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File: 92 KB, 594x772, Nihon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16456784 No.16456784 [Reply] [Original]

Baudrillard was right about pretty much everything. Also as he said there's no pint in resisting. It's already too late.

>> No.16456796

jesus christ, its not even good. at least make it an actual mask

>> No.16456803

>I would never have believed that the New York marathon could move you to tears. It really is the end-of-the-world show. Can we speak of suffering freely entered into as we might speak of a state of servitude freely entered into? In driving rain, with helicopters circling overhead and the crowd cheering, wearing aluminum foil capes and squinting at their stop-watches, or bare-chested, their eyes rolling skywards, they are all seeking death, that death by exhaustion that was the fate of the first Marathon man some two thousand years ago. And he, let us not forget, was carrying a message of victory to Athens. They also dream no doubt of bringing a victory message, but there are too many of them and their message has lost all meaning: it is merely the message of their arrival, at the end of their exertions, the twilight message of a futile, superhuman effort. Collectively, they might rather seem to be bringing the message of a catastrophe for the human race, which you can see becoming more decrepit by the hour as the runners come in, from the competitive, athletic types who arrive first to the wrecks who are literally carried to the finishing line by their friends, or the handicapped who do the race in their wheelchairs. There are 17,000 runners and you can’t help thinking back to the Battle of Marathon, where there weren’t even 17,000 soldiers in the field. There are 17,000 of them and each one runs alone, without even a thought for victory, but simply in order to feel alive. ‘We won’, gasped the man from Marathon as he expired. ‘I did it!’, sighs the exhausted marathon runner of New York as he collapses on the grass in Central Park.
>I DID IT! The slogan of a new form of advertising activity, of autistic performance, a pure and empty form, a challenge to one’s own self that has replaced the Promethean ecstasy of competition, effort, and success.

>> No.16456816

I just started reading simulacra and simulation. Boy is it fucking heavy. What do you think he would say about how much worse it's got since he died?

>> No.16456902

He lived just long enough (2007) to see the Internet evolve to its current form and the first smartphones to spread. That allowed him to refine his conclusions until very late. Things are going pretty much as he stated it would so i'm unsure he would have anything more to add.

>> No.16456933


>> No.16457556

What were his predictions for the future?

>> No.16457771
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Don't know too much about the fat frenchie but he was a fan of the 'marginalized' side of various dichotomies in human thought/experience/metaphysics such as illusion over reality and female over male. I assume this doesn't mean he thought the direction we were going in was necessarily 'good' (though knowing what little I do know about 20th century philosophy judgements of good or bad might not even really apply) and I vaguely recall something about the murder of the Real having its proper significance in the implicit murder of Illusion that comes as a result of it but if anybody is willing to go more in-depth and explain why anime girls are going to further destabilize our sorry non-existences he is welcome to try since we have enough shitposting on this board as is, might as well make the most of it

>> No.16457948

You can read him and find out

>> No.16457987

I can't wait till we get artificial wombs and women become obsolete.
The one redeeming factor they would holder over everything else, that they can be fucked, will also be surpassed by technology.
Nothing to stop us creating that true gender equal state after all femoids get axed and any future one get aborted mid intrauterine development.

>> No.16458157
File: 31 KB, 570x381, jean-baudrillard-in-kimono.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Baudrillard but this is... one of his lesser ruminations. Even dating back to ancient Greece they had foot races at the Panathinaia. There is a point of sport, even divorced from practicality, though a point could be made that sport itself has a value. (There is even a philosophical point to be made in futile endeavour.) Besides, why zero in on that original messanger as some ur-runner? There always has been running (persistent hunting, migration, as simple expediency.) Did he have a pressing deadline here? Nobody can break down the semiotics of power in dining room layouts like this dude but he dropped the ball here. (For fuck's sale you could write the same essay about smoking yet Baudrillard smoked without shame.)

>> No.16458170

It will happen soon. STEMchads will take us to a new bright future.

>> No.16458182

Trannies already represent this but you bigots won't fuck them. Just more sissie ass for me so I shouldn't complain

>> No.16458190

Hot trannies are the minority. Ugly ones will never pass and will get the rope.

>> No.16458247

It doesn’t scale linearly. A few dozen athletes competing against each other vs 17000 competing against themselves. Yet it calls itself the same thing.

>> No.16458255

I think his point was more the unsporting of the sport itself. A marathon is more a battle with the self than against other runners. It’s spectacle of people simply performing an activity for no reason that once had reason. I get your point of competition and all that, but the focus here is that he chose marathons instead of any other sport to write about.

>> No.16458320

Trannies is just a stage in the process.
Femboys are the only aceptable ones and they only have a lifespan of maybe 5 years if they are lucky, but if they dont have the natural genes and need homrones they probably dont last more than 2 years before they are beyond damaged and need to be discarded.
A society that has moved beyond the need for the weaker sex, shouldn't want trannies in their midst who would need to be killed off by the time they are latest ~22; and I do not see any pederaste beautiful boylove being possible as having these femboys become men later in life to raise the next femboy before manhood.

>> No.16458328

>>I DID IT! The slogan of a new form of advertising activity, of autistic performance, a pure and empty form, a challenge to one’s own self that has replaced the Promethean ecstasy of competition, effort, and success
How can one man be so based

>> No.16458346 [DELETED] 

Why does twitter put the affiliated media thing for Russia and China stuff but not for America and other Western countries?

>> No.16458361

Why does twitter put the affiliated media thing for Russia and China stuff but not for American and other Western news networks?

>> No.16458409

ya but baudrilliard never mentioned the two finger zoom or pinch to zoom back out or did he???

>> No.16458416

Russian media consists almost solely of facts about the West that the Jewish media omits or lies about
>this is considered to be disinformation

>> No.16458417

Russia STATE-affiliated media

>> No.16458455

it's because exercise is fun. you are using the potential of your body and its fuel for the intended purpose :) that's why after you go to the gym and lift and finish you're like damn! that was fun :) exercise is fun :)

>> No.16458470

>state run media that spent an entire month not even talking about the opposition leader who was allegedly poisoned by the Russian government is a bastion of truth

Okay Boris.

>> No.16458506
File: 60 KB, 1080x832, received_2183978915029189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He would say
and every single day he would tweet yo lil Donnie and We Live In a Society. You know this to be true.

>> No.16458521

What book should I begin with Baldiman?

>> No.16458547
File: 89 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you, anon.

>> No.16458570

It's fitting that Baudrillard was pretty much the last widely known philosopher and was even acknowledged by Hollywood movies like the Matrix that missed the point of what he was trying to say. He warned of what postmodernity would do the world and there hasn't been a notable thinker ever since

>> No.16458585

Ok so shouldn't America have American oligarch-affiliated media? Do you think western media networks have no affiliations and aren't controlled by higher powers with their own interests or that the state doesn't prop them up?

>> No.16458624

You asked why American media networks didn't have a state affiliated media tag and I told you it's because they aren't state affiliated. This isn't hard to understand

>> No.16458642

I mean they kind of are

>> No.16458650

The President of the US despises the main media networks and claims they are plotting against him.

>> No.16458657

and that's just political theater

>> No.16458665

also the president isn't the entirety of the state

>> No.16458684

Contrast it with RT which is purely an apparatus of Putin's will

>> No.16458693

and western media networks are purely an apparatus of the will of the ruling class

>> No.16458700

Which is not the state thank you for making my point for me. Twitter will not put a state affiliated media tag on CNN or MSNBC or even Fox

>> No.16458717

yeah you're right the state has no affiliations to the ruling class and their propaganda news networks you are totally right how silly of me haha

>> No.16458719

Putin kicks ass.

>> No.16458729

What did he get right exactly? Here's an example:
>In this situation, differences between individuals and groups implode in a rapidly mutating or changing dissolution of the social and the previous boundaries and structures upon which social theory had once focused.
But this is wrong, we now have like 50 of these neo-genders for example.

>> No.16458732

I don't even know what you're on about here. Do you really think the US government funds CNN? That belongs in /x/ not here

>> No.16458737

>rapidly mutating or changing dissolution of the social
That’s how you go from 2 genders to 9001

>> No.16458986

it does not put one on the BBC which is the British State media

>> No.16459019
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Not him, but do you truly believe they are completely independant? If the government doesn't fund them, then who does? Employees do what they are paid to do, those that don't get fired. CNN will report as per the agenda of whoever is paying them, whom would certainly have relationships with leading politicians.

It doesn't matter whether they are 'state-funded' or not, they still contain severe bias towards or against certain political groups. Even if they technically aren't 'state-funded', in reality there is effectively no difference, which is his point.

>> No.16459036

Both the US Government and CNN are puppets controlled by the same billionaires.

>> No.16459040

CNN nightly news is about 50% advertisements. Corporations fund it not the state.

>> No.16459223
File: 275 KB, 1028x1075, 1568048314005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And who funds the corporations? The logic still applies. Google big six media. I'm not saying it's completely certain, but to me at least, the idea of a functioning government not having control of the tools that determine public opinion just strikes me as implausible.

>> No.16459238

Putin poisoned a guy and RT didn't say anything about it. CNN and NBC are saying Trump is a traitor that will have to be dragged out of the White House. You really can't see a difference?

>> No.16459398
File: 447 KB, 1500x938, 1526357543904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're almost engaging a strawman at this point. You are making the assumption that Trump and the government are the same thing, which isn't the case. Even if Trump is removed, the government remains. If Trump has fallen out of favour with the public and loses his usefulness, you could even say that removing Trump is the will the government.

>CNN and NBC are saying Trump is a traitor that will have to be dragged out of the White House

Because that's what political opponents against Trump want people to believe.

>You really can't see a difference?

No. It is precisely the case that there is no difference; these are both political groups attempting to control what we perceive as truth. In the case of the US, the democrats and republicans both constantly broadcast their own interpretations of truth to encourage people to have certain opinions. How is that any different to what Putin does?

Putin and RT lies, but western media lies equally as much. Controlling people in this way has been the norm for every country all the way back to Roman times (Augustus/Aeneid, etc.)

>> No.16459417

No thanks

>> No.16459435

And yet he was a postmodernist

>> No.16459455
File: 1.75 MB, 2000x5000, A2C232B5-550D-4524-B3C3-C3294B3A87BA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a good list. But I also think Ecstasy of Communication or The Impossible Exchange are pretty easy jumping off points.

>> No.16459477


>> No.16459507

This has got to be the dumbest fucking midwit shit I've seen posted here. Do you pay taxes and obey the laws? By your fucking reasoning you're state affiliated then. Everything is state affiliated so now you can't even complain that the state is trying to control everything since your part of the state.

>> No.16459651

Japan's birthrate is the biggest meme I've seen spewed on the internet for decades. Do people not realize it has 4 times the density of USA? If anything, it has an overpopulation problem.

>> No.16459676

>ecstasy of communication
That’s one of those books that’s a lot more complex than it seems, great book but not a great intro. Lucidity Pact and Impossible Exchange are great intros.

>> No.16459773
File: 119 KB, 403x604, 1500051212629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was in line with the OP picture so I thought might as well post it. That and I conveniently forgot if I had those images of people celebrating Christmas with anime girls and homemade cakes saved or not. Seems not.