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16473741 No.16473741 [Reply] [Original]

Best books (unironically) about true love?

>> No.16473744

no such thing hoss

>> No.16473759

Romeo and Juliet

>> No.16474664

meme magic by baked alaska

>> No.16474690
File: 101 KB, 1080x1284, 91o312hiw12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a girl to cuddle with me and if she were to read lit that would just be a bonus. I can imagine the scene now, us sitting together on the couch, her leaning against my shoulder, each of us with a book (I hold my book with one hand and play with her hair with the other; she has brown hair and blue eyes).

I am reading poetry, probably Wordsworth, Wallace Stevens, or Betjeman, and she is reading Hegel. She teases me a little for being more interested in poetry than philosophy and I tease her for not realizing that there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in her philosophy, but it's all good-natured. After a while she curls up even closer and falls asleep. I finish one more poem and then set the book aside and shut my own eyes. We breathe together, in and out in harmony with one another and with the earth. It would be so lovely.

>> No.16474697

(unironically) Lolita

>> No.16474716

Lmao I remember posting that picture often a while ago dubs-get posting.

>> No.16474742
File: 24 KB, 600x450, 4A56E929-638B-4791-8118-E06E69C27BBC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like such a fucking faggot dude

>I want a girlfriend
>... but I don’t want to do any work to attract women like exercising, hygiene and grooming

Lmfao, typical.

>> No.16474827
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>> No.16474837


>> No.16475020

why does this cute romantic stuff make me so angry

>> No.16475025

u a bitter ass nigga

>> No.16475104

Grow up.

>> No.16475170

I just want someone I'm able to 100% honest with
That to me is true love

>> No.16475294
File: 57 KB, 722x349, 0a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not who you responded to but I lead an exciting social life, got /fit/, got a good degree with a good job that pays me well, groom myself and dress well, and I'm a 24 yo virgin. I dont even know how to solve this problem. my day-to-day life at places like my job or gym is devoid of women, my friends are all single guys, apps are just fully of women who either dont respond or ghost

>> No.16475308

guy.. is there any books?

>> No.16475316

keep thinking about a girl watching this and then that boy thinking about a girl watching then the girl thinking about him thinking about her watching
sexuality is so weird

>> No.16475319

i know some poems

>> No.16475369

Meet a girl at the library, don't go in too intensely, just tell her you find her attractive and ask if she wouldn't mind getting to know each other. Don't overthink it, but don't be desperate, girls smell desperation, it's like a sixth sense.

>> No.16475386

If anyone is wondering what the Baked Alaska thing is about, he picked up a schizophrenic girl while at the store and helped her get her life together, and it became a meme:


>> No.16475411

>tell her you find her attractive

Extremely sus and creepy. That's something you show, not tell. Just have a normal smalltalk convo and ask the girl out.

>> No.16475434

lol pretty much (love is a concept only believable to horny teenagers)
Seriously though I think the love between Frodo and Sam in LOTR is as real as it gets.

>> No.16475440


>> No.16475452

Crime and Punishment
Peer Gynt

>> No.16475494


>> No.16475521

> 24 y/o virgin
How? I feel sorry for you bros not breeding at your prime age. Is it really that hard to get laid? I have friends that rely on tinder app for some pwn. Modern day eharmony. I'd be a fag tranny if i were single at that point. Seems much more exciting than being eternal emo about not having a GF. Reminds me of when i was 17 & was a hopeless romantic

T. 24 y/o with 3 kids & a 23 y/o GF.

>> No.16475541
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>despise nearly all people
>cold by nature
>still want to feel love

>> No.16475582

are you by chance a vampire?

>> No.16475676

There's something so precarious cute little things. When I see a cute woman, I sometimes imagine holding her little bunny head next to my chest to keep her warm. Other times I imagine wrapping my hands around her neck and slowly watching her life drain from her eyes.

>> No.16476049
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Can't tell if weak bait or a newfag.

>> No.16476062
File: 90 KB, 496x511, 667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just been staring at this image for like 5mins, and I have a ginger gf. Why do you do this to me anons?

>> No.16476128

I have these thoughts too

>> No.16476291

>... but I don’t want to do any work to attract women like exercising, hygiene and grooming

Where tf did you take that from? The dude just said he wanted a girlfriend not that he doesn't want to work out or do anything to attract a woman. Fuck off faggot lmao, stop assuming everyone is a loser like you.

>> No.16476365

Spring Snow was one of the best romances I've read

>> No.16476383

C.S.Lewis - The Four Loves
Unironically made me question if my relationship to humanity is loving or aww-cute-condescending.