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/lit/ - Literature

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16462840 No.16462840 [Reply] [Original]

>go to uni for eng lit degree
>it sucks
You fuckers tricked me.

>> No.16462844

>not being a STEMchad
Sucks to be you brainlets lmao

>> No.16462853

what uni

>> No.16462854

What in the world do you plan to do with a degree in literature?

>> No.16462874

Literature should be a hobby not a career.

>> No.16462876

idiot- I told you: never study what you love

>> No.16462881

>going to uni at all
i shiggy diggy

>> No.16462893

Liar. No one on /lit/ would tell you to do a literature degree.

>> No.16462900

>not a finance chad
You want to make real money don't you?

>> No.16463048

bet this guy does engineering or cs lol
t. mathchad

>> No.16463057

Stop taking any advice from this board anon it went to shit a while ago so now we have people telling others to actually go to college

>> No.16463088
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>Got an English degree because I love literature
>Fine with teaching high school English, sounds comfy
>Apply for teaching certification
>"Yeahhh, we actually just want education majors. We prefer to teach the teachers the material so we know what the students are hearing. You could always get a Master's and apply again! :)"
Fuck public schools, man. Gonna keep kicking the can and put off that shit as long as I can.

>> No.16463122

You got off easy anon, I hear so many horror stories of people trying to enter academia its insane and Im glad I snapped out of it in time before I ruined my life

>> No.16463161

History is okay if you can sidestep all the wokeshit, actually.

>> No.16463178

Nigger you went to a university and didn't see all the majors in teaching and educations?
Go write a book.

>> No.16463208

I was told "you can get an education major and teach anything or major in the subject and only teach that". Though I doubt that would change my mind about majors. While my English classes were certainly pozzed, education classes are downright brainwashing. If anything I'd recommend young /lit/fags to look into linguistics.

>> No.16463239

The only REAL college degrees are in 4 fields:
Everything else is just a useless hobby

>> No.16463276

You can pretty much apply to law school with any bach degree. In the top thirty, liberal arts students get accepted just as much as polsci degrees and more than criminal justice.

>> No.16463297

Just intern somewhere why would you go to fucking college to learn finance especially when its braindead level math and logic you’re learning

>> No.16463306

lmao, we got another one boys!

>> No.16463315

why did you reply to me? maths is STEM
>not studying maths at COWI

>> No.16463362

Econ/Finance on college level is cope tier. Math into econ/finance grad school is where the big money's at.
In some places (everywhere but the US iirc) law is college-level.

>> No.16463399

Pretty much this. Why would you mongoloids waste time and money on an economics degree when you can easily learn it?

>> No.16463531 [DELETED] 
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Checked and I am studying a finance-related college degree and will be able to major in econ at uni afterwards through a swift transitional education. This because I heard econ all the way through uni tends to be all to theoretical and does not always prepare students adequately for the practicalities of the field.
>I heard
Yeah, often anecdotes are the most reliable sources of info we can get. We can't go try everything out for ourselves.

>> No.16463734

Because if you're from a poor background uni is a chance to make connections and the paper is useful as box ticking from jobs. You can teach yourself almost anything without getting a degree but that isn't its purpose

>> No.16463742
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this times a thousand. in a decade on /lit/ I haven't heard one good thing about majoring in literature. you'd be better off enjoying a life-sentence in a prison library.

>> No.16463751

Again, internship not only is it more useful than a degree but the connections you get will actually be useful

>> No.16463757

has it worked out for you?

>> No.16463763
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Should have went for philosophy my man

>> No.16463768

No im not in school but ive done internships before and they certainly worked out

>> No.16463770

Yes, but you have to get that internship first. How are you meant to do that with no experience, connections or a degree? Many internships are competitive for people getting a degree/got one.

>> No.16463772

Sounds pretty comfy honestly.

>> No.16463867

one friend, after graduating on chemistry, decided to "follow her dreams" and get a degree in lit. she was accepted at the best uni in my country, in language, with a latter specialization on literature. Then found out no-one actually read anything mildly interesting there. According to her:
>1/3 of the people wanted to become middle or high-school teachers.
>1/3 of the people liked YA and that was their single personality trait.
>1/3 of the people actually wanted to study philosophy, history or sociology but their grades weren't high enough, so they entered language to change degrees on the second semester.
there were some who wrote, but most did not read "to not get to influenced".
the student's book club was 100% feminist theory, she tried to suggest a book from an important contemporary author from my country (the only man on the entire list) and literally no one voted for it.
she told me the best people were grammar autists from linguistics.
there were proportionally way more people who read lit in chemistry than in the language degree.

>> No.16463889
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>> No.16463892

Fixing your underlining mental issues is the most important thing you can do. We get a dozen interns a year and most stare at the ground with no social skills, disappear for hours at a time, or start spouting crazy bullshit.

>> No.16463898

just failed a STEM class because of quarantine
how many years of my life am I throwing away

>> No.16463904

STEM dweebs are quite possibly the dumbest people imaginable and immensely boring. They’re about as interesting to talk to as talking to a brick wall.

>> No.16463913

this is a nightmare and there's a good chance you talk about my city

>> No.16463946

>real money
But finance doesn't handle real money, just the idea of them.

>> No.16463977

wtf the entire economy just got BTFO

>> No.16464047

Economy is kinda like magic for me, how a bunch of blokes can pass ownership of a ton of imaginary beans that haven't even been grown yet back and forth and at the end of the day the beans are worth five times as much while still not planted.

Or selling apartment buildings no one can afford to rent back and forth until the price is so inflated that the construction cost is covered by the profits.

Or.. Shorting? Where you make money if something loses value?

Maybe magic isn't the right word, kindergarten make believe more aptly fits.

>> No.16464056

>what are bankers
>what are economic recessions
>who caused the 2008 economic crisis

>> No.16464064


Wouldn't have happened if they had to lug physical money around.

>> No.16464102

I first read that as being "engineering literature" and it sparked great interest.

>> No.16464107

You are a retard. Just because you are ignorant of how things work doesn't mean they don't work.

>> No.16464146
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>bank money is not backed by physical money
>physical money is not backed by gold
>US dollar in a bank is fiat fiat money
this is 5D chess right there

>> No.16464249
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I already have a bach degree but I really want to look more into a history career or linguistics.

I'm just scared of the flop a master's in history might be through academia, or becoming a damn fund raising coordinator for a museum.
Linguistics interests me but idk what careers I could even pursue with that.

Currently making decent shit pay in logistics. I recommend anyone to go I to logistics since it's piss easy, decent pay, and pretty stable job that you can transfer anywhere. Job growth looks good for me and can probably make more elsewhere but my benefits are fucking phenomenal

Any advice ?

>> No.16464315

my aunt is a retired lit professor, she was the department director for more than a decade at a reasonably famous university. she was the one responsible for me getting into lit when I was about 13 to 14 yo, giving me many things to read from her library.
When I was about 16, I told her I was thinking about studying literature. She vehermently told me not to do so because only future teachers and people with no idea about about what they want to do with their lives study literature in college, that I already had read more books than most of them would read during their entire undergrad and that literary theory was way less interesting than philosophy or the social sciences. I'm quite thankful for that.

>> No.16464351

>bank money is not backed by physical money
It's only after the '08 crash banks have begun to (be forced by law) to have sufficient liquidity.
It's a joke where a economy runs on I.O.U.s for bundles of I.O.U.s,with little regard for whether when or even if they'd be honoured.

>> No.16464367

>people with no idea about about what they want to do with their lives study literature in college
Seems pretty unfair. Most people don't know what they want to do with their life at 18.

>> No.16464446

I should open a bank...

>> No.16464451

It's time to make your journey to Japan, Sensei.

>> No.16464468

but all the little nips will make fun of me desu

>> No.16464507

Math undergrads know less math than engineering fags. Only graduate degrees in math get to call themselves mathchads.

>> No.16464519

So what did you study?

>> No.16464540

I don't know Japanese, though. More importantly I don't know Japanese literature lmao.

>> No.16464564

Depends on your program, could be a year, a semester or nothing. If you refer to as doing a STEM degree ia losing your time, it really isn't

>> No.16464576

He meant to teach english i assume, you don't need to know japanese.

>> No.16464752

Are you better at English now?

>> No.16464907

>Should have went
The state of this fucking board

>> No.16464943

>he thinks all there is to math is linear algebra, calculus I-III, and differential equations (ordinary and partial)
kek. I'm also a math chad, and we take real math classes like Abstract Algebra, Real and Complex Analysis, point-set Topology, Differential Geometry etc. appliedcels are just number crunching faggots who know the application without understanding the underlying structure or theory

>> No.16464965

STEM is just making up matrices for stuff and finding out how well the observed conclusions approximate to whatever the solutions for the system of linear equations is, whereas Liberal Arts is just write some half-assed, weird, strung up speculated vision of how something could be interpreted according to a certain historical, culture-specific narrative and ideology, and then putting lots of nice words into it so it looks like a good essay.
No college major actually seeks for the truth. All of them only seek for the agreement of one set of premises with another set of premises and acknolwedged "facts".
Whether or not you enjoy it, that's up to you, not to them.

>> No.16464997

To be honest, all of that Math "theory" shit is the equivalent of the ontology of spooks and gender that contemporary analytic philosophers spend their time on. As interesting as it might be to Mathematicians, it's ultimately never anything more than mega-autistic classification games.

>> No.16465426

>that I already had read more books than most of them would read during their entire undergrad and that literary theory was way less interesting than philosophy or the social sciences.
Your Mom is a midwit, sorry.

>> No.16465457
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I'm failing all my comp sci classes and engineering classes, what should I major in instead? I hate this shit. I already have 60 credits btw and most of the general ed stuff out of the way

>> No.16465463


>> No.16465468

desu I haven't found any wokeshit in history. Not an American though, I'm a Canadian. Basically non political at my school. Pretty nice.

>> No.16465486


Have fun navigating your hilariously oversaturated job market in a few years, bro. All the IT work will get outsourced to Park Wu and Rabinrindanath Gurkathadrincha over in Asia but maybe you can land a gig teaching Intro to Algebra to a bunch of McDonald's cashiers at a community college one day lol

>> No.16465493 [SPOILER] 
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>work a full year to pay for English degree
>Finally get to college and excited for new challenge
>go to first lecture
>the first slide is pic related
Stopped going to lectures and finished with a first class honours just using spark notes and talking bullshit

>> No.16465504

History is just continental philosophy for materialists.

>> No.16465509

You know you can choose which classes to take, right?

>> No.16465510

It only sucks if you go to a low tier uni OP

>> No.16465537

>pic related
fuck. my mouth is gaping and I cannot close it anymore.

>> No.16465548 [SPOILER] 
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Not in first year, and a lot of them in the other years don’t have too much variety, I mean look at this shit

>> No.16465589

Is this a joke?

>> No.16465628

Eat shit Bane

>> No.16465644

Post more please

>> No.16465656

Indoctrination goes brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.16465672

I fucking wish, at secondary school I was properly made to work for my essays and marks and got an A, I go to college and I'm greeted with critiquing through one of three lenses, post-colonial, feminist and marxist and this shit carried on for 3 years.
That's all I saved before I started just not going to lectures but there was a lot of this shit trust me

>> No.16465691

Basically, so many girls fell victim to this shit

>> No.16465753

The state western higher education seems surreal to someone living in a not overly americanized country. Unfortunately, the looming shadow cannot be avoided and we are at best a couple of decades behind this lunacy. What I find particularly puzzling is that neither the teacher nor the student raise their voice against this foul paradigm.

>> No.16465790

I'm from Ireland which is even worse and it's always women lecturers, history was a different beast on bullshit there and proper hard debates about controversial topics. English was a joke for the most part minus the actual literature modules.

>> No.16465818
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Don't forget psychoanalysis anon

>> No.16465894
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Just graduated with my LL.B and have been regretting not studying literature. This post has made me feel a little better about that. At least I'll be able to fund my reading/writing hobby in the future.

>> No.16465917

>you fuckers tricked me
You could have asked any of us if going to uni for a lit degree is worth it, and we would have said no

>> No.16466072

Good thing I became a sailor, have usually a month out on the white. Engineering work under the deck for most of the day, spending free time in the gym and reading books, rinse and repeat for six weeks. Then Six weeks on land, write and take strolls in the wilderness. Out again.

>> No.16466114

Yet you're still here.

>> No.16466144

Yes, why wouldn't I? Do you get a permanent ban once you make it?

>> No.16466181

How do I become a sailor? Sounds comfy

>> No.16466184


>> No.16466195

I'm not religous and I only mock religion though

>> No.16466212

Be a retard and marginally pass your AFQT

>> No.16466219

Why would you do that?

>> No.16466278

Went to maritime school here in Europe, and so it paved out. You're probably from the USA, so not sure.

>> No.16466293

better than being an econ major desu
literally has no right to exist

>> No.16466314

If you wanna suck corporate cock
Actual skill set, employers suck off cpa's

>> No.16466371

The happiest compsci majors I met were those who switched to ecology or wildlife science.

>> No.16466391
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>take psychology after dropping English
>realise I should have chosen philosophy
>but I'm getting too old to start studying a different subject without first having finished anything else

>> No.16466423

>be me
>studied Philosophy at uni
>"Hurr durr why didn't you study STEM retard"
>got a job in finance after graduating (protip: they don't give a shit if you have an actual finance degree or not)
>got professional certs while working
>bought Bitcoin / Eth / Chainlink early
>became a millionaire
>quit wageslaving
>spend all time reading and elevating myself out of seud-dom
Truth is, nobody gives a shit what you studied at uni after 1-2 years of work experience. Literally nobody. Also fuck jannies, kikes, niggers, jews and trannies.

>> No.16466436

The 'economy' does not actually exist. Not in the way you, or I, or a rock, or the Sun exist. The only place it exists is collectively in peoples minds. What I just said may sound a bit schizo, but hear me out. I exist, and I will continue to exist regardless of whether people believe I exist or not. The 'economy', on the other hand, is dependent on people believing, and therefore acting, as if it exists. If enough people stopped believing money had value, it wouldn't have value, because people would stop accepting it in exchange for goods and services. Then your 'money' would cease to exist and all you would be left with would be small, oddly shaped pieces of paper.

You gave the example of 'imaginary beans'. The only reason people want 'ownership' over those beans is because they all believe said beans (even though they literally do not exist yet) have value. More importantly, they act on this belief by trading small, oddly shaped pieces of paper (or nowadays just numbers on a screen) that they also think have value. Even the concept of 'ownership' over these beans is nonsense, even if they did exist nothing about them would be changed by the fact that one person or another 'owns' them. This 'ownership' only exists if enough people believe it does (or more importantly if certain people, such as people who wear badges and carry weapons, believe it does). If no one recognized your ownership over those beans, your claim of 'ownership' is useless, it doesn't exist.

>> No.16466511
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Threads like this are why I'd say GenEd isn't as bad as some people make it out to be. Sure, I'll never use my entomology or epistemology classes in my day-job, but I think my life is more fulfilling for having taken them.

>> No.16466529

Nice fan fiction there

>> No.16466585
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>> No.16466592

>Allowing your degree to define what you do for a living
yikes that must suck

>> No.16466593
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>I'm a millionaire philosophy major who got a finance job and now spend my days posting on /lit/ threads

>> No.16466595

Talented people can do just about any work regardless of their degree.

>> No.16466606

It did for me. I studied English in college but I've worked in Agriculture, Manufacturing, and Real Estate (not that sales shit, quant heavy commercial appraising). It's all about what sort of person you are, not a degree.

>> No.16466607

Majored in lit, am a server. Life's alright, I have lots of time to think about all the things I've read. I write too, and from what I can tell, ill be a pretty good writer

>> No.16466610

>literary theory was way less interesting than philosophy or the social sciences.
>less interesting than social sciences

>> No.16466630

The bitcoin part is pretty absurd but these people indeed do exist. Work experience is really, incredibly important when it comes to *most* fields. Engineers (STEMvirigins) have the attitude they do because they didn't do enough drugs or get laid enough in their formative years.

>> No.16466651

this must be a larp

>> No.16466655

How is it absurd? I didn't make much of BTC or ETH really, but I have been lurking chans since 2007. People posted faucets and silk road links on /b/ and /g/ back then. My make it moment was accumulating LINK in 2017 around $0.20 average and selling >$15.

>> No.16466657

its definitely fake still funny though

>> No.16466660

I have been so confused on returning to school. I went for a summer semester this year for psychology, but the debt discourages me everytime.

>> No.16466661

Probably fucking sucks being a wagie. You should count yourselves still lucky, struggle usually yields the best art.

>> No.16466664

Thats a goddamn based anon

>> No.16466687

I mean absurd in that it doesn't seem credible to anyone who is skeptical of such anecdotes. I myself am an investor (real estate) and even I have a bias against such things.

>> No.16466688

I can’t say I miss this shit. I quit halfway through my degree ‘cause I couldn’t take it any longer. Plus, I kept getting in trouble with my professors for arguing with them about this shit. Honestly, you’re much better off studying something else and working on your English skills solo.

>> No.16466794

I mean a description of the course can't possibly (and often doesn't) describe all that the course includes. My American Literature class had a lot of that kind of bullshit in it but it isn't like the description said as much.

>> No.16466802


>> No.16466897

I have a degree in elec engineering and a decent job but kind of feel like I missed out by not studying philosophy. Someone talk me out of studying philosophy via distance.

>> No.16467480

Or you could just go to grad school for the job and use undergrad to learn what you love. Or you could work really hard while in college to network and get a job you want.

>> No.16467539

>>1/3 of the people wanted to become middle or high-school teachers.
>>1/3 of the people liked YA and that was their single personality trait.
>>1/3 of the people actually wanted to study philosophy, history or sociology but their grades weren't high enough, so they entered language to change degrees on the second semester.
in a sort of narcissistic sort of way these demographics make me hopeful for my own success.
>but most did not read "to not get to influenced".
this is the weirdest shit. I have no idea how any learned person would ever think this way

>> No.16467861
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I'm in my last semester of a history degree. Gonna go be an ESL teacher for a while. Might settle in some developing country and build a shitty little life for myself. Get a little dacha with a garden, find a local woman to shack up with, teach English online a few hours per week, spend my days gardening and reading. Could be nice. Either that or I'll come home to become a high school teacher and try to suppress everything that /lit/ and Nabokov taught me. Might just kms. We'll see.

>> No.16468650

>He didn't take the philosophy pill

>> No.16468660

I switched my English after transferring after the first day was spent by the professor and students shitting on the canon
My CC was 100 times better and most respectful to literature

Save lit as your own personal interest

>> No.16468667

I think Schopenhauer claimed he didn't read for a couple months in preparation of writing something. He still loved novels.

>> No.16468748

lol delete this

Law is a good way to be a debt slave for the rest of your life

>> No.16469026

Seems like academia is just rote learning how to format your schizophrenia for others who know how to format schizophrenia

>> No.16469074 [DELETED] 

Get competent at anything and success will be on you like a dirty dog.

>> No.16469133

First lecture in 'japanese culture' thing were about how jews were oppressed so yeaaa.

>> No.16469415
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>tfw just started LLB

>> No.16469452

The sad truth.

Was once
Natural Philosophy


>> No.16469475

>(protip: they don't give a shit if you have an actual finance degree or not)

They do. You probably are not in a role that requires any financial/valuation modelling, or you studied corporate finance in your own time.

>> No.16469631

>tfw comfy blacksmith who avoided meme tier higher-ed, got big money starting at 18, and can read in peace on the side
take the psysical labour-pill lads.

>> No.16469662

What do you make?

>> No.16469778

Based. I believe you anon, since I also made ass loads of money from crypto. Fuck these poors.

>> No.16469786

What legitimate blacksmithing jobs are there, even? Do you work on a ranch?

>> No.16469816

>go to uni to study lit
>have a great time, decide to do a master's in lit
>thoroughly enjoy myself, opt to do a PhD in lit
>living an enjoyable life of research, reading and writing

>> No.16469835


>> No.16469978

I fell for the stem meme and got nothing out of it.

>> No.16470159

give me your money

>> No.16470220

Me neither
Want to kms

>> No.16470253

this but I burned out and now I have less than nothing

>> No.16470283

How did you manage to make such a long post that fails to say a single thing that isn't completely obvious, all while making out as if you're imparting something deeply profound?

>> No.16470852
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>mfw take a Linguistics course next semester and start Biblical Hebrew in two semesters
feels good

>> No.16470855

I was thinking about going to lawschool after undergrad but lawyer automation is coming fast as fuck and the field is already crowded as it is. It's unironically more future-proof to be a teacher.

>> No.16470907

retard pseuds
only retards insist that abstractions don't exist, and even then, economics as a field is not abstract, but is a social science that analyzes the holistic entity composed human financial transactions on a societal scale
just because a pseud's mind can't comprehend big social networks doesn't mean they don't exist
modern finance has evolved over the past few centuries, and it is very real. calling them imaginary beans reduces the concept and is as
helpful as calling the stock market a game. you're discussing future profits, which absolutely can be traded, and other financial instruments definitely exist as well, but as abstractions.
if profit is abstract and exists, why is future profit too abstract to exist? does time simply cease when you apply it? huh? retard? gay? gayboy? gayboy retard? gayboy supreme?
you will remain poor because you can't comprehend the funny green rectangles in your pocket

>> No.16470945

Who the fuck is Husserl?

>> No.16470961

I just read the rest of your post. You unevolved ape. Uncivilized and uneducated halfman. Do you really not have any sort of drive to search up the basic concepts you call magic/make believe? Do you not feel bad when you make baseless claims without checking your knowledge?

Shorting is when you borrow something at X and sell it, with the obligation to later purchase the underlying asset. If it goes up, because you have the obligation to purchase, you lose money equal to the difference between the price you sold it at, and the price it currently is.
If it goes down, you can close your position by purchasing at the lower price and pocketing the difference.
>dooh... how borrow asset..? me no understand...
The brokerage requires you maintain value (margin) to purchase the stock at a later date, as you're obligated to do so. If it goes too low, you get a margin call where you either need to supply more funding up to the margin requirement (about 30%), or have your positions liquidated to make up for the loss (as you borrowed from the brokerage, they can sell your positions to cover the loss).
If it drops too fast, you go into debt. My dad's told me various stories about having people respond with bomb/death threats to his margin calls because the retard on the other end would be 500k USD in debt from a poor trade.
The basic principle you're missing, if you need to take something away from this post is that a lot of the more "magical" positions are not directly trading the underlying asset, but are trading some sort of liability/agreement around the underlying asset.

>> No.16470985

>being backwards knuckle-draggers in 2020
The concept of money works just as well as physical money, we can even observe the growth and contraction of the money supply due to the velocity of money. As abstract currency has an impact on the economy, it's just as real as physical currency. Before the Federal Reserve, the US had a significantly more volatile economy with regular bank runs and depressions. The Great Depression is the worst financial crisis under the Fed, which is amazing since it's been a century and the century before (19th century, for you retards, since I know you struggle with numbers) had several panics and instances of deflation.

>> No.16471502

>Get Eng Lit degree
>It's really fucking fun, best time I've ever had
>No employment prospects at all

>> No.16471539
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At least you had fun.

>> No.16471549

Cope more poorfag

>> No.16471565

I mean sure? I'm from a banking/finance family, but ok bro.

>> No.16471571

It's probably the only thing I've ever been good at and enjoyed
Most things I enjoy I'm terrible at. In fact, I'm not good at much in general. But this was my shit. I miss it.
Gonna try for grad school so I can kick the can a few more years down the road

>> No.16471600

Lots of people will probably shit on you for not being a good little producer and churning out tax dollars but if literature is truly the only thing that makes you happy then you should just focus your life on that, assuming you're not hurting those around you by being a COMPLETE leech. Normalfags will never come to terms with the possibility that there is more to life than producing and consuming.

>> No.16471613

So this board is literally just edgy STEM kids who LARP as philosophers huh?

>> No.16471646

STEMchads have a better grasp of the universe than philosofags

>> No.16471771

Lawyer automation? Can you elaborate?

>> No.16471825

Anon is talking about software that does your legal research and writing for you after inputting the parameters and facts of a given case. Its very useful stuff, but there's still such a human element to the law that the ethical questions arise when you give control to a computer to choose what arguments to make or, in the worst case, how to rule on a case. But now that I say that I can totally see silicon valley and the Federalist Society saying that computerized judiciaries provide "unbiased" opinions and flooding the market with them, leaving the roll of a judge to be another campaigning politician instead of... y'know... a judge.

>> No.16471867

afaik modern lawyers spend loads of time scanning past cases and laws, comparing them to their current case, and determining how to get the best outcomes. This kind of if x then y labour lends itself really well to AI. It's not going to make lawyers completely extinct, but automation is going to destroy LOADS of law jobs, which will in turn lower the demand and pay.

>> No.16471950

>never study what you love
This is great advice, in my experience.
>be me
>study philosophy and literature
>almost everyone in my classes are boring idiots who do not read
>go to liberal arts school, so the literature classes are full of woke white women who come from conservative wealthy families and think rebellion looks like dying their hair and getting stick and pokes
>go to liberal arts school, so the philosophy classes are full of trad caths who want to go to seminary or teach religion at their local catholic highschool. >have no friends besides a fellow autist but we are both too awkward to hangout
>finally make friends my senior year, it is all comp sci, econ, math, or physics kids who enjoy reading lit or phil in their free time
>mfw i should have just done comp sci and studied phil for fun
>inb4 comp sci is for bugmen

>> No.16471970
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compsci is another bubble tee bee ache. Pajeets and Changs are learning to code better than westerners before they're 15 and they're willing to work remotely for like half of minimum wage. There are no jobs left existence is hell.

>> No.16471975

Just change your major :D

>> No.16471979

You realize education back then was for privileged guys who'd never have to work in manual labor (like 99% of people for most of history). They didn't study philosophy for employment prospects, they lived comfy lives in the upper echelons fueled by multi-generational wealth.

>> No.16472003

What do I do, based tripfag anon? I need a job so I can support a wife with a fat ass and have white children

>> No.16472009

Anons, I am very close to wrapping up my Humanities double major with a language minor TM, and through sheer inertia have completed all the requirements to be an 'honors student.' The only requirement left is to write an honor's thesis. What's the point? Is it worth it?

Thanks to COVID I am already pulling like 50 hours a week at my job, and I really dont like the idea of selecting and working with an honors advisor solely over the phone/zoom. Does graduating 'with honors' mean anything in undergrad?

>> No.16472037
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>You realize education back then was for privileged guys who'd never have to work in manual labor (like 99% of people for most of history). They didn't study philosophy for employment prospects, they lived comfy lives in the upper echelons fueled by multi-generational wealth.
Yes, you say that like it's a bad thing desu

>> No.16472247
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>I need a job so I can support a wife with a fat ass and have white children
Move abroad where being a white Anglophone American is still a good thing.

>> No.16472282
File: 223 KB, 1094x1509, 8A8D6612-72C4-4531-AB43-FA3E1378C98C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhh bros?
I’m going to start my Lit uni course next September......
Redpill me on it? is it useless? is there something I can take as a joint honor to avoid becoming a Starbucks employee?

>> No.16472286

Fake quote.

>> No.16472325

If you're going to be a teacher it's fine. Anything else is kind of iffy.