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16453647 No.16453647 [Reply] [Original]

The world feels so small and sterile. The modern science has killed any sense of mysticism, romanticism, or wonder in our world.
What are some books that preserve this sense of magic and of the mysterious and terrifying unknown?

Here is a verse by Tagore which got me on this thought.

Your window half opened and veil half raised you stand there waiting for the bangle-seller to come with his tinsel. You idly watch the heavy cart creak on in the dusty road, and the boat-mast crawling along the horizon across the far-off river.

The world to you is like an old woman's chant at her spinning-wheel, unmeaning rhymes crowded with random images.

But who knows if he is on his way this lazy sultry noon, the Stranger, carrying his basket of strange wares. He will pass by your door with his clear cry, and you shall fling open your window, cast off your veil, come out of the dusk of your dreams and meet your destiny.

>> No.16453653
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Look into Teresa of Avila and John of Cross

>> No.16453677
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You are sterile and unromantic

>> No.16453694

Pather Panchali

>> No.16453706 [DELETED] 

Good projection. A 46 year old women talking about a sterility.

>> No.16453709

Good projection. A 46 year old women talking about sterility and romance.

>> No.16453714
File: 71 KB, 540x960, 3A0B235E-3E48-417A-88AC-4E2C170AD195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always always always thinking about your damned seed. Delete your post, please

>> No.16453735

>The modern science has killed any sense of mysticism, romanticism, or wonder in our world.
Not at all. Look at the popularity of crystals. Look at the numerous internet communities who count themselves as witches. Look at how many zealous religious communities still thrive. These don't count? Why not?

>> No.16453746

These are counter reactions. Not mysticism and wonder.

>> No.16453751

Just fucking leave the city

>> No.16453767

The true poet lives, breathes, and enjoys monotony and the tedium of life. Do not find a writer to teach you this. Instead, live it and understand it through experience, as most meaningful things are acquired.

>> No.16453806

wilson's The Occult and Beyond the Occult if you like the first one

also read alot of yeats bud

>> No.16453807

>Damned seed.
lol, you got none at age 46. Fucking spinster

>> No.16453815
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I think the point is more about our metaphysics and belief. The ways that we think and interpret the world are now fundamentally scientific. Of course that has brought progress, but it seems we lost something also.

>> No.16453827

If we find life on Venus that will be pretty cool

>> No.16453844

No, I think we live in an age of great wonder and romanticism, I think we live in an age which is the springtime of religion, where the true vine of God is weaving its tendrils over the ruins, and where, try as we might to dull our terror at the unknown, the future is always unsearchable.

>> No.16454006

That cat's my spirit animal

>> No.16454025

I want her to take a dump on my chest so bad vros.

>> No.16454034

Read about how many serial killers the FBI estimates are currently active in the United States, that should get some juices flowing.