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16477031 No.16477031 [Reply] [Original]

I read this and Notes from Underground and loved both. What should I read next as a lonely 22 year old so I can fall deeper into despair?

>> No.16477035
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Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

>> No.16477036

belladonna by dasa drndic

>> No.16477045

Steppen Wolf

>> No.16477073

I actually watched this anime a while back, it's pretty good considering I dislike most anime . Maybe I'll rewatch it.

looks good, added to my list

Also looks good, this is the same guy who wrote Siddhartha right?

>> No.16477078

have you read siddhartha?
i just finished it today desu

>> No.16477134

Yes, a while back in highschook. Back then I didn't really appreciate it, but I went over the plot points again and realized that I sympathize a lot more with the protagonist now. I think I'll reread it soon.

>> No.16477259

Steppenwolf is kind of the opposite of what you want if you feel like brooding for a while, because it sends a really hopeful message. Still a good read, though.

Di Benedetto's Los suicidas (The suicidal people) , on the other hand, starts off miserable:
>"My father took his life on a Friday afternoon. He was 33 years old. The 4th Friday of the next month I'll be the same age."
and only falls deeper from there. Zama is good as well. But I don't know if they're available in English.

Anyway, if you like Notes from the underground, you will likely enjoy Sabato's The Tunnel.
You could consider reading anything by Pavese as well, either his poetry (Death will come and shall have your eyes) or his novels (Moon and the bonfires).

Also: Kafka's The trial. Really different from the books you've mentioned, but easily the best book among the ones I've suggested.

>> No.16477390

Maybe I need Steppenwolf to feel some kind of optimism...

I'll check out Los Suicidas if there is an English or Spanish translation

Those last 2 seem interesting as well, I need to get into Kafka already...

>> No.16477522

sorrows of young werther - goethe
the maimed - herman ungarr
hunger - knut hamsun
journey to the end of the night - celine
the painted bird - can't remember
the book of disquiet - pessoa

pretty sure there is a rec image for depressed lit somewhere

>> No.16477540
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I believe it's this one

>> No.16477617

Being a doomer is for fags. The world is bright and full of joy if only you take a step towards the light.

>> No.16477662

The General in His Labyrinth

>> No.16477783

Life is already hard and depressing anon, reading this will dig you deeper in your doomerism. Read something uplifting and don't stress yourself too much. You are fucking 22 for God's sake.

>> No.16477794

Sorrows of young Werther. Yozo is basically Werther but japanese and in the 20th century.

>> No.16478398

any bernhard book

>> No.16478440

I've been enjoying "Whatever" ("Extension du domain de la lutte" in the original French) a lot, even if I'm not finished with it. Before any of you start, I'm reading it in French and so it's taking me a while.
Anyway, OP, I think that you should enjoy it.

>> No.16478463

I just finished reading "La Hoja Roja" from Miguel Delibes. I ignore whether it has an English translation. If you know Spanish I really recommend it; it's a tale about the depressing reality of what comes after a man reaches his retirement, his family ties are next to non existent and all he has left is waiting for death.

>> No.16478534

Can anyone tell me why Mort à Credit by Céline is so much worse than Journey? Got to 180 pages being bored as shit. Loved Journey though

>> No.16478584
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>>16477540 >>16477031
I read a few of these - Tartar steppe is among my favorite, a lovely trip into a black void of nothingness, a reflection of our life of meaning that we all love with the depth of our bleak hearts.