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File: 78 KB, 680x790, alanwatts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16474319 No.16474319 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16474322
File: 221 KB, 600x729, Yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16474325

They're both bad. In fact the three biggest countries in the world (America, China and Russia) are also the biggest assholes.

>> No.16474334

>t. irrelevant South American

>> No.16474344
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>> No.16474345

>spiritual guru
>dies a depressed alcoholic

>> No.16474357

>t. irrelevant South American not playing 5D chess with the middle east over a load of black goo, instead shitposting via free-wifi at a commie socialised healthcare hospital having just had a live-saving operation entirely for free, about to head home to their council house to order vegan takeaway with their welfare cheque

>> No.16474367

Is he the Adam Curtis of talking?

>> No.16474403

This, watts is smart but reductionist as hell and devoid of all genuine spirituality.

>> No.16474423

How, specifically?

>> No.16474479

fair play

>> No.16474483

hemingway killed himself. nietzsche went mad. christ was murdered.

>> No.16474493

>dies a depressed alcoholic
There's nothing wrong with that

>> No.16474511

Hmm, his spiritual views were not so much reductionist as they are simply materialist. He went into how he viewed it, and while I don't specifically endorse it, the idea that we aren't materialist/hylic enough because we prioritize form over function is interesting. He wasn't advocating that we make everything from stainless steel, rather he was advocating for the simplicity of zen pottery. It's still not an enormous insight though.

>> No.16474514

It makes me question where his advice will lead me

>> No.16474539

sounds worse than hell

>> No.16474589

It's about the journey, not the destination.

>> No.16474591

Midwit take, 100%. Did you even listen to the man?

He summed his views up when he said:

>"Some people say the world is material. Well that's just some someone's philosophical idea. Others say its spiritual- that too is a philosophical idea. This 'real world' is not physical, it is not spiritual, this 'real world' is simply *clap*."

Reductionism is to reduce reality to a concept- say, Daniel Dennett reducing consciousness to matter. What Watts did was argue words cannot grasp fundamental reality, fundamental reality was the experience of the moment. What you feel, sense, think, even the concepts you think- not as concepts, but as the moment in which they exist in your perception. He is the opposite of reductionist, he says the extent of reality is outside of human conceptualization, and the only way to deeper knowledge of things is through 'listening' to the moment, rather than trying to define everything you experience according to old, dead concepts.

Pls stop midwitting around with sentences you don't even explain because you probably don't even have an explanation.

>> No.16475520

>"Free" stuff
A-anon, I...

>> No.16475523
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find me a single decent writer, philosopher, or thinker past or present who likes the United States of America

I shall wait

>> No.16475532

M-Mark twain?

>> No.16475534

Yeah, and King Solomon died a broken coomer. You can have a lot of wisdom and great insights but still fail. It's called being human

>> No.16475546


>> No.16475620


>> No.16475635

Cringe pseud-taoism

>> No.16475647
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Holy based

>> No.16475655

Unironically correct, but only if we take into consideration ancient China.

>> No.16475670

This is why I don't like him (being from latam myself), he often feel very biased in his opinions, sometimes to the point he goes
>Cervantes>Shakespeare REEEEE
For 10 minutes straight, why don't just simply appreciate both spanish and english literature?

>> No.16476640

I don't earn enough to meet the minimum tax threshold, yeah it's free for me

>> No.16477037


>> No.16477110
File: 66 KB, 693x920, 1577585493337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16477247

Ben Franklin
Theadore Roosevelt
Bernard-Henri Lévy
Vladimir Nabokov
Stanley Kubrick

>> No.16478196

America is a brown country though.

>> No.16479089


>> No.16479099

Thomas Carlyle.

>> No.16479129

I agree. I’d say it’s even a prerequisite of being human.

>> No.16480946

This but unironically

>> No.16480993

US is about 70% white, which makes it comparable to Argentina. The whitest countries in the Americas are Canada and Uruguay which are about 90% white.

>> No.16481020

actually Argentina has a spread of numbers Im seeing everything from 70 to 85. I guess due to ambiguities in determining race.

>> No.16481160

lmao holy shit

>> No.16481460
File: 190 KB, 1024x1051, 1599938222117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, I know you!

You're the faggot that makes a "Stop reading Shakespeare" thread every week that no one responds to!

>> No.16481487


>> No.16481493

Canada is ~70% white and declining fast due to ever-increasing immigration and high birthrates of Amerindians. It was 86% white in 1996.

>> No.16481494

You can like a country without liking the condition it's in.

>> No.16481509

so, jews, then. And 2 cryptos.