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/lit/ - Literature

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16463229 No.16463229 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a /lit/ discord?

>> No.16463240


>> No.16463241

i joined rapture's discord. slow but good and comfy.

otherwise discord fucking sucks.

>> No.16463244


>> No.16463295

There's a couple of them. The biggest one experienced a huge drama months ago and became fragmented afterwards. Here's one https://discord.gg/GRYdkp

>> No.16463303

did they not want to read the same book?

>> No.16463316

There used to be a huge one which got deleted over a huge drama. It was fragmented in two but they're both shit (you can find them on disboard). I remember a good one called genlit, does anybody have the link to it?

>> No.16463320

The usual drama with admins kicking out the users they don't like and their friends getting pissed off about that.

>> No.16463421

Anyone up for starting one? I think if it's clear from the beginning that it's a fairly casual thing for talking about ideas and books, and not a weird retard/autist/pseud hive, it could be a good thing. From what I've heard about existing lit discord groups, they are full of fools, weirdos and trannies, but maybe I got the wrong impression.

>> No.16463467

I would but he shares books for free on it and has said in the past that its limited in member number so he can do it legally
I don’t want to get in trouble/get kicked out desu

>> No.16463498

This would be great, I just fear that /pol/tards might infiltrate

>> No.16463510
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>> No.16463518

I'd join, but like >>16463498 said, we don't want too many retards from 4chan joining and shitting things up. If you make one, keep the link secret, and make it so that nobody but you (or people you know won't add weirdos) can make invite links, also make links expire so they can't be passed around.

>> No.16463523

All of them are full of trannies

>> No.16463528

When the fuck did this discord phenomenon arise?
Who else /alone/ here

>> No.16463539

>we don't want too many retards from 4chan joining
Why are you here? Go back to your cavern of trannies

>> No.16463564

4chan is one big anonymous discord server

>> No.16463574

Official /lit/ has no trannies. We had one but it left.

>> No.16463669

I've never seen a single discord that was normal and actually benefitted anyone.

It's pure shitposting and depressed faggots who argue over every little thing.

You're better off meeting a few likeminded individuals and forming a group with them rather than hordes of faggots who just want to shitpost.

>> No.16463679

Count me in

>> No.16463685

I can't imagine a more concentrated sampling of pseudointellectual drama queens.
I enjoy it when it's people I know on a personal basis. When it's just random people, it's fucking terrible.

>> No.16463688
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Yes, the current litcords are full of faggots and weirdos. If you create a server, invite me please: Gustav#2002

>> No.16463706

I'm in some great ones that aren't dead but they are private and you have to be invited

>> No.16463717

here ye go https://discord.gg/NFGNSk

>> No.16463725

I'll create one and add ye. Send me your usernames and I'll send the invite.

>> No.16463729

Do not post your username

>> No.16463785

lol stupid fucking dog

>> No.16464110

You can create one, so that in this one you send the actual invite to the actual server, no need for our usernames

>> No.16464275
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Related question: Is there a /lit/ IRC channel?

>> No.16464320

I cannot believe how old I am that kids nowadays are born in the 21th century.

t. oldfag 90s kid

>> No.16464322


>> No.16465597

look at /r/2000sgirls

>> No.16465655

is there a discord of writers? Don't give a shit about tranny discord book clubs, I want one where writers get together and discuss their ideas and their own writings and maybe even create a literary scene. Is there anything like that?

>> No.16465707

Discord is only good if you're just chilling in a server with your friends. Most of the other servers I'm in I just have on permanent mute and never check; 99% of the time they're full of obnoxious retards like you say.

>> No.16465730
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This is what I am interested in building. My own discord is the humble beginnings of something approximating this--right now I am focusing on providing academic seminars, but with the right interest and with the right effort I'd love to incorporate a more general writing/critique/literary scene. Ultimate goal would be something approaching a modern day Weimar or Bayreuth.

Tell me, anon: what would have to be in place for someone like you to join?

>> No.16465741
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Good looks, brosef. Whoever, you are, you can stay.

>> No.16465772

you will get overrun by all the guenon, evola, spinoza, kaczynsky memers

>> No.16465826
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Yeah but I really won't. I have a strong 35 members now and actually regulate it: I ban that shit.
It's simply not a problem I face.

>> No.16465950

Pykewater? Nobody posts that's why you don't get those problems lol.

I like the place, but you've got more wallflowers than anything atm.

>> No.16465991
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I'm beginning to think you aren't really the kind I'd love to be part of the long-term effort. I truly hate little bitches.
Be great if you left on your own accord. Or: it would be pathological for you to act like that and stay.

>> No.16466011

I'll lurk and post when I see something worthwhile. I believe in you, rapture-kun :]

>> No.16466079

I was born in the 21st Century indeed however the #2002 does not indicate the year I was born, it's just a random 4 digit number they put next to my username so my account can be identified.

>> No.16466082

>I truly hate little bitches
I wonder i wonder
Why every cafe owner
Every last-bastion of the fine art
The old manager, keeping true poetry alive!
Why are they such insufferable pricks?

>> No.16466106

Thank you, mate

>> No.16466120
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Because to own something is to already to have to say "yes" or "no" to the world. To own something well unfortunately involves leaning on the latter more than the former.
It's the basic, most obvious logic of gatekeeping. If you can, wouldn't you want the highest possible standard for what is your own?
I'm not someone who takes inherent joy in separating the chaff from the wheat, I just happen to really like the wheat and choke on the chaff. I'm insufferable out of indigestion.

>> No.16466140

Terrifying. I hope this doesn't actually happen.

>> No.16466148

The Discord Tranny Deathcult is real

>> No.16466185

dont join genlit its homofascist faggotry pound loving nerds who spend all day propounding conspiracies and detailing the tedium of their lives in a cliquey circlejerk

>> No.16466376

Yes, but you don't have to be a prick about it

>> No.16466633

Fuck I thought it was faggoty enough to have a /lit/ Goodreads group but a /lit/ discord server...
Didn't realise how many children browsed this board.

>> No.16466695

We don't need any more cancer satellite groups raiding this board

>> No.16466743

What self-respecting person would join dykewater's little propaganda project?

>> No.16467084

Seethe harder you pleb
Your small penis is showing

>> No.16467346

Why are rapture's cronies so odious and immature? If this is pykewater's "wheat" then I may have overestimated him.

>> No.16467382

What’s your beef with raptard? Genuinely curious

>> No.16467707
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But that is where you're wrong. To be who I am, to do what I do, I must be a prick, the alternative would be to allow idiots to spam their tired memes all over my discord. Now, what you call that? If you're having trouble coming up with a word for that, here's a visual:
>A manager, a grown man, is standing in the middle of his store.
>Teenagers are running wild, doing drugs, spray painting his store, and screaming about some tik tok drama
>the manager does nothing about this
A differerent manager, one who tells those kids to behave, tells those kids to buy or get out, is without a doubt called many things too and prick is one of them, and I'm happy to share that label with them.

>> No.16468353 [DELETED] 
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cheer up, sadboys :3