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16466218 No.16466218 [Reply] [Original]

I live in a large city, I hope to move as soon as possible. It's very loud here, and it's very hard for me to concentrate when there is constant excessive unnatural noise. How do I overcome this problem I have?

>> No.16466224

fucks sake anon, come on

>> No.16466229

Buy shooting range ear muffs

>> No.16466230

No fuck that I hate those things

>> No.16466235

white noise, buy a small table fan and have it on while you read

>> No.16466258
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All of these are literal cope and fail to address the issue.

>> No.16466264

What is the matter with you? Are you mentally ill?

>> No.16466266

Silicone earplugs + headphones playing waterfall noise

>> No.16466272


>> No.16466276

you're a sensitive lil bitch aren't ya

>> No.16466298

You're an insensitive retard

>> No.16466306

people give advice to mitigate OP's problem
>no, the issue still exists
Most problems don't just completely disappear overnight. You can only "cope" with your current situation.

>> No.16466307

You don't. You're a fucking retard. Think of all the writers who've lived in big cities, even been stimulated by them. You, on the other hand, are mentally deficient in a way that can't be remedied. Now kindly go.

>> No.16466317


>> No.16466337

I'm OP I didn't make that cope post you're referring to

>> No.16466380
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Are you? Why would you throw your hands up in the air and say "well I guess I have to live with this shit!". It doesn't solve anything. You're still in a noisy shitty rentcuck urban hellhole and putting your cuck plugs in or turning white noise on isn't going to change anything. It's just playing pretend. These wear on you and create their own problems with prolonged use. You might as well just suggest to blow your head off with a shotgun as a solution to get rid of the noise. If OP wants a real answer, he needs to get the hell out of his current situation and move and focus on getting the money to do so if he lacks the means. Almost everything else is a cope. Since he doesn't own the building, he can't just rip up all the walls and soundproof it with $20/square foot soundproofing boards. If you put up with this shit, you're the one who is mentally ill.

>> No.16466388

Yes, >>16466264, he is mentally ill

>> No.16466394

>You can only "cope" with your current situation.
Wrong. You can reject it and accept your situation as miserable and do all in your power to change it. Coping with it is the mentality of a mental weakling.

>> No.16466401


>> No.16466406

>noooooo you need to accept your current situation and try to live with it and pretend it's good. It's ok just put some ear plugs in and like dude, like no noise for a few minutes.
Fine projection. You're absolitely delusional if you think ear plugs are a solution.

>> No.16466410

Then your best bet is to move so you can read in peace...

>> No.16466427

I'm not OP and if I was in his solution that is exactly what I would do. Or I would demolish the landlords propery myself and make the improvements I see fit, as I do not care about security deposit of any place I plan on living in long term.

>> No.16466449

Unless your a book reviewer that can live off of it, most people move that an area that a)they can afford b)is close to their workplace c)close to family...if you’re debating moving to a place neglecting those reasons because of a hobby, there’s a strong chance you’re crazy

>> No.16466486

Kill whomever is making the noise or
what this nigga typed.

>> No.16467071

do silicone ones actually block out sound?

>> No.16467110
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xm3 from sony, funnily enough while I can barely hear anything while using these and playing something light in the background. I'm much more aware of vibrations now.
>t. live in tiny studio apartments next to the traintracks.

>> No.16467210

Then your reading hobby is just a cope and escapism from your shitty life. All the points you delineated can be addressed and fixed with enough effort. You don't, so you cope.

>> No.16467214


>> No.16467723

You missed the point that reading(or any hobby) should never be a priority

>> No.16468075
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Comfy headphones + faint rain and ocean sounds to simulate reading in a cabin in the Hebrides. I use these: https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B07JH3LSHN/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

>> No.16468084

headphones playing loud white noise unironically

>> No.16468142

Then what exactly should be a priority when you're rentcucking, working 40 hours a week, can't afford to move, and need to plug your ear holes when you're at home? Oh yes that's right, getting the fuck out of your situation instead of passively coping with it. It is better to just sit there and do absolutely nothing than try to live with your situation because the moment you do, you've accepted it.

>> No.16468149

>trip fag
>suggests effort coping

>> No.16468174

Not resorting to escapism.that compounds the problem.a different example in the same vein is that you shouldn’t be missing work to read if you’re struggling to get by.reading is fine as a supplement in life but it shouldn’t be priority #1

>> No.16468184

Glad you agree.

>> No.16468199

What is coping about this? Is it easier to buy some headphones as a short-term solution or pack up your life and leave the city? Come now, young negro.

>> No.16468228

>𒂊𒊑𒀁𒌅 !
epic fail. what is this supposed to be instead of fail ascii blocks?

>> No.16468246

See the entire thread that preceeded your post, specifically >>16466258, >>16466380, and >>16466394.

>> No.16468289

Wouldn't you like to know
Retarded bootstrapper. Just get headphones for the time being feggit.

>> No.16469521

unironically move to a rural area or go and live innawoods

the comfy life awaits you

>> No.16469558
