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/lit/ - Literature

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16478192 No.16478192 [Reply] [Original]

Why are all Dostoevsky characters such gigantic simps?

>> No.16478205

It's autobiographical.

>> No.16478251

Even some of the women are simps

>> No.16478317

The Prince wasn't a fucking "simp" you simple minded midwit

Christ I'm done with this website, even /lit/ is being ruined by midwits. Where the fuck to migrate to?

>> No.16478517


>> No.16478551

You should read White Nights if you haven't
It's literally Simp: The Book

>> No.16478926

Myshkin is definitely not a simp. Everything he says comes straight from his heart and he doesnt give a shit about what people think about it. Biggest chad in literature.

>> No.16478939

The guy said he couldn't understand how anyone could not be a simp for God and not want to kill himself and you wonder why?

>> No.16478965

>throws money at the thots after knowing them for literally 5 minutes
>not a simperino

>> No.16479306
File: 201 KB, 857x1134, 1592828676890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The word "simp" will mark this generation's most miserable retards. They will deny the role men have played in relationships for millenia, as Limb and Axe, for empty, sordid reasons. They will marry pathetic or ghastly women, whom they will treat like animals, not realizing the strength of Myshkin's pity or their duty to protect what they love. Just so, they will likely never love. They will damn love in fact, and convince other men of its nonexistence. And they will carry out this pitiful cycle of normie men with their ugly wives: men who lament and regret and die ultimately alone, having never understood beauty or how to live in it.
I hope to God that you all have some sense. I hope you are all able to obtain just one strand of that life-divining substance, and I hope it is not stolen from you as Dostoevsky portrays it to be. I hope it is not stolen from you as it was from me, by disease or what have you. It's fucking lonely.

>> No.16479436

ok boomer

>> No.16479510
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can this "life-divining" substance be substituted by another? like uuh programming or stuff? uuuh asking for a friend...

t. stem bugman passing through /lit/ whos getting a bit worried reading this stuff

>> No.16479766

I do not know, anon. I just do not know. I have only ever had it in one form, and that was my love. I do know that it is had by few, and those that come to possess it come upon it by being careful with their language and what worlds they invite by talking in a certain way.
Sometimes it is by intuition and pure luck that you do this, as was the case for myself, being raised in the EOC. Sometimes, I think, it is through reading, learning, and thinking what it is to be in flesh. And seeing as how you are on this board, I would think you are at least interested in this latter path, and so there is perhaps hope that you will one day be able to properly name what it is that comes to warm you in the biting cold.

>> No.16479780

t. 20-something white guy currently donating his parent's life savings to pokimane

>> No.16479785

that's how all european men acted from 17-20th c

>> No.16479794

no. in premodern time women had responsibilities and a genuine role in society. after that they're just children men pedestal and coddle. it's not 'how it's always been' it's uniquely modern european.

>> No.16481424
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i just learned that today in the catalog. i'm assuming you did too.

>book is about how the modern world will abuse and destroy a christ-like character
>dostoevsky writes a book about how if you simp for a woman, she will destroy you
>book is also about how, if you love all women, and see beauty in all women, then you don't really love any woman (i.e. how he would marry aglaya and leave nastasia, and then just as easily would marry nastasia and abandon aglaya)

these fucks didn't understand the book:

this guy, like me, was smart enough to look up the cliffnotes

>> No.16481516

The Sorrows of Young Werther and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.16481519

Look at the character Pechorin in Hero of our Times, or Anatol in War and Peace. Same dynamics as ever

>> No.16481525

because dostoevsky was the ultimate simp

>> No.16481529
File: 69 KB, 1080x608, viacom-BET_ICEBERGSLIMPORTRAITOFAPIMP_MOVIE-Full-Image_GalleryBackground-en-US-1594043744398._SX1080_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simping is the natural state of man. you must read iceberg slim to see how african american geniuses inverted simping, to pimping

>> No.16481530

simping destroys a man and all women by extension and then all men by extension, stfu

>> No.16481611

I wish I knew