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16454758 No.16454758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Mfw I realize Jesus Christ is not just the second personality or facet of God but rather Jesus spoke with the authority and in the same manner as of the Father and as such was the human embodiment OF the Father. Emmanuel, God Who is with us.
>mfw my heart leapt when I realized this just now.

>> No.16454761

How did you realize that? Did you just feel like this was the case?

>> No.16454779

Jesus Christ's divinity is clear in the Gospel of Matthew. He is Emmanuel.

>> No.16454786

I'm asking you why you think it is clear. Do you have an argument, or do you just feel this is the case?

>> No.16454789

leaf spoke on behalf of the tree.

>> No.16454826

Heresy. You're not a Christian.

>> No.16454859
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Now go, and sin no more.

>> No.16454867

Well it's certain in scripture He is God. At one point Jesus' disciples ask Jesus to show them the Father and Jesus says something to the effect of, "who else do you think has been with you this entire time?"
I've been a Christian for a long time but haven't seriously read the Gospels for several years.

>> No.16454884

>something to the effect of

>> No.16454912

>Well it's certain in scripture He is God. At one point Jesus' disciples ask Jesus to show them the Father and Jesus says something to the effect of, "who else do you think has been with you this entire time?"
It is certain because Jesus said he is God? Why do you trust those words? That's what i'm asking

>> No.16454919

My man Jimmy Swaggart

>> No.16454931

If Jesus really did all those miracles and said He had the authority of God and was God among men, I would believe, Him. Look at his genealogy.

>> No.16454942

Personally, I don't see why I should believe in his miracles (especially considering how many people claimed to have produced miracles in history).
His genealogy is to be taken at face value for thr most part, we have no actual family tree for Joseph and Mary, we just know what the Apostles told us in the Gospels.

>> No.16454953


>> No.16455018

>supposedly the ultimate form of morality
>forgets to ban slavery
Great moralist you got there

>> No.16455035

>Anyone who kidnaps someone is to be put to death, whether the victim has been sold or is still in the kidnapper's possession. (Ex 21:16)
btfo retard

>> No.16455040

>and as such was the human embodiment OF the Father.
>I've been a Christian for a long time but haven't seriously read the Gospels for several years.

We don't believe the Father ever incarnated, the Son (Second person of the trinity) is the one who incarnates and acts as our mediator and savior.


>> No.16455068

Thank you for the resource.

>> No.16455075

That Jesus Christ was wholly human and wholly divine, and that - whilst being as much - he suffered and died on the cross - is essential to salvation.
So by saying
>Jesus Christ... was the human embodiment OF the Father
you are saying that the Father suffered on the cross. This is patripassianism, a theological position that has been known since the 3rd century, and has been denounced as heresy since no later than the 4th century.

>> No.16455098

Patripassianism/Sabellianism is a heresy, OP. Take a step back and chill.

>> No.16455104

That’s kidnapping, not slavery, dummy

>> No.16455121
File: 47 KB, 660x534, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>jumps for joy after realizing something wonderful
I just tend to go "oh", also does God have anything to say to me?

>> No.16455168

you know that just means a prophet right?

>> No.16455195

Not a book cunt