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/lit/ - Literature

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16461455 No.16461455 [Reply] [Original]

/SFFG/ because you fuckers are too lazy to make one.
Dresden Files edition. whose your favorite character? who do you hate and why is it murphy and elana? what book is your favorite?

>> No.16461656
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Just finished reading the fall of hyperion. Should I bother with Endymion ? Are the rest of the books in the series absolute shit ?

>> No.16461658

Please let this thread be free of racists and sexists... Getting tired of this shit

>> No.16461732

I'm reading Fire Upon the Deep and have a question.
In the beginning it describes intergalactic communication, how does this exist in any reasonable/wide spread form given the outer galaxy is the Transcendence? Do benign powers assist the Beyond in communicating to neighbor galaxies or do they just by chance figure out how to talk to them(but can never visit/ship anything)

>> No.16461758

seriously, have you ALL read any of cyberpunk?

>> No.16461777


>> No.16461861

You just need Neuromancer.

>> No.16461863

Clever lads.

>> No.16461897
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>> No.16461907

I used to read the Dresden Files, until I physically couldn't force myself to anymore (somewhere around book 8). It reads like a 16 year old wrote it. If Butcher wrote it intentionally as Harry being emotionally stunted because of trauma as a teenager, it'd be impressive, but we all know it's not. Also, Dresden refusing to work with Marcone is the single most infuriating thing I've ever read. Dresden is emotionally and mentally 16 years old, and he's just as obnoxious.

Also, I hate his apprentice.

>> No.16461916

This is pure reddit tourism

>> No.16461923

>It reads like a 16 year old wrote it
Fuck and I was just going to give this series a chance

>> No.16461928

granted its not the most refined piece of writing out there, but id give it a go, not like downloading off of libgen costs anything

>> No.16461931

Read the first one- it has its charm, and it's still a straight forward story, before it turns into a convoluted mess. But you can safely forget the rest

>> No.16461934

I literally just bought them all off of Amazon

>> No.16461936

you goddamn maniac, why?

>> No.16461945

i personally love dresden files. there is only 1 book in the series i dislike, and wont read again when i reread them, but thats either book 3 or 4 and has to do with some gypsy curse, but after that they just get better and better.

>> No.16461957

have you tried the iron druid series by Kevin Hearne?

>> No.16461965

>iron druid
i have not, but i googled them, and after i read the new dresden files book this week, i will definitely look into them, thanks for the rec

>> No.16462003

happy to help. Of the urban fantasy, detective wizard books that I've read, I like Hearne most

>> No.16462008

Anybody know any good Bizarro Westerns?

>> No.16462020

Blood Meridian, Incal, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford.

>> No.16462025

I've read Blood Meridian, and I'll check out the rest, but I was thinking more along the lines of "A Book of Tongues"

>> No.16462028

Stainless Steel Rat then, because I wouldn't recommend Stephen King to anyone.

>> No.16462100
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I was asleep so could make new thread, but I was planning to use pic related for the next general, why didn't you?

>> No.16462110

>what book is your favorite?
The one where he killed Susan. It started out so meh, chapter one and already there was a female character whining and complaining, and she was there for the whole book, but the end was so satisfying.

>> No.16462114

No, it just doesn't sound that interesting.

>> No.16462279

Are you serious

>> No.16462291

what? are you okay? youre a fool but you should go out and breathe or something

>> No.16462292

who was susan again? the reporter?

>> No.16462344

Yes, why are you so surprised?

>> No.16462355

>Stainless Steel Rat
that's sci-fi

>> No.16462367

The Hawkline Manor

>> No.16462377

What's your favorite Gene Wolfe book?

>> No.16462384

The first and only Wolfe book I read was a massive disappointment. I don't know why he's so lauded, because Pirate Freedom was straight up masturbatory.

>> No.16462411

sffg discord: KWPCM7m

iliad group read starts today, first discussion on friday, books 1-8

october 1 we will start reading uzumaki

>> No.16462417

Nah, you are a bait.
We are in a science fiction thread

>> No.16462433

We don't like your kind here, move along

And you are in which general again?

>> No.16462451

>And you are in which general again?
/SFG/ apparently

>> No.16462456

The book of the new sun, obviously

>> No.16462865

Fuck E William Brown

>> No.16462886

oh gross

>> No.16463008

yeah, reporter who got bit by a vampire l

>> No.16463010

yeah, I never got why that was such a bad thing.

>> No.16463182

Your didn't get why it was bad he killed a woman he loved who was the mother of his child?

>> No.16463536

>caring about women

>> No.16463541

I read all four cantos books, I would only suggest reading Endymion and Rise if you want more of the world built in the first two books. Endymion is a pretty fun adventure book. Rise is a fucking bore for like 90% of it.

>> No.16463628

Well memed , my dude

>> No.16463657

Six gun tarot

>> No.16463676


>> No.16463682 [DELETED] 
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Time to start shilling this again. Seeing as people are recommending iron druid chronicles and the Dresden fans are in house.

>> No.16463696
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Time to rec this to fresh readers. Seeing as the Dresden fans are in house and are recommending iron druid chronicles.

>> No.16463723

Those fantasy recommendations are so bad I think you might actually be trolling.

>> No.16463774

Previous thread:



>> No.16463794

You don't even read. So fuck off and neck yourself.

>> No.16463823


>> No.16463826

Please tell me Tattersail gets BLACKED by this kalam nigga

>> No.16463834

Better to not read at all if the choices are only the stuff you've presented.

>> No.16463869

>what not to read

>> No.16464040

Only neuromancer and snow crash.

>> No.16464091

It's it just me or is Brandon Sanderson a dog shit author. His books read more like a B film than an actual book.

Also any good fantasy books? been running low lately and tired of sci fi

>> No.16464106


>> No.16464109

Choice of magic

>> No.16464116

Your efforts are in vain.

>> No.16464135

I genuinely don't understand why people like this series, much less hype it up as the GOAT urban fantasy
The best book is probably Summer Knight, everything else is extremely mediocre or worse

>> No.16464147

There are many gems to be found in fantasy, unfortunately because of the nature of the genre, there's also a lot of trash you gotta sift through.

>> No.16464212

Dedication and hard work is always rewarded.

>> No.16464213

I don't know what it is but I've never enjoyed a sci fi book written by a woman. Their style just feels so drawn out and underwhelming. I had to put down Ancillary Justice and Doomsday halfway through reading, hoping Left Hand of Darkness will change that

>> No.16464319

No woman will enjoy fucking you either, beta.

>> No.16464454

You are correct, I have read several works by women and some were even well written and researched but none of them just felt right.

>> No.16464462

Spoken like a true readlet. There are hundreds of thousands of novels, and your non-reading ass is making noise on a couple dozen on a chart.

>> No.16464477
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This is how I imagine tattersail's body. She is supposed to be ridiculously thicc, like fertile breeding ground thicc.

>> No.16464478

The one where red court is kill also the one where they go to underworld, when he goes on wild hunt with the gang and peace talks were the only good books, oh also stuff that happens after he picks up the coin, everything else is subpar but it cannot be skipped unfortunately.

>> No.16464524

Choice of magic
The legend of the arch magus
Condemning the heavens
The beginning after the end

>> No.16464526


>> No.16464538

>Ancillary Justice
Because that book was shit.
Simp better female authors.

>> No.16464548


>> No.16464573

Jesus FUCK!
I want her to sit on my face and suffocate me with her thighs. Goddamn I wanna marry her. Is this how incel beta cucks feel? Seeing something they can't get their hands on?

>> No.16464633

>Condemning the heavens
I just read amazon review and "looked inside" and what the f is this cultivation thing, I have seen it mentioned several times when talking about chinese novels? Is this some chinese meme, is it like magic or magical powers?

>> No.16464691

Bros, why do I miss Lasciel so much

>> No.16464704

>everything is a meme!
Wonderful contribution to the thread.

>> No.16464798
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I've always wondered, what's /sffg/'s favorite forgotten realms book?

>> No.16464833

Yeah, it's just sort of assumed that everything in the Beyond is """advanced""".
If you want more realistic light-speed restrictions, wait until you get to Deepness in the Sky.

>> No.16464836

ur moms pussy is my favorite forgotten realm

>> No.16464838

Mine is none. I haven't read any FR books despite bing a massive TTRPG fag.

Any recommendations on where to begin (rather, where NOT to begin)?

>> No.16464846

I read them all when I was sixteen and I thought it was the best thing since cake. I've re-read them since, and yeah, they're a little simplistic, but they're still gobs of fun. Each book is like an episode in a trashy TV crime show that you just can't stop watching

>> No.16464860

so I read Foundation, Foundation and the Empire, The Second foundation, and then skipped to the 5th book which somehow as a prequel.
Its decent, but I think its because I enjoy the deadpan humor, the cigar smoking, and the excessive parodies of social behavior.

>> No.16464957

I get that the Beyond is advanced but (at least so far) most of the Beyond is very cautious about dealing with the Transcend/Powers and for good reason.
My confusion is the book offhand seems to mention that Relay also has connections/communicates to other nearby galaxies/their beyonds.
How would the Beyond ever be able to or want to talk to other galaxies when their galaxy is surrounded by region where you either transcend or get destroyed by a Power.

>> No.16465003

good ones?

>> No.16465076

What do you mean? Why do chinese use that particular word? I have actually done chinese martial arts (chinese instructor) but never ever heard his say or mention "cultivation" (and he did say a lot of dumb chinese stuff). What gives?

>> No.16465090

>Deepness in the Sky
...Aaaaaand it's shit.

>> No.16465108

different anon but I don't think it was that bad lol

>> No.16465130

Was it even scifi? The science was more like magic and as a fantasy novel it kind of sucked.

>> No.16465165

its been quite a while since I read it but weaponized autism doesn't seem so far fetched to me

>> No.16465764

The Wandering Inn

>> No.16465873

This is a troll. That book is filler with a protagonist doing stupid shit getting people killed needlessly.

>> No.16466171

Any good slavic fantasy? Preferably dark and gloomy, some horror elements.

>> No.16466227

Slavs can't into creative writing. Especially fantasy. Out of hundreds of millions of slavs you have what? Only witcher series, and there is some russian aswell.

>> No.16466241

Western books in a slav setting are also ok.

>> No.16466269

Check out night watch and let the right one in. >>16463696

>> No.16466270

I take it you’ve already read the Witcher books? Don’t know any besides those.

>> No.16466368

I found the Iron druid series when I was 11 or 12 and going through a hard time... I read through the first 4 books over 100 times.

It goes downhill fast after the 4th book in my opinion, granuaile suddenly becomes a bit of a bitch :( and the last couple books are depressing. Still, they hold a special place in my heart due to getting little me through a tough time. Even got my copy of the first book autographed a couple years ago.

The audiobook narrator is fantastic if anyone is considering this series. Plus, there are lots of references to literature in the series, especially Shakespeare. Peace, frens.

>> No.16466389

Oh, have you read the first book in his new Iron druid spinoff series? Thinking about picking it up.

>> No.16466502

Has an epub or mobi of Battle Ground popped up anywhere yet? Recall Peace Talks showing up on here a few days in advance of release

>> No.16466532

When granuaile got a POV the books went to shit. Her chapters were so beyond purple they were fuchsia.

How the series ended didn't make me want to pick up his series.

>> No.16466536

Battlegrounds is being released on the 29th, it's still the 28th faggot.

>> No.16466542

Not in Australia it ain't. Any shitposters around to prove anon wrong?

>> No.16466544

It is already tuesday in japan.

>> No.16466591

It just turned Tuesday here, am I stuck waiting for midnight in burgerland or should it be releasing any time now?

>> No.16466599


>> No.16466614 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16466620

Kek. Nice reverse psychology anon (>>16466502), but no dice.

>> No.16466621 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16466626

I too can check Amazon preview

>> No.16466627 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16466636 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16466648
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>the former had released the freaking kraken

>> No.16466653 [DELETED] 
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ur dumb

>> No.16466659 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16466665 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16466667

Autismo. Calm the fuck down.

>> No.16466669

Have you tried any CJ Cherryh? Downbelow Station and the Chanur series slaps

>> No.16466670 [DELETED] 
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oh god, off by 1 >>16466666

>> No.16466680

Just upload the epub and stop spamming.

>> No.16466683 [DELETED] 
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>> No.16466690 [DELETED] 
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buy it faggot, support the author, I won't upload anymore

>> No.16466703

>that was supposed to be an advertisement

>> No.16466717

it is out, available on amazon

>> No.16466735

I wouldn't read any more of that shit if you paid me. At least now I know for certain the reason I'm not selling anything isn't because of my ability as a writer.

>> No.16466742

>I'm not selling anything
why aren't you selling anything then?

>> No.16466857

The Song of Phaid the Gambler
The DNA Cowboys trilogy

>> No.16466888
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>> No.16466906

just keep telling yourself that buddy

>> No.16466925

I've read a ton of cyberpunk

>> No.16466929

How are the Dresden audiobooks? I've basically forgotten where we're at in the series, but don't want to spend all my free time rereading it

>> No.16466954

I want to start on it, recommend something senpai

>> No.16467023


>> No.16467060

Second Neuromancer, Also recommend Gibson's short stories

>> No.16467117

its been a constant uphill in quality after blood rites? however, the last book feels like it was only half a book, and they split it in half for peace talks and battle grounds, which really aggravates me
spoilers for major plot stuff
molly is one of the winter queens now, that warden who wanted to kill dresden all the time is dead, murph and harry like each other, harry has a dead ex half vamp gf he killed, harry has a daughter, harry has a spirit daughter with laciel clone in his head, harry does not have bob anymore, but his spirit daughter is in a wooden skull and her name is bonea or some riff on bonnie

>> No.16467150

I would start with Neuromancer because it defined the genre. If you read it after reading other cyberpunk you’ll probably not enjoy it. I’d also read Snow Crash and Diamond Age.

>> No.16467234

Neuromancer to start for sure. Then the Mirrorshades short story anthology edited by Bruce Sterling.
After that, a deeper cut is Software by Rudy Rucker, part of the Ware Tetralogy but perfectly fine as a stand alone. Rucker is a mathematician, computer scientist (unlike Gibson's lack of STEM) and he was part of the original cyberpunk 5. His work shows the breadth of the movement. It wasn't all corporate dystopia, that was just what got popular and commercialized.

>> No.16467295

Anybody got cradle yet?
Damn Tuesday is such a treasure trove for releases.

>> No.16467388

That's Oct 6th, not Sep 29th.

>> No.16467392

>Of the urban fantasy, detective wizard books that I've read

Not in Iron Druid, anon

>> No.16467429

Not who you were replying to, but I read that a while ago. How are the sequels?

>> No.16467472

The audio books are pretty good quality. They got a real actor to read them, so the delivery sounds pretty natural.

>> No.16467478

>I envisioned Cradle as a free chapter-by-chapter web serial
>I thought I was facing down the end of my career.
>people say that I wrote Elder Empire in double installments so that readers would have to pay twice for what's effectively the same story, and every time I hear that I have to choose between laughing until I cry or crying until I laugh
>I'll be drinking from rain gutters for nourishment by the end of the year, so I'll round this out into a real book and hopefully make enough to survive
>Unsouled came out and almost immediately sold more copies than all the four previous Elder Empire books combined, I was thrown off-balance. This was supposed to be the little, easy, quick series that I wrote on the side.
>I needed a sequel immediately, and the sooner the better, lest I return to my gutter-suckling fate. Again, with the intention being to satisfy people until I could return to OKAK.
>I wrote it so fast I didn’t have time to re-think or cut anything.

>> No.16467510
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I am a complete pleb when it comes to scifi, I recently read Blindsight and Echopraxia and was wondering where to go from there, what sort of books are similar.

I also thought Valis was interesting

>> No.16467513
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nothing is similar nothing lives up to them

>> No.16467527

Guess it will give me time to finish the two new Dresden books back to back.

>> No.16467555

So the ninjas vs pirates was his masterpiece dream novel and he lucked into "please forgive this unworthy one"? What about his anime in prose series house of blades?

>> No.16467556

that serious cat makes me fear the worst

>> No.16467564

>nothing lives up to them
That great. It matches with your pic cause that chonkers isn't going to be living long.

>> No.16467592

Guys help me I just finished The book of dreams Great book great ending to the demon princes. And i started on the century next door novels. I'm a few pages into Orbital resonances and I want to drop it because of how much worse the prose is and I'm unsure on the story.

Should I keep going or is this a shitty series? Did I spoil myself by reading Vance?

>> No.16467643

If that's how you feel, then that's what you ought to do. "Spoiling" is a meme.

>> No.16467673

You are right, I will give it a couple more chapters and drop it if it's still not good.
>Spoiling" is a meme.

>> No.16467713

I read the first three books and they keep getting crazier. I should reread them so I can read the last book.

>> No.16467740

Just read summaries, it's a waste otherwise.

>> No.16467870

ive never actually bought a book on its release day, will i be able to get the new dresden files ebook at midnight EST, or do i have to wait for midnight to roll around my timezone?

>> No.16467890

You'll have your answer soon enough.

>> No.16467913
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So I discovered that a new Penric novella had been released recently and picked it up. Good read. Penric's brother in law calls Penric in when his soldiers returning from an expedition start getting sick with a new disease, the novel is mostly structured like a medical drama.

>> No.16467957

love u senpais

>> No.16468161

>wife asleep
>kids asleep
>dresden files drops in t-3 minutes
>got my ice cold dr.pepper
>got a pear
its going to be a comfy night. how are you guys doing?

>> No.16468165

>Did I spoil myself by reading Vance?

Yep. You now only have Gene Wolfe and then science fiction is over for you. After Vance and Wolfe everything else is shit.

>> No.16468170

I hope you don't mean every single one is bad (e.g. Lukyanenko isn't a bad writer and Sabriel is a good book for kids).

>> No.16468177

>gene wolfe
what a low fucking bar, holy shit i dont know why you guys suck his dick so hard, the new sun was fucking garbage

>> No.16468190

>what a low fucking bar, holy shit i dont know why you guys suck his dick so hard, the new sun was fucking garbage

You self-identify as an idiot. I'm interested in nothing you have to say.

>> No.16468205

>it was a space ship the entire time!!!
go away, tranny

>> No.16468209

Vance is shit. No wonder you readlets struggle.

>> No.16468220

i thought /tv/ and /v/ were bad, but you guys take the cake with getting upset over what other people like.

>> No.16468230


Why do you come on here only to declare you are a moron?

>> No.16468236

Molly is a fun character, so is Thomas. Those two are probably my favorite. Murphy sux ass because she’s far ruder to Dresden than she needs to be. Changes is an obvious favorite but I will be reading the series again and maybe I’ll change my mind.

>> No.16468240

Of course they do. This entire board is nothing but sophomoric misanthropes deluding themselves into thinking that they're better than other people because they read X thing instead of Y thing.

>> No.16468249

It's pol shitting up the general. You can tell them from how they only talk of three authors, and if you don't hivemind with them, they get triggered and start screeching about "dilate, tranny, closet, and seethe". They can't come up with anything else.

>> No.16468255

It's not a thing in real life. Basically you just grow your dantian/inner core/whatever in some way (mostly mediating and absorbing the chi/magic from your surroundings, eating rare plants/creatures/pills, using treasures, getting a glimpse of enlightenment) which makes your body stronger and lets you use stronger magic.
There are always definite steps like finally coalescing the chi in your dantian into a solid, writing runes on your dantian, etc which offer significant boosts in power and a tangible feel of growth of character's power (at least when written properly).
But I don't like Chines cultivation stories, they are very poorly written. Western cultivation/xianxia is better (e.g. Unsouled).
Just be prepared that it's power fantasy, if you want something snobby look elsewhere.

>> No.16468263


>> No.16468265

Yes, because your preferred hivemind is so much better.

>> No.16468273

This entire site is nothing but sophomoric misanthropes deluding themselves into believing that they're better than other anons because they believe X thing instead of Y thing.

>> No.16468285

Lukyanenko's Day/Night Patrol was ok (at least its translation into Polish, can't vouch for the guy who translated it into English).
Sapkowski is above average but not outstanding, better books like Robert Wegner's "Opowieści z meekhańskiego pogranicza" don't get translated.

>> No.16468305

Preferable to groups where people genuinely believe that everything is preference and nothing is really better than anything else, but the parrots who never bother to think about the qualities that genuinely make something better are certainly insufferable

>> No.16468333

Except that's not true. The majority are contrarians who parrot back the opposite of the belief and who never bother to think about the qualities that genuinely make something better. It's a maximum level of inauthenticity with no concern for the genuine and where preference is irrelevant because it's all posing anyway.

>> No.16468341

>if someone disagrees with me, they are just parroting the opposite beliefs
oof, thats not a healthy belief to have, anon

>> No.16468369

And yet it is what just occurred with the post that I'm replying to with this post.

>> No.16468393

Everyone recommends the Drizzt books so start there I guess.

>> No.16468401

I bought the ebook then went to bed, I will start reading once I am back from work

>> No.16468405

Just because it's the most popular doesn't mean it's the best.

>> No.16468406

So scifibros nobody have a rec for this?

>> No.16468410
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I always hated Drizzt, he's basically Sasuke except DnD. Honestly if you want to read some trashy fantasy that's executed well you're better off with the Gotrek and Felix novels by William King.

>> No.16468415

you guys ever have a book you loved when you were young, but went back to it and it wasnt the best? i loved dragonlance when i was middleschool/early highschool, had like 100 and some of the books. 20 odd years later, i go buy the first book of the first series, and who boy, its not the great series i remember

>> No.16468418

everyone knows the real hero of the drizzt books was that mentally retarded dwarf druid, pikel.

>> No.16468425

It's tiring to type out the same posts every thread.

>> No.16468426

Is Harry ever going to fuck Mab? She seems like she hasn't been fucked in literal ages(that time to make Harry into winter night don't count) and I feel there is a connection building between them.

>> No.16468431

Far, far, too many, but that's fine. That's how being different people at different times of our lives simply is.

>> No.16468433

I apologize then, I've never been in these threads, Ill check the archive

>> No.16468442

Check archives

>> No.16468456

I actually could see it, Harry’s character is kind of a sexual lightning rod and the fact that Mab is an authority figure over him might be the angle Butcher is going for.

>> No.16468459

Should be an easy answer then
Yet, I have never seen one

>> No.16468467

nah, harry is going to let the original merlin out, im assuming thats the guy locked in the cage under the island that told harry to bugger off, and he and mab are a thing

>> No.16468470


>> No.16468485

cause she was the perfect waifu

>> No.16468488

guy who played Spike on Buffy narrates em and he does a pretty decent job

>> No.16468496


>> No.16468508

Easy answers are never good answers.
The willfully blind see but do not comprehend.

>> No.16468516

Go back to the discord voicechat.

>> No.16468519

what a dumb statement, if i need directions to the hospital, i want the easiest direction

>> No.16468526

I have this reaction to the entire 'genre' of epic fantasty in general. I used to love all the dumb shit in those books but now I'm just too old, long-winded whinging by authors about fantasy elements and magic systems just doesn't hit me anymore. It just feels dumb and silly now.

>> No.16468541

>I'm just too old
Congrats on being early 20s.

>> No.16468548

what a dumb statement, if i need directions to the hospital, i want the quickest direction with an acceptable amount of risk rather than the easiest directions and taking longer.

>> No.16468562
File: 304 KB, 1105x1825, 9ad7802f7b31fd62aa3f23b584fff6a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a complete pleb when it comes to scifi, I recently read New Sun and Short Sun and was wondering where to go from there, what sort of books are similar.

I also thought Dying Earth was interesting

>> No.16468573

>Filtering yourself THIS hard
Just say you didn't get it and get on with reading Name of the Wind for the umpteenth time, homo

>> No.16468574

The constant Vance Wolfe posts are really something.

>> No.16468580

After Gibson, cyberpunk literature died. Snow Crash is tongue-in-cheek at best, it doesn't take itself seriously.

>> No.16468585

So, in other words, it was mostly dead on arrival.

>> No.16468595

Exactly. As a literary movement, it was a flash in the pan. Gibson wrote so vividly

>> No.16468599

It's why I "read" all the books. He actually made them better. I understand what eyelets get grumpy with Dresden for, because they aren't experiencing James Marsters

>> No.16468602

so vividly, but he inspired other genres. Gaming, anime, film, TV, music. There aren't any serious cyberpunk books outside his

>> No.16468609

But that's wrong. I understand how that makes it a lot easier for you to not read any other cyberpunk books though. In the same way people make the same argument for fantasy as a whole.

>> No.16468664

What would you recommend? In my opinion, Cyberpunk is an extremely niche genre. Fantasy is basically ancient, there are countless subgenres of fantasy. I wouldn't make the same argument for fantasy at all.

>> No.16468710
File: 102 KB, 1200x700, cyberpunk2077-1200x700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you excited about the FACT of Cyberpunk 2077?


>> No.16468738

Games are mindless wastes that place zero value on the players' time.

>> No.16468741

>he says while browsing 4channel.com

>> No.16468745


>> No.16468749


>> No.16468755

Dude that game has the potential to revive the Cyberpunk thing.

>> No.16468760


>> No.16468808

why you are like thaaat

>> No.16468811


>> No.16469038
File: 126 KB, 800x800, season of storms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any reason to read this if i finished the other 7 books and was completely satisfied with the way it all ended

>> No.16469055

>completely satisfied
No, you shouldn't then. You can only become less satisfied.

>> No.16469062
File: 156 KB, 703x1000, ciri and galahad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, thats what i figured
i'll leave it on the shelf for when im bored one day

>> No.16469109
File: 108 KB, 794x474, 16011405248287093104448093028048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any fantasy books with autistic protagonists?

>> No.16469118

joe abercrombies 2nd series, the main character recruits some people to help murder her way through the continent, and one of them is a guy who has severe autism. he also gets hard on thinking about numbers

>> No.16469141

I don't buy into any hype for anything but they've done good work in the past. It looks like standard cyberpunk which is what most cpunk is today, corporate-ruled dystopia. I doubt it's going to push the envelope for the genre but there will probably be some good stories in it.

I think cyberpunk lit stopped innovation in the '90s but I'd love to be proven wrong.

>> No.16469158

battle ground is up on zlibrary

>> No.16469171

Is the series about anything or is it just things happening and descriptions of action scenes?

>> No.16469186
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>> No.16469204

Neons are cool

>> No.16469304

Revelation Space, Chasm City

>> No.16469318

or buy it and support the author. Dresden files is not the greatest series but it has minimal sjw stuff and it is not bad.

>> No.16469344

After the shitshow that was Peace Talks I really regret ever supporting this hack.

>> No.16469523


Are Butcher's books about anything of value or are they throwaway entertainment like Star Wars or the Avengers?

>> No.16469669

Throwaway enjoyable garbage, so think Star Wars original trilogy.

>> No.16469681

Book of the Long Sun is in some aspects better than BotNS and definitely better than Short Sun. Why you'd read Short Sun before it is a question that you should ponder yourself.

But 5th Head of Cerberus, and some of Wolfe's short stories. Tracking Song is an absolute must, it's basically a novella about as long as any of the 3 novellas in 5th Head.

>> No.16469804

The Dao of magic

>> No.16469821

Latro in the mist

>> No.16469828
File: 41 KB, 371x361, 1589352907350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No woman will enjoy fucking you either, beta.

>> No.16469833

>you guys
Try most of the literary world, it's ok to be stupid

>> No.16470148

Post your work, I want to see an underappreciated artist's unique genius.

>> No.16470413

Anyone finished battle ground yet, or will it be a while before there’s any discussion of it?

>> No.16470497

I'm having the same trouble with it as I did with PT, namely, it fails to capture me. Guess I'm getting too old for pulp.

>> No.16470515

>too old

>> No.16470692

Think of supernatural +some romance and single pov, but somewhat more indepth (because it's a book series and butcher is more or less ab author) and much less jewish.

>> No.16470702

It wasn't bad except it wasn't a full book.

>> No.16470792

As I recall changes didn’t do that much for me at the time either - I suspect like changes this will be an instalment I appreciate mostly for its aftermath

>> No.16470916

"not a full book" is a meme.

>> No.16470980

And where's the Battleground download Link... cus I cant buy IT. Help another Anon if you please.

>> No.16471028

Why can’t you buy it?

>> No.16471088 [DELETED] 

I havent the money, well that and THE fact i'm from Chavezland.

>> No.16471111

I havent the Money... well that and The fact i'm living in MaduroLand

>> No.16471169

It's been up on zlibrary for half a day

>> No.16471176
File: 22 KB, 480x480, 1595286197617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do some people here have to much disdain for the Malazan Series?

After reading a lot of the trash you guys recommend, it was one of the very few series I've actually enjoyed.

>> No.16471179

They're mediocre as hell, Summer Knight and the book where they break into Hades' vault are the only entertaining ones
Butcher honestly peaked with Codex Alera

>> No.16471208

whats the other ones you enjoyed? there is a music project about the Malazan Series if you like metal with synths you will enjoy it, the band is called "Caladan Brood"

>> No.16471225

The Book of the new Sun Series. Not much else I've truly enjoyed.

The Wheel of Time is an abomination and Sanderson doesn't cut it for me, he clearly writes for teenagers and progressive women.

>> No.16471235

>Why do some people here have to much disdain for the Malazan Series?
Because the writing, characters and plot is video game tier.

>> No.16471256

What do you like? I'm genuinely curious, because I haven't found a lot a things that were better than it for the genre.

>> No.16471277

Thank you Anon

>> No.16471283

appropriate, as only the autistic can find anything enjoyable about Abercrombie.

>> No.16471286

Chronicles of Amber is probably my favorite fantasy book series of all time, although the Merlin's saga is kinda shitty compared to Corwin's.

>> No.16471299

caladan brood is based


if you like malazan try bakker

>> No.16471326

Bakker's writing is dreadful though.

>> No.16471336

are you kidding? his prose is excellent

>> No.16471354

Slog of slogs, boys!

>> No.16471401

Of course you have the money, it’s only £10. If you actually cared you could scrape the money together for it.

>> No.16471593

>if I keep talking about prose people will think I'm a serious aesthete

>> No.16471633

His 'writing' is literally NOT awful

>> No.16471654

The Stars My Destination was written well before cyberpunk was a thing, but hit on a lot of the central tenets, and is a fun read.

>> No.16471666

>weeper faggot

>> No.16471870
File: 64 KB, 540x675, 09791380-B6DE-4BDC-A948-2F769FAED58C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes he writes in Canadian, I know what you mean,,, he can be making perfect sense and then it seems like he thinks to himself “I’m making too much sense, people might understand my ramblings” and proceeds to go full savant.

But I love the guy and the books are fucking insane, nothing else quite like em. I highly HIGHLY recommended em but would advice putting it at the back of your catalogue because it will ruin high epic fantasy for you and make everything else very gay in comparison.

>> No.16471889
File: 119 KB, 587x591, cunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16471890

Some of his prose is extremely tiring to read.

English is not my first language, but I don't think that's the main reason.

>> No.16471901

Here's a literal random quote from one of his books, exactly halfway through

>The air was rifled by the commanding cries of thanes, barons, and their majordomos. Men hastened into their gear. Horsemen streamed between the tents. Armoured men knelt in circles, praying. Wine was passed, bread hastily broken and devoured. Bands of men drifted to their places in the line, some singing, some watchful. Small groups of wives and prostitutes waved hands and coloured scarfs at passing troops of mounted warriors. Priests intoned the most profound benedictions.

>By the time the sun gilded the Meneanor, the Inrithi had assembled in rank after glorious rank across the fields. Several hundred paces away an immense arc of silvered armour, brilliant coats, and stamping horses awaited them. From the southern heights to the dark Sempis, the Fanim encompassed the horizon. Great divisions of horsemen trotted across the northern pastures. Arms flashed from the walls and turrets of Anwurat. Deep formations of spearmen darkened the shallow embankments to the south. More horsemen massed across the southern hilltops, following the heights to the sea. Every distance, it seemed, bristled with heathen.

not sure what's supposed to be so bad about this.

>> No.16471949

Exactly, his prose uses rich language, and not just the "author invested in an extra-large thesaurus"-kinda language
Even if I've heard that complaint, but really, who the fuck wants simple language in fantasy, I need archaic words to get into spirit

The problems are in the 2nd part of the books, or at least it's a much bigger problem there
So much repetition, and bloat
Pulling attention to the same details again and again, stuff like that
Like he forgot he already explained how certain things work, if the same things are reoccurring don't explain it in the same words, just skip to the results, or bring some new reflections (mostly talking about stuff going on inside people's heads here)

>> No.16472195

So do we like the new Dresden book? I don’t like being in limbo not knowing what my opinion is.

>> No.16472280

Oh, then fuck off faggot

>> No.16472299


fucking Diamond Age dudes

>> No.16472464

Diamond Age is post cyberpunk. The cyberpunk character is literally killed off in the first chapter.

>> No.16472568

>there are 20 tarzan books
Where do you stop?

>> No.16472726

ill let you know when I have the audiobook

>> No.16473010

I have read about 30%, it is mostly all action, it is not bad but it's very linear and no plot twists.

>> No.16473054

I finished it this morning, I know what’s in it. I just want to be told what to think about it.

>> No.16473089

> assuming thats the guy locked in the cage under the island that told harry to bugger off
So I'm not the only one who thinks that

>> No.16473113
File: 22 KB, 263x380, Threebody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished the dark forest trilogy, was pretty neat. looking for something similar. first contact/interstellar war kinda thing with interesting alien technology or culture

>> No.16473114

> only £10
Anon, it's around 20£ where I live, and that's not even counting the difference in purchasing power between currencys.

In Maduroland taht anon could purchase a shitload of stuff with 10£

>> No.16473126

...at the end?

>> No.16473157

Fuck you there's no way that all of them are worth my time.

>> No.16473203

Probably not even the first was with that attitude.

>> No.16473248

>"they will try to kill us if they see us," replied tarzan "I prefer to be the killer"
>"maybe they are friends," suggested d'arnot
>"they are black," was tarzan's only reply
It's pretty good, but not even series like Hyperion or Dune were good for more than a handful of books so surely Tarzan drops off.

>> No.16473263

Only you can know when a book is disrespecting your time and has to be ritually disposed of to maintain your honor.

>> No.16473274

I realize this is meant to be comparison of the whole kvothe cuck thing (I think, I hope I’m not just projecting) but this scene just hits different.
Kvothe is like some virgin in highschool who digs Stacey but staceys constantly getting plowed by brads and chads and he’s even like “I’m okay with it ;p”!!
Akka is the punished fool who sadly loves a whore (she’s a 10/10 apparently tho) and has to deal with her still taking custom, but here’s the big thing tho: AT LEAST HE FUCKS LMAOOOOO (and esmi loves him too show some respect)
There’s also more to it but I’m to retarded to word it

>> No.16473285

Snow Crash brings social satire to cyberpunk and is also written by someone who knows programming, unlike Gibson. But the '90s also included Vurt which added mythology, Rim which was written by someone who actually knows about Japan/Asia, and Ribofunk which explores biotech. (Gibson/Cadigan/idk who else used biotech as plot points but didn't really get into it.)

The cyberpunks themselves declared their own movement dead soon after arrival but that was aa short sighted reaction to its quick commercialization.

>> No.16473307
File: 169 KB, 559x793, rim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.16473315

Really great series. Loved the hardness of the scifi.

Joe Haldeman-The Forever War
Arthur C Clark-Rendezvous with Rama
Niven/Pournelle- The Mote in Gods Eye
John Scalzi-Old Mans War

Not as hard as Lius book, more philosophical, but good reads.

>> No.16473345

Nice random cut-off text.

>> No.16473366

No, fucking retard, look at the line lengths.

>> No.16473377

ive read rama, pretty great too. ive heard a bit about the forever war, how its considered a metaphor for vietnam vets? is it really heavy on that stuff?

>> No.16473384

i prefer unjustified text or whatever it's called

>> No.16473387

It doesn't matter. Don't expect others to care about your personal issues.

>> No.16473391

non autists get the fuck off my board

>> No.16473406


>> No.16473409

Michael is my favorite character by far. Are there any books that are like Dresden Files but religious and with an mc like Michael? So obviously not the edge fest of Sandman Slim.

>> No.16473426

These books actually look decent

>> No.16473508

I agree, but not enough for me to personally want to read them after having read the preview.

>> No.16473519

Pretty much, all the golden classics were post vietnam era. Forever War in my opinion is the most sentimental on the topics of "us vs them" and the individuals identity becoming subsumed in the military while society and it's views changes around them while they themselves remain static.

Didn't really like the Scalzi books they seemed more threadbare, but I think you'll like Forever War, 70s sci fi is more introspective and critical of society.

>> No.16473520


>> No.16473537


>> No.16473548

>Pretty much, all the golden classics were post vietnam era
That wasn't the "Golden Age" of sci-fi at all.

>> No.16473621

a-are you trying to offend me? because it's not happening you know

>> No.16473629


>> No.16473637

Shut up, fags

>> No.16473674


>> No.16473706

I’ve finished it and would participate. Kind of lost interest in the series for years and PT didn’t change my mind. Battlegrounds, on the other hand, really won me back over

>> No.16473717

one of you two must be the one getting high yesterday
go take a breath faggot

>> No.16473748


>> No.16473770

*Takes bong hit*
*Listens to Alan Watts*
You wouldn't understand

>> No.16473805

come on dude stop doing that

>> No.16473854


>> No.16473868

no, i mean to be getting high

>> No.16473874

cannabinoids are good for you. in moderation.

>> No.16473889


>> No.16473891

I've never done it in my life

>> No.16473895


>> No.16473899

why is it supposed to be good? for what?

>> No.16473911



>> No.16473915

Even if it’s £25 he can still buy it. Poorfags get the rope desu, along with their excuses.

>> No.16473924

What did you like about it anon? We can have our discussion in spoilers.

>> No.16473929

>killing the slaves who devote their lives to support the lifestyles of the wealthy
Truly you're an idiot.

>> No.16473947

Don't say you will. Be the discussion you want to see. Others will join you or not, but unless someone starts it can never begin.

>> No.16473958

Ideally wait until the next thread.

>> No.16473980

I’ll wait until next thread to really get into it, I just thought the author played his “pieces” very well and the twists were unexpected, but logical

>> No.16473999

anxiety, tension, depression, physical pain. then music sounds better and life is funnier.

>> No.16474007

>knows people he can buy weed from and does so
Fuck you normalfag fucking die

>> No.16474060

1. washington state. there's literally a store next to my apartment. (illegal weed is cheaper)
2. highly normie-passing but i'm definitely an odd introvert

>> No.16474313
File: 228 KB, 675x1013, Princess_of_Mars_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm depressed. Any fun escapism books? This and Glory Road are my favorites.

>> No.16474460

that would do me good and no, i'm not a puritan

>> No.16474969

why do people give a shit about tattersail, she appears for like 250 pages of a 12000 page work

>> No.16474977

>appears for like 250 pages of a 12000 page work
You basically just described every character in the entire series.

>> No.16475124

Is battleground looking good enough to actually buy it, of should I just wait for a pdf

>> No.16475126


>> No.16475133

I disagree

>> No.16475138

Your disagreement doesn't matter.

>> No.16475141

I disagree

>> No.16475143

I disagree.