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File: 20 KB, 474x266, cyberpunk2077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16478844 No.16478844 [Reply] [Original]

pic related strikes the final blow to the already decaying and now meaningless concept known as cyberpunk.
As a subgenre, it had sprung from mid-to-late 20th century dystopia such as PKD's "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?"
Considering this, what will spring from the corpse of cyberpunk? What will be the successor to cyberpunk?

>> No.16479715

Why is this game a final blow? It still keeps the same ideas behind the cyberpunk genre and culture.

>> No.16479737

Not OP, but the fundamentals of cyberpunk’s critique of society is seeped in 80s hauntological structures. I think OP is asking for whatever the modern up-to-date platform of science fiction would be.

>> No.16479748

Nothing. There's no point to imagine a dystopia since we're already living in one.

>> No.16480053

Didn't post-cyberpunk already exist during the whole 'End Of History' Clinton-Bush/Blair era? Ghost In The Shell: Standalone Complex etc.? It's only after the recession culture went stagnant, turned inwards tighter, and became consumed with nostalgia for the 80s 'cause the people who were kids then have no future prospects to look forwards to?

>> No.16480062

Also this, see Black Mirror becoming even worse than usual when they tried to make a more light-hearted season recently & Brooker saying it's on hiatus because he doesn't see a point to the show in today's world.

>> No.16480258
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>> No.16480512

non-ant-sized image?

>> No.16480538
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This will bring cyberpunk to the mainstream and accelerate Land and Moldbug with it.

Are you ready for months of based Landposting? We're coming back harder than ever and there's nothing you can do to stop us this time.

>> No.16480571
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>> No.16480592
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>> No.16480600

isn't this a Ben stiller movie and will Smith is god?

>> No.16480758

No, it's the Adam Sandler movie where Christopher Walken is god (grim reaper)

>> No.16480784

>What will be the successor to cyberpunk?
Mediocrity as dystopia.

>> No.16480969
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>The Successor to Cyberpunk
= Solargoth, fashionstyled in Angeltech, and featured by the Silent Hero subarchetype.

>> No.16481006

What is punk nowadays? no really, I don't go outside much so I don't know

>> No.16481024

The only reason you dislike cyberpunk and feel it needs a "successor" is that the corporate-owned, always-online, privacyless, gender-fluid, advertising-funded world you identify with is exactly the dystopian bullshit cyberpunk warns against, so now you want it to go away so people will stop telling the truth about you.

>> No.16481091

nowadays punk is drinking Coke™, driving a hybrid and watching hollywood product B instead of hollywood product A and Voting Blue No Matter Who!!
Punk lost

>> No.16481172
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>What will be the successor to cyberpunk?
Cyberpunk came true. You're looking at it. Just like the novels, except everyone is obese and deracinated.

>> No.16481303


>> No.16481314

Sadly this is the truth.

I don't mind if some people are left wing, but the idea of rebellion has become so mainstream ad corporatized that it's basically plastic. Being right wing now is counter-culture, but punk still clings to what became of anarchism.

>> No.16482125

Advanced military prosthetics are 100% being researched and designed in some DARPA black site right now. And while the US isn't neon (that would imply we're building new buildings, as opposed to being stagnant), if you go to Asia you'll get your neon mega cities. I lived in HK for work until this February and that city has gone over the cliff into cyberpunk dystopia. The aesthetics of the city are great, edgy Street fashion, cute asian girls in poorly lit Lan Kwai Fong dive bars, rainy street markets, vapes, calligraphic signs, everyone was always masked up pre-chinkflu, and neon lightshows over the harbor. Unfortunately nowadays you get the full cyberpunk experience: teargas, random politically motivated disappearances, extreme wealth inequality, and random assaults from mainlander military dressed up as HK Police.

>> No.16482137

Yeah but for the rest of us the oppression is just tedious and boring instead of exciting.

>> No.16482349
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I fucking love Ghost in the shell.

>> No.16482441

There is nothing exciting about working on spreadsheets while every hole in your body burns because you had to go through an area that was heavily bombarded with teagas to get to work, or getting punched in the face by some power tripping mainland chink who hates westerners (and there's nothing you can do becase that's HKPD now. The protest sex is pretty great though ngl

>> No.16482462
File: 30 KB, 535x810, 0952fc6875fbbc4d15ad7bd0c0ab1aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neon future Catholicism

Gleaming, shining futurism garbed in the mantle of Faith. The bright reflection of cyberpunk. A realization that there is hope in the future, that Christ still lives and dies, that the way to eternal life is still open. Christwave. Tradwave.

>> No.16482528


It fills me with absolutely zero surprise that a christ-loving dogma-nigger magic cannibal face-turning submissive skydaddy-sucking slavefag such as yourself [also common for your kind] would actually consider the worship of Yeshua Who's Vile Blood Touched Not The Sacred Earth, the criminal, lord of lies [love? Fuck love. Love is a trap that binds us to suffering. Only hate can set us free] under whose name untold numbers of my brothers and sisters were burned, would dare to assert that his backwards and insidious cult of slave morality and knee bending is somehow 'trad' in the context of Western Civilization. Seriously fuck you. Fuck all of you. Only the Old Ways is trad in the West. You and your cult are nothing more than a relatively recent invasive mind virus that managed to scare enough stupid people through your ridiculous lies of an 'eternal eschatological place of torment' that it somehow, through some black magick, managed to become dominant in the West, despite the fact that the only proper place for a christian is to be torn apart and devoured by ravenous animals such as hungry lions for our amusement. Tradwave. You are pathetic.

>> No.16482574
File: 189 KB, 818x347, botns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cyberpunk made sense in the 80s. its the closest scifi got to being prophetic about the future. we pretty much live in a shitty cyberpunk world except more boring.

I would say the successor to cyberpunk should be the dying earth genre like book of the new sun

>> No.16482679

Nice original bit that you definetly didnt steal

>> No.16482709
File: 145 KB, 720x960, 5f506b955e42650a0a497ac56554092a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But BOTNS is also heavily inspired by Catholicism, so maybe >>16482462 is right. Maybe the future really is Catholic.

>> No.16482741

You make HK sound pretty based apart from the random street beatings by the police aspect of it. I'll have to visit when things calm down a little bit

>> No.16482779

thats besides the point. climate change and resource depletion is our real future. the dying earth genre should become more prominent

>> No.16482795

>climate change
Lol. The second one is possible, but the first one is just a hoax with the purpose of selling you expensive 'green' products and raising taxes

>> No.16482824

there is no use responding to you you are a moron

>> No.16482833
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>there is no use responding to you you are a moron

>> No.16482834

>"climate change"
Spotted the NPC.

>> No.16482881

Was there a time when Science Fiction had hope for the future and wasn't written like an old man grumbling to himself?

>> No.16482936

Yes back in the Golden Age

>> No.16482997

It's my favorite city on Earth and I'm fortunate in the sense that my career requires me to travel a lot and get an interesting look into how things operate behind the scenes. I went to the city for a meeting and loved it so much I got a job there for a few years. I'm not going back again because tbqh I was way too involved in the protests for a Westerner and with the new National Security laws and the trajectory that the China-USA relationship is taking, that would put me in a dangerous position. I still encourage people to visit, it's got the coolest atmosphere of any of the big hive skyscraper cities (São Paulo, NYC, HK, Tokyo), the food is excellent, the nightlife is excellent (and Macau is extremely close if you want to ball out), really cool art and history museums, and despite being an ultra dense city there's still tons of forest to explore and plenty of beaches. And their subway system is amazingly clean, cheap, and effective although there was some really fucked up stuff going on during the protests in them.

>> No.16483007

Cute litany of thoroughly schizoid adjectives. What I like most is that despite these silly efforts to discriminate human nature remains the same: if it's burn or be burnt iow's then this actually vindicates the past. Though beautiful losers have been *traditionally* reimbursed with *romance* this legacy has proved ultimately to be one of (in this case fancy) fruitless whining. As a shmancy seethe 8/10, though.

>> No.16483059

I love the way you call my thoroughly concise and masterful use of the descriptive capacity withing the English language 'schizoid' while managing to puke out a confused puddle of garble, critical miss spellings that destroy whatever poverty-stricken meaning your were trying to imbue in your broken little mumblepost. I just know that I wanna burn you for calling me schizoid while actually demonstating the confusion and delusion inherent to actual schizo-affected brains. And I'm not seething, I'm shallacking a gloss coat of lipgloss made from the broken shells of your faggotry on your filthy pigface because it makes your lips pop as you suck my hyper/lit/dick bitch.

>> No.16483217

>descriptive capacity
is to be distinguished from musicality, of service to whoever admires such, but descriptively you're weak.
>I'm shellacking a gloss coat..
Actually (for instance) you're not
>confusion and delusion inherent in
and yet you're oppressed
>makes your lips pop while
Excuse me for preferring the more traditional fantasies as- of course- do you.

>> No.16483751

Time to go back.

>> No.16483827
File: 24 KB, 326x412, Shazam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what will spring from the corpse of cyberpunk?
You know it.

>> No.16483842

I really don't understand why people are hyping this shit up so much

>> No.16483849

Jules Verne is very optimistic and the father of science fiction as a genre.

>> No.16484056

>although there was some really fucked up stuff going on during the protests in them.

like what

>> No.16484309

SAC and ARISE are my guilty pleasures. it's complicated enough that I convince myself it's actual political intrigue with the qt3.14 major running around everywhere

>> No.16484474
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>what will spring from the corpse of cyberpunk?

I'm writing a novel right now I call 'The Meaning of Ill' and I think that what I'm doing might be new enough to perhaps take the niche of cyberpunk on. There is a little I take from themes found in cyberpunk, such as the juxtaposition of the high tech and and the dystopian scumfucks that inhabit this near-future world. Let me explain some of the differences:

1: Social commentary through satire. I especially love mocking socal justice warriors and non-binary furrykin. God, I hate furries. I also hate special snowflakes and the way that ridiculous trans-gender imaginary pronouns have made it into the mainstream. I mean, I don't mind freaks and have hooked with some transgirls so it's not that I hate them, I just think they are often very annoying about it. There are also commentaries on our current power structure, but I am being very subtle about directly invoking the ptb as I don't feel like getting merked atm.

2: Instead of being rooted in a single genre of fiction, I claim direct descent from these genres:

A: Urban Fiction. I discovered this shit in jail, and actually enjoyed what I could find. There are little ebook versions of this form of fiction, but it's basically fiction about the hood written by actual hood rats. The prose is so bad it's hilarious, but cool in a way, like how rappers use their 'bad' english in humorous ways that has serious style. It's usually pretty obvious that a nigger wrote it, but this does not mean it is worthless. Many of the descriptions of life in the hood are so realistic that they seem to be written in HD. The themes one find in Urban Fiction are such classics found in Western literature as:
The best part is that writing like a nigger is easy as fuck. If they find out that I accurately describe life in the hood through copious amount of the usage of the word ‘nigga’ and wrote that word 500 times in a novel while being white they might lynch me. This is why I might adopt a pen name that sounds black just to be safe.

B: Fantasy. Although this takes place in the near future, in this universe magik is real. I actually depict hood rats using versions of actual irl chaos magik.
>insert black magic joke here

C: Hard Science Fiction. I mean this shit hard as fuck. I’ve been studying the shit out of photonics, plasmonics, lasers and other rad as fuck bleeding edge science and I have lots of super-rad ideas.

D: Horror. Many of my props are designed to specifically take away the humanity of their victims and one of the main plot elements in the invasion of this universe by an uber-ancient, trans-aeonic race of Hunger Gods who are escaping the entropy in their current universe. They are coming to consume all life and energy in this universe. That is horrific to me.

>> No.16484490

Are there any actually good cyberpunk books? I tried reading Burning Chrome and it was completely shit with half of it using made-up words.

>> No.16484498

Bro look outside they're arresting people for catching colds and autistically screeching we're conspiracy theorist when they point it out as big tech and capital increasingly win. High tech low life turned into farm girls spreading their assholes in 4K to pay off hair styling school

>> No.16484587
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>Conservative ideas that prop up corporations, military states, hierarchies in general are in any way punk.

To be honest, the only thing conservatives do that I'd consider truly "counter culture" is their refusal to conform blindly to "PC" standards and actively question modernity's social standards. However, even ardent leftists like Mark Fisher and Zizek fight against this, which would make them "punk" in a sense and mean that conservatives don't have a monopoly on counter culture.

>> No.16484668

>Sherpa herpa derp. I'm a fucking moron everyone. Based! Based!

>> No.16484677
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>Heh, I sure showed that lib. Based NPC joke.

>> No.16484890

Go back to bunkerchan faggot.

>> No.16485583

This was probably the worst incident: After a protest tons of protestors went into one of the subway stations close to where the protest ended. A train came into the station and a bunch of triad members poured out and beat the living fuck out of everyone in the station (including the pregnant wife of a different triads leader, causing her to lose the baby and starting a gang war.) After they exited the train, the doors never closed and the train didn't leave the station so there was no escape. If you called emergency services while the attack was going on the operator told you to stay home if you lived nearby, and police didn't show up until after every triad member had gotten away. Members of the triad were later pictured shaking hands with Junius Ho, a pro-Beijing politician. No one has been arrested because if you're a "patriotic" triad the Mainland government will let you do whatever you want, which incidentally explains why Macau is a borderline lawless city (it's run by organized crime/casino families who do whatever Beijing requests and are therefore allowed to run their fiefdom with a fairly high degree of automony.) Its an open secret at this point that the MTR administration, the triad, and HKPD were working together.
There's footage of them pouring out of the train and just attacking everyone in sight but I can't find it rn, but the above video has several other clips from the attack.

>> No.16485604

I remember a girl in high school announcing to the class that she quit all social media due to an episode of black mirror

>> No.16485618

You get flagged as conservative by the dominant culture if you stand up against PC culture in any form, even if you don't conform to the rest of conservative ideas, because the world is retardedly polarized right now

>> No.16485690

And if you're sufficiently left wing enough that the racist/conservative/nahtsee slur doesn't work they'll call you a class reductionist and cancel you for that.

>> No.16485999
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This is exactly what I mean. Being slandered as conservative or class reductionist doesn't make you conservative at all; "brocialist" types consider themselves (and are often considered by milquetoast liberals) as "too far left" rather than conservative.

Additionally, actual economic leftism, however ineffective antiquated, actually is counter to globohomo/neoliberalism. Corporations, whose powers are on the rise, love to talk about social justice since it buries discussion of class under the "class reductionist" label. The way I see it, opposition to global corporate power and resistance to totalizing, authoritative, social "progress" (regardless if you support those movements in a limiting capacity) is about as counter culture as it gets nowadays.

>> No.16486126

Modern punks are pitiful people who have to constantly and zealously search for new ways to signal that they are transgressive. As gay marriage is now standard in the west and racism is near universally considered one of the worst forms of evil, they have been reduced to having constant psychotic freakouts about TERFs and SWERFs.

>> No.16486164

"Cli-fi" is already a big thing, although it's infested with #ownvoices style wokeness.

>> No.16486217

Fisher and Zizek don't actually oppose it on it's own merits, they just worry about the reaction which is pathetically utilitarian.

>> No.16486606


>> No.16486616

It was a cool genre before fags adopted it, They pervert everything

>> No.16486752
File: 500 KB, 2026x1274, AE78AF2A-42C7-4576-9265-FDD483C85975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to live in a solar punk utopia.

>> No.16486792
File: 95 KB, 474x671, 0D1AC013-7D4E-467C-948B-2905C6624CB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can we achieve this? I want to be like the elves in Mirkwood

>> No.16486824
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>> No.16487112

i hate video games and the people who play them.

>> No.16487123

>It was a cool genre before fags adopted it
No it wasn't.