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File: 160 KB, 998x917, pbuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16483829 No.16483829 [Reply] [Original]

*mogs every other writing system*
Nothing personal kid, wallah.

>> No.16483947

le paki squiggles

>> No.16483959
File: 232 KB, 902x1000, gilgameshflood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path*

>> No.16484068


>> No.16484319

men den vil aldrig overskride skønheden af det danske sprog. en ynde ingen andre kan efterligne. sut mit ø tabere.

>> No.16484329

lær dansk grammatik før du priser sproget, ahmed

>> No.16484336


ok, du henviser ikke til sjælland, men til bogstavet. du er stadig ringe

>> No.16484360
File: 3.88 MB, 3000x2000, egypt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't read the script in every direction depending on context, left to right, right to left, down up, up down

>> No.16484386

fucking racister alle sammen, allah. favel og tak og hils pia herfra.

>> No.16484454

is that Swedish?

>> No.16484571

>man er racist fordi man beder om ordentlig grammatik
ok mohammed

>> No.16484577

Unironically, kill yourself

>> No.16484582

I'm fairly certain that most Mesoamerican glyphic systems could do that too, because you could rotate and flip glyphs freely, and they were detailed enough that the jaguar eating the baby facing to the left could be flipped and still be understood as representing "fa" or whatever.

>> No.16484584

who cares ur language sucks

>> No.16484602

better than literal shitstreaks lmao.

>> No.16485189

>t. Frechfag

>> No.16485199

That isnt Sanskrit.

>> No.16485205

Sanskrit is better in every single way.
And looks cool too. Fuck off sheep fucker

>> No.16485213
File: 53 KB, 365x512, 5134ea174dad3e323503a3d1e5381ba3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey that's not Tifinagh!

>> No.16485220


>> No.16485223

go back, goatfucker

>> No.16485225

sanskrit isn't a script, retards

>> No.16485299

Og sådan er det bare.

>> No.16485322

shut the fuck up

>> No.16485347
File: 127 KB, 430x430, 1596599223200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying those were goats that got fucked in Rotherham?

>> No.16485384

Hiragana is the most beautiful

>> No.16485495

It says script in the name retard

>> No.16485508

You're not exactly helping your case here by admitting it was you, Mohamed

>> No.16486042

you got me there

>> No.16486120

gods, how I hate pakis, those perso-arabic wannabes

>> No.16486143
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1599880798613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this hate for pakis
and whats your reason for your dislike?

>> No.16486203

they're filth who rape innocent girls

>> No.16486210

Pakis are hated on all fronts.

Hates by Indians for being muslim
Hated by muslims for being pagan converts
Hated by white nat for being brown
Hated by niggers for not being nig
Hated by chinkis for round eyes
Hated by rich countries for being poor
Hated by poor countries for begging
Hated by libs for being misogynist
Hated by cons for being fundamentalists

Is there anyone that doesn’t hate pakis?

Pakis hate pakis for being Shia, Sunni, Ahemedi
Pakis hate pakis so much they claim to be Arab, Tork, or Farsi

Is there anyone that doesn’t hate pakis?

>> No.16486220

t.butthurt gangoid nigger

>> No.16486222

t. Poojet

>> No.16486338
File: 233 KB, 607x421, WALLA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wallah indeed

>> No.16486351
File: 33 KB, 446x330, delusional paki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's there to like? They are always claiming ancestry from Persians or Arabs, and lately its been Turks, with all the Ertugrul they've been watching. There having no base in history means they base their identity around religion only, and that breeds all sorts of fundamentalism. Also they keep sucking up to China.

>> No.16486417
File: 241 KB, 732x633, 1595541805526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you saying every single one rapes innocent girls?
I don't thing anything you listed actually matters. can you actually provide sources here?
the region is situated at the very entrance of the indian subcontinent and historically was a melting pot of cultures and people. And what's wrong with identifying with people of your religion and how does that breed fundamentalism?

>> No.16486441

>are you saying every single one rapes innocent girls?
There's probably some exceptions

>> No.16486466

Syllabaries are better than any alphabet. I wish they worked for English.

>> No.16486495

a(short) aa(long)
o oo
i ii

also there's more but I'm too lazy to teach you

>> No.16486554
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im curious. why do you think this way?

>> No.16486599

>moves around it and continues with the relevant discussion

>> No.16486610
File: 40 KB, 320x320, nebu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. seething jew

>> No.16486662

Basically this.

Pakistan as a state is founded on a lie, that Hindu's and Muslims are unable to cohabit together without Muslims being minimized and persecuted. Obviously this isn't true, it wasn't true in the past, and the success of India's multi religious, multi ethnic state proves the assumption wrong.

The only way for Pakistan to continue existing is to both promote extremism, to keep a cohesive country, and bow down to China, as the first point makes the second necessary.

I don't mind Pakistanis, really, there is so little separating them from Indians, but the country is fucking backwards. Their corruption makes India look like fucking Norway, and the only way they alleviate internal problems is by attacking India or Afghanistan.

>> No.16486768
File: 60 KB, 785x847, 1599778982791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pakistan as a state is founded on a lie, that Hindu's and Muslims are unable to cohabit together without Muslims being minimized and persecuted. Obviously this isn't true, it wasn't true in the past, and the success of India's multi religious, multi ethnic state proves the assumption wrong.
But look at india today where you have a hindu supremacist in power and where there are literally lynch mobs running around the country and killing muslims. Modern india itself is a reaffermation of the two nation theory.

>The only way for Pakistan to continue existing is to both promote extremism, to keep a cohesive country, and bow down to China, as the first point makes the second necessary.
this doesn't make sense? promoting extremism is something that backfired massively in pakistan, and the country learned this lesson in 2014. Ever since then things have gotten a lot better.
>I don't mind Pakistanis, really, there is so little separating them from Indians, but the country is fucking backwards.
Im not going to deny this. the country is pretty fucking backwards.
>Their corruption makes India look like fucking Norway, and the only way they alleviate internal problems is by attacking India or Afghanistan.
This is straight up not true. In terms of corruption, both Pakistan and India score similarly on transperancy.org's corruption index (pakis get 32 india scores a 41)
As for internal problems, there really aren't that many today. COVID's being dealt with. Most radicalisation has been rooted out. Most terrorists have been killed, the tribal areas are being integrated into the country. The country seems to be going on the right path as of late.
I believe pakistan should really bury the hatchet with india, but afghanistan, if it is a stable country, can't be left alone, because afghanistan's very existance is an outright challenge to pakistan's sovereignty.

>> No.16486800

I'm exaggerating of course, but there's a structural problem with pakis raping and abusing white girls in Britain. I have no issues with pakis in Pakistan whatsoever, I wish them all the best. But if you are a guest in another country and behave like that, you've ruined it for the good ones as well.

>> No.16486828
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>> No.16486831
File: 352 KB, 1054x750, Apu guitar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But look at india today where you have a hindu supremacist in power and where there are literally lynch mobs running around the country and killing muslims. Modern india itself is a reaffermation of the two nation theory.
But what did the Partition really solve? Now instead of having one country full of sectarian tension you have two countries full of sectarian tension (three if you count Bangladesh). Unless your solution is to move every single Muslim in India to Pakistan (which would result in a lot of deaths and rapes and stuff, just look at what happenedduring the Partition), the two nation theory doesn't fix the problem.

>> No.16486868
File: 58 KB, 630x630, 1599230488961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats true. and i think part of this is that the british government has done a really poor job of integrating them into society. here in america at least, the pakistani community is fairly well integrated. we all live next to other americans and get a long well enough. of course, we have some problems, but none to the extent in britain.
yeah, I personally don't agree with how the two nation theory played out. I think the brit's hasty exit from india didn't allow for the whole thing to go as it should have (i believe india and pakistan should have been something like a confederation that would account for the minority communities on both sides of the isle.

>> No.16486879

Is this a joke?

BJP is nowhere near "Hindu supremacist" you're making me laugh with lynch mobs running around. Fuck, I won't be mean, but this is hilarious. I have friends, both Muslim and Hindu, living in Gujarat, the home of the BJP. Most lynch mobs against Muslims are in UP or another underdeveloped part of the country. It's sad, but there are underlying reasons like poverty and a backwards culture. No one gives a shit about UP or the Hindi belt because they're poor. Sad but true.

For your second point - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-53190199

And for the country going on the right path - https://www.forbes.com/sites/panosmourdoukoutas/2019/07/04/imf-wont-stop-china-from-turning-pakistan-into-the-next-sri-lanka/#5ee419db4cc7

I can't comment of the corruption ranking, I have never heard of transperancy.org. One thing that gives me pause is many heads of the Pakistan govt. having dual citizenship and cushy houses in foreign cities. India has also rooted out corruption on Modi, and desu, I'm hesitant to accept any stats on India as of late. There seems to be a concerted effort to discredit the Modi govt. in mainstream media and political bodies.

I wish India and Pakistan would be able to rejoin at some point, but that seems more and more unlikely. The best point was probably the '71 war but the UN put a stop to that. The Afghanistan point is valid, but Pakistan has gone way overboard and victimizes civilians. Ironically, Pakistan attacking Afghanistan for fear of instability or extremist attacks is a bit hilarious. The Khyber pass regions has been swarming with terrorist for decades and only recently has Pakistan been doing anything about it.

>> No.16486897

Also are you Pakistani or something? You seem really quick to defend them and I honestly haven't met a Western who can place it on the map let alone articulate an argument about it.

>> No.16486965
File: 294 KB, 498x401, Apu music.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and i think part of this is that the british government has done a really poor job of integrating them into society. here in america at least, the pakistani community is fairly well integrated. we all live next to other americans and get a long well enough. of course, we have some problems, but none to the extent in britain.
Part of that is because most Pakistani-Americans are very well-educated and middle class urbanites, whereas Pakistanis in Britain are mostly working class and come from one of the most backward parts of Pakistan. That isn't something the British government can fix easily.
>i believe india and pakistan should have been something like a confederation that would account for the minority communities on both sides of the isle.
This would probably be the best solution, though it may be too late now.

>BJP is nowhere near "Hindu supremacist" you're making me laugh
BJP is a right-wing Hindu nationalist party, calling them "supremacists" may be off (since I assume not many of them thinks Hindus are biologically superior to Muslims) but they clearly want a Hindu-dominated state.

>> No.16486970

Also I have to add that for most of India's history congress or another extremely liberal party has been in power. There may be some in India against Islam but for the majority of India's existence the people holding the reins were not. There have been multiple Muslims presidents.

I won't say there isn't a dislike of Islam, but overall India has proven itself to be extremely tolerant. I'll admit I'm biased, my Indian side is Bengali and my girlfriend is Hindu Sindhi so the scars of partition are still present. However, India being a Hindu nationalist country is a pretty far fetched claim.

>> No.16486971

>there is so little separating them from Indians
>I wish India and Pakistan would be able to rejoin at some point
No thanks. As a Pakistan Pashtun i throw up a bit everytime you gangu subhumans do the we ij sem2sem thing even looking at you people makes me sick

>> No.16486988

Again, BJP maybe Hindu Nationalist but Modi has done basically nothing to further that agenda.

Kashmir was for national security and bipartisan. The Citizenship act was to stem huge amounts of illegal immigration into already overpopulated areas. The odds of being a Muslim that is persecuted in Bangladesh are so rare, whereas every other religion has been extensively persecuted. Also, compare the status of religious minorities in India to that of Pakistan (an expressly Islamic country) There is no comparison.

>> No.16486999

Nice btw.

Thought the debate was going to be civil.

>> No.16487020
File: 72 KB, 799x798, 1591377063983.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most lynch mobs against Muslims are in UP or another underdeveloped part of the country. It's sad, but there are underlying reasons like poverty and a backwards culture. No one gives a shit about UP or the Hindi belt because they're poor. Sad but true.
I don't really agree with the way you're handwaving the levels of violence and hatred. UP is the most populous state in the union and sweeping aside these incidents as being "because they poor" isn't satisfactory.
>For your second point - https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-53190199
OK? How is that proof of anything?
>And for the country going on the right path - https://www.forbes.com/sites/panosmourdoukoutas/2019/07/04/imf-wont-stop-china-from-turning-pakistan-into-the-next-sri-lanka/#5ee419db4cc7
This article was written in 2019. Can you provide any up to date sources so that I'm not arguing with a strawman?
>On your point about corruption
Can you provide some sources on corruption in India? I'm under-read on this topic.
nah, I don't think this'll happen. Best case scenario is a France-Germany type relationship, and I think this can be reached via trade.
Yes. I grew up in the states, and I'm culturally American far more than pakistani.
he's not me.

>> No.16487040

>t the british government has done a really poor job of integrating them into society.
Isn't that their own prerogative? I wouldn't emigrate to Japan, behave like a beast and then blame it on the Japanese government for not integrating me better. If you're a guest somewhere, you're supposed to be on your best behaviour.

>> No.16487049

>Hated by muslims for being pagan converts
Are you retarded you poo-brained gangu muslims aren't a ethnic group everyone muslim ethnicity converted at some point turk, bosnian, even arabs converted from paganism. Personally ive never experienced anything but love from other muslims especially turks and bosnians. An albanian restrurant owner even refused to take my money when he found out im pakistani because we helped them in the war.
>Hated by poor countries for begging
LOL Indian takes more foreign aid than Pakistan also no other third world country is so obessed with another countries economic situation to actually spend active energy hating them. Only you gangus are this pathetic.
>Hated by chinkis for round eyes
Again experienced but love from chinese

You gangus are so delusional that you've started to believe your own made bullshit and are projecting it on others. Thank God we don't have to share a country with you sorry faggots

>> No.16487053

>The Citizenship act was to stem huge amounts of illegal immigration into already overpopulated areas. The odds of being a Muslim that is persecuted in Bangladesh are so rare, whereas every other religion has been extensively persecuted. Also, compare the status of religious minorities in India to that of Pakistan (an expressly Islamic country) There is no comparison.
Why only give that status to refugees from Muslim countries? Why not Sri Lankan Tamil refugees? Answer: because the BJP wants to portray Muslim countries as the enemy and Buddhist countries (like Sri Lanka) as "muh Dharmic brothers."

>> No.16487074

dude stop being so aggro, we're having a civil discussion. don't turn it into another shitfest like these always end up as

>> No.16487077

ah yes, the religion of peace. Unless you disagree with them, then you have to die.

>> No.16487086

I'm not hand waving. The lynch mobs are not common and are confined to poor areas. It sucks but it's true. Poor people commit more crimes.

Imran Khan, Pakistans PM, called Osama Bin Laden a martyr. I don't know how you can't see that as supporting terrorism.

The article is still relevant.



There's more about China turning Pakistan into a slave state but you can prob find it on your own.

And yeah, rejoining prob won't happen.

>> No.16487099

Not really. There are far fewer refugees from Sri Lanka because its economy is doing decently. The illegal immigration from Bangladesh into Assam caused huge protests against them.

Most refugees from Sri Lanka are actually Muslim Tamils, not buddhists. They are put through the proper refugee process.

>> No.16487115

My point was more hinting at that, in theory, if you are skilled enough, you can write four different texts in the same texts. Depending on where you start and in what direction you read it the same stela can have four meanings.

>> No.16487124

>There are far fewer refugees from Sri Lanka because its economy is doing decently.
There are tens of thousands of Sri Lankan refugees in India.
>Most refugees from Sri Lanka are actually Muslim Tamils, not buddhists. They are put through the proper refugee process.
You mean Hindu Tamils, right?

>> No.16487167

Tens of thousands is nothing in a country of over a billion. One apartment block in India will have more.

I already said there was a huge amount of protest in Assam. Tamil Nadu is a well developed area and can support them.

>muh Dharmic brothers

India and Sri Lanka have only recently become friends again but were extremely hostile before. Idk what youre talking about.

>> No.16487187

>ah yes, the religion of peace. Unless you disagree with them, then you have to die.
Me refuting your bullshit is enough for you to feel threatened, Goodness you gangus are pathetic
Cope harder you unwashed pajeet

>> No.16487218

Kek I'm not the guy you were arguing with and not even a pajeet, goatfucker

>> No.16487240


>> No.16487253

I hope you die, filth. I hope what happened to those girls happens to your family.

>> No.16487320

Oh so you're just too retarted to read than. Also unironically using the "muh religion of peace" trying to own muslims epic is a overused facebook boomer cringe kys you gay onion-brained ass gibbon

>> No.16487327

Cope harder

>> No.16487339

No, I read your statement and concluded it was retarded, as was to be expected
>Also unironically using the "muh religion of peace" trying to own muslims epic is a overused facebook boomer cringe kys you gay onion-brained ass gibbon
Maybe stop promoting it as religion of peace then if it's not, retarded goatfucker

>> No.16487346

and you wonder why the entire world hates your kind, fuck off

>> No.16487412

>No, I read your statement and concluded it was retarded, as was to be expected
Even if you thought it was retarded, it clearly wasn't violent hence my point stand and you're still a fucking onions brainlet
>Maybe stop promoting it as religion of peace then if it's not, retarded goatfucker
Never did it something obama said and white liberals started promoting it and cuckservatives started mocking it
Too low IQed to even come up with an insult on your own and uses it twice, it ok to die faggot nothing of worth will be lost

>> No.16487422

Too Chad to care, seethe

>> No.16487434

>too chad to care
ahaha imagine saying this, what a retarded goatfucker you are

>> No.16487435

Who tf draws this on a rock?

>> No.16487442

>Never did it
>Personally ive never experienced anything but love from other muslims especially turks and bosnians.
Your own quote, goatfucker
>Too low IQed to even come up with an insult on your own and uses it twice, it ok to die faggot nothing of worth will be lost
Never change a winning team, goatfucker

>> No.16487499
File: 14 KB, 361x408, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coping this hard isn't worth and you clearly can't read or argue. just end your life i'm sure even your mother would be glad

>> No.16487522

>doesn't address the fact that his own words contradict his statement
Whatever you say, goatfucker

>> No.16487547

I thought i would do humanity a favour my getting you to kill yourself but youre clearly to retarded to do that no point in trying and stop calling your sister a goat

>> No.16487549

I don't have a sister but keep sticking your dick in that goat's asshole, goatfucker

>> No.16487562
File: 37 KB, 1132x354, IMG_20200716_011612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An albanian restrurant owner even refused to take my money when he found out im pakistani because we helped them in the war.
I'm glad that Albanian felt pity for your pathetic soul but most aren't so kind.

>> No.16487567

> seethe about pakis fucking white girls
>calls them goatfucker
>basically calling his own women goats
Do you contradict yourself, very well you contradict yourself youre a faggot and contains multitudes of faggotry

>> No.16487568
File: 103 KB, 1657x444, 1571649700379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks everyone's path*

>> No.16487580

They're not fucking white girls, you nigger, they're raping them. They're fucking goats, that means making love to that goat's ass. I don't contradict myself, you're just too retarded to have basic reading comprehension.

>> No.16487587

>Personally ive never experienced anything but love from other muslims especially turks and bosnians.
Everyone hates you. I'm Arab and we hate you.

>> No.16487590

It must be your mother than its hard to tell with you hicks

>> No.16487594

I'm not a burger either and my mother is long gone, but keep coping, goatfucker. Why is your only insult to pretend to fuck someone's family? Do you not understand that by doing that you're basically admitting you're filth and you know it?

>> No.16487636

Not him but why are you so assblasted hahaha wtf. You literally hate someone you never met because ... he is from a country your country told you to hate? How fucking brainwashed people still are is ridiculous.

>> No.16487667

Where did I say I hate him? What is my country that told me to hate his country? If you'd read up, you'd have seen I have no issues with Pakis in Pakistan. I have issues with muslims in my own country. Not because my government told me so (they tell me I should love them actually), but because I can recognize patterns. This guy though, he's just an obnoxious goatfucker on an imageboard and I'm bored. Now fuck off with your baseless assumptions, sheep.

>> No.16487791
File: 365 KB, 997x745, 1596828722881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, im going to attempt to be as charitable as possible to the articles you posted. I am also not an economist, im a polsci major, so Im not best equipped for this type of discussion.
>Forbes Article
A good amount of the loans that china has given Pakistan are interest free. Corruption is a problem, but its not the be-all-end-all here. CPEC's central conceit is that China gains access to the indian ocean, and Pakistan gains a massive boost to its economy. The whole project benefits pakistan as a country. If China is some bad faith actor thats deliberately exploiting pakistan to take its land on lease, then why haven't we seen them take over parts of the country yet? China is investing in the country, and so, it's interested in making sure the economy is in good straights.
China granting pakistan a massive loan last year wasn't done to further indebt pakistan. it was done because they have a vested interest in making sure the cpec project goes as smoothly as possible.
>eurasia review article
This one is about GB and the Diamaer Bhasha Dam. The article says a lot of land will be flooded and people would be displaced, but looking at wikipedia, most people would be resettled as the dam would be built. There is an argument to be made here, which I agree with, that this does trample over the sovreignty of the kashmiri people, but 70 years of conflict has proven to us that nothing will change. I think its time to accept the Line of Control as the formal border and allow Kashmiri's freedom of movement between both sides of Kashmir. That's the most practical solution. Though, I have to admit, we need to clean up our reputation before that happens.

I dont agree with the notion that China will turn pakistan into a slave state. It's an extreme accusation by people (mainly, I suspect, people in the american camp) who disagree with everything china does. There is a great wealth of articles on this topic. Including that Haqqani article you gave (which is a whole other can of worms about Haqqani's credibility) which cites a 300 page report that I can't seem to get ahold of.

Nice discussion we're having. Too bad that one seething dipshit is running around insulting people instead of committing to having a civil discussion.

shut the hell up you fucking nigger. stop shitting up the thread with your horseshit.

>> No.16488000

this, ask actual people from those eastern countries the people that left were either criminals or the dregs of society. Sometimes applies to ones in america but not as common because ones who came here were under belief of the american dream meme

>> No.16489038

Literally no one thinks this way except maybe white people or Indians that are trying to justify hating pakis

>> No.16489093

Pashtuns aren't the same as the rest of us Pakistanis. You guys are the subhumans. You may not see yourselves as like Indians, but the rest of us do. Pashtuns are like animals, you should have left the country

>> No.16489124

Doubt youre actually an arab, but if you are You stupid fucking arabs can't even tell the difference between pakis and your own people. Every single arab I've met in my life has assumed I'm an arab by looking at me. Also arabs hate everyone, including other arabs, so it's a moot point anyway

>> No.16489801

Has to be good since they won't make anything else

>> No.16489823

If you have nothing of value to say, you make letters look al nice

>> No.16490705

Arabic is the superior language. It is a flexible and athletic language with an extraordinary grammatical structure. Arabic has inherited the languages of great civilizations and other languages have inherited from Arabic. Try to learn Arabic, anon. Learn the language of kings, poets, and nomads

>> No.16490749

>An Arab posting Tarek Fatah
Kek you're not fooling anyone shaykh gangu al-pajeeti

>> No.16490753

I love any writing system that lends itself well to calligraphy.
So it's pretty based, along with Chinese and Japanese kana.

>> No.16490769

No point of civilized discussion with gangus they they are impervious to reason you're effort where in vain, it's better to just insult them to remind them of their aukat

>> No.16491739

Aryan invasion was a mistake.

>> No.16491802

Go to sleep Periyar.