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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 248x176, Burgess1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1645954 No.1645954 [Reply] [Original]

>go to uni
>5 minutes late for first elcture
>fuck it
>in the library doing my reading for the seminar
>supposed to start my essay
>fuck it
>4chan instead
>gonna go read the last 30 pages of a clockwork orange before the seminar as i fell asleep last night
>just want to go back to bed
>essay is sue on the 24th
>not even started it
>fuck it

procrastination general?
what are you supposed to be working on?
what are you doing instead?

pic unrelated but it's Anthony Burgess

>> No.1645963


i quit school after two semesters of community college

fuckin sweet

>> No.1645962

Currently trying to write two essays now.

Fuck you 4 chan.

>> No.1645964

>3 days

I could do a term's worth of essays in that time. And I did.

Anyway, I'm in an American school right now trying to start a script. At least essays have a little leeway when it comes to cliches and starting the thing in the first place.

>> No.1645965


but the whole point is that even with 3 days left i am not doing my essay because i am procrastinating.
3 days is plenty, i agree, however i have not started it and will not start it today.

>> No.1645968

I know that feel. No matter how I try to motivate myself I will leave it until the very last minute to get the work done.

The best way to beat it is to use your own bullshit against yourself. Set yourself a goal:

>How good do I want this essay to be?
>I want to get a first
>I have to work twice/three times as hard to get a first
>If I can get a 2:1 by shitting out an essay in just a day I need to spend two days minimum to get a first

There I bought you some extra time to have a nap and I've given you 48hrs to achieve a first. Now start believing this course isn't utterly useless for a short while and stick to the rules.

btw I've come to a frightening conclusion in my head based on your tripfag trip and your use of the word "uni", please reaffirm that I am merely going crazy: your real name isn't Adam, is it?

>> No.1645970


yeah it's fucking piss easy to get 2:1's by shitting out an essay the day befoer
but i've also gotten first's this year by doing that
but i'm first year so who gives a single fuck
i'm gonna actually try next year i think, but this year is just aiming for a pass which i'm easily doing.

and no, my name is not Adam sorry

>> No.1645973

Your goal for this year is to not get so jaded by the whole experience that you end up just not giving a shit about anything anymore.

Come to think of it, try doing that for the rest of your life if you ever want a shot at happiness.

It's good to know you aren't this one fag I know. He is a procrastinator like no other.

>> No.1645978


eh, my feelings so far with Uni are that it's deceptively easy in the first year and that the grade boundaries are fucking retarded.

i'd rather my work actually counted for something this year to make me give a single shit.

>> No.1646001

stats assignment I know not really literature. I don't even mind stats, I just can't get motivated to do it.

>> No.1646007

I have a 7 page essay due tomorrow that I have not started. I can hand it in late until Friday though.

>> No.1646008

Yet another shitty greentext story.

If it's Brown, flush it down. Reported.

>> No.1646012

Every assignment I have done this year I have handed in as late as possible because of my procrastination. Every assignment Ive lost 10 - 50% of the grade because of it. Fuck the internet I really ought to quit this shit.

>> No.1646021
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I'm supposed to be going to class to sit the first sitting of my NAB, a test necessary for me to sit my final test. Instead I'm chillin out maxin relaxin readin.

However, I already have my unconditional place and I can always sit the NAB again next week or whatever.

>> No.1646026
File: 37 KB, 526x473, Rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start every essay the night before it's due for the entirety of college
>pull the highest grades in the department
>professors begging me to let them write letters of recommendation

I blame it on caffeine.

>> No.1646027

>gets on /lit/ everyday with green text
>adds nothing
>destroys /lit/, everytime.

>> No.1646029

if you are not challenged in school,
you are in the wrong school.
maybe you're stupid after all?

>> No.1646030

you a highschooler bro?

>> No.1646033

Oh and I know I'm stupid; nobody in their right mind would stay in a university in which they were excelling.

>> No.1646038

You're British, right? I'm guessing with the strange sense of self entitlement, you're at a decent Uni here, too. It gets trickier in the second year, not by much, but you can't arse around and pull off firsts.

Anyway, I have an essay draft due in tutorial for Thurs of a few thousand words, and a 4k essay due in early April.

>> No.1646040



>> No.1646081

tbh: the only thing worst than procrastination is someone moaning about their procrastination.

(bonus: a circle of people just fuckin moaning to each other about their shitty procrastination, just moaning it up. I mean GETTA ROOM emirite.)

>> No.1646083

Gotta agree with this.

There's nothing worse than some lazy slob bragging and/or whining about how goddamn slothful they are.

>> No.1646084
File: 40 KB, 560x432, haha_oh_wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying moaning about people moaning about procrastination isn't worse
>implying moaning about people who aren't even moaning but are just innocuously discussing their experiences about procrastination isn't the worst

>> No.1646091

Oh, I get it. You guys weren't whining but merely talking innocuously about procrastination. Okay. I can see that.

Well, of course, those who were innocuously talking about those who procrastinate and whine about it are--no, not innocuously talking, but they are the true whiners.

I get it.

>> No.1646106

Shit. OP, are you me?
I got all my essays and had good grades.
>because I like writing essays.
Problem though:
I procrastinate all work that is not fun for me.
e.g. a paper I should have handed in at the 28. of last month.
I didnt give a shit, the work was hard but uninteresting and so I just fucked about until the deadline was up.
>now I have to retake the seminar.
same goes for my phonetic transcription for which I really should have done some studying.
>I didnt. Retake the test in 6 months.
so far I just have been a lazy bum, living out of my parents pocket.
and I dont give a single fuck.

>> No.1646108

OP, are you at Bristol?
If so, you may well be me.

>> No.1646123

D you go to USyd too! Doing Modern Cinema essay on Clockwork?

>> No.1646130

supposed to have a turing test paper finished by the end of the month, had it assigned since the end of last. Have spent the entire month reading Nietzsche and bits from Baudrillard. Derp.

>> No.1646137

one of the problems is not only are the seminars
>fucking boring me to death at times.
no! on top of that my scedule, even set up by myself to be loose with lots of free time is
>fucking briming with deadlines
because the professors want essay on essay, a quick study test here and there and
>fucking make me read dozens of books at the same time.
who is supposed to keep up with all this shit?
when I talk to older students or the professors themselves they confirm that
>fucking 10 years ago studying the same topics as I am now would have been a breeze.
no wonder I shut down and do nothing, therfore avoiding criticism about
>doing my work fucking sloppy or bad.

>> No.1646138

>exams tomorrow
>haven't studied
>probably won't since you can bring your textbooks

Content analysis is a bullshit course.

>> No.1646192

4,000 word essay due tomorrow, haven't started. I only find the motivation when I have less than 10 hours till it is due.

>> No.1646196

>4 essays on 1st of April
>done none
>spent a week 'planning to do it'
>instead been getting high/watching movies, doing same thing today
>starting tomorrow

>> No.1646204

or tomorrow-tomorrow?
I just got an idear for a tattoo:
tomorrow on my wrist ^^

>> No.1646268

This was said to me about every next step throughout my education. Never came to be the case. Some people are just able to pull it off without any effort while others have to work their arses off, live with it.

Although, it is probably a good thing to make an effort in case you aren't someone who can pull it off.

>> No.1646297

>in the army
>realize this really is just a welfare program for criminals like liberals claim, as much as I hate to admit
>my fucking unit is 24/7 full retard
>we don't even have to proper equipment to do our jobs so everybody just does paperwork or cleans all day
>fuck this shit, on my laptop in the barracks

in my defense, I have been doing semi-useful shit like my taxes (which I have also been procrastinating on) and putting my TA-50 together that I *just* got issued after forever

feels bad man, I thought this was going to be an awesome career but honestly I'd rather just take my college money after I get out and do something, I dunno, ENJOYABLE.

there are lots of benefits in this job, too many for the taxpayers to be supporting, but I'd rather do something I for eight hours a day I like for less money than 10 hours a day + deployments of shit I don't like for more money

but then I remember that almost nobody ever finds a civilian job they like so I dunno what to do

>> No.1646308

I could be planning my music appreciation lesson but that class isn't 'til Thursday.
I could be studying Chinese but I only have respect for western cultures.
I could be doing laundry but there's some real Portland-ass, Seattle-ass, London-ass, coffee shop-ass, bleak-ass, Ben Gibbard-ass weather out right now
Not really procrastinating at all I suppose

>> No.1646312

I don't 'work hard' by my standards, but I seem to do much more than others at the (rather good) University I attend.
I could just be lucky insofar as I have the 'knack' of good essay writing and research skills.

>> No.1646323
File: 84 KB, 679x569, pfft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I could be studying Chinese but I only have respect for western cultures.
dats cool cause for some of us china is west and europe is east

>> No.1646325

like, weeaboos?

>> No.1646328
File: 411 KB, 2000x2000, north-america.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>trying to renew all of philosophy, religion and social science all at once
>eat fried chicken for first time in years
>like it

>> No.1646330
File: 18 KB, 400x289, 1299862468388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kaaaaaaack, could you sound more try-hard?

>> No.1646336
File: 74 KB, 479x435, 1290893970582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1646337

Stop making threads, you bore.

>> No.1646341
File: 115 KB, 490x694, me creating the world.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bring, quantized philosophical moments, the uncertainty principle in social theory, actually use relativism to produce some absolute moral demands that enable generative social order. i also provide a theory of free will that both naturalize and preserve its full liberating potential.
it's quantum theory and relativity in one package with wings on top

>> No.1646361

>39 replies

sure is empirical evidence that contradicts you in here bro,

>> No.1646364


i can't remembre is onionring the tripfag who also happens to be a hot girl?

>> No.1646366

Stop making posts, you boor.

>> No.1646369

no, but she is a girl.
lesbians aren't hawtt IRL

>> No.1646371
File: 50 KB, 450x575, descent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds kind of like what I am working on except with several sedimentary layers of crappy slave dialect, religious dogma and values that defeat themselves
but sounds good OR keep up the Priest's project for a while there I thought maybe the Enlightenment had failed or something :/

>> No.1646385

i have 10,000 words due in a month and another 15,000 due in three months. doing some research right now.


>> No.1646386
File: 43 KB, 720x404, 1300724043769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're probably thinking of Anorexic Chan. she's not a real tripfag.

onionring i thought james bond!fufkfuk told you off a few weeks ago for getting into physics without the background. anyway neither of you will contribute anything great to your field and you're both kind of failures unless you do.

>> No.1646387

your stuff won't be understood by hardass analytic philosophers. it also won't have the beauty and elegance of actual proofs

>> No.1646389

ITT: pseudo-intellectuals name-dropping

>> No.1646392

>getting into physics without the background
this is not physics. this is philosophy. the systems were conceived without reference to physics but looking back it would be easier to explain using some analogies.

>> No.1646397



>> No.1646413
File: 164 KB, 600x600, edruscha_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your stuff won't be understood by hardass analytic philosophers
Neither will it be by neurotics, idiots, or cats and dogs. But then, I am not writing for any of these lower organisms.

>> No.1646416

my project is for everyone. it even entails an emphasis on childhood education.