movement, leftists or persons of similar psychological type often are unattracted to a rebellious or activist movement whose goals and membership are not initially leftist. The resulting influx of leftish types can easily turn a non-leftist movement into a leftist one, so that leftist goals replace or distort the original goals of the movement.
>219. Leftism is a totalitarian force. Wherever leftism is in a position of power it tends to invade every private corner and force every thought into a leftist mold. In part this is because of the quasi-religious character of leftism: everything contrary to leftist beliefs represents Sin. MORE IMPORTANTLY, LEFTISM IS A TOTALITARIAN FORCE BECAUSE OF THE LEFTISTS' DRIVE FOR POWER. THE LEFTIST SEEKS TO SATISFY HIS NEED FOR POWER THROUGH IDENTIFICATION WITH A SOCIAL MOVEMENT AND HE TRIES TO GO THROUGH THE POWER PROCESS BY HELPING TO PURSUE AND ATTAIN THE GOALS OF THE MOVEMENT (see paragraph 83)...

>> No.16488836

I always find it funny how they call fetuses a clump of cells but the moment scientists find an amoeba somewhere in space

>> No.16488844

Semantic Overload

>> No.16488853

That's just the African equivalent of Orientalism.

>> No.16488864

It's called a dog whistle OP

>Cosmopolitan. This term, popularized in the White House's debate over the poem on the Statue of Liberty's pedestal – when used to describe a reporter's mentality – is a code for urban, progressive elites who pose a threat of leading the nation forward and not back. When a senior policy adviser got into a back-and-forth with the CNN White House correspondent and labeled him thus, the extreme right cheered.

>Global Special Interests. As detected by Vice and other media outlets, this phrase, or "globalists" and other variations, is primarily shorthand for "Jewish people" or, most charitably, the multilateral free market that doesn't abide by what the right considers "traditional values" protectionist policies.

>Take Back. You hear this in Charlottesville and read it on extreme right protesters' posters as a rallying cry or a command. The agitators claim they must "take America back from …" or "rescue society from …" but the natural follow up question would be "take back from whom?" And the answer is where the euphemisms stop and their dark truth emerges.

>Majority Minority. This is certainly less veiled than many of the extreme right's verbiage, as it speaks to the demographic shift that America is projected to see in the next century, as Caucasian populations decline in proportion. But it's the extent that this is a threat to be actively fought and defended against that makes it a dog whistle and call to action.

>Alt-right. Much of the contemporary conversation has adopted this new epitaph for the extreme right. But this is merely calling an old threat a new, slightly distracting name – and therefore possibly distorting or diluting the impact. Words matter. And so does clarity. As much as people are saying "call it by its name" about the controversial actions by extremists, we should keep this conversation clear and call these actors by their name. Avoid using "alt-right" and eliminate any confusion by calling them "white supremacists" or "racists" or "neo-Nazis" or "extreme right."

>The OK Hand Sign is a dogwhistle that alt-righters use to show that they are alt-right without explicitly stating it, echoing both Trump's and Pepe's usage of the sign. The alt-right use originated as bait for a /pol/ "prank" or trolling attempt, but as the media failed to fall into the trap, its usage rapidly shed whatever irony it had. As of January 2018, Snopes has listed the symbol as ambiguous as to whether it is an alt-right symbol or alt-right trolling. The sign is also used relatively innocuously in the "Circle Game". What makes it so devious is that it can be very difficult to know if someone is using it as a dogwhistle or as a harmless hand sign.4

>> No.16488874

>13%, 13/50, or 13/52 is a racist dogwhistle for African American people, in reference to the supposed statistic that "despite being only 13% of the population, black Americans commit approximately 50% of homicides in the USA" or "despite making up only 13% of the population, blacks make up 52% of all homicides in the United States". Similarly, 13/90 refers to a related claim that 90% of all violent interracial crimes in the U.S. are committed by blacks against whites. Never mind that these figures are decades old, and that based on numbers arrested, black Americans have gone from committing 49.3% of all violent crimes in 1995 to 37.5% in 2016-2017. Since these statistics are based on arrests, not convictions, they are subject to bias from racial profiling. One study estimated that as much as 16-33% of arrests of racial minorities could be due to racial profiling in areas that have not had police reform.

>41% is a transphobic dogwhistle referring to suicide statistics about trans people. According to the National Transgender Discrimination Survey, 41% of trans people have attempted suicide. Transphobes often misrepresent this statistic as the percentage of trans people who have committed suicide, often posting it as a way to implicitly harass trans people by suggesting they should commit suicide

>Blood and soil is one of the rallying cries of the alt-right. It is a translation from the German Blut und Boden,Wikipedia a phrase which originated in German 19th-century agrarian nationalist-romanticism, and which was adopted by the Nazi Ministry of Food and Agriculture (Reichsnährstand). Under the original Nazis, it indicated then that the original descendants (Blut) belonged to the land (Boden), and was used as an ideology to support the Nazi eugenics program and the Lebensraum ideology. Vanguard America, a white supremacist group, also uses the motto, "blood and soil". As a symbol, they use either an eagle with a Roman fasces (modern symbol of fascism), or a crossed pair of fasces.

>Boogaloo, boogalo, boog, and big igloo are code words for race war and the second American Civil War. The term boogaloo is derived from the 1984 movie Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo which is a commonly used phrase online to indicate any sort of sequel, particularly a poor quality one. Big igloo is a derivative synonym that refers to boogaloo and probably to the "big tent" idea of inclusiveness (but for white people since igloos are white), but more likely as a way of evading attempts at moderation. In search of further homophone-ish phrases for their shitposting, this term further morphed into the phrase big luau online. This led to a bizarre situation during lockdown protests regarding the 2019-20 COVID-19 outbreak, where many of the far-right extremists that attended showed their devotion to white supremacy by dressing in Hawaiian shirts

>> No.16488879

>The term bugman is used to refer to left-wingers who are seen as being hollow, technology- and trend-obsessed consumerists whose opinions and tastes are completely determined by the mainstream consensus of other bugmen. It is similar in meaning to the incelese term bluepill. They have no individuality, are sometimes said to be "soulless" and have a thousand-yard "insectoid" stare that gives away that they are "dead inside". Their lives are empty and without meaning or purpose except to be consumers and serve corporations. It is a clear attempt at dehumanization and is similar to the NPC meme.

>Burning coal and coal burner are derisive terms for a white woman having sex with a black man. Largely used as a reference to the full phrase "burn the coal, pay the toll", implying that a white woman who has sex with a black man will meet with violence, end up pregnant and abandoned, or otherwise have some terrible comeuppance for her crimes against the white race. It also applies to white men who have sex with black women, where the white man will pay for his alleged crimes against the white race. Coal digger and mud shark are similarly-employed pejoratives. Contrast with bed wench, used in some black supremacist circles to describe black women having sex with white men.

>A cuck is someone who doesn't hold alt-right views. It is used as a pejorative with absurd frequency. The term "cuck" originates from "cuckold", which describes a man married to an adulterous woman, in this context in the fetish sense: the implication is seemingly supposed to be that the recipient holds views they know are wrong but is too pathetic to do anything about it. The term was taken from the men's rights movement Someone who is not cucked is instead based or red-pilled. There are also racist ideas attached to the term, in that allowing a non-white man to have sex with one's white wife is viewed as an unforgivable offense. So the term is applied to targets deemed to be race-traitors in any way.

>Cultural Marxism (also Cultural Bolshevism or Kulturbolschewismus, in the original German and frequently what the alt-right is talking about when they say "The System") is a conspiracy theory in which the Frankfurt School (a body of Marxist writings) and critical theory (critiques of society, with some origins in Marx's work) are the products of leftists' concerted efforts to (successfully) sneak communism into academia and culture at large. In turn, the conspiracy goes, modern gender/race/sexuality/etc. movements are ultimately grounded in these communist writings – and so they are communist themselves. The theory is absurd. The Frankfurt School was obscure and had a negligible impact on broader society. The methods used by social justice advocates – analyzing society through lenses of class/gender/race/etc. – long precede the Frankfurt school.

>> No.16488881
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>Is there a good word to use to describe these phrases/tactics?
I think "Doublespeak" fits what you're describing:

>Doublespeak is language that deliberately obscures, disguises, distorts, or reverses the meaning of words. [...] It may also refer to intentional ambiguity in language or to actual inversions of meaning. In such cases, doublespeak disguises the nature of the truth. Doublespeak is most closely associated with political language.


Based autistic anon. Good thing autism rates are increasing in the US!

>> No.16488890

lol at the attempt to downplay 13/52. The numbers this year for homicide were 13/56

>> No.16488892

Some of these seem a little too direct to be "dogwhistles."

>> No.16488898

You missed out. It's a logical proposition. If love is love is a tautology, then we can substitute tetme because the relation is tautological. We can then substitute the prop for any place which uses truth, its inverse or derivative. It's a secret message about cats. I figured it out, take a peek >>16488689

>> No.16488910

>The Day of the Rope is an alt-right fantasy taking place in the future, when "justice" will be served to those who took part in the attempted genocide of the white race. Typically, the fantasy involves a public hanging of everyone the alt-right perceives as enemies. The term was taken from the book The Turner Diaries.

>The deep state is a conspiracy theory that there is a body of people who are secretly manipulating or controlling US government policy, and the President must serve their interests or else risk assassination. It serves as a convenient excuse for the alt-right as to why Trump can't get anything done (e.g. It doesn't matter, the deep state are stopping him at all costs and he needs to make sure they don't take him out!). Like many alt-right expressions, the term can be used as covert anti-Semitism.

>Deus vult is Latin for "God wills it". Deus Vult was the battle cry of the Crusaders. Use of the term implies that another crusade is necessary. Saracen is an associated term and was used by medieval Europeans to refer to Muslims, particularly Muslims in former Roman provinces. It's a pretty good sign you've stumbled upon an internet tough guy or an alt-liter attempting to use it in a memetic fashion to hide its racist intentions. This term may be a bit less trustworthy than others, and it may just be that you've met with an internet historian making a joke. Or both.

>"Gender studies" is used as a shorthand for any and all fields of academic study that the alt-right finds useless (read as: everything except racist pseudoscience). "Getting their gender studies degree" is spoken of as if it is some kind of rite of passage for the left. It is also a not-so-subtle dis of feminism.

>Goy (Hebrew: גוי; plural: goyim) is the standard Hebrew biblical term for a "nation", but has also acquired the meaning of "someone who is not Jewish" (synonymous with gentile). It is not an inherently pejorative term, although it may sometimes be used that way by Jews. In the context of its alt-right usage, the term is used in order to reinforce the idea of an International Jewish Conspiracy. A common alt-right "joke" is to reply to assertions of shadowy Jewish puppet-masters by saying, Oy vey, the goyim know, shut it down! Those in the alt-right will sneeringly refer to a non-Jewish person who opposes anti-Semitism as a "good goy", the implication being that they are a cuck who is unknowingly serving the eeeeevil Jewish conspiracy. Neo-Nazis sometimes try to claim that 'goy' means cattle. The origin, or at least popularization of this claim is likely William Cooper's book Behold a Pale Horse.

>> No.16488911

I use "bugman" a lot and I'm not salt-right lol what a faggot post

>> No.16488919

The list is likely from the ADL, a group of nonces.

>> No.16488920

Okay, Im bored of copying shit from a wiki.

>> No.16488925

They're actually right(rather surprisingly) about the origin of the term though. It was used by far-right guys to describe liberals and libertarians whose identity was entirely based around consuming products and had no connection to any traditional culture/heritage.

>> No.16488933

"motte and bailey," which being anglo faggot slang is unfortunately useless in everyday conversation

>> No.16488940

I remember Nietzsche talking about some kind of bug man, too.

>> No.16488949

Reminds me of that list the Clinton campaign used. I'll never forget the incompetent dissecting of Baneposting and the "Often refers to domestic abuse" next to "Who was in the right here?"

>> No.16488983

My neighbors have the same sign

>> No.16488995

it's the "live, love, laugh" for 21st century faggots

>> No.16489044

how dare you pollute this holy space with such filth

>> No.16489322


someone make a sign with this that looks like a faggy cityslicker yard dildo

>> No.16489394

lol, wtf? this is a list talking about dog wistles but it encorporates the same skewed logic that they are supossedly trying to fight against
>one study
>They are racists neo-nazis, etc
>Cosmopolitian (like it hasnt been a term since before then)
>dark truth emerge.

Do people actually not see the irony in this shit?

>> No.16489407

It's hard to explain to people in person, but using BLM as an example, there's a difference between the rhetorical expression "blacks lives matter," which no one really disagrees with, and the Black Lives Matter organization, which has official members, policies, and demonstrations.

Take Marquise Love for instance. He's on video braining a guy who wasn't resisting in any way. After he knocked the guy out he (? I think. At least the people he was with all night) screamed "Black lives matter nigga!" at his unconscious body. Now, BLM organizers were quick to disavow Love, saying he wasn't part of their movement. Well, I just hope Love got a refund on his BLM t-shirt, cause he seemed to be repping them pretty hard.

Basically, to a certain group of psychotic black people, beating and robbing whites IS what the sentiment "black lives matter" is about. Meanwhile, Black Lives Matter organizers can pick and choose who to disavow based on who's making them look bad, rather than taking responsibility for the shitty parts of a good movement.

There was an article on Slate Star Codex (RIP, fuck you new york times) about this exact phenomenon I'm trying to describe, he called it the Motte and Bailey defense. Gimme a bit, I'll try to see if it was archived anywhere.

>> No.16489414

>For example with "black lives matter" - any reasonable person agrees with the phrase's literal denotation.

Except me. I don't care about black people at all. I am sick to death of hearing about them.

>> No.16489449

Agreed its a little bit of hypocracy saying when an occation of police violence is a system problem, but being able to disavow your own at a whim. not saying they are not at some level right in their movement, but I think it oozes the sort of noxious idpol that does nothing but polarizes things rather than having a measured look.

>> No.16489522

Life has no intrinsic value or meaning.

>> No.16489541

Which means that all lives possess the same value, even if that value is nonexistent

>> No.16489547 [DELETED] 

There's the party line

>> No.16489554

which means that we can assign subjective values to everything we want.

>> No.16489555

White Lives don't matter, only rich elite lives matter. And even then not if they fuck up. No lives actually matter.

>> No.16489567

>Racial study
>from the USA
>from 2014

I thought Obama put a stop to all race research

>> No.16489659

Africa had civilization while angloids were still shivering to death inside caves lmao

>> No.16489674

this board is for literature you chud fuck