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16471676 No.16471676 [Reply] [Original]

Books to explain the LGBTQ+ acceptance of christians?

>> No.16471683
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Last resort appeals from a dying Church

>> No.16471687

Varg burned the wrong churches

>> No.16471713

Why do they do this. Do they desperately need the "Christian" label to be a special snowflake at that point?

>> No.16471732

maybe you should try understanding that bible book godbotherers keep bitching about
there was this dude called jesus who was pretty cool with everyone

>> No.16471753

>When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

>> No.16471764

The Gospel of John provides many scenes of male homoeroticism. For example, the relationship between Jesus and “the disciple Jesus loved” in a special way. At his last supper Jesus has the young man lying practically on top of him (John 13:23–25). In the very last scene of the Gospel, Jesus seems reluctant to allow the young man even to die (21:20–22), reserving him perhaps in eternal youth for the time Jesus might return. In fact, in the older Jesus enamored with the apparently younger beloved disciple (think of Socrates and Alcibiades from Plato’s Symposium) we have an example of the kind of autumn/spring erotic relationship known in gay circles as “dad/son.”
And then there is Jesus’s special relationship to Thomas. Though the risen Jesus will not allow a woman, Mary, to touch his resurrected body (the scene known in tradition and art by the Latin noli me tangere, “do not touch me!”), Jesus invites Thomas to penetrate his body (compare John 20:17 to 20:24 ff.). There are several arguably erotic scenes in the Gospel of John, and most of them are homoerotic.

>> No.16471769

Get your filthy jew nose out of our holy books.

>> No.16471770

Engineered dialectical procession from hating sin, to hating the sin but loving the sinner, to loving the sinner and the sin.

>> No.16471783

Why are modern men so utterly incapable of understanding nonsexual brotherly love?

>> No.16471788

At what level? At the simplest, because this IS Christianity. They're loving thy neighbor. Love is the whole of the law, and they're loving. That's the entire fucking point. All of these zoomers who think Christianity is about CRUSADES and CATHEDRALS and GREAT HELMS and CASUS BELLI need to go read a fucking book.

Now, of course, if we take a step back, we get a better view. These people typically come from specific ethnoses who hold specific social views. The "middle aged Jewish lesbian twerking with a trans flag stole pointing at a 'BLM' sign on Tik-Tok in a Lutheran church" is just doing what her congregation loves. And they're good people for it, because power said so. They're status climbers, and status maintainers, and power told them the slogans to chant, so they scream them. Power told them who is holy and pious, and so they ape these people to gain holiness and piety.

Protestantism is just a means of birthing Liberalism; a way to shed unecessary baggage within Christianity to make this wretched mutant mongrel mutt. The end state of Christianity has always been Noahidism; spiritual slop for the goyim rutting in the barns.

>> No.16471830

He burned Norwegian Lutheran churches. So no, he did not burn the wrong churches.

>> No.16471850

Those aren't Christians. They're demonic agents sent to subvert the Church and turn people away from the good. They can't be argued or reasoned with, they just need to be burned.

>> No.16471881

I also lay atop my bros in the 1st century middle east. Just guys being dudes, you know

>> No.16471893
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Remember some of our greatest saints were our greatest prosecutors. Such as Saint Paul.

>> No.16471896

Yeah but Paul wasn't a demon. These people are.

>> No.16471898

What's to understand?
>Church is seen as behind the times in terms of its moral values
>the moral values that people tend to hold nowadays include accepting "the ghey"
>Church tries to reconsolidate its power by putting a Jesus themed spin on the morality of the times, saying that Jesus would have accepted a ghey
Easier to join them than beat them. Better to retain some influence in a watered down state than to be left powerless to the times.

>> No.16471908

We must always defend the faith, and accept people into the faith. These people are possessed by these demons, but they are not these demons. We all need the Messiah Christ our Lord.

>> No.16471909

I'm sure he seemed pretty demonic when he was literally persecuting Christians and calling for their deaths. You do not reserve the right to cast any judgement on others as you sin just as we all do. You are not God.

>> No.16471917

Even if the truth or what the majority of heathens believe mattered, it still wouldn't make sense to liberalize the Church because liberal churches are empty churches. This is why Methodists are practically extinct.

>> No.16471920

You are correct, these fallen churches long for the power of this world.

>> No.16471922

Fuck off, homo. You're more worried about accepting this evil than purging it from the Church. Your type is the reason they got into the Church in the first place.

>> No.16471933

pick 1

>> No.16471934

I do not condone homosexuality. I did not make that clear. We must accept them if they accept Christ, them accepting Christ is them abandoning their homosexual, pedophile, and communist leanings.

>> No.16471938

Why don't you have faith in the Lord that such people will burn in hell for eternity?

But if such is your genuine belief then is not slaying them yourself a sin to you? You fear the police more than God?

>> No.16471941

there are none anon. you can't be Christian and take ethical cues from a secular institution. Those ppl are one foot out the door

>> No.16471944

Your cuck cult is dying

>> No.16471951

I know they'll burn for eternity, but we have a duty to remove stumbling blocks. This gay shit is driving people away from the Church. You can stop acting like you're a Christian now.

>> No.16471956
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yes, you fucking immature faggot

>> No.16471959

>but we have a duty to remove stumbling blocks.
And here you are not fulfilling that duty. You seem to be the one roleplaying here.

>> No.16471965
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Lgbtq acceptance is the Aryan element of Christianity struggling out of its Jewish thought prison.

>> No.16471966

None of them are laying atop him :^)

>> No.16471967

It's always the same shit with you people.

>> No.16471973


They must really be hurting for business.

>> No.16471976

Christianity is whatever the world wants it to be. There is no such thing as pure Christianity because Europe would become an Islamic shit hole were it to apply the biblical precepts word for word.

>> No.16471981

Start with Genesis.

>> No.16471982

You sound like somebody who really knows what they're talking about.

>> No.16471985

Sauce on the priest?

>> No.16471994

I don't know any book about the subject, maybe Nihilism by Seraphim Rose, but that isn't about churches being corrupt.
This. They want more people, because that means more money. Why do you think Francis is kissing nigger feet? Or orthodox church in Ukraine is starting shit? Its all for money and power.

>> No.16471997

You are either a lust seeking degenerate or a christian, you can't have both. It's like those faggots who want to have kids: you are either a butt fucker or a father, shouldn't have both. Of course we live in a messed up society where homosexuality is accepted. I mean do what you want but don't tell me being gay is "right", as Kant said rational action cannot be based on an individual’s personal desires but must be action in accordance with something that he can will to be a universallaw. If the universal law is being a lust driven individual, God help us.

>> No.16471999

Likewise, it's your type that never practices what they preach and think themselves righteous enough to rule over other sinners, undermining the love and mercy of Jesus as well as trying to play God.

You need to start thinking more seriously about where your faith lies and get right with the Lord.

>> No.16472002

Open a fucking history book and look at how depraved and culturally poor are all the orthodox countries

>> No.16472013

He kan suck my cock

>> No.16472019
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Christians used to tell these people that the devil corrupted their minds and they are going to hell. Now christcucks say being gay is ok (just don't read the bible)

>> No.16472021
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But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.
(Matthew 16:23)

>> No.16472022

>Hatred, intolerance, judgement, uncaringness, egocentrism
Is this what Christ really taught?

>> No.16472031

wtf is "pro science", why is this a thing? Is it an american thing?
Being vary of shitty papers in a replication crisis and not believing agenda riddled news articles makes me anti science? It's not like I'm denying the applications math or what we can say about this world with physics, etc, etc.

>> No.16472030

>country ruled by christian law
>no terrorist attacks
>no muslims
>no gay parades
>no sexual acts in public
sounds awful guys. Who would want to live in a country where laws are based off morals.

>> No.16472039

I apologize my brother but I cannot find who the priest is. It is certain he said it though.

>> No.16472043

>country ruled by christian law
Get a load of this retard

>> No.16472046

I don't have to read the Bible to know the word of God, you stupid Pagan fag.

>> No.16472047

>wtf is "pro science"

It means you need to pay higher taxes to change the weather, but if a man chops his dick off he magically becomes a woman as long as he says he is.

>> No.16472053

"pro science" is a term made up by athiests whenever they debate religious people. God didn't create earth because science, miracles do not exist because science, fish cannot turn into bread because science, blah blah blah. Basically, if you believe in science you contradict the majority of religions.

>> No.16472057

Russia legally accepts Shariah and has literal Noahide laws in place, the fuck are you talking about?

I find it really interesting how Christianity is bookending. It comes into this world kicking and screaming and throwing a fit and catering to degenerates in a crumbling hedonistic Empire that rules the world, and now it's leaving it in a crumbling hedonistic Empire that rules the world. Eventually, it will fad to just 12 people, and then down to just one, and then snuff out.

>> No.16472059
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yes. Russians are very..."christian"

>> No.16472064
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>Still based off OT
Every time

>> No.16472074
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Christianity is a mental illness

>> No.16472076
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This is a positive development.

>> No.16472086

and your mom is a hoe

>> No.16472090 [DELETED] 
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So like the "virgin" mary?

>> No.16472094

>catering to degenerates
Being a woman or a slave is degenerate, yes. Unlike me and my homopatricianbros. Went to the arena yesterday, did you see how that lion tore up that drunk bastard? Had me in stitches! The crowd was screaming for their blood.
Dionysian orgy next month, those bloody Christians with their "lifelong monogamy" degeneracy better not get in our way!

>> No.16472099

Imagine being so burned out on pornography that any sign, any hint of affection from one male to another is interpreted as homoerotic.

>> No.16472101

only a deranged person would make that pic.

>> No.16472102

Monogamy isn't a christcuck invention

>> No.16472116

There are no books that explain this, but I can explain it to you.

First of all let me make it clear that LGBTQ+ and abortion goes against the Bible. People who are 'pro' LGBT/Abortion are not real Christians as these things contradict word of God.

You may then ask why are there Christians that accept this if it contradicts the word of god? The answer is either; A) They are uneducated and do not understand the Bible. B) They know their beliefs go against the Bible but have some sort of idea in their mind that God won't mind (He will). C) They have been coerced by faggots like in OP's webm into believing that these beliefs are acceptable. There is a saying; love the sinner, hate the sin and it applies in this case. LGBT and abortion is a sin, but it doesn't mean Christians will hate you, but any Christians that preach or accept it as 'normal' or 'ok' and would not speak out that it is wrong is not a true Christian.

>> No.16472118

>not an argument

>> No.16472119

As I said do what you want, I don't care. If you ask me is being gay on a anonymous taiwaneae tongue twisting image board I tell you no, in my POV, being gay is not "right", I genuinely find them disgusting. Is that hatred? No. Is that intolerance? Maybe, but are they tolerante? Not a bit, you can't even criticize them that you are being labeled as homophobic (just like for nigs you are "racist")
Christianity has "rules" and if you want to be a good christian you have to follow it: you can't fuck people left and right and then ask for forgiveness like it's nothing. Not being an hedonist is hard but you have to try it.

>> No.16472121

I think the funniest part of this mindset is how the DEUSVULT retards forget that during the only successful crusade Christians were also killed and the rest were literally just for money for the church and didnt a totally succeed in any of their fake noble goals.

>> No.16472126

welcome to 4channel

>> No.16472134

>I dont care
>types a whole paragraph

>> No.16472135 [DELETED] 
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Lol what the fuck are you gonna do? Pray your hook nosed god to strike me?

>> No.16472137

Forgot to add that they are accepting LGBT because Christianity is on a sharp trend downwards and there only chance of Christianity even existing in a few centuries is if they can convince the faggot millennials that God exists

>> No.16472147
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Changing Our Mind By David Gushee

Walking the Bridgeless Canyon: Repairing the Breach Between the Church and the LGBT Community by Kathy Baldock

>> No.16472149 [DELETED] 
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Look at this triggered christfag oh NONONONONO

>> No.16472153

>convince the faggot millennials that God exists
Isnt this like that Muslim thing Taqiyya or whatever? Pro strat ngl, theres a reason islam is the most popular religion

>> No.16472166

why be only a cynical of christianity and conservatism?

>> No.16472170
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Just Anglos being Anglos. Serious Christfags would either burn the gays, or accept them without boasting publicly about it (Matthew 6:1), but they wouldn't do cringy shit like the picture in >>16471683.

>> No.16472173

I think there's a case for bisexuals if they're in straight relationships. Maybe transexual Christians unless you're of the variety that thinks all medicine is an abomination. LG I got nuthin

I liked the jesus piss pic better, this one is just so lazy I cant even be offended

>> No.16472181

I'm a christian and center right. I am cynical of dumb hypocrites

>> No.16472234

oh, I forgot that some protestants are very cynical towards catholicism just like atheists. This shared disbelief of the catholic church comes from historical ignorance and skepticism of sacrifice for a greater cause.

>> No.16472260

agreed. or the tasteful third option of just leaving them out or arguing against it if it pops up as a topic.

>> No.16472267

What does it mean to "accept" the gays?
One thing is clear. Marriage is between man and woman. Any church that marries queers is not in communion with the one true holy, catholic & apostolic Church.
Any church that accepts queers as communicant members and does not denounce their buggery as sin that ought to be confessed and desisted from, is not in communion with the one true holy, catholic & apostolic Church.
I would go one step further and say that no church ought to abide the political weaponisation of queer identity in the form of a counterculture, to attack tradition, community and family.
But because I'm a bleeding heart liberal, I won't call for the criminalisation of homosexuality as long as they keep it private. That means no gay parades.

>> No.16472313
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You will submit to homofascism or face death

>> No.16472408
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>> No.16472423

I don't mind the tolerance, but the celebration is a bit much. I mean, "Pride Month" literally has the worst fucking sin possible in its name.

>> No.16472427

He was GOD you fucking moron. This is what happens when you read the bible from a secular view point, you make wine water in your inability to see through the holy spirit.

Instead of seeing the apostles love of Christ as men who walked with the literal creator you see it as some homoerotic relationship between a teacher and student.

>> No.16472434

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

>> No.16472438
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>> No.16472440

Yes that's right keep giving them money to worship their materials

>> No.16472441

There are none, religion simply changes all the time to fit within the current societal context, and 4channer Jesus LARPers are a bunch of faggy contrarians who have to be against it because they’ve got nothing going on in their lives

>> No.16472442

>He was GOD you fucking moron
No he was just a filthy jew

>> No.16472453

>posts a picture of rape, gore or other degeneracy mocking Christian iconography
Oh wow man you really showed me huh... you people are always such worms in real life, and here on the internet you still manage to socially insult yourself more than you do others. Take your tattoo-ruined body someplace else.

>> No.16472454

Oh yeah? Then why couldnt women walk with christ? Check mate, theist

>> No.16472463

That's not what a single National Socialist believed.

>> No.16472485

>Who is Himmler

>> No.16472487

Good thing that National Socialists are giant fucking retards then

>> No.16472494

How does one even choose a denomination?

>> No.16472504

You mean the organization that had literal pagan sorcerers doing rituals to Wotan? The one that had state sponsored fertility rituals to ancient tribal goddesses? The one that hosted its meetings on Sunday to prevent people from hearing pro-Weimar propaganda while at church?

>> No.16472507

Roll a dice

>> No.16472511

Just pick one at random. It doesn’t really matter. Pick one and pretend that yours is the only right one, that’s what everyone else does

>> No.16472517

Read the bible and learn church history and where certain denominations came from. You can basically through out anything that isn't catholic or orthodox at this point and I'd even argue catholics are too far gone as well.

>> No.16472535
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>> No.16472539

Learning church history is how I gained contempt for Catholics.

>> No.16472546

Kek. Fuck protestants.

>> No.16472552

There’s no such thing as burning a wrong church

>> No.16472554

Yes, did he ever call Jesus Christ himself a jew? Literally have you people even read Mein Kampf while being muh stronk pagans. They said that Paul was jewish, but not Jesus Christ himself or the apostles.

Well I supposed it since it's the closest thing you have and will ever get to "muh pagan resurgence", and it was still a Christian nation.

So much of the esotericism is a completely unfounded belief in National Socialism, and it seems it has been especially exaggerated for the lukewarm liberal world in the SS. And it is well known the previous SA was of course removed out of necessity, and Himmler also became leader out of necessity, there was no care for replacing it with muh pagan esotericism. Not to mention that it really was Himmler alone who was so into paganism, and how much the other generals showed no interest in it is well documented. Nevertheless you have misunderstood my point, I was merely saying that though they rejected parts of Christianity, it was state-doctrine that Jesus Christ himself was an Aryan hero, at least in their views.

>> No.16472563


>> No.16472571

>Well I supposed it since it's the closest thing you have and will ever get to "muh pagan resurgence", and it was still a Christian nation.
It was also a giant fucking failure, just like everything else you LARPing fucktards try

>> No.16472572


>> No.16472578

They're pretty fucking awful.

>> No.16472585

I'm not a pagan you retard, can you not read? Nevertheless, I don't see how you could exactly call it a failure itself, when it was world war that brought it down.

>> No.16472590

I will prove orthodoxy is the best

>> No.16472604

I know, you’re probably some tradcath/orthocuck LARPer from /pol/ who choose his religious beliefs solely on whether they’re ‘based’. That’s infinitely more pathetic than some Wicca goth chick ever could be

>> No.16472632

I'm not a NatSoc either, besides why are you so angry faggot?

>> No.16472637

>I'm not a pagan
Even worse, you're a LARPer playing dressup as an Orthodox monk in your mother's basement.

>> No.16472665

that guy sucks dicks and takes them up the ass

>> No.16472668
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praise me

>> No.16472687

military defeat was its failure, not its system of government

>> No.16472696

Can any of you people literally have a religion without thinking it's some larp or irony, how spiritually lost are you people? I'm a simple Prot and that's it.

>> No.16472700

Unfathomably based analysis

>> No.16472701

Concern for the victim is seen as the central moral idea of the post-Hitler Western world. If you're anti-gay you're doing a victimization. You're doing a Hitler.

>> No.16472715

You are a detestable wretch who should be confined to an asylum for no less than a year. Such pornbrain fanfictionbrain gibberish is deleterious to all bonds of a non-sexual nature.

>> No.16472731

I feel your pain. I'm a not particularly good lay Protestant, and I argue for Christ when the opportunity presents itself, and these extremely-online mask-without-a-face ironyboys balk at it, because they are not used to beliefs held sincerely- only ones used as transient identities because they're "based," like their own.

>> No.16472780

“Verily, verily I say unto you that one of you shall betray Me.”

22 Then the disciples looked at one another, not knowing of whom He spoke.

23 Now there was leaning on Jesus’ bosom one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved.

24 Simon Peter therefore beckoned to him, that he should ask who it should be of whom He spoke.

25 He then, leaning on Jesus’ breast, said unto Him, “Lord, who is it?”

theres absolutely nothing gay about this part of the story which means you are nothing but a pervert, a degenerate scumbag pervert

Im no christian (agnostic) but I still recognize you for being a piece of shit.

>> No.16472795

>here faithful servant of mine, stick your finger in this mortal spear-wound and see that I should by all rights be dead
>in the eyes of 21st century politickers this is gay

>> No.16472813

Yeah sadly that seems like it, I'm not one against unusual or eccentric beliefs, I will always admire that sort of Nietzsche strength to be oneself, but that is when one actually believes in it; it is their religion. As all these other names stand, these are not these ironybro's religions, they really don't have a religion.

>> No.16472827

...so fags are ruining society? gotcha

>> No.16472830

I completely agree with you anon, that other guy is a closet fag and a retard projecting his ways as an attempt at normalisation of them. But what exactly does bosom stand for in this context? I'm confused.

>> No.16472841

On his side, I'd assume, as in the term "bosom brothers."

>> No.16472852

and merely leaning on him, not laying on top of him like the queer claimed

>> No.16472901
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>Books to explain the LGBTQ+ acceptance of christians?
Read Machen

>> No.16472992
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they think it will increase membership to appeal to modern sensibilities true is this will drive people away because if they want to be at the cutting edge of modernism they would join some already pozzed organisation

>> No.16473116

Yeah I thought so, and the intimacy Jesus was showing here somehow reminds me of something said by Schiller:

"in the Christian religion I find an intrinsic
disposition to the Highest and the Noblest,
and its various manifestations in life appear
to me so vapid and repugnant simply because
they have missed expression of that Highest."

>> No.16473164

Military victory was quite literally its entire system of government, you dimwitted muppet

>> No.16473374


>> No.16473473

This is heretical

>> No.16473514

I mean, its really not gay if you're innocent. I used to sleep in the same bed as my friend when we were kids. Nothing gay about it, it's just friendship without insecurity.

>> No.16473517


Fuck that church is run by Satan.

>> No.16473730
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Abrahamic [read: Jewish] situational plasticity; Muslims and Jews do the same shit. 'Member how every fucking time Christians are powerless in society they whine about tolerance and lie about their beliefs and act like peaceniks to the point of martyrdom but then once they're in a position to dictate policy they start to bear an uncanny resemblance to ISIS? This is the inversion of that. If the churches had stuck to preaching pre-WWII values in the post-war west they would have died on that hill and faced near total irrelevance at this point because they weren't strong enough to oppose the shift in cultural attitudes so instead they decided to compromise in the name of survival by re-packaging their beliefs while purposely minimizing anything inconvenient; the average prospective Christian these days is fundamentally liberal because western society is fundamentally liberal and so the churches take a liberal bent to appeal to these people and stay alive. However, because these changes do not discard the inconvenient material (merely removing the focus on it), when the pendulum swings the other way they will be ready to capitalize on that as well. If illiberal attitudes become fashionable again and people get their dopamine hits by persecuting faggots and race mixers then you can bet that the church will be leading the charge there as well. You can even see this in microcosm just by looking at the differences in the Christianity presented by various contemporary churches in different contexts.

>> No.16473740


>> No.16473787

based beyond belief priest. You never see libtards this based.

>> No.16473791

That's amazing, I can't believe Neechuh was the exact same kind of brainlet as every single one of you detestable internet parasites who do not actually read philosophy or scripture, but nearly fumble along in the darkness pretending that you have the guidance others have in one of the world's most embarrassing yet least often called bluffs.

>> No.16473806
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When you concentrate on "muh paganism" you are dodging the larger issue, which is that NS Germany made a concerted and deliberate effort to de-Christianize itself during the entire period that the NSDAP was in power. The state of affairs was essential such that the religion of National Socialist Germany was National Socialism but with a veneer of ante-Christian Germanic culture instead of Christianity.

>> No.16473820

I'd like to think that even Satan has better taste than that

>> No.16473850


>> No.16473862

Foreigners is a mistranslation of the word goyim

>> No.16473869

It's the logical conclusion of the victimary rationale that governs Xtiananity. Just read Genealogy of Morals

>> No.16473926

Only Jews use this phrase.

>> No.16474047

Christianity only condemned sodomy in the bible. The rest is revisionism

>> No.16474291

>>>16473517 (You)
>I'd like to think that even Satan has better taste than that

Based that libtards are beneath even Satan.

>> No.16474303

Anon, as always such things are a ridiculous exaggeration. There is equally, and if not more so a larger mass evidence for National Socialism being pro-Christian if you were to be as dishonest about it as these Pagans are. As always it is far more complex than this.

>> No.16474352
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>> No.16474454

>hundreds of years of the Transylvanian Unitarian church leads to this tragic state of affairs

>> No.16474472

>atheist George Soros
so even the "based" ordodoggs won't name the jew. I guess it's no surprise, given they worship one.

>> No.16474489

Christians are retards but acting like Matt Heimbach is representative of Christianity in any way is just bad faith (heh). Yeah I know it's just a meme but still.

>> No.16474526

to any muh american patriotism KJV only red blooded bowing to no saint nor pope protestant/baptist/non-denominational christians here:
You can thank Martin Luther for the existence of these "degenerate" churches. Nothing like this exists in Catholicism or Orthodoxy

>> No.16474552
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Can't believe nobody posted this one yet.

>> No.16474564

>not a true Christian
Sorry but you picked the wrong one out of the 1001 denominations so unfortunately you are going to hell, lucky for me I picked the right one

>> No.16474588
File: 28 KB, 474x355, pope francis kissing nigger feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any christian who does not suck nigger feet is not a true member of the one true holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.

>> No.16474842

He wanted to stop Jesus from dying on the cross and rising from death at resurrection.

>> No.16474901
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>Anon, as always such things are a ridiculous exaggeration. There is equally, and if not more so a larger mass evidence for National Socialism being pro-Christian if you were to be as dishonest about it as these Pagans are.
Talk - from anyone, even Hitler himself - is cheap. However, we do not have to rely on talk because we have more than a decade of actions. Imprisoned clergy, closed churches, Mit Brennder Sorge, the de-Christianization of reprinted texts, Positive Christianity, the list goes on. There is no body of comparable actions taken by the NSDAP in defense of Christianity and Christian institutions. The National Socialist weltanschauung and Christian weltanschauung are both wildly disparate and mutually exclusive.

>As always it is far more complex than this.
Sure. There have been entire books written about it.

>> No.16474910

I for one can't way for america to burn so we can finally try something that isn't liberalism.

>> No.16474953

underrated post

>> No.16475305
File: 1.06 MB, 1200x627, Pass it along if you are a saved Christian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16475457


If you ever find yourself asking why something occurs in the human world I recommend reaching for a book on economics before anything else
To put it simply religion is a business and business is a religion and it turns out virtue signaling is good for both

>> No.16475588

This, all the things that rightwingers here like about christianity came from greater religions and preceding cultures. Christianity itself is completly antithetical to them

>> No.16475667
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praise him

>> No.16475700
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>> No.16475824

>wtf is næstekærlighed

>> No.16475987

>nothing like this exists in Catholicism
Except all those boy loving catholic priests and the priests that hide and cover for them

>> No.16476090

ironically the early and medieval church used to say that even Satan and Demons were disgusted and repulsed by homosex and sodomy.

>> No.16477151


>> No.16477165

dios mio...

>> No.16478059

>Aryan element
Aryan cultures killed people for gay shit and allowed people to be killed for even slurring someone as a fag without evidence.
The only ones that had pederasty, not homo in general, was Athens and most other city states made it illegal to do it with non-slaves.

>> No.16478112

>>One thing is clear. Marriage is between man and woman.
Hence the push for trannies re-defining what it means to be either.
And Catholics will of course bow down to it just like they did mass-immigration.

>> No.16478141

A secular jew is not the same as an orthodox jew. Unfortunately this is the red pill your type will never understand. Almost all of your hated jews are not practicing, real God-fearing people.

>> No.16479264

>Almost all of your hated jews are not practicing, real God-fearing people.
Yeah, no shit. The category of jew applies is more consistently used as an ethnic designation. Their religion is of money but they use biblical stories as their history of themselves as a people. Read From Yahweh to Zion by Guyenot.

>> No.16479335

>Imprisoned clergy, closed churches
Literally the biggest lie, which there is absolutely no evidence for. What.. they removed anti-Hitler priests? Really shocking anon.

>> No.16479338

>Sure. There have been entire books written about it.
Yes, and entire books about the pro-Christian presence as well.

>> No.16479819

Fuck it, roll

>> No.16480426

>Literally the biggest lie, which there is absolutely no evidence for.
There's plenty of evidence. It is indisputable that the NSDAP meant to control Christianity in the Reich and that they would brook no interference.

Right. The full debate is well outside of the scope of a Javanese house-painting coven but there's evidence on both sides. To me the evidence points one way and to someone else it might point another; there's so much contradictory evidence and dubious documentation out there that anyone with a particular axe to grind can find a way to do so. I can make no pretense of total neutrality but I like to believe that whatever biases I might have did not play a significant role in the formation of my conclusions.

>> No.16480766

Absolute state of /pol/ trannies.