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File: 13 KB, 260x190, s-MITCHELL-HEISMAN-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1647473 No.1647473 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone on /lit/ read suicide note, by mitchell heisman? it's my bible.


also, do you have that one work of /lit/erature you consider your bible? it could be the actual bible, thats a good one, too!

>> No.1647477 [SPOILER] 
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I do not need to worship a book, for I worship the knowledge I gain from all books.

>> No.1647486

Dorian Gray teaches me how to be witty and gay which are the only two pieces of a personality i have left

you would still love me?

if i was empty inside?

>> No.1647492

Possibly the Neverending Story. It's fun to re-read, and its philosophy really got to me: you need to do what you want, and what comes out of that may destroy you because figuring out what you really want is the hardest thing ever.

But the important thing is to keep going, to remember that all the things you've done have taught you something and were necessary to make you who you are today, and to not want to be somebody else, but to change. And to love and accept things.

>> No.1647495


my own clone

>> No.1647499


there really isn't a difference between pretending to be happy and being happy, i think

>> No.1647511

well that was sort of..

clever i guess

>> No.1647533

i liked most of suicide note except for the sociobiology stuff

i mean, it makes sense on this sort of intuitive level but rationalizing phenomena with evolution/darwin is one of the most lame trends to take hold of academia in the last 10 years

dan savage, psychologists, EVERYONE has started saying stuff like: "Well, we can see that the evolutionary incentive to [x] is blah blah blah blah..."

>> No.1647547

butthurt that his only function in life is to reproduce and all of his emotions hopes and dreams ultimately revolve around this desire

>> No.1647563


but you can sublimate said desire to paint, and stuff

>> No.1647576

it's more that people are making this assumption that evolution is a logical or rational system

they're just field-specific elaborations of herbert spencer's "survival of the fittest", which itself is a grievous misconstruction of darwin's evolution

>> No.1647593

THIS >>1647576

this is very much the case

>> No.1647604

ted kaczynski did it first...kinda

>> No.1647607

Can anyone give me a tl;dr here

>> No.1647606


i dont think heisman was saying evolution is rational, more like sociobiology (evolution)throws rationality out the window: hey, u kno all those reasons we thought up for our behavior? turns out theyre random after all. reductionist thinking isnt really reason, its more of a dead end, the abyss if u will. its more of a copout than theism, since it refuses to reason at all. at least christians hav pretty songs and a one word answer for everything: god.

reductionist thinking -0

its actually quite apt

>> No.1647609

It's basically a bunch of false conclusions made from faulty premises, and he committed suicide when he discovered this.

>> No.1647615

So it's like academia except it has an actual end

>> No.1647627

i just liked the jew bashing

i miss /new/

>> No.1647635

He's a modern day Otto Weininger. Seriously. History is literally repeating itself, and Weininger reincarnated in America in the modern day, then killed himself again.

>> No.1647637
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>> No.1647638

So I guess the Nazis will be just around the corner.

>> No.1647647
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I have read 200 pages the best is the end.

In The Closing of the American Mind Allen Bloom makes a strong argument for having bible. As Omar Little said, a man has got to have a code.
I guess mine is The Border Trilogy by McCarthy.

>> No.1647656

Alot of vevocenterism in here tonight, you all need to read Heisman more carefully.

>> No.1647655
File: 1 KB, 400x290, flag_Israel_Nazi_0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews make better nazis, can you believe it?

>> No.1647657

>do you have that one work of /lit/erature you consider your bible?


>> No.1647675


im too much of a pussy to off myself.

open your mind to death. ill die soon enough, so its ok i guess.

>> No.1647725

Well this is unsettling.

>> No.1647733

I pretty much believe that, yeah. The fascists are coming.

I'm kind of a paranoid fucker, though.

>> No.1647742

Can someone explain to me how exactly this is different than all the other writers who have determined life is absurd?

>> No.1647743

Heisman > Socrates

Mark my words Socrates had to be convicted to do the dead he wanted to do anyway, Heisman saw the trajectory of the western intellectual tradition and brought it to its logical conclusion. In ten years people will be citing him.

>> No.1647760

Everything he's said has been covered though. The only real part which would have been important was his commentary on nihlism which he did half heartedly and in an apologistic manner.

>> No.1647764


im so glad someone else understood the magnitude of this work.

>> No.1647772

Explain yourselves.

>> No.1647781


he wrote the work OP posted

>> No.1647791

But how is this work so important? In what fields?

>> No.1647793

Gravity's Rainbow.

I've gone full autism for about a year and a half now, re-reading it several times, compiling the stories of all of the poems, plays, books, operas, etc....into something so I can find a deeper meaning. Also doing the full Number 23 and looking for patterns in sentence structure, punctuation mistakes (or were they?), and the usual sort of cryptology thing.

If I don't find anything, I won't hesitate to kill myself.

>> No.1647807

Blood Meridian is probably my bible because I've been reading and re-reading it and going to all of its derivatives.

>> No.1647853


you see all the posts on 4chan that urge people to kill themselves?

how strange that anonymity lifts the death instinct from the ashes of Auschwitz

no, its just a bunch of teenagers being emo, right?


douglas adams was saying the same thing in hitchhikers guide to the galaxy, but heisman is more blunt about it than a krikkit game of ultrafascism

y do u dismiss said posts to off yourself? how did you conclude that they're all jokes, or tell urself that ur life is worth living? is it worth living? why? because it is.

is what?

life is good. is it? no, GOOD IS LIFE.

you probably work, or go to school, or live off savings, parents etc. why? society? no, u have an inside voice, separate from society. a soul, then? sure, if you consider loops to be the soul. continuity of experiences then. identity. self. im an individual!

thats where the majority of the human race repeat their loop they call their life, until death. u are probably somewhere on this loop. yes, ends with individual, then the cycle starts again, from any random thought, from ow my leg to shes a bitch to hungry.

these loops start from infancy and they incorporate all perceived experiences into loop, then many loops, all with the same origin, the individual, name. oh.

read suicide note all of it

>> No.1647874
File: 36 KB, 302x403, nietzsche1864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By bible do you mean a book from which I derive morality codes?

Maybe The Myth of Sisyphus or L'Etranger.

>> No.1647892

What was the title of that one chapter? Barack Obama supernigger or something?

>> No.1647930


from section Barack Obama:Supernigger

Why is this ironic obsession with race so American? If his
race truly did not matter then it would make no difference
whatsoever if it just so happened that an African-American
was never elected president and whites continued their
traditional political supremacy in America. But it did matter.
It matters because race matters.

heres some context

After the Conquest, and especially under the “anarchy” of
the Norman King Stephen, many Anglo-Saxons were treated
by many Normans as akin to “niggers” who deserved their
hereditary slavery. If the Norman Conquest was legitimate,
then reducing Anglo-Saxons to “perpetual slavery” by law
was legitimate. The legitimacy of this peculiar form of

slavery depended on the legitimacy of the Conquest itself.
Why would William need to be a conqueror at all if he was
considered a legitimate heir to the throne by the people of

>> No.1647962

You just couldn't write "The Stranger", could you, you pretentious fuckwit.

>> No.1647966


My god he's right.

>> No.1648030

wow, i wouldn't have thunk nihilism would have a voice in our 21st century. nihilism's hard to write about, because it's content is on negation. most can't avoid tautologies when it comes to nihilism, but mitchell heisman did a great job avoiding them, as best as i have ever read. it's also a wonderful introductory work of all the highlights of Western thought, right up to the present, and beyond. yes, it's 1900+ pages, but it contains the totality of liberal arts college education, for free!

>> No.1648033

Nihilism = philosophy that drives you to madness or suicide

examples = Nietzsche and heisman

Nihilism. Not even once.

>> No.1648036
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>> No.1648037

So we should judge the merit of a philosophy by how happy it makes us?

>> No.1648042


Nihilist detected. Kill yourself or go mad, fagget.

Also, Hedonism ftw. So yes.

>> No.1648044


>thinks Nietzsche was a nihilist

Heh. Funnay.

>> No.1648046


>implying he wasn't

>> No.1648060


This a joke, right? That's like, the most common misconception about Nietzsche.

That's like saying "Machiavelli said it was good to be an evil tyrant lulz!". It's a "pop-culture" misinterpretation.

>> No.1648076


then what was he?

>implying Machiavelli wasnt exactly that

>> No.1648078

you are so fucking stupid

>> No.1648080

i think ur getting trolled. be careful

>> No.1648082


no, u.

>> No.1648081

he accused christians of nihilism and denigrated his conception of nihilism in general

He was an ubermench you churl

>> No.1648084


>implying he was a transhumanist faggot
>implying he didn't become a Ubermensch by going mad. Ubermensh indeed

>> No.1648085

Implying madness isn't ubermench

>> No.1648086


>implying it is

>> No.1648087


ITT: how to go full retard. Nigga, you both went full retard.

>> No.1648088

Implying it isn't

>> No.1648090


romantic, servant of Dionysus, aesthetic, music lover, philologist

he wrote much on nihilism, but he stopped short in that he claimed the value of values is the interpretation and reinterpretation of values, will to power. heisman, a nihilist, points out how will to power is yet another life-preserving mechanism.

nietzsche thought you can escape the abyss. well, you can't, not even with infinite interpretations.

>> No.1648091

>he wrote much on nihilism, but he stopped short in that he claimed the value of values is the interpretation and reinterpretation of values, will to power.

then why did he go mad?

Told Status :

Fucking told [x]
told[ ]

>> No.1648092


live up to your name, hedonist! go feelgood.

electro-chemical reactions sure are fun.

>> No.1648094


fucking your mom sure was fun

>> No.1648095


he had syphilis.

or maybe he did go nihilo when his time came, but his literature ecce homo, gen. o. moral, antichrist, all point to nazism. nietzsche wasnt a nazi, but nazism is nietzsche's philosophy taken to its logical extreme. plz, read suicide note

>> No.1648097

hedonism, you mean vicarious nihilism rooted in foundationless naturalism.

We are pretty much friends.

>> No.1648098


i find that retort shallow and pedantic.

but seriously, read suicide note

>> No.1648099
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>mom jokes

>> No.1648100


>nazism is nietzsche's philosophy taken to its logical extreme

err, no. His sister spread the bs about his nazism


Isn't it funny that we hedonists also derive joy in the misfortune of others, Schadenfreude. I feel so good.

>> No.1648102


Ive read it. I liked the last 100 pages and the first 100 pages, all of which dealt with nihilism.

Basically, he was a man justifying reasons for his eventual suicide.

I think it is clear that he was a virgin loser with a shit personality, and no gf and spent most of his time in solitude. He had no job, relied on his dead father's hard earned money to survive.

>> No.1648106


Nietzsche had a direct impact on the nazi movement. nazism is hedonism, back to ancient roots, plus eugenics. it had so much potential, but they lost the war. too bad really. read suicide note.

>> No.1648108

>it had so much potential

what would nazis have achieved if they had won? NOTHING, in nihilist sense

>> No.1648109


>> No.1648111

this guy is a cocksucker. he talks about nihilism but truthfully, he was just a worthless faggot making excuses

>> No.1648113

>I think it is clear that he was a virgin loser with a shit personality, and no gf and spent most of his time in solitude. He had no job, relied on his dead father's hard earned money to survive.

half of 4chan right there.

>> No.1648127


thanks, i tried.

>> No.1648130

The Plague by Camus

>> No.1648145

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick [species].”

>> No.1648168
File: 47 KB, 317x475, meditations-by-marcus-aurelius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

>> No.1648172

that's a great quote.

>> No.1648179
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L'Etranger has different connotations in French than the English word 'Stranger', that's why some publishers call the book 'The Outsider' instead.

L'Etranger is just the most accurate title for the book. You know what I meant anyway, didn't you?

Nice way to piss all over yourself and this thread with your aggressive, irrelevant and fundamentally hypocritical attempt to attack me.

>> No.1648276

I almost forgot that /lit/ was on 4chan. Thanks for reminding me, shitposters.

>> No.1648284

suicide note by mitchell heisman?

I believe that negroid an hero'd at this very place

>> No.1648288

This Heisman gets MY trophy, any day.