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/lit/ - Literature

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16487200 No.16487200 [Reply] [Original]

that's an interesting bookshelf anon, but where are the women and African American writers?

>> No.16487203

In the trash, where they belong

>> No.16487208
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I have a couple

>> No.16487215

I am the black author.

Are white liberal women really this easy?

>> No.16487224

>the women
I have some of those.
>and African American writers?
Never in this life.

>> No.16487233

you don't own count of monte cristo?

>> No.16487272

Dumas was not African American. He was a French aristocrat.

>> No.16487274

Dumas isn't an African American

>> No.16487278

I only read Chinese men you bigot

>> No.16487288
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>Of course I read books by POC authors. Mishima, Naipaul, the list could go on.

>> No.16487289
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>Falling for the bait

It ain't easy being cheesy

>> No.16487296

I've some Virginia Woolf and some other stuff.

>> No.16487300

It's not bait if it's just retardation

>> No.16487309

>african american
they're just american you bigot

>> No.16487328

My favorite African American is Idris Elba.

>> No.16487335
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Both in one represented amply by the works of Zora Neale Hurston. Since you're not some passive aggressive, superficial beyatch we can enjoy a nice, long conversation about her works: biographical, ethnographic and fiction. You start.

Then one sends the slut packing.

>> No.16487340

Im just happy that steve is in Smash.

>> No.16487349
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That's racist against Mexican food, you fucking Nazi.

>> No.16487355


>> No.16487361

Sorry, but I didn't realize that Carson McCullers, Virginia Woolf, Anzia Yezierska, Hanya Yanigihara, Han Kang, Renata Adler, Margaret Millar, Elizabeth Hardwick, George Eliot, Djuna Barnes, and Elena Ferrante weren't women.

I also didn't realize that Zora Neale Hurston, Toni Morrison, nor Nella Larsen are not both black and women.

Are you also trying to tell me that Richard Wright and Ralph Ellison aren't black?

I think you're the racist and sexist here Missy. This date is over. I'm reporting you on twitter btw because I've been recording this date.

>> No.16487365

cringe but based

>> No.16487509

>meme arrow women

>> No.16487696


You are missing out.

Giovanni's Room By James Baldwin is an amazing read.

>> No.16487709

I would punch her square in the jaw. When she fell back on her ass I'd get on top of her and with one hand strangle her stupid feminist neck and with the other pull her pants down. I'd choke her unconscious while I rape her fat whorish pussy and I'd cum as deep as I could inside her before getting up, dismembering her body, and lighting it on fire.

>> No.16488801

It's bookshelves actually

>> No.16488814

up your arse cunt, women and black writers are fucking terrible with extreme exceptions such as dumas and woolf

>> No.16488830

>why my philosophy section is almost entirely non-white: Platon, Aristoteles, Plotinus, Aurelius, Spinoza, the list goes on...

>> No.16488838
File: 6 KB, 275x183, 863B4185-7BCF-43D2-B147-A1DE445ED3D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an exception to that rule

>> No.16488839

Questions you will only hear on /lit/

>> No.16488840 [DELETED] 

I pass. There's lots of amazing writers I could read instead.

>> No.16488847

Best answer.

>> No.16488852
File: 83 KB, 550x543, 3ewk9y.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do anglos really...?

>> No.16488861

>African American
Why would I want americans on my bookshelf
Augustine is the only "African" I need
Catherine of Siena
Hildegard von Bingen

gg I win, woman

>> No.16488908
File: 124 KB, 533x800, 1572466393032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the bedroom, I like to keep them close at hand, come let me show you.

>> No.16488915


>> No.16489024

here's Thomas Sowell and George Eliot, bitch

>> No.16489031

>Yes well you see over here is "The Human Stain" by Philip Roth, in my mind the defining author of the African American experience, and over here you will find "Justine" by Marquis de Sade.

>> No.16489105


>> No.16489174


>> No.16489257
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>> No.16489264

I think I have one book by WEB du bois somewhere.

Also, Im happy about minecraft steve.

>> No.16489270



>> No.16489282

George Eliot, Jane Austin, Bronte, and my personal favorite Dickinson.
I have Frederick Douglas, and frankly I love his prose. but anything beyond that I feel would be pretentious because I frankly believe that Blacks current status in society is self imposed and they mostly write of their own affairs. If you’d like to talk about Hughy Lewis and Bobby Seale I’d be happy to. But I doubt you’d appreciate my opinion.

>> No.16489592

Alas, the systemic racism of my formal education actively hid from me the many marvellous works of so many women and African American writers. O sorrow, O shame, how pitiable is my state. Perhaps, dear companion, you could direct me toward some that aren't shit?

>> No.16489599

Malcolm X autobio is pretty good

>> No.16489627

Anne Carson’s Fragments of Sappho was a pretty comfy read.