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File: 190 KB, 840x840, absolutely no chin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16479394 No.16479394[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You can say its not lit but its 22,000 words long which could be a short book really.


It discusses the connections between the alt right, intelligence agencies, 4chan and reddit. Also the abundance of pedophiles on the right wing.

Rate, i'm not really here to shill, but please comment on my writing style.

The meme is because this is all pretty funny to watch

>> No.16479397
File: 556 KB, 1200x927, 46a37df036bed6dbca367222b036fa7d-imagepng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did one image destroy Stormfags?

>> No.16479401

>alt right
a made up term by the media

>> No.16479409

it was first coined by Richard Spencer in fact. If you read the article you can see, there is 150 odd sources which all back up the central thesis

>> No.16479418

Why you spamming lmao, debate get glories in that much of frenzy?


>> No.16479427

Richard Spencer’s was propagated by the media lmao.


>> No.16479428

Why don't you people care about Muslims anyway? They hate homosexuals and Jews even more than whatever anonymous internet user you come across. And they're the fastest growing religion in the world.

>> No.16479430

trannies get so triggered when you tell them they have a mental illness. Stop spamming /lit/

>> No.16479433

>controlled opposition creates a term for the media to use

>> No.16479438


>> No.16479442

Probably because Muslims are a small minority in my country (the US) and most of them are well-educated middle class liberals.

>> No.16479463
File: 190 KB, 1136x852, 57d2d9f7b0ef97c5098b4810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

clearly you're a zoomer

>> No.16479465

this is some prime falseflagging right here

>> No.16479475

Because they're brown.

>> No.16479481

>dont trust the media.
>except when you should.

>> No.16479489

>he's american
explains a lot desu

>> No.16479497

Richard Spencer is a shill.

>> No.16479502

alt-right its not 2016 anymore fag

>> No.16479504

muslims are not ashamed of hating jews and homosexuals. they would just go yeah so what?

>> No.16479511

>why do you hate jews more then you hate Muslims goy! fight our wars for us
Fuck off

>> No.16479515

>it's le false flae
>leftypol never raids

>> No.16479524

>Richard Spencer’s was propagated by the media lmao.
>>controlled opposition creates a term for the media to use
>Richard Spencer is a shill.

hahahaha the absolute fucking state of post-2016 nu/pol/. Spencer was praised on TOO and Counter Currents before you retards even got epic "red pilled". You probably don't even know what TOO is. go back already.

>> No.16479528

The conception of western civilization as we know it was created in direct opposition to the rise and advances of the Islamic world. To support the former necessitates opposition to the latter.

>> No.16479531

There are five threads on the exact same premise, three using this strange John Oliver look alike wojak abomination. All appeared overnight, referring to things that might have been topical in 2017 at the latest, and only as lowbrow shitposts on /pol/ between two Bogdanov threads,
You can't tell me this is an organic discussion. Is it some tranny discord thing?

>> No.16479551

I've used pol since it started and I don't know what your faggy terms are either. I think you're confusing us with reddit

>> No.16479556

They're trying to take control of the "space" and crowd out their opposition.

>> No.16479569

the fact that you don't know immediately disqualifies you from this discussion pal

>> No.16479582


>> No.16479606

>You will find on the alt right those whose main ideological conviction is their belief in the subjugation of women, all other ideas come as incidental to that. You will also find those who believe in extremist liberal interpretations of capitalist ideology, the ‘anti state’ libertarians or anarco- capitalists. You will find Jewish World Order believers. You will find economical apathetics who hold reactionary views about immigrants. You will find people who just hate none whites. You will find pagan national socialists, you will find christian fundamentalist and outright Zionist groups. You will also find satanists, radical Islamists. You will find mystics and alien conspiracy theorists. Esoteric Fascist Vegan Buddhists. Traditionalists.Pizza Gate and Q anon believers. Alex Jones fans. You will find many who are just in it to be edgy or ‘for the lulz’. You -will find many run of the mill traditional conservatives, and many outright liberals. You will find huge crossover between all of these groups.
You need to edit this. There are some errors and the repetition doesn't really help you in anyway.

>> No.16479610

keep replying and bumping so people who actually read books and know what TOO and Counter Currents are can laugh at how pathetic nu/pol/lers like you are

>> No.16479635

>say something obscure hoping to sound smart
>people call you a faggot for referencing faggot shit
nice ego pal. I'm guessing you're on lit so you can tell people you read too

>> No.16479649
File: 19 KB, 475x475, 182136._UY475_SS475_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something obscure

>> No.16479695

”western” civilization is gay and cringe

>> No.16479729

If it were gay, the progress mob would celebrate it in the streets and criminalize anyone disliking it.

>> No.16479753
File: 31 KB, 400x379, m-foucault-intro-e1433786361979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>left calling right pedos
I love little girls just as much as the next guy but you're actually retarded if you think it has anythong to do with political orientation.
Also, stop calling everyone you disagree with "right wing" it's pretty cringe desu.
"Right wing" is whoever controls the power structure, and that is people like yourself.

>> No.16479765

Richard spencer is literally a kike government agent

>> No.16479773

Richard spencer is nothing more then a husk he isn't a government asset a jidf or anything he is just a moron who lost his following in 2018

>> No.16479774

retroactively refuted by >>16479524

>> No.16479782

Can you noons go away, noone is reading your blogposts. Also, how did you have the time to type this shit?

>> No.16479783

Most controversial points have no citation


>> No.16479802

>Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Julius Evola, all the greats. These are however all people who historically defended capital and the establishment
Stopped reading right here, this was written by a midwit who purposefully misrepresents their opponents views.

Very distasteful, have more nuance.

>> No.16479822

>Gets praised by some white Nationalists
>That mean he isnt a Federal Agent

Care to elaborate?

>> No.16479824

Anyone who refers to fascism as "reactionary" has never read any fascist theory in their life and are parroting 100 year old bolshevik propaganda

>> No.16479829
File: 156 KB, 640x596, cry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16479831

>the few important and actually intelligent white nationalists were foolish enough praise a federal agent
>also he's a federal agent because I read another illiterate say this on /pol/ and not because I came across any kind of evidence

>> No.16479840

If they're allowed media representation, they're propped up for a reason. Anything that is a threat to the system is buried before you can hear about them.

>> No.16479874

>These are however all people who historically defended capital and the establishment
Nah, thats bullshit. Some capitalists are willing to trust those people, but once those people get into power they are no longer required to honor their original backers. See: Hitler x Thyssen.

>> No.16479919

>unironic reddit spacing.
please fuck off.

>> No.16479949

You're not a leftist, you're just anti white. Kill yourself.

>> No.16480041

It's better than everything that's been proposed to replace it. Maybe the Chinese could make an argument that their alternative is better, but that's it.